Paragon Times: Outbreak Plague Rampant for 4 Years




Oh, this is clever. This is so so clever.

That reference to the 'widow of Doctor Greg Miller'? Well, Dr. Miller is the second person you talk to in the Outbreak mission. He's the one who sends you off on the rest of the missions.

This whole paper story is about how different history would be if one single detail was changed. Remove Greg Miller, and the Outbreak Plague is still raging after four years, because WE haven't been containing it. In this alternate history, the heroes haven't been able to do the Outbreak mission, so the plague has been rampant.

The whole flow of history works out differently because of that ONE detail - whether Greg Miller lives or dies.

It's all very Ubelmann.

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Nicely reasoned.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



They is dead.

As part of our continued coverage of the history of the Outbreak plague, the Times would like to remember this year’s fallen.

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"Users of Outbreak experience a feeling of invincibility and a boost in physical strength, but there is also a corresponding increase in violent tendencies and aggression. A single dose causes physical addiction and will cause a rapid and unstoppable mental degradation resulting in clinical insanity. Doctors have been unable to reverse the loss of memory and personality associated with Outbreak madness."

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definately dead, fallen used in this way has always meant the person in question is dead.

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...many of the infected are not technically dead...

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So they're not dead, but they are...

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Run!! Its a Katie Hannon Zombie!!




<Edit> Nm. Wrong idea.




Those are all the in-game names I spotted. Anyone else see any?

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Dr. Quarterfield is not on the list ... thus proving that I cannot shape reality with my mind alone.

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I think this proves that a 12 hour task force will even deter a virus.

(If Johnny Velocity were removed from reality, it would affect Quarterfield not at all!)



Very interesting indeed...I don't believe they're killing the game off. The fact that both training room contacts are gone just ties it all together. I definantly suspect some sort of time traveling from some group, but who? Personally, I don't think Nemesis would be stupid enough to mess with time, Knives of Artimis are just mercenaries, and any other group I can't think of who would be smart/dumb enough to mess with something as complex as time. Except...

Circle of Thorns. Think about it, crazy/psychotic cultists who aim to become "all powerful", mess with the timeline to kill of millions...maybe I'm the only one who sees this .



Circle of Thorns. Think about it, crazy/psychotic cultists who aim to become "all powerful", mess with the timeline to kill of millions...maybe I'm the only one who sees this .

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Said this in the other thread. Two words. Diviner Maros.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Well, this has to be one of the most teaseriffic teasers Arctic has given us.

Oh, and a big thumbs-up to Arctic on Warden McGoohan. That was the cherry on the sundae.

In any case, Warcabbit is correct. This is what a world without "you" looks like. It's a world in which Patient Zero infects the city. The Wheel of Destruction is assembled. The Faultline Dam is blown. Ubelmann succeeds. The fortune teller dies. The Troll Task Force fails. The MegaMech is launched. Sister Psyche does NOT separate from Aurora Borealis.

Thanks to the repetitive nature of the game mechanics, the players tend to lose sight of the fact that, from the perspective of the people of Paragon City, each of these story events happens only once. Ernesto Hess doesn't send his task force twenty times a day. He sends it once and YOUR HERO is the one who stops the Mega Mech. The story of Paragon City is YOUR story.

This is what happens when your story is terminated at chapter one.

I REALLY want to know who that Orouboros insignia belongs to.

I forsee a lot of old vet characters getting their isolator badges...



Thinking beyond the story archs'

Could this be the chance to go server-less?
Remove contacts to make new ones?

I am really enjoying the thought process your all putting into this.
Some good reads.

Issue 11 logo is an infinite loop. Never ending.



And after checking, it isn't close to all of the contacts, but a very large group of them.

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Paco Sanchez lives!!

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They didn't get Azuria either.

...not sure how to feel about that.



And looking at TayJK's list, we can see a lot of things that further back up Warcabbit's theory. Just look at how many of those are hostages you rescue in a mission. If our characters never existed, those people never would've been rescued. Even Katie Hannon fits into this as you have to free her soul in her TF. Of course, I'm doubting all of these people died from the Outbreak plague, but the side articles doesn't necessarily say that that is the case.

However, one thing throws a wrench in this theory: Statesman. How is he free to deliver a remembrance speech during the vigil if I was never around to rescue him from Tyrant?



Ya know what this is? People have often complained that they don’t feel heroic enough. The Devs, in addition to giving us content, are doing pulling a “It’s a Wonderful Life” and showing us just how heroic/villainous our characters are and everything they’ve accomplished.


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Will our story arc souvenirs be rose petals?

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Very interesting indeed...I don't believe they're killing the game off. The fact that both training room contacts are gone just ties it all together. I definantly suspect some sort of time traveling from some group, but who? Personally, I don't think Nemesis would be stupid enough to mess with time, Knives of Artimis are just mercenaries, and any other group I can't think of who would be smart/dumb enough to mess with something as complex as time. Except...

Circle of Thorns. Think about it, crazy/psychotic cultists who aim to become "all powerful", mess with the timeline to kill of millions...maybe I'm the only one who sees this .

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Naw, its Nemesis. Stupid has nothing to do with it.. in his mind, he is truly infallible and thus he can't possibly screw up no matter how convoluted his plots are. So, if he thinks he can achieve victory by messing with time, you bet your rear he will do just that.

