Paragon Times: Outbreak Plague Rampant for 4 Years




Okay, forgive me if this has been said, but an idea just hit me:

If there's a parallel earth where outbreak was never contained, might there not be other parallel earths where other major game events never happened?

Like, say, the rise of the council?

Might we be getting access to a world where the 5th column never went away?

(Okay, I know it's a stretch, but still, it's not as crazy as some of the other stuff I've come up with...)



Okay, forgive me if this has been said, but an idea just hit me:

If there's a parallel earth where outbreak was never contained, might there not be other parallel earths where other major game events never happened?

Like, say, the rise of the council?

Might we be getting access to a world where the 5th column never went away?

(Okay, I know it's a stretch, but still, it's not as crazy as some of the other stuff I've come up with...)

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If we could get duplicate 'worlds' that include all the zones (altered to fit the theme), rather than just the small instanced zones of 'different worlds'...

Well...that would be AWESOME! To the MAX even.



Or, in this world, the plague. All I'm suggesting is that the phenomenon of a homeless army called 'the Lost' could happen without the Rikti.

If the Rikti war had not happened in the timeline depicted, it would have been explicitly mentioned, not implied. It certainly wouldn't have been "implied" by mentioning a faction that is a creation of the Rikti only to claim somewhere down the line that the Lost aren't really the Lost. That would be pretty terrible writing, don't you think? If I had ever done anything like that to my players, they'd have reached over the table and wench-slapped me, and I'd have deserved it.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



I11: The Isolator badge. That's all you get.



I11: lol, 5th cawlum plz, bai



The war walls are clearly visible in at least 2 of the 3 pictures showing Contaminated (and probably even all 3, but it's a little hard to tell in the biggest picture at the top of the first page). War walls come directly from Rikti technology in "our" reality. To say that they're there in the "altered" reality by some other means is just needlessly stretching things.

There's no reason to think that the Rikti invasion didn't happen in the altered reality. You can't absolutely say it did until we know more, of course, but there's nothing in this strange little newspaper piece that would imply it didn't (and in fact, the appearance of the war walls in the pictures can only logically mean that it *did*).



i skipped a few pages but has anyone mentioned the villain side to this? the fact that recluse was reported to possibly be seen AT the zig? doing what? Could Lord Recluse have gone back in time and stop you from escaping prison? Conspiracy alignment with longbow and arachnos to keep you from escaping? to keep you from being the "destined one"? to keep you from going into the future and defeating him? (as done on the last mission of every patron arc). We know there is time travel devices in the hands of arachnos and Lord Recluse has acess to them at all time

Funeral Thirst lvl50 claws/SR stalker
Blood of the Blade lvl50 katana/regen scrapper
Stone of the Earth lvl50 stone/stone tank
Catalepsy lvl50 SS/Invul Brute
Despised-Icon lvl50 dark/dark defender
Hope Conspiracy lvl28 Ice/Kin Corruptor



i skipped a few pages but has anyone mentioned the villain side to this? the fact that recluse was reported to possibly be seen AT the zig? doing what? Could Lord Recluse have gone back in time and stop you from escaping prison? Conspiracy alignment with longbow and arachnos to keep you from escaping? to keep you from being the "destined one"? to keep you from going into the future and defeating him? (as done on the last mission of every patron arc). We know there is time travel devices in the hands of arachnos and Lord Recluse has access to them at all time

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I think if he's been trying to break open the Zig for almost two years now with no success it's time to bring the heavy artillery. Namely, his own Incarnate self.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



So many theories... *Drools*

Now I have the urge to play City of Heroes/Villains to learn as much of these story arcs as possible... (I also haven't done any of the Faultline Arcs, due to focusing on one character for so long...)

Alas, I'm stuck at work 'till tomorrow.



Another thing to consider. Yes there are speculations of Nemesis and 5th Column. However didn't the devs promise us a new villain group to fight? I think they were called Battalion. I read that in an article somewhere months ago.

[/ QUOTE ]I'm still reading this, but "Battalion" was an 'alien force' that the Lineage of War helped the rikti fight about 100 years ago (according to the clue I just read right before reading your comment...)

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



... the fact that recluse was reported to possibly be seen AT the zig? doing what? Could Lord Recluse have gone back in time and stop you from escaping prison?

[/ QUOTE ]

If i remember the first days of the break-out correctly, we actually saw all of the Main Villains at the Zig helping us escape. So that's probably what is being referred to by seeing Recluse there.

This thing I've yet to hear mentioned is the fact that Time-travel technology already exist in the COH/V. If you look at Recluse's Victory, it's a temporal loop of the future. So between that technology and the Photometachron (however you spell that thing), we could see a full time-travel story in the works. Be it they removed "you" from the picture, or even just changed one small event which caused "you" to have a whole new world to deal with. (Thinking FBZ type, but streching to include re-done Paragon zones)



If they drag preatorians into this as people are speculating. i would FINALLY like to see preatorians to Lord Recluse, Mako, Ghost Widow, scirroco, and black scorp.

