I met a newbie!
I hope he stays. I love newbs.
I remember my 1st toon. I took hover at lvl 6 and thought I could fly all over. Damn it took me forever to get places lol
I remember the amazement at everything I saw back then. I miss the days of being a newb
Better remind him to get Stamina!
They're so cute at that age.
He kept blasting the Clockwork ambushes while four of us were pounding on the construction site, but he was having so much fun none of us had the heart to tell him he was supposed to be shooting the boring pile of scrap metal in the center.
[/ QUOTE ]If you never defeat the Clockwork ambushes, you can pound on the construction site all you want and you'll never get the badge. He was doing the right thing. Who's the newb?
He was the newb, Laev was the n00b.
lol I met a newby 2 nights ago, had no vet badges .. him n his friend, they were leading a team of lvl 8-12s in kr n decided to go to sky for scanner missions, i didnt want to be the go here do this type so i followed along i had my lvl 10 blaster..
When in sky they spoke about seeing a detective for a scanner, mind you he had scanner in kr lol, so i sent a tell explaining nicely that once u have a scanner there is no need to see the det. in evry zone untill its bank time n he asks to see u... BTW he was a lvl 12 tank
In team chatt he proceded to tell me he knows how to play he has 3 lvl 50s and him n his friend proceeed to tell me how they kick [censored] with thyere 50's (his friend has 3 also) and they basically told me (missy shut the [censored] up) lol had female toon but im a guy lol.
So i didnt want be a butthead (ive seen 50s ask where FF is lol) but i kept mouth shut.. after 5 ful min of hearing about theyre 50s lol i finally said would u like my list of 50s including the ones ive deleted? lol this got some quiet time and we went into mish..
Well The all pro tank had taunt already (lvl 12) and he taunting away and 2 groups charge n wipe him out lol he says "wtf they al came at just me" "wtf is this (poop)" lolol
I replied "your a tank theyre supposed to come at u when u taunt but im sure u knew that hehehehe"
I left team after mish lol i always try help newbies give em cash n help if needed but this was beyond silly lol
Oh well thank god for the people who actually appreciate help
Yeah, I should put together 'n00b Bingo' card.
"im better than u becoze:"
-"I have X 50s"
-"I can beat you up irl"
-"I have a kheldian" (no vet badges)
-"ive been playing for 10 years" (see above)
I remember my 1st toon. I took hover at lvl 6 and thought I could fly all over. Damn it took me forever to get places lol
I remember the amazement at everything I saw back then. I miss the days of being a newb
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I'll never forget how cool it was getting Fly for the first time. It was the most excited I'd ever been over a power in a video game.
Yeah, I should put together 'n00b Bingo' card.
"im better than u becoze:"
-"I have X 50s"
-"I can beat you up irl"
-"I have a kheldian" (no vet badges)
-"ive been playing for 10 years" (see above)
[/ QUOTE ]
sad, but true- some noobs just spoil it for all the other noobs...
What part of phnglui mglw'nafl Cthulhu r'lyeh w'gah nagl fhtagn don't you understand?
I said, "Err." (Yes, I stutter in-game. Hush.) He then asked me how to get back to Atlas. It turned out he had just bought the game, was fiddling with powers, used the Pocket D VIP pass by mistake, and got from there to Talos. I had to escort him on foot and use base teleporters to get him back. He was very amazed that I could fly. A week later I saw him, now level 17... with Fly.
[/ QUOTE ]
Heh, that reminds me of my first month playing the game. I was messing around in Mercy Island on a newly created corruptor when someone invited me to join their VG. I had never joined a VG so I figured "why not?" The next time I got killed, the "Go to your base" option popped up, so again I figured "why not?"
The problem was, when I got to the base, there was no telepad back to Mercy, and being a newb, I didn't know about just jumping in the base porter to get back to where you were. I didn't know much about chat, so I didn't realize there was an SG chat tab, and broadcast obviously did me no good because there was no one else in the base.