Alternately, it could be Dr Aeon making his own play to rewrite history. After all, he's heavily involved with time travel already, and it could be that he wants to take some extra steps to ensure that the future he has seen never has a chance to come to pass.. with or without you.

Or maybe Requiem is tired of playing second fiddle to some ancient Italian man in a funny hat, and decided to bring the 5th back with style

I don't really see the Circle being behind it though. Despite being tied with the Council as the most ubiquitous enemy group in the game, they just don't have a stand-out personality to mastermind a plot so devious that it undoes CoX's entire history in one fell swoop. They're just generic magic evildoers with a well-plotted backstory. For an event this big, there's gotta be one primary villain behind it all, and its not going to be someone the devs just created out of whole cloth.



If the latest speculation is true, the group-RP logistics are going to be hilarious to a Superboy Prime Causality Punch degree. XD

DJs for The Cape Radio

Makes videos & podcasts about reviewing toys, covering conventions, and more at



However, one thing throws a wrench in this theory: Statesman. How is he free to deliver a remembrance speech during the vigil if I was never around to rescue him from Tyrant?

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If this is truly another dimension/reality, it could be reasoned that Tyrant only kidnapped the Statesman from our reality. Our reality is 1, this new one is A, and Tyrant's is 2B. Tyrant only crosses over to 1, not A.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Just to through the first page... lots of people speculating... the one thing I haven't heard IRT no one escaped the Zig... is politicians doing the "cover-up" stuff.
Could just be a lie... obviously a bunch of villains got out... but "that is news the public couldn't handle" or something like that. So... it doesn't have to mean any change to the current story.
Dead contacts part? Umm... I got nothing... other than... ;shrug

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



I REALLY want to know who that Orouboros insignia belongs to.

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I don’t think that it belongs to anyone in particular. I think it symbolizes that rejuvenation and new beginning. The concept of Issue 11.



So... what about those people who skip the tutorials.....

Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!



So... what about those people who skip the tutorials.....

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They obviously don't matter.



So... what about those people who skip the tutorials.....

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Oh, they actually *do* the missions. They just phone it in.



Very interesting indeed...I don't believe they're killing the game off. The fact that both training room contacts are gone just ties it all together. I definantly suspect some sort of time traveling from some group, but who? Personally, I don't think Nemesis would be stupid enough to mess with time, Knives of Artimis are just mercenaries, and any other group I can't think of who would be smart/dumb enough to mess with something as complex as time. Except...

Circle of Thorns. Think about it, crazy/psychotic cultists who aim to become "all powerful", mess with the timeline to kill of millions...maybe I'm the only one who sees this .

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Nemesis would do it.

Think about the "dead".

Who's on the list.

Arnold Decker... hmm. A wrench in his engine.

Captain Sherman. A massive wrench in his engine.

And what do you know, you apparently never:

1) Stopped the plague.

2) Broke out of jail.

Which means his mass-produced Fake Nemesis begins to be produced. Which means his dreams to become "eternal" (funny how we have the Eternal Nemesis and an Ourobous twisted into a brass infinity symbol) will never have been stopped (though, then again, we truly didn't. The news about his involvement in the Rikti War would never have made the papers. The Traditionalist Peace Treaty would never have been signed. Rikti Magi would've been able to open a portal far earlier. The Devouring Earth could've et all the lawyers they wanted. Katie would've never been saved from the Red Caps, and all magical life would've been annihilated by the Cabal spell. Sara Moore would've never sent you to stop Nemesis from making a pact with Ruladak (funny how she's now dead).

I'm reminded of a single loose thread on a tapestry. It may just be a random string, but it could also unravel the entire fabric of the cloth, merely by tugging on it.

And it sounds, to me, like Nemesis is really, really pissed.



This is really doom.



Ya know the best part? People are reading sooooo deeply into it

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yeah! And to think all this happened because Superboy punched a wall!

Meet my characters: Marqaha's Managerie
Adversity/Animosity: Strength through Diversity. Respect and Fun.



Don't forget Maxwell Christopher.

Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!



Nemesis would do it.

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Yeah, but consider the other evidence.

1. The Fifth Column have the longest history of any group in the game of messing around with changing time. Case in point, Ubelmann the Unknown.

2. Reichsmann is from an alternate world where history took a different path.

3. That Ouroboros symbol looks very Nordic.

My guess is that they're bringing back the 'Ubelmann Portal' (which was originally going to be the gate by which you entered Recluse's Victory) both as part of the unfolding storyline and as a means for level 50s to revisit their own personal past, and replay old mission content. Like Flashback, but literal time travel, so you can go back and save that hostage who died under your protection. That sort of thing.



Alternately, it could be Dr Aeon making his own play to rewrite history. After all, he's heavily involved with time travel already, and it could be that he wants to take some extra steps to ensure that the future he has seen never has a chance to come to pass.. with or without you.

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The way I understand it is like this; Dr Aeon comes from the future to assassinate our villains. He's stopped by Echo in the conversation we interrupt in our teens. (Echo is talking to Aeon of the future, not the one of today, Echo is from further along the time stream) Now what he tells Aeon? to do, aside from not killing the players is open to suggestion as they BOTH time hop out of there after the fight.

Or maybe Requiem is tired of playing second fiddle to some ancient Italian man in a funny hat, and decided to bring the 5th back with style

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Nope. Already confirmed that the Return of the 5th will be led by Reichman, not Requiem.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.