Signature powers... for players -- I had this idea




Soulcapacitor, i see your angle.. but i'm not very keen on it. adding levels at which to actually get the SigPow to begin defeats part of the design and excitement. (even a low level hero/villain would be developing their signature move/s)

and if you're talking about creating new signature power pool powers for each primary/secondary pool.. honestly, that's probably more work than designing an interface where we can create our own. while your method may be easier on the machines, the original model would offer a much wider range of creation.. which is alos part of the purpose of the original idea.

so, kudos for a well thougt out plan of attack.. it just doesn't thrill me, is all.

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I understand that full customization is something we all want. i just think if your gonna fully customize a power you should go the whole 9 yards and do it for all powers, not just a signature one.

perhaps limit the original points idea to what fits with the base idea of each AT, i would just hate to see a system implimented that further breaks the game.



Amazing idea! Very well thought out, although it would take a while for coding. Anyways, it would be really cool if your SG could have something like this. Then you would have your own personal sig power and then your SG's. That would be awesome.



Statesman has "Hammer of Justice" or something like that, that seems like a signature power, I can't see why other people can not have custom powers too. I believe CoH is experienced enough to make signature powers IMHO.

There's 4 kinds of smarts. Street smarts, brain smarts, survival smarts, profession smarts, and Me.



arent the devs looking for more people to work on the game?
you should aply lol



something i thought of for banes.

just thought i would share

1st.. -while under cloak-

bane sneakes up behind a foe and lets off a powerfull mace blast into his foe sending his foe flying off. the damage doesnt have to be great, not even a crit. but give it a DoT like poisenus ray thats lasts a bit longer. (just a thought)

2nd... -in the middle of a fight-

ive blasted fallen foes while they lay on the floor after a team mate or myself has knocked them down. i pictured my bane spider standing over them with his foot on their chest and blasting my foe in the face.

now i know the animation for the second one would be a nightmare to execute.. but i just like the idea of having a foe scream out and then blowing their face off!



Glad so many show support



You're welcome.

There's 4 kinds of smarts. Street smarts, brain smarts, survival smarts, profession smarts, and Me.



Glad so many show support

[/ QUOTE ]

That's because it would be such an awesome feature!

/signed again.. again

although.. everyone should keep in mind that this system works off of already existing anims/effects/powers/etc. when posting SigPow ideas.

My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)



This would make my life.
Arbiter Ace- Blade Tornado-Spins around with the whirlwind tornado and Typhoon's Edge Animation drawing foes in and slashing them with his DBs



My guys power would use the batsmash emote. Use your imagination =) .



Mines gonna be simple, either just 2 arrows into their eyes and causing uncanny acc debuff and damage. Or if I wanted to be cruel, I'd hold 6 arrows in my hand like fistful of arrows, then I should shoot 1 in each knee, 1 in each elbow, 1 in the stomach, and one in the head, and their attack rate and speed are hampered while dealing extreme damage. And all arrows actually stay on them, they do not disappear.

But if you do not have the luxury of choosing where the arrows go, I'll just be fine shooting an arrow up in the air and when it falls having an explosion the size of a nuke hit them but it will actually be 3 waves of explosions dealing superior damage each wave muahahahahaha!

As for my trick arrow defender I'd just give him an arrow that would explode releasing billions of tiny nanites that eat away on enemy armor giving them massive resistance and deffence debuff. And if the target is a robot of the sort, they deal extreme damage over time.

There's 4 kinds of smarts. Street smarts, brain smarts, survival smarts, profession smarts, and Me.



I'd port behind the fool and slit his throte



i would love to have a signig power for my blaster, i can see it now. An aoe with a large radius and knock back and plenty of Debuffs, be quite fun to watch all msy enemies go flying while taking extreame damage.



I'd port behind the fool and slit his throat

[/ QUOTE ]

Mine will be stealthy spell checks.



Like I said a few months ago I thought about this but I think there'd be too many then i also thought maybe at a certain level you could make one around 45-50 and only one. I had also thought about posting this thread but was afraid of be laughed at and getting called names or something so yea... Thanks alot for posting this thread!



You know the most effective hold is when you hack into the villain's phones and then wire all the 1-800 sellers in the world to their base. They will all go insane and start holding their heads in pure agony.

While I'm writing this I just got called by an 800 service myself.

There's 4 kinds of smarts. Street smarts, brain smarts, survival smarts, profession smarts, and Me.



this guy had a good idea i like it i like it alot , but who cares about me right , but really i m another person on a big list






I'd love this idea to happen, customizable signature powers, even if their in-game effect would be trivial, but would still differentiate one */* <AT> character from another character with the exact build (even down to the slotting), would be great, imo.


I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



In a startling display of unoriginality, I'd make my signature Howling Twilight, just instead of rezzing, it'd act as an AoE Life Drain for me. <<



/signed 1 million times!



Your post Ultimus... is just... wow.

it just screams, "WHY WASN'T THIS CREATED YET??!?!"

Dev's if you don't make this, than in the immortal words of ganon...


*lightning strikes sound FX"




Your post Ultimus... is just... wow.

it just screams, "WHY WASN'T THIS CREATED YET??!?!"

Dev's if you don't make this, than in the immortal words of ganon...


*lightning strikes sound FX"


[/ QUOTE ]




Your post Ultimus... is just... wow.

it just screams, "WHY WASN'T THIS CREATED YET??!?!"

Dev's if you don't make this, than in the immortal words of ganon...


*lightning strikes sound FX"


[/ QUOTE ]

Wow... that's violent... if anybody knows how to contact a dev remind them to look up this thing and if they already read about it ask them why they are not posting here .

There's 4 kinds of smarts. Street smarts, brain smarts, survival smarts, profession smarts, and Me.



For All I know the devs won't add somthing this big unless we have 100 people say /signed on the forums here. Donno why, signature powers/stunts would be terrific. And I don't think Champions online has come up with that idea (yet) so if we get it before them CoH/CoV might get more people to stay/join...

Well that and a brand new graphics engine to make everything look real. Cuz if CO is going for the comic book style (which i don't like much) than I would make CoH more real, kinda like movies (or the Heroes series soon to come back on after about a year woot!)

Personaly I think that on the customize screen, you could select a graphic of basic powers like rain of arrows, and combine the effects and graphics of another like time bomb. It sounds like combining 2 powers into one but hey, what can you do? Oh and I figured the more veteran rewards you have the more special graphics you can add. Like for 15 months would give you a Nuclear missile graphic, at 3 months you can do that graphic the Freedom Corps Cataphract blue haze canister thingy does, or some new ones the devs could make up.

There's 4 kinds of smarts. Street smarts, brain smarts, survival smarts, profession smarts, and Me.