3rd Anniversary Party with the Development Team!




Ah, but Libris, if you had responded to messages, then our distress signal would have been answered, and we wouldn't all be dead right now...



Ah, but Libris, if you had responded to messages, then our distress signal would have been answered, and we wouldn't all be dead right now...

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LOL - .... you know she was sitting back with the others watching all the carnage, right? and probably LAUGHING her head off? I know I would be!

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



what does development tea taste like exactly?

who lives in a pineapple under the sea?



I believe the nemesis are still in game... so pop in and check it out.

I had a great time..... my title zapper is tired so I am going to go let it sleep.

We had some great trivia with prizes sponsored by members of the community, and we will get an announcement up about those winners and the questions asked early next week.

Continue to enjoy the party, but please be careful on your way home

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MRS. LIBRIS! Why didn't you talk at all?? Lol I was trying to get you to say a word but you just stayed quiet the whole time

I would've liked to hear what you had to say! How come you didn't say anything?

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The reason I didn't talk that much is due to all the yellow titles you see running around on test.

I would say that 85 percent of those were done by Lighthouse and myself, and we did that so the dev teams would have more free time to answer specific questions.

I'm not shy, feel free to ask.


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Ah, well so be it I figured you were too busy firing your yellow name ray gun to speak lol

But you should play more, there's usually no fight in CoX that I can't simultaneously fight and chat during, now

PS-Btw...you realize you're the most powerful character on the test room, right?? I mean, you have EVERY POSSIBLE power!!! Goodness, Mrs. Libris!! How did you become so powerful that you can take on Statesman and all his friends??



i wonder who played which devs....

obviously, posi played posi
Poz played synapse...

but who else?

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Back Alley Brawler and Ghost Widow used by their respective Devs. Some people said Lord Recluse was around too, but I never saw the "real" one, just the AV spawnedby the Widow, with his lackies. Heh, at one point she even spawned a bunch of 5th Column mobs.

And sadly, no Statesman. Guess he was too busy with MUO or something...I kid, I kid



He has a new child, it's possible he put that first

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Good grief, what kind of priorities are those, man!

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



I saw the actual Lord Recluse in person. He was there.



He has a new child, it's possible he put that first

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Good grief, what kind of priorities are those, man!

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@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I saw the actual Lord Recluse in person. He was there.

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I thought the guy behind Recluse had left Cryptic?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



He has a new child, it's possible he put that first

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Good grief, what kind of priorities are those, man!

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I was kidding about it, yeesh.



[Good grief, what kind of priorities are those, man!

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You get used to it after a while.



[Good grief, what kind of priorities are those, man!

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You get used to it after a while.

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That doesn't mean I have to accept it

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I forgot to add, I liked the maze too.. you crazy DJ Jester...



I saw the actual Lord Recluse in person. He was there.

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I thought the guy behind Recluse had left Cryptic?

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He has, but Serdar Copur, one of the producers for CoX recently said in his Ask the Devs Q&A here, that he had now taken over the Lord Recluse avatar. So I guess technically he is the actual Lord Recluse. He's just the new Lord Recluse.



I saw the actual Lord Recluse in person. He was there.

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I thought the guy behind Recluse had left Cryptic?

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He has, but Serdar Copur, one of the producers for CoX recently said in his Ask the Devs Q&A here, that he had now taken over the Lord Recluse avatar. So I guess technically he is the actual Lord Recluse. He's just the new Lord Recluse.

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kinda like superman..

with Christopher Reeve, then Brandon Routh playing it...

same character, just differnet actors, lol



Hey, everyone!

Man, that was fun. I had such fun dancing and hanging out with you guys. My only wish is that I could type faster (And read faster. And give titles faster.) And, seriously, who taught you guys those moves? My dance instructor said they were ONE OF A KIND!!!! (hehe)

Yes, I did ski. It got a little touch and go for a while there, but no matter, the rocks stopped my out-of-control shenanigans. My head still hurts where I banged into that rock. Hopefully, no one saw that. (Wait, I just...posted...it...oops.)

Everyone was super fantastic and I loved meeting every single one of you.

I tried as best I could to respond to tells, but once I started doing the whole "title thing" -- yes I would have loved to done a unique one for you guys, but I would have been there until today still doing it, I would have missed out.

Titles come and go, but talking to the people who make the game as dynamic and fun as it is, wow, you can't buy that.

I know, I'm schmoozing a bit here, but it's true. Some days I work in my little cube with my Attack of the 50 Foot Woman poster on my door (whom I have renamed Attack of the 5.0 Foot Woman) and go off with my pals for lunch and come back and do work type things and I forget that people see the stuff I work on and (for the most part I hope!) like it. Okay, I don't forget, but you know what I mean.

Whatever silly little inside joke I put in, or some dialogue I wrote, or even plunking down a long-asked-for trainer in Peregrine Island, I think it's business as usual. Then I see you guys all together in but one instance of Pocket D and I go, "Whoa. This is SO cool."

I don't know what's in the drinking water in Paragon City or the Rogue Isles, but you guys are UNBEATABLE when it comes to passion and excitement for the game. I have read my share of forums and I've played my share of games. I can honestly say that, in my utterly biased opinion, you guys are the best players there are.

This has been a wild wild WILD ride for me and it feels like we launched just yesterday. Time goes so quickly! I still remember running around Atlas Park for the first time in beta and seeing another player in there. It about BLEW...MY...MIND.

And I am SO THERE next year. Lighthouse, bring on the pizza! (And another keyboard, I think I'm destroying the keys on this one, too.)

Happy 3rd Anniversary, everyone!

War Witch


"The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly."
(Jim Rohn)



I can't believe the Murphy factor involved here that short circuited my computer just hours before the event. Wish I could've been there with you all.

Any and all spelling, grammar and logic errors are intentional so this post will blend seamlessly into the Internet
Unbelievable. You, [subject name here], must be the pride of [subject hometown here]!



what does development tea taste like exactly?

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I think this is a very good point that has been overlooked.
I am also curious as to the taste and possible extra effects of development tea.




This has been a wild wild WILD ride for me and it feels like we launched just yesterday. Time goes so quickly! I still remember running around Atlas Park for the first time in beta and seeing another player in there. It about BLEW...MY...MIND.

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Jeebus, for a moment there it sounded like that was running up to a "but now I have to move on...." I nearly had a cardiac arrest.
Maybe we are good players but we do _not_ like letting go of our devs




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There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Errr and uhhh sorry for screaming in your ear...

Ya totally caught me off guard.

w00t Radio