Funeral Thirst lvl50 claws/SR stalker
Blood of the Blade lvl50 katana/regen scrapper
Stone of the Earth lvl50 stone/stone tank
Catalepsy lvl50 SS/Invul Brute
Despised-Icon lvl50 dark/dark defender
Hope Conspiracy lvl28 Ice/Kin Corruptor



Another thing to consider. Yes there are speculations of Nemesis and 5th Column. However didn't the devs promise us a new villain group to fight? I think they were called Battalion. I read that in an article somewhere months ago.

[/ QUOTE ]I'm still reading this, but "Battalion" was an 'alien force' that the Lineage of War helped the rikti fight about 100 years ago (according to the clue I just read right before reading your comment...)

[/ QUOTE ]

Indeed but Im going by what the Devs said they wanted to add to the game. :P

@Mr Mirage

Become more, become Eternal.



OK I hope you people are happy with yourselves.. I'm sure all of this is giving A.S. one joygasm of a sendoff..

My wife is a writer, I mentioned this whole thing to her, and her response was as follows.

We writers love that stuff. Having readers obsessing over every detail and possible intrepetation of the trail of breadcrumbs we've left them.. watching them swallow the red herrings hook line and sinker, seeing them go off on half baked lines of reasoning that make a conspiracy theorist seem entirely rational? that stuff? IT'S LIKE CRACK FOR WRITERS when your readers do that!



I find it odd how Blue Steel is concerned for the well-being of the Rogue Isles. I mean, sure, there's innocent people there... but something just seems... off.

See, he was talking about the Contaminated "disappearing". Which is a whole new bag of worms.

I think this may be a news paper from an alternate reality; it wouldn't impact -our- universe until/unless we choose to go in and do something about it. Our first clue as to the existence of this reality? "Contaminated" appearing in out of nowhere. Go to Portal Corp, do some dimensional scanning, then go back to that new universe, complete with every city zone to re-explore, and help them fight this thing off.

Of course, maybe doing this means you can't get back until a certain requirement is met. Perhaps you're Exemp'd and have to re-play all over again? (hopefully the road to 50/back to Paragon PRIME is faster).

Not as cool sounding as anything happening to OUR reality, but i think more plausible from a programing and storyline handling standpoint.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I still say that I-11 will have a "Breakout " event added to Brickstown.. (yeah so Ole ShoNuff maybe crazy for thinkin that but hey sometimes prophets are called crazy too )



If the Rikti war had not happened in the timeline depicted, it would have been explicitly mentioned, not implied.

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Things that didn't happen in a given reality don't tend to get mentioned in newspapers. I've not seen a single newspaper mention the Great Scimitar-Wielding Haddock Assault of 1993, because it didn't actually happen.

That said, it's only speculation, and I think we can draw a line under that particular flight of fancy.



Well, ones things for sure. The tutorials are getting a revamp. Which is good, as there is one cop in breakout who has been beaten solidly... almost non stop... for almost 3 years.

That one cop alone will be thankful for any ret-con.

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If the Rikti war had not happened in the timeline depicted, it would have been explicitly mentioned, not implied.

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Things that didn't happen in a given reality don't tend to get mentioned in newspapers.

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True. But not mentioning an event doesn't mean it didn't happen either. There's nothing in the article to even suggest the Rikti invasion didn't happen, and the presence of the war walls in the pictures accompanying the article would strongly imply that it *did* happen.



Hah! I got it! They are raising the level cap to 60, all new contacts and missions in this alternate Paragon City. They did say more to do for level 50's....

Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!



Things that didn't happen in a given reality don't tend to get mentioned in newspapers.

They do get mentioned in alternate-timeline/"what if" works, if it is somehow relevant to the changed state of affairs that the event did not occur. Leaving out important details is not according to Hoyle.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Occam's razor should be invoked here. There's no need to start imagining entire new histories for the alternate reality. Unless we're shown evidence to the contrary, history up to the point of the outbreak can be presumed to be identical.

I don't think that Dr. Miller can be the lynchpin in this case. There's no direct tie between him and the events of Breakout. The article makes it clear that Jenkins is the key figure in the failure of the breakout attempt. All of the events happen normally except that Jenkins is not rescued. I don't see any way to tie that into the plague without a lot of hand-waving. (Although I'm beginning to wonder how Jenkins could have "sung" without having been captured and interrogated before the breakout attempt was even made...)

The missing factor is the player herself. Something prevents the player from fulfilling his destiny.

The question is whether this is a time travel story or an alternate universe story. Are we supposed to undo the damage to the time stream or are we supposed to inspire our alternate selves to take up the mantle of Hero or Villain and set things back onto the "proper" path?



I've not seen a single newspaper mention the Great Scimitar-Wielding Haddock Assault of 1993, because it didn't actually happen.

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It did happen, but the government doesn't want you to know about it. Of course, now that you've brought it up ... they're coming for you.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



OK I hope you people are happy with yourselves.. I'm sure all of this is giving A.S. one joygasm of a sendoff..

My wife is a writer, I mentioned this whole thing to her, and her response was as follows.

We writers love that stuff. Having readers obsessing over every detail and possible intrepetation of the trail of breadcrumbs we've left them.. watching them swallow the red herrings hook line and sinker, seeing them go off on half baked lines of reasoning that make a conspiracy theorist seem entirely rational? that stuff? IT'S LIKE CRACK FOR WRITERS when your readers do that!

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Yes Trinculo, and we are the Crack Dealers!

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