Paragon Times: Outbreak Plague Rampant for 4 Years




I belive the outbreak virus is actually a rikti mutagen, so you still need the rikti.

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There is mention of the Lost in that article, which possibly derails my idea a bit.

Or not - the Invasion doesn't have to happen for the Lost to appear on Earth Primal.

I didn't think that the Outbreak mutagen was Rikti-related though. I could be wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

Outbreak is specifically mentioned to be a Rikti chemical agent of some kind in the tutorial missions. And your villain is mysteriously told by the voices coming from the Radio to steal it from the Lost and smuggle it into Paragon...

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Alternate theory:

Artic_Sun, standing on a chair, swinging a broom wildly at those who attempt to come close to his computer, screaming, "THIS IS THE ARTICLE I ALWAYS WANTED TO WRITE, AND NOW THERE'S NOTHING THAT CAN STOP ME! IT'S PUBLISHED, AND YOU CAN'T UNPUBLISH IT! MWAHAHAHA!"

To which Positron goes, "Looks like we'll have to push Villain EATs and the return of the 5th Column back another issue, folks."

[/ QUOTE ]
This is full of win.

Global- @SailorET, Justice Server
Sheryl Fiero, 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Louise Fiero, 50 Merc/Traps MM
Various assorted alts
Proudly serving in our military so you don't have to.



I belive the outbreak virus is actually a rikti mutagen, so you still need the rikti.

[/ QUOTE ]

There is mention of the Lost in that article, which possibly derails my idea a bit.

Or not - the Invasion doesn't have to happen for the Lost to appear on Earth Primal.

I didn't think that the Outbreak mutagen was Rikti-related though. I could be wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

Outbreak is specifically mentioned to be a Rikti chemical agent of some kind in the tutorial missions. And your villain is mysteriously told by the voices coming from the Radio to steal it from the Lost and smuggle it into Paragon...

[/ QUOTE ]

Right you are - I remember the CoV arc now.



What would be an awesome way of launching I11 would be for the maps to just change and suddenly heroes and villains would be in a new, familiar-yet-not world.

Of course, a lot of players would hate it, and new tutorials would be needed for both heroes and villains. So this probably won't happen.

It'd be awesome though.



Holy retcons Batman! The devs are taking this to the extreme!

What I want to know is how Jimmy Dortz died. He's mentioned in the fallen article, but gave testimony in the Brickstown section. These events are printed in the same article...what's going on?



What if they are changing the tutorial for CoH and CoV?

If the 'Outbreak' is spreading, and a new clampdown on the Zig is any indication, this could just be the signal of change in tutorial. Someone mentioned that this could be a 'what if' situation. But what if it's not?

If the Outbreak is no longer contained in that one spot out of the way, then the situation got worse, and a new way is being found to get new heroes first experiences without endangering them to Contamination.

If there's a clamp down on the Zig, that would mean that Lord Recluse would have to find other ways to get a hold of some 'Destined Ones'.



Alternate theory:

Artic_Sun, standing on a chair, swinging a broom wildly at those who attempt to come close to his computer, screaming, "THIS IS THE ARTICLE I ALWAYS WANTED TO WRITE, AND NOW THERE'S NOTHING THAT CAN STOP ME! IT'S PUBLISHED, AND YOU CAN'T UNPUBLISH IT! MWAHAHAHA!"

To which Positron goes, "Looks like we'll have to push Villain EATs, the return of the 5th Column and SG base improvments back another issue, folks."

[/ QUOTE ]
This is full of win.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fixed it for you.

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Holy retcons Batman! The devs are taking this to the extreme!

What I want to know is how Jimmy Dortz died. He's mentioned in the fallen article, but gave testimony in the Brickstown section. These events are printed in the same article...what's going on?

[/ QUOTE ]

Isn't it obvious?

Statesboy Prime punched the universe so hard it caused a wizard to manifest a woman in a refrigerator, thus triggering infinate crises on infinate earths with infinate criseses, and a civil war.



