46 -
He kept blasting the Clockwork ambushes while four of us were pounding on the construction site, but he was having so much fun none of us had the heart to tell him he was supposed to be shooting the boring pile of scrap metal in the center.
[/ QUOTE ]If you never defeat the Clockwork ambushes, you can pound on the construction site all you want and you'll never get the badge. He was doing the right thing. Who's the newb?
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um, you? You can completely ignore all the clockwork and still get the badge. In fact, a high enough character can solo the construct with single-target attacks only, hit absolutely nothing else, and get the badge.
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Right. You don't even need to destroy the construct, just delay its completion long enough for the event timer to end. A lvl 50 with a good -regen can solo it just by keeping the debuff up and smacking it once every 30 seconds or so, as long as its health never reaches full. -
It probably didn't cause your error, but there's a rare bug with small maps like the banks. If you have multiple ambushes/bosses set to spawn off a trigger, they don't always appear. There's a very limited number of spawn points in those maps. If you have one set to spawn in a particular location (say, at the back), and another set to spawn "any", the one without a fixed location will occasionally occupy the position the set spawn was supposed to take. This results in the preset ambush/boss not spawning.
I've never seen this cause a mission to not publish, though. In the rare times this bug occurs, you can run the mission just fine, but it might not be completable. -
Even the labels don't necessarily mean anything. The version of Adamastor that you find inside missions? He's labeled an Archvillian, but he's actually a Monster. A single controller can perma-hold him.
...with Illusion/Rad being pretty much the only set proven to be able to solo every single GM in the game.
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I keep hearing this but never seen any actual proof. I've yet to see an ill/rad who can solo the Kronos Titan or a DE Monster (bonus points if no temps/insps are used)
Not saying it can't be done, just saying I want to see screenies or a video
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Sadly I don't have video, but I've done both on my Ill/Rad, and she isn't even fully tricked out. No perma-PA, for instance. With no insps/temps, we're talking about a long, boring 30 minute fight, but it is possible. -
You're not supposed to fight them. You're stealing something and just tripped the security systems. Grab the stuff and run.
Good lawd! I need to get back to farming regular content most immediately
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Yep. Redside, the Apoc triple has gone from 100M to 150M in the past two weeks. Really wish I had a few laying around. -
Procs do stack in everything. But, mathmatically speaking, the effect is not consistant (20% + 20% = 40%), rather it is subject to a sort of diminishing returns.
I don't remember the exact formula, but I think 20% + 20% = 32% or something like that. Adding a third 20% sees an even smaller percentile chance that at least one will fire off. The chance that multiple will fire off remains a static 20% I believe (with the exception of purples).
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You've got that quite wrong. The chances that each proc will trigger is mathematically independent. Assuming for simplicity that each proc has a 20% chance to go off, two procs gives a 0.2 x 0.2 = 4% chance for both to trigger and a 2 x (0.2 x 0.8) = 32% chance that only one will fire. You therefore have a 36% chance that at least one proc will fire.
If you have 3 procs, all with 20% chance to trigger, you have an 0.8% for them to all go off at once (0.2^3), a 9.6% (or 3 x (0.2 x 0.2 x 0.8)) chance for two of the three to fire, and a 38.4% (or 3 x (0.2 x 0.8 x 0.8)) chance that only one will go off. This gives a 48.8% chance for at least one proc to activate. -
It's the Caltrops. The boss doesn't think it can get to you and get an attack in within some specified amount of time, so it flees. The AI probably does this due to the 'hover-sniping' defense that was put in soon after the game went Live, even though that's the worst possible thing it could do in your situation.
I loved the arc. My only complaint is with the sheer number of ambushers that spawn while fighting the boss in the third mission. Of course, my experience with this may not be typical, as: a) I fought him before spawning the allies; and b) because of the way the ambushes spawned, both the first and second wave arrived at the same time.
Agreed. We can't even write stories about agriculture! We've got entire Croatoa maps based on fighting pumpkin men in farms, but can't use them.
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Wait! That's it! Word subsitution!
/b L1 Defender LF Agri team
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I've already seen at least one farm mission brand itself as an "agricultural study". -
There are none yet. It may be too early to tell for certain, but it looks like the requirements are far too strict for any arc to maintain.
Maybe I'm wrong, but don't the individual mission blurbs in the AE interface contain information like "Defeat all, escort hostage, boss, AV?"
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It just says "Boss". The automatic description doesn't distinguish between normal bosses, EBs, AVs, or even Lts. or minions that were placed using the create-a-boss tool. -
Now that brings up a question.
If I write my briefings & dialogue in English, then run it through a translator and back, would anyone be able to tell the difference between that and what some people are putting out anyhow?
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Yes. Dialogue that was Babelfished 5 times would be far more intelligible than the current output. -
Most of us expected at least some ratings griefing to occur. I'm just impressed with how fast it's happened. I had a mission 1 starred less than 2 minutes after I published it, far too quickly for anyone to have actually played it.
[*] Exiting an MA mission with Domination up will cause Domination to drop. The Domination bar will still be full, but the Domination power will not automatically recharge.
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This occurs for all click powers. When they fixed the toggle-drop on MA mission exit bug, they neglected to do the same for clicks. Easy check to confirm the bug: enter a MA mission, activate Hasten, exit mission. Hasten will no longer be active, and you will have to wait through the entire recharge time again. The same thing occurs for Group Invisibility, AM, any tier 9 armor like Unstoppable, click-based mez protections, etc. -
Next mystery: Cosmopolitan it is not, but it has its charms like in the pages of a magazine.
