Paragon Times: Outbreak Plague Rampant for 4 Years




So, in the world described by the newspaper article, there is no evidence of a Rikti invasion. I see the attraction to Nemesis as an instigator there, but... let's see.... is there a group in the game that is dedicated to the eradication of the Rikti threat? Why yes!

So, couldn't this be the result of a radical Vanguard experiment to change time by somehow preventing the Rikti invasion (and the resulting world which is arguably worse off?). Kind of like the stories where the time-travelling protagonist assassinates Hitler before his rise to power, and returns to the present to find out that rabid mutated racoons now rule the planet or something.

What all this means to actual game-play, I haven't a clue - I like a lot of what's been mentioned in the 15 pages hence, though!



Carnies do, they mention it in one of the arcs, I think its the PI Carnie contact, Harvey Maylor that has them as the enemy of the Rikti.

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



I think it's very possible that a portal that connects two dimensions together could connect one at 2007 to the other at 2107 or beyond.

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Time could be moving relatively slower or faster on any given parallel Earth as compared to Earth Prime ('our' Paragon City Earth)

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A couple of things:

1) We keep talking about the "Rikti homeworld" as a parallel Earth. Why can't it be the same Earth, just different times. We're still talking seriously about time-travel, right? Maybe the Rikti believe that something done in our time will permanently unmake theirs. That would mean they are the ones messing with what has been.

2) Assuming my above statements are correct, Rikti AT's anyone?

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We figure it's a parallel world because of all the other parallel worlds that we've seen: Axis Amerika, Hydra Homeworld, the Praetorian worlds, etc.

There won't be Rikti ATs before Villains get their EATs.

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What if Rikti AT's ARE EAT's?

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Possible. Very possible.

But not probable.

Given what has been stated about the difficulty in making an Epic AT (powers, animations, storylines, contacts, etc), it is much more likely that Warshades and Peacebringers will be ported over as Nicti and Hatebringers since all that would have to be done is probably change a few powers, put in the contacts and write the storylines. As compared to building an entire AT from scratch.

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It is not like they built the Hero EATs from scratch either. EATs should have been all totally new and not a bunch of recopied recolored powers from other sets. They dont offer anything else to the team that the other 5 Hero ATs dont already do.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!




The Nemesis theories are also VERY interesting, and here's another thought: Anyone think the newspaper mistakes seem too obvious? Think it's a possible code?

So far, we have the mistake with WINDOW - WIDOW = N.
Also: VIGILANTE when it should be VIGILANT = E
The only other mistakes I found are run together words: "ZonesSome" and "theyare". Perhaps they are just typos after all, but hiding a code like this is one of the oldest tricks in the book. If I had more time, I'd check all the contact names for mistakes!

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Thought of that. Unfortunately, check now, and the newspaper article has been corrected, the typos aren't there anymore. I suspect the typos were just that, quote Freud, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar




The Nemesis theories are also VERY interesting, and here's another thought: Anyone think the newspaper mistakes seem too obvious? Think it's a possible code?

So far, we have the mistake with WINDOW - WIDOW = N.
Also: VIGILANTE when it should be VIGILANT = E
The only other mistakes I found are run together words: "ZonesSome" and "theyare". Perhaps they are just typos after all, but hiding a code like this is one of the oldest tricks in the book. If I had more time, I'd check all the contact names for mistakes!

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Thought of that. Unfortunately, check now, and the newspaper article has been corrected, the typos aren't there anymore. I suspect the typos were just that, quote Freud, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

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Yeah, I'm more apt to believe the typos are because it was AS's last day on the job, and what were they gonna do, fire him and make him leave an hour earlier?

Of corse, I alsso believe Oswaldd was acting alonee.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



New "Break out of the Zig" SF? Gogo?



The Rikti didn't create homeless people. The mutated Lost are obviously Rikti-influenced, but the rag-tag sewer dwellers aren't mutated yet.

The Rikti created the Lost. Please consult the Lost background page...there was no "homeless sewer people gang problem" until after the war.

I'm not doubting you, but how do we 'know for certain'?

Because events couldn't take place the way that they do in the various Rikti arcs if time wasn't moving at the same rate on each world.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



It mentions the Lost. The Lost only exist because they are created by Rikti stranded on Primal Earth after the first war.

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The Rikti didn't create homeless people. The mutated Lost are obviously Rikti-influenced, but the rag-tag sewer dwellers aren't mutated yet.

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they didn't create homeless people but they are responsible for the Lost. They aren't just mutating themselves down there.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



I'm laughing at this whole thread. Seriously.

I do not doubt that most, if not all, of the above speculation is wrong. Time will tell.

Also, I am suprised that no one has mentioned Dr. Aeon (the mad scientist that time travels) or Dr. Creed yet.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



It mentions the Lost. The Lost only exist because they are created by Rikti stranded on Primal Earth after the first war.

