3rd Anniversary Party with the Development Team!




2) Log into the Test Server (allow enough time for the latest version to download to your PC - maybe an hour) and head to Icon/Facemaker for a make-over. This will cost you no *real* influence/infamy because nothing on the Test Server affects your real characters on the other servers. The Theme for the party is Secret Identity, be inventive, if your character always goes around in street clothes then you won't have much work to do, if they're a demon / robot / etc then magic and holographic projectors can do marvellous things. It's a suggested theme, ya don't have to dress up if you don't want to.

[/ QUOTE ]
QFT! Don't worry about free tailor sessions or Inf! What you use on Test won't affect your Live character!

Also, I realized last night I already had a perfect costume for the event (the P&P Obsidius had Obfuscation - it does wonders for one's complexion )



um where on the test server is the party



um where on the test server is the party

[/ QUOTE ]

Hasn't started just yet. The guests of honor will be there shortly.



um where on the test server is the party

[/ QUOTE ]I'm rusty after having reactivated recently but isn't Training Room a location? They said its in the Training Room on Test.



It'll be in Pocket D on the Test Server.



It was fun. It was cool seeing the devs in-game... What few I actually saw before they were mobbed by the players.

I even had to go in as my "Me" (not my Main, as he got lagged out) at one point.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



...and thanks again for the gold title, Ex Libris!



I believe the nemesis are still in game... so pop in and check it out.

I had a great time..... my title zapper is tired so I am going to go let it sleep.

We had some great trivia with prizes sponsored by members of the community, and we will get an announcement up about those winners and the questions asked early next week.

Continue to enjoy the party, but please be careful on your way home



Great event. But as usually the case with events in PD, the extreme amount of lag really marred it. The strobe lights plus all the player character effects and powers = Ugh! Talking I8 Hami raid lag here.

But still a lot of fun. And Ghost Widow spawning all those Winter Lords in PD 8 and making people's dead bodies slide down the slopes was just hilarious.



I got to hang out with BaB and Lord Recluse

Back Alley was kind enough to answer my question, as noted in my sig.



I believe the nemesis are still in game... so pop in and check it out.

I had a great time..... my title zapper is tired so I am going to go let it sleep.

We had some great trivia with prizes sponsored by members of the community, and we will get an announcement up about those winners and the questions asked early next week.

Continue to enjoy the party, but please be careful on your way home

[/ QUOTE ]

MRS. LIBRIS! Why didn't you talk at all?? Lol I was trying to get you to say a word but you just stayed quiet the whole time

I would've liked to hear what you had to say! How come you didn't say anything?



Synapse took a souvenir home with him....my panties



Go Synapse!

Who the heck is Synapse anyway?



I had such a blast!!

Thank you devs, w00t and everyone who came, this was such a magnificent event!!

I hung out at pocket d 2 since that's where I arrived at 230 pacific...

Back Alley Brawler in the monkey cage

BaB fights the monkeys!

Dirtwolf and many others watch Back Alley Brawler in action

He fought himself! More than once!

And you've gotta love his line there: I PWNT MYSELF!!

Positron made it to Pocket D

And Lighthouse bless his soul got the CHALET open for us!

((I have one lonely crappy picture of Ex flying... everyone was so aura-heavy it was very hard to get good shots! ))

War Witch went outside and had fun on the slopes with us! (It was hilarious watching her ski backwards, actually )

War Witch dancing!

At PD 4 there were MANY, MANY monsters to fight!

Monsters that slammed us - but were eventually defeated! And later they went to 8... I think they still may be fighting at 11 pm pst

But the best part of tonight...

RR finally got a title (could have been a slightly better one but hey, a title's a title! )

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Y'know, not to say I didn't enjoy myself, cause I did, but I always feel a bit, I dunno, let down when it's all over.

Maybe I'm out in left field, but for future events like this I feel like we should get something like the CoX equivalent of a gift bag or party favors, so to speak. I mean, it's all on the test server so it's not like it'll have any effect on live, but it would be nice to come away with something, even if it were just a temp title.

A lot of people try hard to get there and participate, and it seems a shame that only a few get picked out at a dev's whim to get something special.

Just my 2 cents.



Er, *almost everyone* got a title. The devs and LH / Ex were handing out titles like crazy. I've never seen so many yellows titles.

Thing is: some of us got there early, some got there late. You can't expect them to be there forever. They have to sleep too.

it IS only test. We'll get our 3rd anniversary badges on live for real

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I wonder if anyone will be wearing a joke style costume where they have a suit over what is obviously a super hero costume. (You know when they're still wairing their mask and gloves under their street cloths.)



I was going to have my leather corset outfit on under my shirt, but I couldn't get the bulky wrinkles out. :/ ....

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Er, *almost everyone* got a title. The devs and LH / Ex were handing out titles like crazy. I've never seen so many yellows titles.

Thing is: some of us got there early, some got there late. You can't expect them to be there forever. They have to sleep too.

it IS only test. We'll get our 3rd anniversary badges on live for real

[/ QUOTE ]

No, I understand that, and I didn't mean to imply that the devs should endeavor to manually give out bonuses to everyone. I was thinking along the lines of an automatic system that would award you something as you entered Pocket D (hence my reference to a "gift bag" or "party favors"). The devs could still give out their titles and prizes, etc., but this way you don't consistently have people that feel like they missed out cause they happened to be in the wrong instance of Pocket D or arrived too early or too late to get a "gift".

But it's just a suggestion/idea. Do with it what you will.