Paragon Times: Outbreak Plague Rampant for 4 Years




Gah, I don't know. My Rikti Mythos knowledge isn't up to that challenge. Anyone?

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Paragonwiki spoilerz about the mutations and the Rikti War.



Paragonwiki spoilerz about the mutations and the Rikti War.

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'What drove (spoilery things to happen) is unknown.'




OK, here's an insane thought.


The Outbreak Virus contains primitive 'Rikti genes', right?

But the newspaper article doesn't mention the Rikti ONCE. It's as if the Rikti didn't even exist in that world.

So maybe, just maybe... it was the Outbreak virus, on this parallel world, that ultimately led to the mutation of all of humanity into the Rikti! And that's where the Rikti came from!

Ouroboros isn't just a symbol of infinity, it's a symbol of the eternal loop, of something creating itself.

So what if the newspaper report is actually from the distant past of the Rikti dimension? And it was not just the Rikti that created Outbreak, but Outbreak that created the Rikti?

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I dont think it happened this way, the Outbreak happened after the first Rikti war so there is really no need to even mention the war because it was after the fact, if anything the only thing we would have heard is about the clean up efforts post Rikti War I.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Paragonwiki spoilerz about the mutations and the Rikti War.

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'What drove (spoilery things to happen) is unknown.'


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Gonna talk spoilery things.

Turn back now.

You've been warned.

Last chance.

I always thought they did it themselves, like the Lost. Which, the Lost are just proto-Rikti anyway. The same thing that drives the Lost to mutate themselves could've been what led a small group of Rikti to start the process on their world which mutated into Outbreak and then changed everyone, slowly, over a couple hundred years. They've managed to speed up the process though with regards to Honoree.



I dont think it happened this way, the Outbreak happened after the first Rikti war so there is really no need to even mention the war because it was after the fact, if anything the only thing we would have heard is about the clean up efforts post Rikti War I.

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But doesn't it strike you as odd that the Outbreak Plague over there seems to fill the same gap as the Rikti War did in our world? Thousands dead, speeches in Atlas and so on.

And their article doesn't mention the Rikti at all, not even the recent re-invasion. That just doesn't make sense.



Paragonwiki spoilerz about the mutations and the Rikti War.

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'What drove (spoilery things to happen) is unknown.'


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Gonna talk spoilery things.

Turn back now.

You've been warned.

Last chance.

I always thought they did it themselves, like the Lost. Which, the Lost are just proto-Rikti anyway. The same thing that drives the Lost to mutate themselves could've been what led a small group of Rikti to start the process on their world which mutated into Outbreak and then changed everyone, slowly, over a couple hundred years. They've managed to speed up the process though with regards to Honoree.

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I thought another group came to mutate the rikti because at that current time they were not a challenge to them with their technology and physiology so they did it to give them a chance to fight them later.

Warning Slight thread jack here:
Also I wanted to ask for the people who have done the faultline arcs and fought the AV Kurse, what was the thing that was calling him to the ruins in faultline? I think I missed this part somewhere in the arc.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Paragonwiki spoilerz about the mutations and the Rikti War.

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'What drove (spoilery things to happen) is unknown.'


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Gonna talk spoilery things.

Turn back now.

You've been warned.

Last chance.

I always thought they did it themselves, like the Lost. Which, the Lost are just proto-Rikti anyway. The same thing that drives the Lost to mutate themselves could've been what led a small group of Rikti to start the process on their world which mutated into Outbreak and then changed everyone, slowly, over a couple hundred years. They've managed to speed up the process though with regards to Honoree.

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Umm...didn't some extraterrestrial force start the mutation on the Rikti? As in the black rectangle ala 2001?

I don't believe they did it to themselves, at least initially.



The Ouroboros is clearly wood. As mentioned above it has grain, and shows mitre work on the corners. What that might mean is beyond me though.

Perhaps Sally has been taking woodworking classes at Croatoa U. and it is a self portrait.

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If it's wood work, wouldn't that signify the Circle?

After all, they do have the Thorn Tree....



This makes alot of sense, but what would it mean in terms of new features in I11?

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Rikti Homeworld!

With the newspaper story being how it all began!

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This is a really cool idea. My friend came up with the thought (that other people also posted!) that this is a world at least without the Rikti War, but there is a problem with either theory:

The WAR WALLS appear in many of the newspaper pics. If I remember correctly, the only reason for the walls to exist in the first place is the Rikti Invasion.