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The Rikti didn't create homeless people. The mutated Lost are obviously Rikti-influenced, but the rag-tag sewer dwellers aren't mutated yet.

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they didn't create homeless people but they are responsible for the Lost. They aren't just mutating themselves down there.

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Um...they sorta of indirectly created homeless people in paragon city. All the destruction that happened during the war obviously destroyed homes and businesses so therefore it would create homeless people in that process. It is not like they public assistance programs like we have in real life to handle big disasters like this.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



It is not like they public assistance programs like we have in real life to handle big disasters like this.

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Why wouldn't they?

Phantom Rose: Ill / Kin / Psi
Soleau: Ice / Icy / Ice / Core: Ice / Fire / Pyre / Wind / Eclipse / Flare / Corona
Solo Space



The Rikti created the Lost. Please consult the Lost background page...there was no "homeless sewer people gang problem" until after the war.

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Or, in this world, the plague. All I'm suggesting is that the phenomenon of a homeless army called 'the Lost' could happen without the Rikti. Call it memetic resonance if you like.

Because events couldn't take place the way that they do in the various Rikti arcs if time wasn't moving at the same rate on each world.

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I don't remember saying anything about the rate at which time moves. All that's required is for the worlds to be out of synch, each moving at the same pace, but one several hundred years ahead of the other.

And I did say this was a far-out theory to start with.



I'm laughing at this whole thread. Seriously.

I do not doubt that most, if not all, of the above speculation is wrong. Time will tell.

Also, I am suprised that no one has mentioned Dr. Aeon (the mad scientist that time travels) or Dr. Creed yet.

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Well, I did ask, "What if Recluse went back in time and killed Nemesis?" Aeon would be in that storyline.



You know? After all that discussion on everything, I almost want to go back and revise my last post from an "Accident" to the second theory I had, the

Crisis on Infinite Servers idea...

Bear with me on this one, it's gonna get creepy.

So each Server is technically a different Earth right? Earths that technically have similar histories, similar enough to allow peaceful contact (ala Global Chat). What would happen if one of the "Earths" is effected the way the article stated, but the others remained unawares. All of a sudden, people are going to log into say "Pinnicle Earth" and find that it's over-run by Outbreak patients. Chatting with the friends they've made in the "other universes" they find out that it hasn't happened there yet.

Suddenly, they receive a cryptic message begging them to come to Portal Corp (despite the level of the character) They get there only to see it under seige from "rolling difficulty" outbreak patients, but it looks different from everywhere else, it looks pristene except for the battle scars from the current battle.

Battling your way inside, you find that for some reason, Portal Corp was spared the change and they have a way to get the universe back the way it was. The solution, you have to bodyslide to one of the other universes and find certain elements that they have that are not present in this one. Simple little things that you would never have noticed unless shoved in your face like this.

They reason I say this? They want to test out the Character Transfer and Rename thing right? What better way to do it, then make it free for a little while, and make it so that it's nesseccary to complete a set of storylines. It starts on one server, but slowly the catastrophe spreads to the other servers as Heroes unwittingly bring the plague from Universe Zero to the new universes.

Eventually it becomes in the hands of the Lvl50s Why? Because they have the most dynamic storylines. There is a way to cure the entire population, but they must take part in a massive GM raid on the perpetrator of the initial timeslip. So a massive group of level 50s has to travel back in time to fight this massive thing. They beat the massive thing, but realize that there is still something wrong. No Rikti, but there ARE Lost. In the final act of the arc, they have to travel to the Rikti Homeworld, and in Nemesis gear, spurn the Rikti to attack Earth for the first time.

SO in truth, it's the Heroes who caused the first Rikti and Second Rikti invasions, to save the entire world from Outbreak and it's devistating effect on the initial earth, setting right the world...

Far fetched? Maybe, but wouldn't it be FUN?



Didn't the article mention that the virus/drug was stolen from the Crey? Did this happen in our version of events too?

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Yes, it did. Outbreak was stolen from Crey Industries, but was rumored to be "Rikti mutagens."

We should also keep in mind that it's been stated that issue 10 was the beginning of a multiple-issue storyline, so there are undoubtedly seeds planted in issue 10 that will shed light on issue 11 (like the Nemesis/Rikti connection, maybe?)...

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So there is some wiggle room! It could be a Riktim utagen in one timeline, a purely Crey invention in another (that is, if we assume the Rikti aren't a big problem in this alternate reality/timeline).

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I don't get why some people are saying the Rikti invasion didn't happen in this other reality. Outbreak *was* stolen by Crey in "our" reality, just like it was in the one that the Paragon Times is reporting about. That doesn't stop it from being Rikti mutagens like it was in "our" reality.

The fact that the articles don't mention the Rikti invasion isn't surprising in the least. Real-world newspaper articles dealing with major events don't take the time to list every other major event that occurred in the years leading up to them...



It mentions the Lost. The Lost only exist because they are created by Rikti stranded on Primal Earth after the first war.

