Paragon Times: Outbreak Plague Rampant for 4 Years




And the Banished Pantheon once again get no love

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That's because the Banished Pantheon suck. The sooner you realise that, the sooner you can sleep better at night.



One word:


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That was my reaction reading this.

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I thought we took care of that in Faultline. The only way that could be used to get rid of us is if we weren't here to need to be gotten rid of.

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Nemesis (or Villain <x> whomever you prefer) subsumes the Recluse's Victory temporal technology to go back to just before you 'destroy' the PsychoChronoMetron and substitues a fake (or a copy) for you to destroy.

The villain then uses the PCM to complete the erasure of your personality.



Now this is me tossing out a thought. I know this is not going to happen, but what if we are introduced a slew of new arcs and TF/SFs that have us chase someone through time to make sure events go accordingly not to alter history?

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This is more or less what I was thinking, although I envisioned a regular story arc, not a full on TF.

1. O noes y is every1 different?
2. Wait! D.A.T.A. says someone removed me from the past!
3. Fight some guys.
4. Who is the mastermind?
5. Fight some more guys.
6. The master mind is my Arch-nemesis!!!
7. Fight still more guys.
8. Etc. until...
9. Arch-nemesis is foiled, but escapes vowing to return.

And after that your "arch-nemesis" returns every few mishes to try to foul you up. Just like any mish with a Warshade or Peacebringer will include one random Void, any mish now might include your arch-nemesis as a "special guest star."

Just in case it turns out to be like this, so I can claim my free donut from Cryptic for guessing their mishes ahead of time.

Oh, and the ouroboros? I'm staring at the high resolution version right now guys (downloaded the wall paper). It's almost certainly wood, not brass. Magic or Nordic involved for sure, I say. I'll bet anyone here who says "brass" an old fashioned donut (from Faultline) that it isn't brass at all, it's carved wood.

My 2 pennies.



"In this issue ... a hero dies!"

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My thoughts on that are reflected in the quote in my sig: "Death is not a career ending injury around here." - Bob the Necromancer

Wonder if anyone can identify origin of that quote (with or without Google)?




To which Positron goes, "Looks like we'll have to push Villain EATs and the return of the 5th Column back another issue, folks."

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Please, rainy weather, someone not getting the right kind of jelly donut, someone taking Posi's parking space, all lead to the villain EATs and the 5th getting pushed back another issue.



Katie deserved it. If I can't have hair with my witch hat, she shouldn't be allowed to live with her hair and witch hat.

Come on devs, art guys, where is my Maid costume for my characters! 5 years now, its a simple request.



"In this issue ... a hero dies!"

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My thoughts on that are reflected in the quote in my sig: "Death is not a career ending injury around here." - Bob the Necromancer

Wonder if anyone can identify origin of that quote (with or without Google)?

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I recall something like that being said in the Angel series... maybe by someone who worked for Wolfram & Hart?

Something about their contracts with the company extending beyond death...



"In this issue ... a hero dies!"

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My thoughts on that are reflected in the quote in my sig: "Death is not a career ending injury around here." - Bob the Necromancer

Wonder if anyone can identify origin of that quote (with or without Google)?

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I recall something like that being said in the Angel series... maybe by someone who worked for Wolfram & Hart?

Something about their contracts with the company extending beyond death...

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Sounds like a W&H line, but that's not where I got it from.



"In this issue ... a hero dies!"

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My thoughts on that are reflected in the quote in my sig: "Death is not a career ending injury around here." - Bob the Necromancer

Wonder if anyone can identify origin of that quote (with or without Google)?

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I recall something like that being said in the Angel series... maybe by someone who worked for Wolfram & Hart?

Something about their contracts with the company extending beyond death...

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Sounds like a W&H line, but that's not where I got it from.

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Wouldn't that be a Dresden Files-esque quote?

Only thing I can think of with a 'Bob' in it.