I still can't help but think that the newspaper dimension has something going on with the Rikti, but I can't think of anything that hasn't been said to support it.

The Nemesis theories are also VERY interesting, and here's another thought: Anyone think the newspaper mistakes seem too obvious? Think it's a possible code?

So far, we have the mistake with WINDOW - WIDOW = N.
Also: VIGILANTE when it should be VIGILANT = E
The only other mistakes I found are run together words: "ZonesSome" and "theyare". Perhaps they are just typos after all, but hiding a code like this is one of the oldest tricks in the book. If I had more time, I'd check all the contact names for mistakes!



gaaaaaaaaaah no.

The Outbreak Virus contains primitive 'Rikti genes', right?

It is a "Rikti mutation drug". That doesn't mean it contains Rikti genes or is related to Shift in any way.

But the newspaper article doesn't mention the Rikti ONCE. It's as if the Rikti didn't even exist in that world.

It mentions the Lost. The Lost only exist because they are created by Rikti stranded on Primal Earth after the first war.

People are reading way too much into the fact that the article says the Outbreak drug/virus/whatever was stolen from Crey. That doesn't mean it's a Crey product. Crey is up to its ears in stolen Rikti technology and is heavily infiltrated by Rikti shapechangers. Outbreak might have been some Rikti substance Crey was playing with, but the Rikti are still part of the picture.

So maybe, just maybe... it was the Outbreak virus, on this parallel world, that ultimately led to the mutation of all of humanity into the Rikti! And that's where the Rikti came from!

The Rikti were created by aliens thousands of years ago using Shift, or something like it.

So what if the newspaper report is actually from the distant past of the Rikti dimension? And it was not just the Rikti that created Outbreak, but Outbreak that created the Rikti?

Aside from the fact that this does not fit anything we already know about the Rikti, in order for it to be true time between Rikti Earth and Primal Earth would have to be out of synch, and we know for certain that is not the case. (If it was, events couldn't possibly have been transpiring as they have.)

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



The WAR WALLS appear in many of the newspaper pics. If I remember correctly, the only reason for the walls to exist in the first place is the Rikti Invasion.

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To contain Outbreak?

Phantom Rose: Ill / Kin / Psi
Soleau: Ice / Icy / Ice / Core: Ice / Fire / Pyre / Wind / Eclipse / Flare / Corona
Solo Space



Well, as soon as I get home, I think it's time to change back to my old "This issue: EVERYONE DIES" avatar. For once it's actually relevant to the storyline.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



People are reading way too much into the fact that the article says the Outbreak drug/virus/whatever was stolen from Crey. That doesn't mean it's a Crey product. Crey is up to its ears in stolen Rikti technology and is heavily infiltrated by Rikti shapechangers. Outbreak might have been some Rikti substance Crey was playing with, but the Rikti are still part of the picture.

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Very true ... Crey (Rouge Island office) may even have a Rikti or two on its payrole.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



The Rikti were created by aliens thousands of years ago using Shift, or something like it.

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There, at least I can be right sometimes

My Toons
Apocalypse86 50 Fire/energy blaster Triumph
Menace Mech (FKA Burning Gundam) 50 Bots/FF Mastermind Protector
Celestial Striker 43 Peacebringer Triumph
Mind Slice 35 Mind/King Controller Triumph
Obsidian Assassin 30 Night Widow Protector



It mentions the Lost. The Lost only exist because they are created by Rikti stranded on Primal Earth after the first war.

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The Rikti didn't create homeless people. The mutated Lost are obviously Rikti-influenced, but the rag-tag sewer dwellers aren't mutated yet.

in order for it to be true time between Rikti Earth and Primal Earth would have to be out of synch, and we know for certain that is not the case.

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I'm not doubting you, but how do we 'know for certain'?



I think it's very possible that a portal that connects two dimensions together could connect one at 2007 to the other at 2107 or beyond.

My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)



I think it's very possible that a portal that connects two dimensions together could connect one at 2007 to the other at 2107 or beyond.

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Time could be moving relatively slower or faster on any given parallel Earth as compared to Earth Prime ('our' Paragon City Earth)



Or Rikti Earth didn't suffer the plague and subsequent dark age in Europe. Knocked back technological development for a good couple of hundred years.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



And this is just me remembering here, but didn't some alien invaders turn the rikti into what they are today? Then thety got mad and tried to do it to us. (just going off of memory here)

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Gah, I don't know. My Rikti Mythos knowledge isn't up to that challenge. Anyone?

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Well, the Outbreak virus didn't manufacture itself.

