Paragon Times: Outbreak Plague Rampant for 4 Years




You know something? I think everyone that has been theorizing about which groups are doing this and what not might be onto something, but might be taking it into the wrong direction.

What if this wasn't some sort of villain plot, but a complete accident? What if, and hear me out plz, A powerful Outbreak patient gets into a facility where there is Time Travel style equipment. He might be crazy, but he's sane enough to know how to work the equipment. In his mind, if he goes back in time before he's infected, he won't be infected anymore, so he sets the coordinates to before he got the plague, and ZAP he's back in time, still infected, In a rage, he kills off Greg Miller, and ZAP again history takes another turn for the worse. Fearing reprisals from both the future and the present, he makes an escape through the sewers to Talos Island where he meets and infects a major Lost cabal, who in turn spread it amongst the populace. It's the butterfly effect. A guy walks through a door, History changes for the worse.

Although, this might be some sort of Crisis on Infinite Servers type deal where they are trying to streamline our heroes and villains down to say 10-20 alts so they can squash the servers, or make a serverless connection, but the other theory sounds more viable... Especially with the symbol of the snake eating his own tail...



Or maybe Doctor Miller died because you never cured the plauge and it got so bad it eventually killed him.

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I don't buy that. Outbreak is already contained and controlled when a new enters the game. So, you couldn't have been the one thing that led Dr. Miller to develop his cure.

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I'm wondering if the hero you (like the villain you and Kara Thrace) has a special destiny. Only you could have defeated all those contaminated in that mission and stopped the plauge before it gets out of hand.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



The I11 symbol has a wood gain to it not brass.



You know something? I think everyone that has been theorizing about which groups are doing this and what not might be onto something, but might be taking it into the wrong direction.
What if this wasn't some sort of villain plot, but a complete accident? What if, and hear me out plz, A powerful Outbreak patient gets into a facility where there is Time Travel style equipment. He might be crazy, but he's sane enough to know how to work the equipment. In his mind, if he goes back in time before he's infected, he won't be infected anymore, so he sets the coordinates to before he got the plague, and ZAP he's back in time, still infected, In a rage, he kills off Greg Miller, and ZAP again history takes another turn for the worse. Fearing reprisals from both the future and the present, he makes an escape through the sewers to Talos Island where he meets and infects a major Lost cabal, who in turn spread it amongst the populace. It's the butterfly effect. A guy walks through a door, History changes for the worse.

Although, this might be some sort of Crisis on Infinite Servers type deal where they are trying to streamline our heroes and villains down to say 10-20 alts so they can squash the servers, or make a serverless connection, but the other theory sounds more viable... Especially with the symbol of the snake eating his own tail...

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i can see them using that as a decent story direction i posted somethign similar in the teaser image thread.....

i could see this happening actualy i mean they already have stuff in place for a story line this way, as what i posted in the screen shot thread.....

welll from what im guessing both by the screen shot and the paragon times article it would be possible for the outbreak to never be contained in an alternate time line, think of it this way heros go to outbreak they can get the isolator badge there by defeating 100 of the contaminated. if you skip the tutroial as others have mentioned you youself dont stop the virus, altering the time stream a bit. The reason i think this is because if you miss your badge there in outbreak, the only way to get it is to defeat a Contaminated that appears in a train station in Recluses Victory......... WHICH btw is a fluid timestream changing from one result to another ponder that!

There is a reason after all that only 1 contaminated appears at the train station at a time let the doom speculation begin!



The Ouroboros is clearly wood. As mentioned above it has grain, and shows mitre work on the corners. What that might mean is beyond me though.

Perhaps Sally has been taking woodworking classes at Croatoa U. and it is a self portrait.



Actually, he tells you, in true James Bond villain fashion, that he's going to upload his mind into the Rikti mental network. You then proceed to pound on him until his rivets burst, and he never even makes it to the portal.

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gah, spoilers much? :/

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I edited it, but, seriously? Here? On this thread? We're all on this thread trying to do preemptive spoilering on future content from the barest evidence.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Actually, he tells you, in true James Bond villain fashion, that he's going to upload his mind into the Rikti mental network. You then proceed to pound on him until his rivets burst, and he never even makes it to the portal.

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gah, spoilers much? :/

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I edited it, but, seriously? Here? On this thread? We're all on this thread trying to do preemptive spoilering on future content from the barest evidence.

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*travels to the future*

*plays I11*

*spoils everything*

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.




All these contacts dying being a reference to Ragnorok

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Oh, that's good. The very nordic look of the ouroboros definately fits a Ragnorok theme. Good catch!

Now, which villains do we know who would be involved in "Ragnorok....?"



OK, here's an insane thought.


The Outbreak Virus contains primitive 'Rikti genes', right?

But the newspaper article doesn't mention the Rikti ONCE. It's as if the Rikti didn't even exist in that world.

So maybe, just maybe... it was the Outbreak virus, on this parallel world, that ultimately led to the mutation of all of humanity into the Rikti! And that's where the Rikti came from!

Ouroboros isn't just a symbol of infinity, it's a symbol of the eternal loop, of something creating itself.

