Paragon Times: Outbreak Plague Rampant for 4 Years




Ya know, I may just be grasping at straws here, but the second article looks like they may be adding in a "breakout event" in Brickstown finally in Issue 11.

[/ QUOTE ]That'd be nice. I'd really like to see that. Maybe drop in one or two of the handful of safeguard bankjob mission villains trying to make their way out.



Wait wait.. Maybe its a gonna be a What If? kinda thing..

Yeah, your hero never beat the plague, you catch it and get sent to the Zig thus you being a hero technically you escape. Now since your Villain never escaped, he was never a villain (maybe sorta kinda) so your villain is in Paragon not the Isles...


I hate time travel...I hate running into myself and causing paradoxes!

Pinnacle-Pale Spectre 50 Kat/Regen/Dark Scrapper
Spectre of the Gun 50 Thugs/Dark/Soul Mastery MM
MA Story Spectre of the Gun's Search" ID #352424
Spectral Darque 50 Dark/Dark Scrapper




Time travel will require phone booths next to a Circle K.

That is all.



What confuses me is why the paper put them in with the Outbreak victims. In 'the world without you' Katie clearly died from the Red Caps, Ernesto's trechery gets found out by the Council, and Sara Moore is left in the Shadow Shard with a loosed and rampaging Ruladak.

In the "world without you", none of those people lived long enough to fall victim to the events portrayed in the proper timeline....

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Dude!!!!!!!! Excellent!!!!!!!!!!




Time travel will require phone booths next to a Circle K.

That is all.

[/ QUOTE ]Need to make Wyld Stallyns supergroup rising....



What confuses me is why the paper put them in with the Outbreak victims. In 'the world without you' Katie clearly died from the Red Caps, Ernesto's trechery gets found out by the Council, and Sara Moore is left in the Shadow Shard with a loosed and rampaging Ruladak.

In the "world without you", none of those people lived long enough to fall victim to the events portrayed in the proper timeline....

[/ QUOTE ]Actually, looking back at the article, it seems like it's just a list of fallen, not specifically to the virus-drug. Either way, they dead.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Yeah the more I think about it.....

Isolation zones in Steel Skyway and all of Talos? Huh?
Thats not right.

Well we know Recluse has dabbled in time travel and the "resets" on the anchors in RV.... what if someone tweeks the resets a little too far backwards....

Anyone remember the Story arc with the time traveler from the 5th Column circa 1940. Of cource it still leaves the question of Nemesis involvement as well... this scenario seems to remove him from the game.

They've been talking about a shake up, but this would be mind blowing.

One more thing... 4 years? Correct me if Im wrong, but wasn't 4 years ago the beginning of the CoH testing (Alpha or closed Beta)? I dont think open/public Beta testing started until Feb, but 4 years is an important clue.... (And arent all the fallen contacts that were introduced after the initial rollout)

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You're right! Taking these clues in conjunction with the wallpaper, it means, they're rolling back to I1 and starting over. Remember, positron promised something we've been asking for since the beginning...we're going back to the beginning....

[/ QUOTE ]

Can you say "flashback"?



Perhaps the past 3 years HAVE been an alternate time line, and we're about to get snapped back to reality with issue 11!

well.....could happen.

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Dallas Episode!

[/ QUOTE ]

OMG! Statesman is in the shower!



Can you say "flashback"?

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In my little world we spell that "retcon"

I'm anxious to see what they'll do with this. I may actually be able to work one of my alts into the storyline, depending on how it goes.

I love, love, love new stuff!



I'm guessing that Nemesis rises up, and we have a time travel story. This could also signal the "return" of the 5th Column, because it's very possible that in the alternate reality created by the time travel, they were never overthrown by the Council.




My vote is Nemesis. Here is why:

YOU are the Hero of Paragon City. YOU are the Villain of the Rogue Isles. The story of either game has YOU as the key role. Lets take in to the next level. I am the Hero, YOU are the Villain. WE join together to unfold the plot behind the Rikti Invasion. WE reveal that Nemesis was behind this original Invasion. WE help prevent the Second Invasion.

Now, If I am unable to complete Outbreak, then the time line of events following changes. This somehow prevents YOU, four years later, from escaping the Zig. Now WE cannot do anything about the Second Rikti Invasion.

(Going out on a limb time)

As for how to stop this from happening...we look to Ubelmann. As the time line changes, something very different may happen to the 5th Column and/or the Council. Something causes the Reichsman to be destroyed, something that the 5th Column cannot allow at all costs. The 5th use you to go back and fix what is being changed by Nemesis, basically turning you and them into a temporary ally. You must ally with the 5th Column to prevent yourself from fading from the time line. You must work with the 5th Column to make sure Nemesis fails in his attempt to prevent the Hero from stopping Outbreak, which in turn prevents the Villain from escaping the Zig. Without working with the 5th Column, you will no longer exist.

Confusing? All time travel is.

Well, that's my 1.05 at least.