I think the main thing speaking against the idea that this is an old newspaper clip from Rikti Earth, is the mention of magic. As I understand it, magic was entirely absent from Rikti Earth 'till they began experimenting on MU descendants here.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Oh, and LMAO at Warden McGoohan.

Can we get Rover for a Vet Power?

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Yes and no.

This is close to the exact line delivered by Patrick McGoohan, playing the warden, to Clint Eastwood in the movie "Escape From Alcatraz".

"Destiny's powerful hand has made the bed of my future, and it's up to me to lie in it. I am destined to be a superhero. To right wrongs, and to pound two-fisted justice into the hearts of evildoers everywhere." -- The Tick



I think it's very possible that a portal that connects two dimensions together could connect one at 2007 to the other at 2107 or beyond.

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Time could be moving relatively slower or faster on any given parallel Earth as compared to Earth Prime ('our' Paragon City Earth)

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A couple of things:

1) We keep talking about the "Rikti homeworld" as a parallel Earth. Why can't it be the same Earth, just different times. We're still talking seriously about time-travel, right? Maybe the Rikti believe that something done in our time will permanently unmake theirs. That would mean they are the ones messing with what has been.

2) Assuming my above statements are correct, Rikti AT's anyone?

=^..^=. o O (Nothing to see. Just a cat.)
(_ _)~
*Recipient of a Sentai Sage thumbs up of approval.



I think it's very possible that a portal that connects two dimensions together could connect one at 2007 to the other at 2107 or beyond.

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Time could be moving relatively slower or faster on any given parallel Earth as compared to Earth Prime ('our' Paragon City Earth)

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A couple of things:

1) We keep talking about the "Rikti homeworld" as a parallel Earth. Why can't it be the same Earth, just different times. We're still talking seriously about time-travel, right? Maybe the Rikti believe that something done in our time will permanently unmake theirs. That would mean they are the ones messing with what has been.

2) Assuming my above statements are correct, Rikti AT's anyone?

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We figure it's a parallel world because of all the other parallel worlds that we've seen: Axis Amerika, Hydra Homeworld, the Praetorian worlds, etc.

There won't be Rikti ATs before Villains get their EATs.



I think it's very possible that a portal that connects two dimensions together could connect one at 2007 to the other at 2107 or beyond.

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Time could be moving relatively slower or faster on any given parallel Earth as compared to Earth Prime ('our' Paragon City Earth)

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A couple of things:

1) We keep talking about the "Rikti homeworld" as a parallel Earth. Why can't it be the same Earth, just different times. We're still talking seriously about time-travel, right? Maybe the Rikti believe that something done in our time will permanently unmake theirs. That would mean they are the ones messing with what has been.

2) Assuming my above statements are correct, Rikti AT's anyone?

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We figure it's a parallel world because of all the other parallel worlds that we've seen: Axis Amerika, Hydra Homeworld, the Praetorian worlds, etc.

There won't be Rikti ATs before Villains get their EATs.

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What if Rikti AT's ARE EAT's?

Sign It :




I wonder if the revelation that it was an invasion from Praetorian Earth, not OUR Earth as they had previously believed, that the Rikti were initially responding to in the 1st Rikti Invasion.

Can't remember which RWZ mish that was revealed in--Pretty sure it was after you beat an EB




I think it's very possible that a portal that connects two dimensions together could connect one at 2007 to the other at 2107 or beyond.

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Time could be moving relatively slower or faster on any given parallel Earth as compared to Earth Prime ('our' Paragon City Earth)

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A couple of things:

1) We keep talking about the "Rikti homeworld" as a parallel Earth. Why can't it be the same Earth, just different times. We're still talking seriously about time-travel, right? Maybe the Rikti believe that something done in our time will permanently unmake theirs. That would mean they are the ones messing with what has been.

2) Assuming my above statements are correct, Rikti AT's anyone?

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We figure it's a parallel world because of all the other parallel worlds that we've seen: Axis Amerika, Hydra Homeworld, the Praetorian worlds, etc.

There won't be Rikti ATs before Villains get their EATs.

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What if Rikti AT's ARE EAT's?

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Possible. Very possible.

But not probable.

Given what has been stated about the difficulty in making an Epic AT (powers, animations, storylines, contacts, etc), it is much more likely that Warshades and Peacebringers will be ported over as Nicti and Hatebringers since all that would have to be done is probably change a few powers, put in the contacts and write the storylines. As compared to building an entire AT from scratch.