What if they are changing the tutorial for CoH and CoV?

If the 'Outbreak' is spreading, and a new clampdown on the Zig is any indication, this could just be the signal of change in tutorial. Someone mentioned that this could be a 'what if' situation. But what if it's not?

If the Outbreak is no longer contained in that one spot out of the way, then the situation got worse, and a new way is being found to get new heroes first experiences without endangering them to Contamination.

If there's a clamp down on the Zig, that would mean that Lord Recluse would have to find other ways to get a hold of some 'Destined Ones'.

[/ QUOTE ]
There's a slight problem with that, according to the newspaper, all of Talos Island is quarantined. Somehow I don't think the devs will lock out the travel hotspot of the city.

My Toons
Apocalypse86 50 Fire/energy blaster Triumph
Menace Mech (FKA Burning Gundam) 50 Bots/FF Mastermind Protector
Celestial Striker 43 Peacebringer Triumph
Mind Slice 35 Mind/King Controller Triumph
Obsidian Assassin 30 Night Widow Protector



Time travel storyline? Ugh.

I hate to say this, but if it isn't done right they're going to screw this game up. Seriously.

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So, you're calling Doom on a wild guess of what may be happening and supposing they'll do a horrible job at it.

You're as cheery as Venture.

[/ QUOTE ]

And obviously, you pick one part of that whole post and take a pot shot... just leave off the part where I said that I hope that they do it right just to make your cheap shot.

This is why I stay out of these threads for the most part.

And by the way, if I knew who the frak Venture was, then maybe I would actually be insulted or flattered... I have no clue either way.

Ashes to ashes,

The Cape Radio

"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman



A theory I've heard put forth:

You (your character) have been erased from existance by the Clockwork King using the PsychoChronoMetron from the Faultline arc. Your hero isn't there to stop the Outbreak and your villain never gets out of the Zig.

The evidence:
[*] The King is now aware of his psychic powers, as evidenced by the LGTF and his psychic Clockwork. It takes psychic powers to run the PCM.
[*] He's got a hate on for both heroes and villains for "kidnapping" Penny in the LGTF.
[*] We know Penny Yin feels sorry for him; maybe enough so she'd fake destroying the PCM so he or she could use it to undo the King's murder at the hands of Blue Steel. But instead the King uses it to get revenge on you.




I read the whole thread, and I didn't see this, so here goes:

Yep, someone did thwart or erase *you* from history. Someone prevented *you* from rescuing Jenkins, or prevented *you* finding the formula for Outbreak so Dr. Miller could make an antidote.

But who would do such a thing? (And also what for a long time have we been also asking for?)

I propose that it was ... your arch-nemesis. Yup. States mentioned not too long ago that Positron had written up a really cool arch-nemesis story document that he had been wanting to try out for some time. Well, this is really cool, and it would certainly make sense that if someone was your arch-nemesis, he or she would try to rub you out of existence completely.

So that's my best guess. (And most original guess.) I actually like some of the other ideas here better, but I think that's the most likely. Arch-nemesis code going in for I11.

My 2 pennies....



I mean the Fifth have been trying to alter history for longer than anyone else.

Meaningless. The 5th per se never tried to alter history; that was the Nazis themselves, in Germany. And they only tried it once.

The most likely suspect is indeed Nemesis, which is boring and trite at this point. An issue named "Oroborus" should have involved the freaking Circle as the star.

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And the Banished Pantheon once again get no love

Here's another thought, if it is indeed Nemesis changing history to create this new reality has the First Rikti War taken place?



Not enough in the articles to go on to say either way.



I belive the outbreak virus is actually a rikti mutagen, so you still need the rikti.

[/ QUOTE ]

Except even if we don't have a war with them Portal Corp and Nemesis still have access to their homeworld which means that any old super villain can get there and back.



I belive the outbreak virus is actually a rikti mutagen, so you still need the rikti.

[/ QUOTE ]

Except even if we don't have a war with them Portal Corp and Nemesis still have access to their homeworld which means that any old super villain can get there and back.