Ok, read 10 pages... anyone else notice the discrepancy between "third anniversary" and "four years ago"? Or are they saying that the pandemic didn't start until a year after the virus was discovered? Or is it just a result of the timeline being messed up?

And no one in 10 pages mentioned the fact that if no one's ever gotten out of the zig, the Warden badge is therefore non-existent... since there are no prisoners hanging around B town anymore.



Boy does Arctic Sun know how to go out with a bang! I feel like I'm in Crey's Folly with all the bees swarming around.

Every time the Forums implode a Dev gets a raise.
Oooh, another Tax Bracket!

Fun times.



I think this was covered Felderburg, But if you include the closed-Beta Testing, and Open and Preview. We are looking at about 4 years of Outbreak by now.

If not included, then it begs the question of if the "four years ago" is a hint that we won't be expecting this issue until at least next year so that it is closer the the 4th Anniversary Live event.a



All I know is that if this dimension/timeline (same thing in the sense of things) is canonical and becomes our base playing world..... I am going to scream.

Sanjay Chandra was my first contact at level 10, and my main villain was the small-time villain he hit over the head with newspapers, thus catching him.

And regarding the ouroboros on the I-11 wallpaper..... it looks like it could be wood or brass. I can see a grain effect, but that can be a kind of brushed detail on brass too.

To right the countless wrongs of our day, we shine the light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise. What a wonderful world such would be....

I'm sorry what was that, I couldn't hear you over my TRAGIC PAST!!



This is an awesome idea and one that has been used in scifi for years and years...what are the clues? Infinty, time line changes. Its like back to the future somewhat...We are ment to go back and make sure the items are there to make up the cure to the whole outbreak so that it never happens. Same with order to insure your escape from the zig you have to go back to disable those security items so that you can escape in the future. But what i'm trying to get across is that we have always had to do this...time in this world is like a circle or figure 8 like the symbol on the wallpaper. The time to start going back is now and the longer we wait the more our reality is going to change.

I think this is an awesome idea however they put it into use...Being able to go back into key points in paragon's history to make sure events workout like they are supposed to is just a smashing concept. KUDOS DEVS!!! Can't wait to see how it all will work out.



What if they do something like they did with the Snakes. The Snakes are brought back in the high-level content on the villains side and you fight their big, bad AV.

What if they bring the Skulls back in the high levels of the heroe's side content and introduce an AV?

I'm not gonna go as far as to say that the Skulls are masterminding the event, but the experimenting with their new drug could have resulted in a super Skull or something.



Ok, read 10 pages... anyone else notice the discrepancy between "third anniversary" and "four years ago"? Or are they saying that the pandemic didn't start until a year after the virus was discovered? Or is it just a result of the timeline being messed up?

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I imagine it's a case of the virus being contained or just not as widespread for the first year.



The Ourobous is in the symbol of Unity. However the Ourobous is in the shape of Infinity. The title of issue 11 I believe will be "Infinite Unity". Personally;

*spoilers ahead*

Nemesis at the end of the Dark Watcher Arc bluntly tells you he uploaded his intellect to the Rikti Mental Network. However, not even Nemesis was prepared for the ideal of Unity that the Rikti cling to. This probably scarred him in some way, damaging his intellect, and now he is seeking Unity in all things he creates (kind of borg-esque as it were) and he knows that all the heroes and villains currently would make this very difficult.

So, he decides the best course of action; he can't go back and erase every possible hero and villain individually. There are just too many, too many points of time to interact with, and doubtful enough power to make a machine that strong. So instead he goes back to the pivotal point, the creation point as it were, that decides the fate of heroes and villains. For heroes, the Outbreak being stopped was the pivotal creation point. For villains, Recluse breaking them out of Zigursky prison.

This pivotal event causes irrevocable damage to the timeline. This gives Nemesis almost total reign over everything that is current as your hero or villain is no longer apart of the mainstream timeline.