With no other obvious options I found the lowest level porter in the base, which went to Cap, and used it. I learned a lot about aggro range that afternoon trying to sneak around all the Arachnos, Sky Raiders and Luddites in Cap on my little level 3-4 corruptor. I obviously didn't realize I should've just jumped in the water and swam to the PO ferry.
I've encountered a few newbs and newb2.0s* since MA came out. Most have been pleasent experiences.
*Newb2.0 is what I call a player who has returned to the game after years and is learning to play all over again due to changes and/or rustiness.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
I remember my 1st toon. I took hover at lvl 6 and thought I could fly all over. Damn it took me forever to get places lol
I remember the amazement at everything I saw back then. I miss the days of being a newb
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I'll never forget how cool it was getting Fly for the first time. It was the most excited I'd ever been over a power in a video game.
[/ QUOTE ]
my first toon i got to 14 i got FLY and proceeded to zoom around the ATLAS statue broadcasting (i was a newb cut me some slack ) I CAN FLY!!!! I CAN FLY!!!!
some vet, obviously slightly annoyed with my exuberance told me he would give me 100,000inf if i would shut up so i did. but now i could fly AND i was RICH!!!! (told you i was a newb at the time
Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.
screw your joke, i want "FREEM"
Ah the bane of the pocket D teleporter power.
One of the first characters I made, once I hit level 3 I activated it and of course ended up in Pocket D.
Now I didn't even know about the map at that point (tutorials...who pays attention to them?!) so I've blindly picked an entrance coming out from Pocket D..of course this turns out to be the Founders Falls entrance...I run along for a bit, forget where on earth the entrance back to Pocket D is and sigh.
I pull out the actual physical map, the one that came with the GvE edition of the game and begun plotting my route back...
So that's a level 3 going from Founders falls to Talos, Talos to Steel Canyon, Steel Canyon to Atlas park.
Needless to say that entire journey taught me about aggro ranges doing my damndest to avoid stuff so out of my league it could one shot me with a nasty glance.
Was only when I stumbled upon pressing M before pressing enter to type in team chat did I suddenly see a map come up and proceed to facepalm rather hard.
capnkangaroo, so either they did have 2 50'a (but bought them or on another acct) or were lying, and I don't know which is funnier. Cuz either way they didn't know what they were talkin about.
I joined a team the other day, and another player asked how things were going. I started to explain how I was crafting and selling and putting in bids with a goal of redesigning my character to add more positional defense via set bonuses... and he said, "I have no idea what you're talking about. This is my second day."
Anyway it was an AE team, and he was low level, but luckily it wasn't a PL team... we were running an actual story arc. He had no idea how to even get into the AE building. We got to explain what PLing was, and why he should avoid it at first, and what afk meant, and a thousand other things... hopefully we gave good answers to all of his questions, and he had a good time.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
I've been meeting quite a few new players as of late. I think they've been trickling in ever since the architect edition released.
Seems like a good sign to me
Infatum on Virtueverse
lol I met a newby 2 nights ago, had no vet badges .. him n his friend, they were leading a team of lvl 8-12s in kr n decided to go to sky for scanner missions, i didnt want to be the go here do this type so i followed along i had my lvl 10 blaster..
When in sky they spoke about seeing a detective for a scanner, mind you he had scanner in kr lol, so i sent a tell explaining nicely that once u have a scanner there is no need to see the det. in evry zone untill its bank time n he asks to see u... BTW he was a lvl 12 tank
[/ QUOTE ]
I was under the impression you did need to see the detective once to "get the frequencies" for the zone. Is that incorrect?
You see the detective once to get the scanner/frequencies, but it sounds like these guys were running to the detective to GET the missions, instead of using the scanner.
I've never visited a detective (aside from bank jobs) after getting the scanner. Not even when entering a new zone for the first time.
lol I met a newby 2 nights ago, had no vet badges .. him n his friend, they were leading a team of lvl 8-12s in kr n decided to go to sky for scanner missions, i didnt want to be the go here do this type so i followed along i had my lvl 10 blaster..
