3rd Anniversary Party with the Development Team!




All right! Just finished redownloading the Test Client (stupid computer had to be formatted...).

At about 6:00-6:30 PM PST, I'll be there in my favorite alter ego...



Would your hero go clubbing in their tights?

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You're asking the wrong group questions like that.


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yeah but Athyna, I wasn't asking if the players would go in their tights.. I was asking if their Characters would go...

But yea I know it was a loaded question

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So, we have to wear tights while playing our characters that are wearing street clothes?

Who thinks this stuff up?!?!?!



Would your hero go clubbing in their tights?

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You're asking the wrong group questions like that.


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yeah but Athyna, I wasn't asking if the players would go in their tights.. I was asking if their Characters would go...

But yea I know it was a loaded question

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So, we have to wear tights while playing our characters that are wearing street clothes?

Who thinks this stuff up?!?!?!

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I think they mean... "tightie whities..."

EDIT: You still going as "yourself" Marcian?

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Would your hero go clubbing in their tights?

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You're asking the wrong group questions like that.


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yeah but Athyna, I wasn't asking if the players would go in their tights.. I was asking if their Characters would go...

But yea I know it was a loaded question

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So, we have to wear tights while playing our characters that are wearing street clothes?

Who thinks this stuff up?!?!?!

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What are you talking about? Its what you told me to post last night!

w00t Radio



What are you talking about? Its what you told me to post last night!

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Shhhh! That was totally in private!



EDIT: You still going as "yourself" Marcian?

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Yup! For this evening, I will bring in one of my characters who resembles me, and give that character a complete and utter make over to look exactly like me!

(My characters are prone to walking around in their street clothes and using their real names, so this is as "alter-ego" as I can get.)




Costume Theme: ‘Secret Identity’ – Dress like your alter ego secret identity!

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What if we don't have one?

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Stuff your character in street clothes. Would your hero go clubbing in their tights?

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Tights, no.

Skintight patent leather, on the other hand...



I can't make it to the party. I have to DJ tonight.

Have fun!!!



what statio are we listening to again



what statio are we listening to again

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"Where the only zeros are in the name!™"



anyone else here on already



Someone at w00t radio needs to adjust the gain on their broadcast...the distortion is quite annoying.



When I logged on to the Test Server this morning the free Tailor visit hadn't been added. I assume that will happen later today - if it hasn't been added already.



are we getting a free tailor visit?



When I logged on to the Test Server this morning the free Tailor visit hadn't been added. I assume that will happen later today - if it hasn't been added already.

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What free tailor visit?

w00t Radio



Someone at w00t radio needs to adjust the gain on their broadcast...the distortion is quite annoying.

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Perhaps you need to adjust something on your system b/c I'm listening to DJ Screaming Lord right now and not getting a single bit of distortion.

w00t Radio



When I logged on to the Test Server this morning the free Tailor visit hadn't been added. I assume that will happen later today - if it hasn't been added already.

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No free tailor visit, nor was one meant to be implied.

It's the Test server; just copy your character and make a costume.



Someone at w00t radio needs to adjust the gain on their broadcast...the distortion is quite annoying.

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Perhaps you need to adjust something on your system b/c I'm listening to DJ Screaming Lord right now and not getting a single bit of distortion.

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Could have been when X was on <shrugs>

Screaming Lord's stuff isn't my cup of tea, I'm afraid. No biggie - to each his own



It was when X was on, and everything on my end is set properly. Didn't mean to sound rude.



It was when X was on, and everything on my end is set properly. Didn't mean to sound rude.

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I kinda figured it was X - I've heard him more than a few times

No harm, no foul IMHO



It was when X was on, and everything on my end is set properly. Didn't mean to sound rude.

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I didn't notice any distortion then.. although my bosses were here and I had to keep the music low..

I'll be home and taking over in about 45 minutes.

w00t Radio



<QR> A few tips for those who are new to this whole thing.

1) Follow the instructions in this thread to copy your characters over to the Test Server.
2) Log into the Test Server (allow enough time for the latest version to download to your PC - maybe an hour) and head to Icon/Facemaker for a make-over. This will cost you no *real* influence/infamy because nothing on the Test Server affects your real characters on the other servers. The Theme for the party is Secret Identity, be inventive, if your character always goes around in street clothes then you won't have much work to do, if they're a demon / robot / etc then magic and holographic projectors can do marvellous things. It's a suggested theme, ya don't have to dress up if you don't want to.
3)Surf to w00tradio and click on the media player of your choice to connect. Note: You may want to connect to the backup server if it's up to avoid buffering. Proceed to Rock.
4) Take your character to Pocket D. Don't be surprised if there are many instances of it, choose one and stick to it. Trying to chase the Devs from instance to instance is futile and they will visit all instances.
5) Party party party! - Dance, chat with others, try out the infamous Maze o' Doom, gather around any Community Rep or Dev in a ball of fandom so tight they'll have difficulty breathing. Maybe (if it happens) get yourself a temp title from one of the Devs. These don't last more than a couple of days and as this is on Test they won't last forever, so take screenshots of your title if you get one!
6) ...and relax.

Hope this helps answer some of the more common questions.

Prepare to Party!

K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.



Nice Killbot. Just as an FYI on our server situation, we're comfortably set to handle 1200 listeners tonight so I don't think there will be ANY problems what so ever.

Our listen links will randomly pick a server out of the 5-6 we have available, if for some reason it can't connect it should automatically move you to the next one in line.

w00t Radio



Oooohh... thanks for that.

Happy Hardcore! My lover! How long has it been?

*dances in cubicle*



Nice Killbot. Just as an FYI on our server situation, we're comfortably set to handle 1200 listeners tonight so I don't think there will be ANY problems what so ever.

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Great news Jester! I mentioned it only because it was a problem I struck with my first event (I figure being on the other side of the planet doesn't help with latency much either ). It sounds as if you've got the situation well in hand. Cya there!

K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.