So what if the newspaper report is actually from the distant past of the Rikti dimension? And it was not just the Rikti that created Outbreak, but Outbreak that created the Rikti?



OK, here's an insane thought.


The Outbreak Virus contains primitive 'Rikti genes', right?

But the newspaper article doesn't mention the Rikti ONCE. It's as if the Rikti didn't even exist in that world.

So maybe, just maybe... it was the Outbreak virus, on this parallel world, that ultimately led to the mutation of all of humanity into the Rikti! And that's where the Rikti came from!

Ouroboros isn't just a symbol of infinity, it's a symbol of the eternal loop, of something creating itself.

So what if the newspaper report is actually from the distant past of the Rikti dimension? And it was not just the Rikti that created Outbreak, but Outbreak that created the Rikti?

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This makes alot of sense, but what would it mean in terms of new features in I11?

My Toons
Apocalypse86 50 Fire/energy blaster Triumph
Menace Mech (FKA Burning Gundam) 50 Bots/FF Mastermind Protector
Celestial Striker 43 Peacebringer Triumph
Mind Slice 35 Mind/King Controller Triumph
Obsidian Assassin 30 Night Widow Protector



Or maybe Doctor Miller died because you never cured the plauge and it got so bad it eventually killed him.

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I don't buy that. Outbreak is already contained and controlled when a new enters the game. So, you couldn't have been the one thing that led Dr. Miller to develop his cure.

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I'm wondering if the hero you (like the villain you and Kara Thrace) has a special destiny. Only you could have defeated all those contaminated in that mission and stopped the plauge before it gets out of hand.

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Ok, so I couldn't remember enough of the Outbreak story to comment. So I started a new character and ran through. It's been awhile since I read all that.

Anyway, I can't argue that "you" isn't the deciding factor anymore. "You" is also the only thing Outbreak and Breakout have in common.



OK, here's an insane thought.


The Outbreak Virus contains primitive 'Rikti genes', right?

But the newspaper article doesn't mention the Rikti ONCE. It's as if the Rikti didn't even exist in that world.

So maybe, just maybe... it was the Outbreak virus, on this parallel world, that ultimately led to the mutation of all of humanity into the Rikti! And that's where the Rikti came from!

Ouroboros isn't just a symbol of infinity, it's a symbol of the eternal loop, of something creating itself.

So what if the newspaper report is actually from the distant past of the Rikti dimension? And it was not just the Rikti that created Outbreak, but Outbreak that created the Rikti?

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/em Neo

... whoa.

/em head asplode

Sign It :



This makes alot of sense, but what would it mean in terms of new features in I11?

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Rikti Homeworld!

With the newspaper story being how it all began!



IIRC, something else that Lighthouse said recently is that I11 will give 'level 50 characters a lot of things to do'.

I think it's as simple as Portal Corp. finding a portal to an alternate universe Paragon City, one where the Outbreak virus spread across the world. Level 50 heroes will have a dozen new zones to explore -- decayed and infected versions of the existing Paragon City zones. Sounds like fun.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



This makes alot of sense, but what would it mean in terms of new features in I11?

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Rikti Homeworld!

With the newspaper story being how it all began!

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^^ new favorite theory

My Toons
Apocalypse86 50 Fire/energy blaster Triumph
Menace Mech (FKA Burning Gundam) 50 Bots/FF Mastermind Protector
Celestial Striker 43 Peacebringer Triumph
Mind Slice 35 Mind/King Controller Triumph
Obsidian Assassin 30 Night Widow Protector




All these contacts dying being a reference to Ragnorok

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Oh, that's good. The very nordic look of the ouroboros definately fits a Ragnorok theme. Good catch!

Now, which villains do we know who would be involved in "Ragnorok....?"

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See my (mostly silly) post here.

The links in that will tell you more than you ever wanted to know about Norse apocalypse.



IIRC, something else that Lighthouse said recently is that I11 will give 'level 50 characters a lot of things to do'.

I think it's as simple as Portal Corp. finding a portal to an alternate universe Paragon City, one where the Outbreak virus spread across the world. Level 50 heroes will have a dozen new zones to explore -- decayed and infected versions of the existing Paragon City zones. Sounds like fun.

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as long as its only 50's that can get in lol..... could this be finally a PI where there are no cries for PL MEH!!!!

If thats the case then deadly virus or not that will be my new vacation spot lol



^^ new favorite theory

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and and and and!

In OUR world, it was the Rikti War that led to tens of thousands dying and memorial speeches in Atlas Park and so on. But in THEIR world, it was the Outbreak Plague, doing exactly the same thing!

Every role that the Rikti War played here, from cordoning off sections of city to wiping out countless ordinary people and heroes, seems to have been played by the Outbreak Plague over there.

And eventually, they lost...




All these contacts dying being a reference to Ragnorok

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Oh, that's good. The very nordic look of the ouroboros definately fits a Ragnorok theme. Good catch!

Now, which villains do we know who would be involved in "Ragnorok....?"