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Ok, I like a good mystery so I'm trying to follow the clues in order and what not but I am completly stumped as to what this clue could be referring.
Hmmm, maybe charms is the key word. Something with charms perhaps?? I don't recall seeing anything in the lobby like that. I'll have to go back and look.
If someone could give me a nudge in the right direction, that would be great
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Some of the clues don't seem to be terribly accurate about what they're trying to point you toward. Most of them want you to look at books, but you're almost as likely to find a different book than the one you're looking for. -
Good post OP but you really should include another myth:
Myth: Gauntlet is enough to hold the agro
No, tanks don't have to take taunt itself to keep agro. But I don't know where so many new tanks seem to have gotten the idea that they will hold the agro from the rest of their team purely with the gauntlet from their attacks. Gauntlet alone is not enough.
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Gauntlet is enough to hold aggro - if you've actually hit every enemy with Gauntlet. Just standing there and pounding on one enemy won't do it. Gauntlet works on your target and, at best, his 4 closest buddies. If there's a critter running towards the squishies, continuing to pound on the boss isn't going to help them.
This means that to make full use of Gauntlet, you need to change targets a lot; and if the enemy isn't standing next to you, you need to go over there to get him. Taunt helps because it eliminates the "go over there to get him" part (and I would certainly recommend it on Stone tanks with their reduced mobility), but it does nothing on enemies already standing next to you that couldn't have been done better with an attack or aura.
The biggest problem with most bad tank players isn't the lack of taunt, it's the lack of battle field awareness. They get into scrapper-lock, and only focus on the enemies next to themselves. If you actually want to 'tank', then you can pretty much ignore whatever's next to you: your attention should be on what isn't. -
So... what about those people who skip the tutorials.....
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They obviously don't matter. -
They is dead.
As part of our continued coverage of the history of the Outbreak plague, the Times would like to remember this yearÂ’s fallen.
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"Users of Outbreak experience a feeling of invincibility and a boost in physical strength, but there is also a corresponding increase in violent tendencies and aggression. A single dose causes physical addiction and will cause a rapid and unstoppable mental degradation resulting in clinical insanity. Doctors have been unable to reverse the loss of memory and personality associated with Outbreak madness."
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As I mentioned in a different thread, none of this makes any sense. Is Outbreak a drug or a virus? Whoever wrote the article doesn't seem to know the difference. -
I'm seriously hoping this doesn't result in more gold farmer solicitations.
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perhaps they are hoping to entrap them.
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If Only.
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Yeah, considering the dramatic increase in inf spammers, this is quite possibly the worst time to do this if they want to get them under control. -
I guess Scirocco "evolved" as well.
Like I said, open the door for one foe to hit that which is labeled "indestructible", then it's only a matter of time before it trickles down to every common boss.
The truly sad part is this really nerfs the hell outta the Illusion set. With no AOE immobilize or sleep they are incapable of reliably establishing containment, and have only *2*, yes TWO, attack powers in the whole set that do damage. With no reliable AOE control abilities (save the "10 seconds every 3 minutes" AOE hold), PA is your only means of protecting yourself from aggro. And hell, you can't even have them out all the time, and the damage they do is minimal as most of it heals back.
This pretty much makes Illusion a complete waste of a team spot on the STF, and any future endeavors where foes have "evolved" to be able to hit that which is "indestructible". And probably the saddest part of all is that while these upgraded foes can attack and destroy them, no one on the team, including their creator, can buff or heal them.
Wow... simply WOW...
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Wow... simply WOW... Is right. Are you serious about that BS?
Illusion is widely recognized as the strongest controller primary against hard targets, because of its emphasis on distraction instead of hard mezzes. A complete waste of a slot on a STF? The best possible team for the STF is 8 Ill/Rads. Stop treating an obvious bug that only occurred once like the end of the world. (Assuming of course, Scirocco actually did that damage. PA does, and always did, take falling damage. I'm assuming that you didn't go up to the flight cap and drop them, right?)
As for Hami, what exactly can any other controller do to him and his Mitos that Ill/* can't? Well? If anything, Ill/* still has an advantage because it has more pets to act as a distraction than any other controller. -
The primary reason was probably to prevent using a PA team to tank Hami. The current Hami design would be far too easy if PA could take aggro. All you'd need is 2 or 3 PA droppers, and then send in a snipe team to take out blues with no risk. With the blues gone, the yellows become much easier, and a hold team could rock the greens without worrying about any significant incoming fire.
Vengeance is coded to not stack. However, there's a method that allows you to fire off Vengeances from multiple players on the same server tick, which allows it to stack anyways.
As for firing off Vengeance before an Arena match that several people have mentioned, I've never heard of that one either. -
There's some impressive necromancy going on here. 2 and a half years between posts...
While the 'red' tower is up, Lord Recluse can one-shot code you at the Tanker hit point cap. The only way to survive that is with massive buffs. That means either a tank in Granite, or another tank getting several different buffs along with a dedicated healer.
There is another way to 'tank' Recluse, not mentioned in the OP. Two Illusion controllers can alternate Phantom Army casts on him. (Or one Illusion controller under enough recharge buffs to give him perma-PA, though this is very risky.) If you use this method, you want to take out the 'yellow' tower first, then the 'red' one. In addition to the +acc that the OP mentioned, the yellow tower also seems to grant +def, which makes it harder for PA to keep aggro. Being indestructable, they don't care as much about being one-shotted.
Oh, and the blue tower is not just endurance, it seems to grant Speed Boost to Recluse. He attacks and moves faster with it up, though he's pretty fast to begin with so this can be hard to notice.