EDIT: Now that I really sit and think about it, I don't foresee the 5th having much of anything to do with this. It was an interesting concept, but Ubelmann would have been dead four years later due to the radiation of the time travel. Well, wait. You did not intervene with his plans, and Requiem did not assist you in thwarting Ubelmann, which means Ubelmann would have been able to finish his project and go back into the past. My brain is hurting. This is why time travel sucks. Too many infinite possibilities, which again fits the teaser wallpaper.

Cyclone Jack

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]




Hey if they're re-writing the CoX universe history then maybe they can add in the Incarnate Epic AT

I can dream can't I?

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I wish this were so, and I think it would be a great way to bring these into the game. But I doubt it, cuz the villians havn't yet been given access to their versions of the Keldian ATs.



Lets see, it could be a change in contacts. it could be a change in the tutorial missions. it could be a new alternate time zone such as the Recluses Victory.

No need to cry doom or that the game will no longer make updates.



Nemesis has nothing to do with any of this mess. I have it on good authority!


Nemsis lv50 Inv/SS
Arch-Nemsis lv 50 SS/Inv




Hmm, alternate reality OR time travel paradox?

One thing first - spelling mistake: "Another speaker will be Tammy Miller, window of Doctor Greg Miller," - I can't believe a word she says, because I can see straight through her! ;-)

You know what I find really interesting? No mention of the Rikti. It might be an oversight, or not important, but the fact that it is the Outbreak phenomenon being memorialised here, not the typical Rikti Invasion stuff. I would think that a Rikti invasion AND a massive effect from Outbreak would have driven Paragon City to its knees.

So, what if, instead of this being a villain plot or caused by something evil, what if someone with deeply anti-Rikti sentiments stopped the Invasion from ever happening? PsychoChronoMetro-whatsis, time travel, blowing up the Rikti homeworld, stopping the cause of the Invasion - however they did it, the Rikti never invaded.

As a result, Paragon City heroes, who have been successful for years, are complacent when Outbreak occurs. Outbreak quickly spreads beyond its original borders and wreaks havoc because not enough new, eager heroes are there to deal with it.

I may have wandered far off the path there, but it struck me that without the Rikti [u]you[u], the hero, don't end up at Paragon City.



I'm afraid I did not read every page of this topic to see if someone else had thrown this out there. They have just completed unreserving names of characters on accounts of 6th level and below, on accounts that have been inactive for however long it was they said. I believe I read somewhere that this released over a million character names for use. Perhaps this symbolized the "Deaths", or "Continued Incarceration" of say over a million Lowbies.

I'm not sure about the contact listing, that doesn't make much sense unless they are overhauling the storylines and contacts. It could be fun if they introduced a more interactive way of dealing with storylines, where individual origins and archtypes had some sway in things. I believe people have been in fact requesting that since the game went live. Just my thoughts on the matter.



Alternate theory:

Artic_Sun, standing on a chair, swinging a broom wildly at those who attempt to come close to his computer, screaming, "THIS IS THE ARTICLE I ALWAYS WANTED TO WRITE, AND NOW THERE'S NOTHING THAT CAN STOP ME! IT'S PUBLISHED, AND YOU CAN'T UNPUBLISH IT! MWAHAHAHA!"

To which Positron goes, "Looks like we'll have to push Villain EATs and the return of the 5th Column back another issue, folks."



Well, it won’t happen on my watch. We hire the finest minds in security to counter any attack, and back it up with a heavy hand. No one has ever escaped from the Zig…and no one ever will!” McGoohan declared.

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.... You know what I find funny about these articles are the pictures of the infected. Almost every last one of them is standing around frowning, with their teeth bared in fury. Everybody. Hilarious. LOL!



I belive the outbreak virus is actually a rikti mutagen, so you still need the rikti.

Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!



Wow, they even got Saul Williams!

Did anyone else notice real life people on that list? Saul Williams is a poet who I thought was still alive? O.o



I belive the outbreak virus is actually a rikti mutagen, so you still need the rikti.

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There is mention of the Lost in that article, which possibly derails my idea a bit.

Or not - the Invasion doesn't have to happen for the Lost to appear on Earth Primal.

I didn't think that the Outbreak mutagen was Rikti-related though. I could be wrong.



I've got it! It's all so clear to me now! Hear me, my people, this is the story of the way the world stops spinning! And then turns back around and spins around backwards for a bit before it realizes what it did!

PsychoChronoMetron. Like IantheM1 said. This is the fault of the PsychoChronoMetron! But what villainous fiend would want to unwind time and essentially turn our world into a living Hell?

What supervillain extraordinaire would go so far as to damn the world?

Which of the villain groups would be insane enough to unravel the very fabric of reality?!

I submit to you, dear friends, that this is the fault of FUSIONETTE. Fusionette finally screwed up one too many times in a big, big way. She and Faultline were playing with the PsychoChronoMetron around Penny Preston and Penelope Yin. They tossed it back and forth and Fusionette accidentally turned it on right as Yin had a thought about ice cream or flies on the windshield or something!

And they doomed us all! But fear not! Ultraman will save us!

Are you okay?! BUSTERRRR WOLF!