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im glad someone saw my post! I thought of it since someone posted saying positron was trying to make religious references in future updates. As far as villains who COULD be, what about NEW villains that could be involved? New Heroes and Archevillains being introduced?

Funeral Thirst lvl50 claws/SR stalker
Blood of the Blade lvl50 katana/regen scrapper
Stone of the Earth lvl50 stone/stone tank
Catalepsy lvl50 SS/Invul Brute
Despised-Icon lvl50 dark/dark defender
Hope Conspiracy lvl28 Ice/Kin Corruptor



This makes alot of sense, but what would it mean in terms of new features in I11?

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Rikti Homeworld!

With the newspaper story being how it all began!

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Wow. Yeah, ok. I'd buy that. This is the alternate time line that creates the Rikti.


Pretty serious spoilers if you haven't done any of the Rikti high-level missions yet... you are warned....

* spoilers *

Rikti are more advanced than us, right? So it should be thousands or millions of years before we "evolve" into Rikit, but this many victims would ensure there are enough Rikti genes to last long enough for them to evolve.

So who would purposefully, or accidentally, want to create the Rikti home world?

If my arch-nemesis theory is correct, then it's an accidental by-product of removing *you* from the time line. The point of your arch-nemesis's interference in the time line was to remove you, but the result was to create the Rikti home world.

Ergo, it's time to save the world... again.



^^ new favorite theory

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and and and and!

In OUR world, it was the Rikti War that led to tens of thousands dying and memorial speeches in Atlas Park and so on. But in THEIR world, it was the Outbreak Plague, doing exactly the same thing!

Every role that the Rikti War played here, from cordoning off sections of city to wiping out countless ordinary people and heroes, seems to have been played by the Outbreak Plague over there.

And eventually, they lost...

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but then how do you get from the only physical effects being the glowing green eyes, to full on mutation into the rikti we know?

And this is just me remembering here, but didn't some alien invaders turn the rikti into what they are today? Then they got mad and tried to do it to us. (just going off of memory here)

My Toons
Apocalypse86 50 Fire/energy blaster Triumph
Menace Mech (FKA Burning Gundam) 50 Bots/FF Mastermind Protector
Celestial Striker 43 Peacebringer Triumph
Mind Slice 35 Mind/King Controller Triumph
Obsidian Assassin 30 Night Widow Protector




All these contacts dying being a reference to Ragnorok

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Oh, that's good. The very nordic look of the ouroboros definately fits a Ragnorok theme. Good catch!

Now, which villains do we know who would be involved in "Ragnorok....?"

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im glad someone saw my post! I thought of it since someone posted saying positron was trying to make religious references in future updates. As far as villains who COULD be, what about NEW villains that could be involved? New Heroes and Archevillains being introduced?

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hmmm could this be the villian u seek??? after all he is bideing his time in an alternate demension if i recall

Ridolfo Uzzano has come a long way from his humble beginning as one of Mussolini's lapdogs. The primary cause of his success was his fusion with a Nictus, a being of utter darkness. The Nictus gave Ridolfo the ability to scorch his foes with an infernal fire. Though he is now over 100 years old, Requiem remains a fearsome foe in battle. Before The Center arrived to spoil his fun, Requiem ruled over the massive military organization that was subsumed by the Council. His closest attendents suspect that Requiem is still smarting from his loss of power, and plotting his revenge.



But then how do you get from the only physical effects being the glowing green eyes, to full on mutation into the rikti we know?

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Many years of evolution? I always got the impression the Rikti world was several hundred years ahead of ours.

And this is just me remembering here, but didn't some alien invaders turn the rikti into what they are today? Then thety got mad and tried to do it to us. (just going off of memory here)

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Gah, I don't know. My Rikti Mythos knowledge isn't up to that challenge. Anyone?



From the Paragon Times article :

Heroes without technological shielding, such as hazard suits or fully-enclosed environmental suits, or without some other magical or super-powered resistance to infection, are cautioned to stay away.

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Do I read new craftable zone-specific temp powers? (Like the vanguard goodies you get in the RWZ, but working as a toggle like the new Halloween costumes ?)

[COLOR=darkorchid]Nebulhym's AE Arcs: Try them now![/COLOR]
# 12647: Of feathers and fur...[COLOR=yellow]Winner of [B]The American Legion[/B]'s January 2011 AE Author Contest![/COLOR]
# 292389: From Tartarus with love...
# 459592: Interdimensional Headache




And this is just me remembering here, but didn't some alien invaders turn the rikti into what they are today? Then thety got mad and tried to do it to us. (just going off of memory here)

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Gah, I don't know. My Rikti Mythos knowledge isn't up to that challenge. Anyone?

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Mine isn't either... but

*spoilers again*

Major spoilers again if you haven't done the high level Rikti missions yet....

You have been warned....

* spoilers *

From our point of view, aren't the Riki alien invaders? And if they did it to us...

That means it was the Rikti who did it to themselves long ago in their own world...

Which means a Rikti invasion would have done it to *that* group of invaders too...

Etc. Etc. with out end...

Oops, did I just make an ouroboros here?