3rd Anniversary Party with the Development Team!




Hey, everyone!

Man, that was fun. I had such fun dancing and hanging out with you guys. My only wish is that I could type faster (And read faster. And give titles faster.) And, seriously, who taught you guys those moves? My dance instructor said they were ONE OF A KIND!!!! (hehe)

Yes, I did ski. It got a little touch and go for a while there, but no matter, the rocks stopped my out-of-control shenanigans. My head still hurts where I banged into that rock. Hopefully, no one saw that. (Wait, I just...posted...it...oops.)

Everyone was super fantastic and I loved meeting every single one of you.

I tried as best I could to respond to tells, but once I started doing the whole "title thing" -- yes I would have loved to done a unique one for you guys, but I would have been there until today still doing it, I would have missed out.

Titles come and go, but talking to the people who make the game as dynamic and fun as it is, wow, you can't buy that.

I know, I'm schmoozing a bit here, but it's true. Some days I work in my little cube with my Attack of the 50 Foot Woman poster on my door (whom I have renamed Attack of the 5.0 Foot Woman) and go off with my pals for lunch and come back and do work type things and I forget that people see the stuff I work on and (for the most part I hope!) like it. Okay, I don't forget, but you know what I mean.

Whatever silly little inside joke I put in, or some dialogue I wrote, or even plunking down a long-asked-for trainer in Peregrine Island, I think it's business as usual. Then I see you guys all together in but one instance of Pocket D and I go, "Whoa. This is SO cool."

I don't know what's in the drinking water in Paragon City or the Rogue Isles, but you guys are UNBEATABLE when it comes to passion and excitement for the game. I have read my share of forums and I've played my share of games. I can honestly say that, in my utterly biased opinion, you guys are the best players there are.

This has been a wild wild WILD ride for me and it feels like we launched just yesterday. Time goes so quickly! I still remember running around Atlas Park for the first time in beta and seeing another player in there. It about BLEW...MY...MIND.

And I am SO THERE next year. Lighthouse, bring on the pizza! (And another keyboard, I think I'm destroying the keys on this one, too.)

Happy 3rd Anniversary, everyone!

War Witch


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We are the best players, aren't we! And you guys are the best Devs! GROUP HUG!



Didn't read the whole thread, but what's up with Positron being set up as a magic tank? Bad Posi!



Can we do Monthly Anniversary parties instead?



Just got back in front of the forums after the weekend, and I will never forget the Night of 1,000 Kronoses.

I got on kinda late (Being on the west coast), but immediately my wife and I find Lighthouse hiding in Atlas, apparently AFK. As soon as we line up to get a picture with his avatar, he started moving. Apparently, he'd stepped away for some dinner

So we got our picture taken w/ Lighthouse (a very cordial person I might add), left him (which was a little harder with Power Suppression, no Fly ) so he could finish his dinner, and promptly headed to Pocket D for some fun.

In switching between a Pocket D instance, I walked onto the floor and was immediately assaulted by four Kronos Class Titans! Fortunately, I popped into GA as the rest of the heroes and villains commenced to lay waste to them.

Lord Recluses (the dev-controlled version this time ) graced us with his appearance a couple of times. BTW, don't /e slap him like one player did, he does have the Touch of Death apparently

Some other guys showed up to ruin the fun, like Ghost Widow, Mako, Recluse, and Black Scorp (AV versions all), but we wiped the dance floor with their unconscious heaps

Just when things seemed to be dying down, the chalet in PD 3 came under attack by at least a dozen GMs. Winter Lords, Kronoses, Eochais, Jacks, etc. At one point heroes couldn't get through the chalet door without running directly into half a dozen Winter Lords (no pictures of this I'm afraid, I was too busy trying to win some trivia prizes ).

After we cleaned up the top of the slopes, we proceeded to the bottom, which had almost a dozen more GMs of the same variety. It was a back-and-forth battle, but eventually we won the slopes back.

Or so we thought.

Kronoses appeared on the slopes and came sliding down to meet us, intermingled with a few Jacks (Fear FTS!) and Eochais. At one point I counted 13 Kronoses alone (not including some of the other GMs).