When in sky they spoke about seeing a detective for a scanner, mind you he had scanner in kr lol, so i sent a tell explaining nicely that once u have a scanner there is no need to see the det. in evry zone untill its bank time n he asks to see u... BTW he was a lvl 12 tank
[/ QUOTE ]
I was under the impression you did need to see the detective once to "get the frequencies" for the zone. Is that incorrect?
[/ QUOTE ]
You only need to talk to ONE detective ever, but what they say indicates that you need to talk to one in each zone. Damn liars.
Yesterday I popped into KR to stop Paladin construction and saw one, a level 12 Elec/Dev with no vet badges. He kept blasting the Clockwork ambushes while four of us were pounding on the construction site, but he was having so much fun none of us had the heart to tell him he was supposed to be shooting the boring pile of scrap metal in the center.
[/ QUOTE ]
You were both doing the right thing. Pounding on the construction keeps it from being built. Pounding on the swarms of Clockwork keeps them from beating on the heroes trying to stop the construction. This is important if there are a lot of low level heroes trying to prevent Paladin's construction, as the swarms of Clockwork could be considerably higher level than the heroes (and remember, those electric attacks they have sap the endurance rather fast.)
So anyway, the key to getting the badge is to just hang in there long enough for the Clockwork to give up (monitor npc chat for clues.) And if I remember right, you just have to be in close proximity to the construction site to get the badge, so the guy beating on the Clockwork instead of the construction should have got it.
He kept blasting the Clockwork ambushes while four of us were pounding on the construction site, but he was having so much fun none of us had the heart to tell him he was supposed to be shooting the boring pile of scrap metal in the center.
[/ QUOTE ]If you never defeat the Clockwork ambushes, you can pound on the construction site all you want and you'll never get the badge. He was doing the right thing. Who's the newb?
[/ QUOTE ]
um, you? You can completely ignore all the clockwork and still get the badge. In fact, a high enough character can solo the construct with single-target attacks only, hit absolutely nothing else, and get the badge.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
He kept blasting the Clockwork ambushes while four of us were pounding on the construction site, but he was having so much fun none of us had the heart to tell him he was supposed to be shooting the boring pile of scrap metal in the center.
[/ QUOTE ]If you never defeat the Clockwork ambushes, you can pound on the construction site all you want and you'll never get the badge. He was doing the right thing. Who's the newb?
[/ QUOTE ]
um, you? You can completely ignore all the clockwork and still get the badge. In fact, a high enough character can solo the construct with single-target attacks only, hit absolutely nothing else, and get the badge.
[/ QUOTE ]No you can't. You have to defeat the ambushes as well as destroying the contruction. Look into it, everybody else already knows.
This is taken directly from Paraon Wiki:
"In order to stop the construction Heroes need to accomplish two things. First keep the Clockwork from getting the Paladin being built to 100% Health and second defeat the waves of Clockwork that appear trying to stop you. The best strategy for this is to have several team members concentrate their efforts on battling the construction itself while the rest roam the area defeating the many waves of spawns that will arrive. Until all of those waves are defeated no matter how many times you take the Paladin's health bar down to zero the builders will respawn and start over again."
Yesterday I popped into KR to stop Paladin construction and saw one, a level 12 Elec/Dev with no vet badges. He kept blasting the Clockwork ambushes while four of us were pounding on the construction site, but he was having so much fun none of us had the heart to tell him he was supposed to be shooting the boring pile of scrap metal in the center.

Some time ago I met another as I was going to park my Controller in the Talos hospital. The first thing he said was, "I admit I'm a noob". He was a level 3 Blaster.
I said, "Err." (Yes, I stutter in-game. Hush.) He then asked me how to get back to Atlas. It turned out he had just bought the game, was fiddling with powers, used the Pocket D VIP pass by mistake, and got from there to Talos. I had to escort him on foot and use base teleporters to get him back. He was very amazed that I could fly. A week later I saw him, now level 17... with Fly.
These guys are cute and fun to mess with. We need more of them.