[/ QUOTE ]

Didn't the article mention that the virus/drug was stolen from the Crey? Did this happen in our version of events too?

Meaning, maybe in this alternate timeline (if it is an alternate timeline), Outbreak was developed by the Crey, not the Rikti, and maybe that is one reason why it has spread so fast and so far.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Now this is me tossing out a thought. I know this is not going to happen, but what if we are introduced a slew of new arcs and TF/SFs that have us chase someone through time to make sure events go accordingly not to alter history? There are several canon events that would change the course of history and they have been targeted by said villain and we are sent to stop him/her. And who's to say its not a brand new villain group (although I welcome the 5th back with open arms. No one could do an ambush like they could.)

@Mr Mirage

Become more, become Eternal.



Holy retcons Batman! The devs are taking this to the extreme!

What I want to know is how Jimmy Dortz died. He's mentioned in the fallen article, but gave testimony in the Brickstown section. These events are printed in the same article...what's going on?

[/ QUOTE ]

Isn't it obvious?

Statesboy Prime punched the universe so hard it caused a wizard to manifest a woman in a refrigerator, thus triggering infinate crises on infinate earths with infinate criseses, and a civil war.

[/ QUOTE ]

You forgot a World War with a Countdown and 52 mulitple CoX possible continums and a search for some missing Superhero and the ultimate Evil returning and creating an Corps of evil!

Pinnacle-Pale Spectre 50 Kat/Regen/Dark Scrapper
Spectre of the Gun 50 Thugs/Dark/Soul Mastery MM
MA Story Spectre of the Gun's Search" ID #352424
Spectral Darque 50 Dark/Dark Scrapper



Here's a huge possible hint at Issue 11:

From the last RWZ Dark Watcher mission, after you finish off Nemesis:

Nemesis: Your victory is hollow.
Nemesis: I am Nemesis!
Nemesis: I am...
Nemesis: Eternal...!

"Eternal"...and the symbol of Issue 11 is a brass looking ouroboros.





The Circle of Thorns, though a villain group, have a semi uneasy truce with the Heroes. They were prime movers in taking the rikti down the first time. Really there are only three factions with an open knowledge and use of time travel. Arachnos, Nemesis and the 5th Council. The Arachnos missions are very publicly clear on that. In the "Ubelmann the Unknown" Arc, you prevent them from completing construction of a time travel device. As for Nemesis, his technology is mighty so I have no doubt he could do it.

High Beam - 50 Blaster Energy/Ice - 1228 Badges
Munitions Mistress - 50 Mercs/Traps
Many Other 50's, Too Many Alts, All On Freedom
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should!



Meaning, maybe in this alternate timeline (if it is an alternate timeline), Outbreak was developed by the Crey, not the Rikti, and maybe that is one reason why it has spread so fast and so far.

Crey is known to actively seek leftover Rikti tech, and the company has probably been extensively infiltrated by Rikti shapechangers.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



[ QUOTE ][*] He's got a hate on for both heroes and villains for "kidnapping" Penny in the LGTF.


[/ QUOTE ]

He hates you (the hero you) becaues you remind him of the hero that beat him into a brain in a jar.

It's mentioned in an early mission.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



[ QUOTE ][*] He's got a hate on for both heroes and villains for "kidnapping" Penny in the LGTF.


[/ QUOTE ]

He hates you (the hero you) becaues you remind him of the hero that beat him into a brain in a jar.

It's mentioned in an early mission.

[/ QUOTE ]

But I look nothing like Blue Steel!





Hmm, alternate reality OR time travel paradox?

You know what I find really interesting? No mention of the Rikti.

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Alternate reality. Rikti earth invaded our reality, not theirs.

[/ QUOTE ]But if this is Time Travel, then this IS our reality, just missing a few important details. Of course, I'm not sure which it is, I'm just saying we don't need to write this off as a different place.

High_Beam: The Circle DO have history with time travel. Whatever happened with that old tower and Diviner Maros.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.