At first we were totaled, but we re-grouped and wiped them up. And more came, wash, rinse repeat. By the time I left, a third wave of Kronoses had appeared for some pummeling. But by that time I had seen enough of them to last me into I12

Thanks for the excellent get-together devs, and thanks to Matt for yet-another-cryptic message about the next upcoming content (I10+). Devs and events like this is why I plan to stick around for (hopefully) another 3 years

Edit: Edited to include photo-commentary and a short video with my narrative



Hey, everyone!

Man, that was fun. I had such fun dancing and hanging out with you guys. My only wish is that I could type faster (And read faster. And give titles faster.) And, seriously, who taught you guys those moves? My dance instructor said they were ONE OF A KIND!!!! (hehe)

Yes, I did ski. It got a little touch and go for a while there, but no matter, the rocks stopped my out-of-control shenanigans. My head still hurts where I banged into that rock. Hopefully, no one saw that. (Wait, I just...posted...it...oops.)

Everyone was super fantastic and I loved meeting every single one of you.

I tried as best I could to respond to tells, but once I started doing the whole "title thing" -- yes I would have loved to done a unique one for you guys, but I would have been there until today still doing it, I would have missed out.

Titles come and go, but talking to the people who make the game as dynamic and fun as it is, wow, you can't buy that.

I know, I'm schmoozing a bit here, but it's true. Some days I work in my little cube with my Attack of the 50 Foot Woman poster on my door (whom I have renamed Attack of the 5.0 Foot Woman) and go off with my pals for lunch and come back and do work type things and I forget that people see the stuff I work on and (for the most part I hope!) like it. Okay, I don't forget, but you know what I mean.

Whatever silly little inside joke I put in, or some dialogue I wrote, or even plunking down a long-asked-for trainer in Peregrine Island, I think it's business as usual. Then I see you guys all together in but one instance of Pocket D and I go, "Whoa. This is SO cool."

I don't know what's in the drinking water in Paragon City or the Rogue Isles, but you guys are UNBEATABLE when it comes to passion and excitement for the game. I have read my share of forums and I've played my share of games. I can honestly say that, in my utterly biased opinion, you guys are the best players there are.

This has been a wild wild WILD ride for me and it feels like we launched just yesterday. Time goes so quickly! I still remember running around Atlas Park for the first time in beta and seeing another player in there. It about BLEW...MY...MIND.

And I am SO THERE next year. Lighthouse, bring on the pizza! (And another keyboard, I think I'm destroying the keys on this one, too.)

Happy 3rd Anniversary, everyone!

War Witch


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I hope you've recovered from being so brutally pushed off the ledge you were standing on

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



But we still need more War Witch, Apex and Horus goodness in game!

So maybe you can sneak them into some of the new missions upcoming?

Some of your fans demand more! MORE! MORE!

Still here, even after all this time!



But we still need more War Witch, Apex and Horus goodness in game!

So maybe you can sneak them into some of the new missions upcoming?

Some of your fans demand more! MORE! MORE!

[/ QUOTE ]


Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I still remember running around Atlas Park for the first time in beta and seeing another player in there. It about BLEW...MY...MIND.

[/ QUOTE ]

This I can relate to. I can still remember the first time I got on CoX (after 5 years of playing EQ of all things). It was like night and day, everyone looked so different they looked like they were all created for different games. And 3 years later there STILL isn't a MMO that comes anywhere close to the individuality and flexibility of play in CoX.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



Whoa. This is SO cool!



Man, I was so hoping to get on test and jam with all the devs that were there but unfortunately the shiney "uber" comp died out and I missed it all (finally got test working until bad luck striked down on me.....again )

Well, guess I'll wait next anniversary to try and catch a glimps of a dev member because the characters around Paragon are kind of stuck up and really don't say much




Updated my previous post with a video and many screenshots of the event. Enjoy



Darn...I always miss the best parties.

Professionally certified pessimism expert

Statesman is someone who shouldn't rap ever, even if he's trying to help people out. -IolitePhoenix

Check out my Infinity toons at the Vis Viva family web page.



That's what all the popular kids tell me. Maybe I should take up smoking. Then I'd be cool and everybody would like me.

Professionally certified pessimism expert

Statesman is someone who shouldn't rap ever, even if he's trying to help people out. -IolitePhoenix

Check out my Infinity toons at the Vis Viva family web page.



first post after GG