Signature powers... for players -- I had this idea




Woot this thread still here.




Congrats on the carry over!

My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)



You must redo your avatar Cybin



Yeah, i've been slacking on that.. had to set up a new Photobucket account first.

But there we go, not only do i have a forum avatar now, but it's actually a different pic!

My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)



I love the idea
Not over powered and it could really help certain toons out.



yea and u can throw in that what u pick depends on ur origin



They would have to give us a pretty wide array of animations, effects, etc, but this is the best idea I've heard in a long time.




Fantastic idea!




I like the idea, and sliders would be able to balance it.

Like you could have categories.




Then sliders that would have like damage, accuracy, recharge, endurance, range.

So if you wanted you could put the attack damage at like 500% base the accuracy at 200% base then have it cost like 30pts endurace and take like 30 mins to recharge.

Or give you a 500% recharge bonus for 10 seconds for 20 end, with a 12000 sec recharge

It would be great you could personalise charcters, so you could have a Super Speedy character with a 0.5 second recharge, 1 accuracy, 5 endurace, 5 damage, so like a reeeeeally fast brawl so it would be low damage but almost connstantly usable =P

it could be fun, and mostly gimmic i think, well for me anyways...




Not a bad idea Neon.. i like the slider version, sounds like it would make it a lot more intuitive.

Ultimus.. was this part of what you had in mind? or something different? (if different.. yea? nay? meh?)

My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)



I like this idea in every way. even if the powers didn't do anything, just a signiature animation for show would be neat, such as some pose or such...



definatly /signed



/em standingovation

This is a fantastic idea! Truly awesome!

I had been toying with the idea of having a special move that combines your primary and secondary set to make a nice level 50 reward, like Broadsword/Dark Armor = Doom Slash or something, but this would allow for that and MORE. This is an amazing, albeit challenging, concept to design, balance, and implement, but it would be so sooooo worth the time and effort!


A tree system would be great, too. It would help with the balance of the powers. For example, to get an "over time" effect, you'd have to have chosen Healing or Damage, then you'd get the DoT or HoT bonus to drag that effect out for an extended duration chosen by your points you allocate. If you look at the Elder Scrolls series like Morrowind, there is the ability to make your own spells, and it follows along the same lines as this concept. Adding more duration to a damage spell adds a DoT effect, but begins to dramatically increase the power's mana costs. Then adding range to it does the same. Recharge and end cost might increase as the power gets better in order to maintain balance. What you choose the power to be in it's first Tier on the tree (damage, heal, buff, debuff, control, etc.) might set determine what these costs will be compared to. For example, choosing a single-target attack with one debuff might not take as long to recharge as a self-buff/self-heal like Dull Pain would, but an AoE mez would definitely recharge slow. The thing is, a tree forces these kinds of prerequisites to help keep the custom power idea balanced.






Great idea....only problem I can see is that it would require a huge amount of work by the devs to implement it. (Similar to how the devs put off being able to change power colors because it required tons of code-writing and whatnot)



I like the idea of a signature power but multiple would seem unbalancing. Either they are useless or they make you too powerful. There isn't a lot of middle ground when adding MORE powers to player characters.

Now I wouldn't mind 1 signature power that you get to choose from a long list at any point in your career, but the longer you wait the more powers/better powers you have to choose from. That way you have the reward for patience or immediate benefit of having a unique character with extra help from the beginning.

With one power I would say allow it to be slotted without adding more slots to the game (heh heh) more hard choices are good and it helps with balancing since you will have to weaken another power to max out your new signature power.

Regardless I like any change that makes each character more unique and oppose any that lopsidedly powerful like say have a status protection power that is available for squishies. That is too powerful and will result in a greater lack of uniqueness since everyone will take the same power.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



Just a quick post to say


"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)



I feel it probably would be easier just to allow players to select any power that a playable character can get (excluding VEATs, Kheldians, Patron Pool Summons, Tier 9 powers that can be gotten as the archetype, suggest more exclusions.) Examples of this Idea: Blaster can get a Instant Healing, and a Scrapper can get a Blackstar.

Probably would be balance issues with my idea for Signatures, but bah humbug.



i vote a big fat YES for this. i like the slider idea myself, something like the spell crafting in Elder Scrolls is definitely worth looking into.



Well... I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought of this. only you took it all the way *claps* I so dig it.

Now... These powers need to cover all bases. meaning summon pet/ pets. My version although not as indepth as yours also has the what the power looks like as its activated, not just color. Maybe having one thing for animations for the player and another for animations of the power. (fore example,My fire blaster has an sig AoE that creates pillars of fire the hit any enemy in range of it's affect.)

Thank you for being someone else that thought of this. I posted something a long time ago... not as detailed (prolly my down fall) I got hammered for the idea.

LvL 50s: Jewelious, SharktooghGrinner, Energy Fox Hound, Vibradiumforce

My words: I the bard of ages, Looking to sky for angels. I'll never be that of a the enlightened, I am only the burdened.



I do like this idea and think it's doable. Not sure exactly how the Devs would change it and make it work but it sounds like t would be fun and create another tool I can use to enhance my game. Can't say I totally agree with your assessment of the 32+ area though. True I am waiting longer for that next power but I am also getting 3 enhancements per level between I can use to make the powers I do have shine. That's when those damage powers get a second accuacy if I need it or a Attack Rate reducer to bring them back faster. Buffs and Debuffs get stronger and more effective and so on.

I can still recall an old SG mate from my first year in game making a comment that he used to look forward to the even levels because it meant a new power. But he'd changed his view and now liked the odd ones (below 32 of course) better because that was when he could turn that new power into something special. MOre I thought about it he was right.. when you get a new power you have one slot for damage, buff, whatever so it's only so effective until you get to the next level and can start adding slots to it to make it awesome.

Oh by the way I vote against making the signature power similar to accolade ones. A power I can only use once every 30 minutes really isn't all that effective and on most characters I don't even try hard for things like the Crey Pistol. A freeze gun I can use once every 30 minutes and isn't even very efective o anything higher than a lieutenant? Immm I can pound a minion to dust in no time if it doesn't do a thing to a boss, Elite Boss or an AV why did I even bother hunting down the badges I needed to earn it? Want to give it a long recharge time like 2 minutes or something fine.. But I have enough almost useless powers now between Vet rewards I can't enhance so they are inaccurate at best and deal only so much damage while sucking down my end. Give us something we can enjoy using and use often.. for a change.

Like the idea though and hope someone is listening and makes it a reality.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



the recharge time would be inversely proportional to its general awesomeness. so anything like the freeze ray could be used frequently. but if you make the power so it has a 30 min recharge then it would be the kind of thing you pull out when facing an AV.

at least that's the best way i can think of addressing that issue.



Just for the record, i *love* this idea


I dont have a siggy.....sad huh