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The Rikti didn't create homeless people. The mutated Lost are obviously Rikti-influenced, but the rag-tag sewer dwellers aren't mutated yet.

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they didn't create homeless people but they are responsible for the Lost. They aren't just mutating themselves down there.

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Do what Guilianni dod, secretly have all of the Homeless murdered.

High Beam - 50 Blaster Energy/Ice - 1228 Badges
Munitions Mistress - 50 Mercs/Traps
Many Other 50's, Too Many Alts, All On Freedom
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should!



It's generally not in my nature to speculate or get involved in the rumor mill, but I'm super-bored at work.

I spent about 30 mins looking through paragonwiki and the COH backstory and I've come to the conclusion that the impetus for the bizzaro universe outbreak plague probably starts a lot earlier than the Rikti war, and certainly doesn't preclude the existance of the first Rikti war.

The first Rikti war started in 2002-five years ago-and ended the same year with Omega team...yada..yada...yada... When the war ended, Crey got a hold of some Rikti weaponry that was eventually confiscated by Vanguard. According to the pre-bizzaro Outbreak contaminated villian background, "street thugs" (which could have been the Skulls) high-jacked Crey facilities and found the outbreak drug. This is all consistent with the bizarro paper article. What is different, however, (aside from the pandemic) is 1) the death of Dr. Miller and 2) the capture of operative Jenkins. Of course, both these events can be explained logically...the non-existance of either common Heroes or Villians (i.e. the player). As such, I looked at the COH background to a possible cause for this pre-condition. As it turns out, both have a common cause--Nemesis.

At the end of World-War II, Nemesis attacked Washington, D.C. This event was the impetus for the 2nd Citizen's Crime Fighting Act, which was the pre-cursor for the Might for Right Act. For all of you that read your plaques. This is the legislation that makes vigilantism (what we do Heroside) a legal enterprise. Before this legislation, only government sanctioned groups (i.e. Freedom Phalanx) could fight crime. The Nemesis invasion is also what allowed for the proliferation of super-powered criminals, by way of example. Quote: "Although Nemesis lost, he had done great damage and, more significantly, ushered in a new era for super powered heroes the world over and in Paragon City particularly. With the defeat of the Axis powers, the disappearance of the Fifth Column, and the crippling blows organized crime had received before the war, Paragon City had suddenly become a remarkably safe place to live. But villainy abhors a vacuum, and Nemesis had shown the way. A single individual with extraordinary powers, evil ambitions, and enough loyal minions could challenge a whole nation. Yes, Nemesis had failed, but there were more than a few willing to step up to the plate and show him where he'd gone wrong. The age of the super villain had begun."

Where I'm going with this is that if Nemesis had not attacked the capital after WWII, neither COH or COV would exist as we know it. If there were no heroes to assist Dr. Miller and help contain Outbreak, he might have died and the plague might have spread. Also, without Nemesis to show the world that one villian could rise to power, no villians would exist to rescue Jenkins before he could squeal to long-bow.

I bet I:11 will be about Nemesis and the possible mechanisms that might have prevented him from invading the capital. This could have come down to something as small as poor-planning on his part or a lone unsanctioned hero impeding a critical step of his plan. OR it could have been something much WWII never happening. If the Heroes hadn't been occupied with defending Great Britain, Nemesis might never had the opportunity to invade the capital. Given that the Devs have mentioned the 5th column, the later possibilty or something else having to do with messing up the events surrounding WWII would be a nice platform to reintroduce them as a villian group.

The I:11 wallpaper suggests that whatever the Devs are doing probably involves time and repetition (the beginning is the end, is the beginning, etc.). Whatever happens in the next issue, we can be sure of one thing...we'll end up exactly where we are right now, but whatever it is that we have to face-no matter how wierd or disjointed-will be a necessary step toward the future, even if we have to go back to the past to get there.




Issue 11: Groundhog Day

=^..^=. o O (Nothing to see. Just a cat.)
(_ _)~
*Recipient of a Sentai Sage thumbs up of approval.



Issue 11: The Future is Yesterday



I hope the Golden Roller contact is replaced with a tricked out Delorean. The souveneir for finishing his arc would be a "Flux Capacitor".

Biff could be an EB...



Wow, are my theories that bad that they are completley ignored? /em sob



I hope the Golden Roller contact is replaced with a tricked out Delorean. The souveneir for finishing his arc would be a "Flux Capacitor".

Biff could be an EB...

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Full. Of. Win.

Sign It :



I ignored yours because I like mine better's mine.

I do like your last idea, but I really think Nemesis will play a bigger role. Prolly the Praetorians too, given that they're the ones that started the first Rikti war (I'm sure Nemesis had something to do with that too).



I hope the Golden Roller contact is replaced with a tricked out Delorean. The souveneir for finishing his arc would be a "Flux Capacitor".

Biff could be an EB...

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Full. Of. Win.

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Biff IS an EB. He's the lead Arachnoid you face in Dobb's arc.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.