Possibilities that can come about from such a dramatic temporal shift, even if it is correctable?

Possibly the chance to turn your hero into a villain or your villain into a hero (plain speculation and I suspect 8 miles from the truth at best).

Some areas of Paragon and even the Rogue Isles getting opened up to the other faction because of such a shift.

Badges, formerly difficult to both sides to obtain, becomines easier to obtain, examples include Outcast bosses for Villains, Cold Demons for Heroes.

The possibility that heroes and villains will be able to get Isolator and Jail Bird again.

Damage to the timeline as a whole makes events that led to the 5th Column's downfall not wholly permanent, but underground, where they have been able to rebuild themselves and get ready to strike back at the Council (and thus leading into the Council possibly seeking Arachnos for protection thus giving them the secret of the Nictus to villains).

New contacts that will open up possibilities for both heroes and villains. Older contacts possibly disappearing completely (hero side mostly to streamline the contact system more). while new or possibly even old style strike forces (task forces hero side) appear.

That's just my ideas.



This... is freaky...

One thing that struck me most of all, is how the Outbreak plague is such a huge problem in the article, but in CoH it's a minor problem that the rookie heroes tackle, where as in the article it warns you need special protection...

It's crazy Oo



Spoilers follow:

Nemesis at the end of the Dark Watcher Arc bluntly tells you he uploaded his intellect to the Rikti Mental Network.

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Actually, he tells you, in true James Bond villain fashion, that he's going to upload his mind into the Rikti mental network. You then proceed to pound on him until his rivets burst, and he never even makes it to the portal.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Nemesis at the end of the Dark Watcher Arc bluntly tells you he uploaded his intellect to the Rikti Mental Network.

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Actually, he tells you, in true James Bond villain fashion, that he's going to upload his mind into the Rikti mental network. You then proceed to pound on him until his rivets burst, and he never even makes it to the portal.

[/ QUOTE ]Did he not make it though? that's the question *Dr. Evil pinky*



Actually, he tells you, in true James Bond villain fashion, that he's going to upload his mind into the Rikti mental network. You then proceed to pound on him until his rivets burst, and he never even makes it to the portal.

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gah, spoilers much? :/



Didn't the article mention that the virus/drug was stolen from the Crey? Did this happen in our version of events too?

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Yes, it did. Outbreak was stolen from Crey Industries, but was rumored to be "Rikti mutagens."

We should also keep in mind that it's been stated that issue 10 was the beginning of a multiple-issue storyline, so there are undoubtedly seeds planted in issue 10 that will shed light on issue 11 (like the Nemesis/Rikti connection, maybe?)...




However, one thing throws a wrench in this theory: Statesman. How is he free to deliver a remembrance speech during the vigil if I was never around to rescue him from Tyrant?

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Yep. And who did you save him from? His evil twin from another dimension.

Tyrant in a Stateman outfit: "MWAHAHAHAHA!"

*pauses as the rest of the Phalanx turns to look at him oddly*

Tyrant: "*cough* Sorry, something in my throat. Hey, what's that?"

*As they turn away distracted, Tyrant snaps Synapse's neck and tosses his over his shoulder*

Tyrant: <whistling>

"Ooo! A little fight in you! I like that..."

"Then you're going to love me."



You'll all have to excuse me while I get aboard the Doom~ train, but all this is crazy.



Didn't the article mention that the virus/drug was stolen from the Crey? Did this happen in our version of events too?

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Yes, it did. Outbreak was stolen from Crey Industries, but was rumored to be "Rikti mutagens."

We should also keep in mind that it's been stated that issue 10 was the beginning of a multiple-issue storyline, so there are undoubtedly seeds planted in issue 10 that will shed light on issue 11 (like the Nemesis/Rikti connection, maybe?)...

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So there is some wiggle room! It could be a Riktim utagen in one timeline, a purely Crey invention in another (that is, if we assume the Rikti aren't a big problem in this alternate reality/timeline).

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie