Paragon Times: Outbreak Plague Rampant for 4 Years




I said some thing about " Empire City " is that an asian city of heroes/villains maybe a coop zone?

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons



I would think that would be New York.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



2 Things:

-Crisis on Infinite servers is just too big of an idea. Sorry Dionon. The programming it would take to have a "rolling" event of that scale would probably crash the entire game for way too long. Case in point, the Transfer/Rename services have shown that the Training Room does not properly test something that deals with information moving from one server to another.

-Positron himself said MUO and COH would remain separate

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1 - Yeah I know, but it would be ALOT of fun, and the facts match up lol...

2- Thank the lord.... With all the W0lv3rin3s and Spydirmen running around, we don't need the real ones showing up and gutting them lol



With all the W0lv3rin3s and Spydirmen running around, we don't need the real ones showing up and gutting them lol

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Yeah, Spidey's running around almost as pissed as Logn these days, so it could get very bloody indeed.



Thank the lord.... With all the W0lv3rin3s and Spydirmen running around, we don't need the real ones showing up and gutting them lol

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Hmm. Myself, I'd kinda like to see that.

There's a certain poetic justice to it that appeals to my sense of irony.

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AE Story Arc #536752: Torn Asunder
An army from far, far away has been driven from their homeland and landed on Earth. They desperately need a new home and they're liking the look of ours.

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So the Paragon Times article mentions it'd be disasterous if they reached a major city like Chicago or Empire City. I've been to Chicago, and it rates "major city" but never heard of an Empire City. Searching on the internet turns up a place in Oklahoma, which seems a bit away from RI. Also only showed a population of 734 for the 2000 census.

New fictional city?
Empire City = Nemesis Empire? All automaton population? FTW??



An entire new faction, neither Hero nor Villain?

Epic ATs?

Didn't we cover all this timeline business with RV and the villains Destined One arc?

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



I can't possibly say "NEAT!" loudly enough.

So relating this over to the infinity/Ourobouros image that's our Issue 11 teaser, and we get the idea that a time-travelling villain alters player character's past so that they never completed their training mission, with slightly more massive consequences heroside than villainside. Since each character (has had the option to have) completed these missions, this implies that each individual character's history was that pivotal event, which is nifty.

I can't wait to see how this plays out as a game mechanic. I imagine it'll involve an "event" mission in which players have to go back behind the scenes of "their" first mission and stop the saboteur. Probably be sent back to a netural time frame to do it over if they fail.

I wonder if hero zones will shift into a different "Outbreak" version (and villain zones into a different "heroes rule") version as part of an event.

Speculation fun!



I’m guessing an alternate timeline/reality kind of thing. Someone is messing with time (if I had to guess I’d say Nemesis). Teams will somehow (as part of a task force) end up in this alternate timeline. There will be no contacts, and heroes/villains will be somewhat rare (i.e. instead of npc’s ignoring people with superpowers and capes, they’d all be stopping and saying “wow a superhero). Your team will make up a large percentage of superheroes on the planet. Your goal will be to set time right again.

Or wait…we’re playing it right now! Time as changed and CoH is only a game not reality (as it’s supposed to be). All these “clues” are being left by people (devs) who somehow know (at least in part) that time has been messed with (maybe they were on the scene when it happened) and are working to let us know time is broken! I KNEW there was something wrong with reality!

Either that or it’s Cloverfield. On 01-18-08 we’re going to have to fight a giant monster in NYC after it rips the head of the Statue of Liberty.

Professionally certified pessimism expert

Statesman is someone who shouldn't rap ever, even if he's trying to help people out. -IolitePhoenix

Check out my Infinity toons at the Vis Viva family web page.



If I had ever done anything like that to my players, they'd have reached over the table and wench-slapped me, and I'd have deserved it.

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Actually, you deserve to be wench-slapped for using the phrase "wench-slapped."

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



So the Paragon Times article mentions it'd be disasterous if they reached a major city like Chicago or Empire City. I've been to Chicago, and it rates "major city" but never heard of an Empire City. Searching on the internet turns up a place in Oklahoma, which seems a bit away from RI. Also only showed a population of 734 for the 2000 census.

New fictional city?
Empire City = Nemesis Empire? All automaton population? FTW??

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Someone mentioned that a long time ago when talking about the renovation of Boomtown. Some people thought that maybe Nemesis would take it over and form his own sort of Utopia there...

My Toons
Apocalypse86 50 Fire/energy blaster Triumph
Menace Mech (FKA Burning Gundam) 50 Bots/FF Mastermind Protector
Celestial Striker 43 Peacebringer Triumph
Mind Slice 35 Mind/King Controller Triumph
Obsidian Assassin 30 Night Widow Protector



I like the idea that evil dictators from an alternate reality have come up with a 'Final Solution' method that inadvertently creates an operational environment where they edit themselves OUT of the reality... and one of the first attempts to correct that produced Nemesis purely by *accident*. Now that Nemesis' influence may be diminished due to influences present in I10, that other faction may once again become a focal point...

Tangential Spoiler...--theory

Okay. On the Battalion mention in the RWZ arcs, it should be pointed out that the Nemesis Army would almost undoubtedly have 'Battalions' and if he was such a mastermind a hundred years earlier (as evidenced by the steam-powered portal technology) it would be not so hard a leap to realize that soldiers talking to each other in terms of command (ie, Command, Battalion, etc) might have misled the Rikti into thinking they were something that they totally were not. Especially since the Rikti couldn't necessarily read the minds of steam-powered automaton. What would be more terrifying to a group of largely pacifistic people in communion with the natural environment of their world than large clanky steam powered machines of destruction?



I dunno if anyone has said this before, but what if the articles were propaganda. They said no one escaped from the zig because they didnt want to let the public know the lapse in security. they are saying outbreak is overrun to get more hero help.

I dont know what that would hint at for i11, but thats what i first thought when i read the article



So the Paragon Times article mentions it'd be disasterous if they reached a major city like Chicago or Empire City. I've been to Chicago, and it rates "major city" but never heard of an Empire City. Searching on the internet turns up a place in Oklahoma, which seems a bit away from RI. Also only showed a population of 734 for the 2000 census.

New fictional city?
Empire City = Nemesis Empire? All automaton population? FTW??

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Empire City...
Nickname for New York, New York.
Dont forget, New York *IS* the Empire State.




Player call contact to get new mission.

Player is told "Come quick! I need to see you in person."

Player meets contact, only to discover that he/she/it has been infected....

What fun



I'm going to take a page from Identity Crisis #6 and ask: Who gains?

Who gains from Arachnos no longer being in charge of the Rogue Isles? Who gains from Wyvern no longer existing? Who gains from _you_ no longer existing? Who gains from Dr. Miller dying? Who gains from the Breakout never happening? Who gains from the 5th Column existing in South America?

Looking back at the newspaper articles, something caught my eye: 11.1.3 says that Arachnos was behind the attempted Zig breakout, and that they were operating out of the Rogue Isles. It also shows that it's Ms. Liberty who sends in Longbow. But 11.2.4 says that Marchand repulsed Recluse back in '63 (and presumably pushing him out of the Isles), and it's now MRS. Liberty. Is it possible that whoever is altering time is making multiple trips, changing some small thing and then seeing how it affects the present?

Here's something nobody has mentioned: is it possible that it's the HEROES who have gone back in time and messed things up? Perhaps Statesman went back and tried to stop Arachnos from forming by helping Marchand fight off Recluse-which would explain why he's on good terms with Marchand in the latest City Scoop.




They didn't get Azuria either.

...not sure how to feel about that.

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They were chasing after her, but she lost them.




They didn't get Azuria either.

...not sure how to feel about that.

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They were chasing after her, but she lost them.

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Like she does everything else at M.A.G.I.? ZING!

=^..^=. o O (Nothing to see. Just a cat.)
(_ _)~
*Recipient of a Sentai Sage thumbs up of approval.







They didn't get Azuria either.

...not sure how to feel about that.

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They were chasing after her, but she lost them.

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No, it's because she's secretly in league with whomever THEY are.

Once is accident, twice is coincidence, three times is conspiracy.

And however many times Azuria is responsible for is just plain failure on the part of the establishment to notice that they really need to replace her.

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I'm going to take a page from Identity Crisis #6 and ask: Who gains?

Who gains from Arachnos no longer being in charge of the Rogue Isles? Who gains from Wyvern no longer existing? Who gains from _you_ no longer existing? Who gains from Dr. Miller dying? Who gains from the Breakout never happening? Who gains from the 5th Column existing in South America?

Looking back at the newspaper articles, something caught my eye: 11.1.3 says that Arachnos was behind the attempted Zig breakout, and that they were operating out of the Rogue Isles. It also shows that it's Ms. Liberty who sends in Longbow. But 11.2.4 says that Marchand repulsed Recluse back in '63 (and presumably pushing him out of the Isles), and it's now MRS. Liberty. Is it possible that whoever is altering time is making multiple trips, changing some small thing and then seeing how it affects the present?

Here's something nobody has mentioned: is it possible that it's the HEROES who have gone back in time and messed things up? Perhaps Statesman went back and tried to stop Arachnos from forming by helping Marchand fight off Recluse-which would explain why he's on good terms with Marchand in the latest City Scoop.

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Hmm this is an idea. AND it would be a good reason why ole States hates Manticore and Recluse even MORE now a days (see my reasoning for why they are together in the other thread for the President thing).... He's changed history, and he can't have anyone changing it BACK *stews a rabbit* er yeah...



1. The change is spreading backwards.
2. It is hinted that the Fifth Column is behind it.

I suspect in the next set of Paragon Times articles, the Axis will have won WWII.

Grul Doctor Pinnacle Swarm Caller Pity Fist Smashdozer Dhuuln



Not sure if this was mentioned yet but isn't "Arnold Decker" the name of Harrison Fords character in Bladrunner? So people from the future are also being contaminated?

WTF is going on? *curls into a ball in the corner murmuring doom*

Find me ingame @Norlon
Winter ST



Not sure if this was mentioned yet but isn't "Arnold Decker" the name of Harrison Fords character in Bladrunner?

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Rick Deckard

"Destiny's powerful hand has made the bed of my future, and it's up to me to lie in it. I am destined to be a superhero. To right wrongs, and to pound two-fisted justice into the hearts of evildoers everywhere." -- The Tick



Not sure if this was mentioned yet but isn't "Arnold Decker" the name of Harrison Fords character in Bladrunner?

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Rick Deckard

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Isn't Arnold Decker one of the Safeguard contacts?

BTW, my quote is from the Dragonlance novel Lord Toede by Jeff Grubb. Hilarious novel.