Signature powers... for players -- I had this idea




maybe energy blasters should have a real laser beam as a signature, and i mean a big one. Kinda like..

Damage arc: equivalent of energy torrent

Damage type: Energy/smashing uh

Damage: superior

The user charges up (like a assassin strike) and then shoots a huge beam of energy over the next 5 sec, all foes within the path of it take superior damage over time and are moderately disorientated. Easily interruptible. Recharge long

animation: a longer, larger, more energy like, blue and white fire blaster snipe animation.

this is debatable but its just an idea.

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Like Samus' final smash in Smash Bros Brawl?

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_Enos_ wants NAO!...plz.



You have an awesome mind, Ultimus!

I love this game for the originality it allows you, and often take extra time to creat less commonly used power set combos, simply for the sake of still being at least a bit original. I would LOVE to see this added to the game!


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Thanks glad you enjoy it



btw if i have not said /signed yet then well...


There's 4 kinds of smarts. Street smarts, brain smarts, survival smarts, profession smarts, and Me.



maybe energy blasters should have a real laser beam as a signature, and i mean a big one. Kinda like..

Damage arc: equivalent of energy torrent

Damage type: Energy/smashing DoT

Damage: superior

The user charges up (like a assassin strike) and then shoots a huge beam of energy over the next 5 sec, all foes within the path of it take superior damage over time and are moderately disorientated. Easily interruptible. Recharge long

animation: a longer, larger, more energy like, blue and white fire blaster snipe animation.

this is debatable but its just an idea.

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Also on the OP also /Signed. Great idea!

@Radmind - Justice Server
ClintarCOH - Twitter




i think i got a creepy one for dark powers.

Demon gate

Archtype: Controler/Deffender

Damage: minimal

Arc: Pbaoe

Activation: same as total focus

Rupture the earth beneath you in a large area. You bring the link between the netherworld and real world dangerously close. This will heavily hold and fear any people in this area.

Animation: the toon jumps up and smashes the ground, it cracks like foot stomp, but a larger area around the person and the ground around the cracks turns black and the cracks are purple or red colored to show rays of light shining through them.

I just thought of this off the top of my head so dont yell at me if you don't like it =O.

There's 4 kinds of smarts. Street smarts, brain smarts, survival smarts, profession smarts, and Me.



Great idea, I hope that we end up being able to do that.

I think instead of you giving it a monstrous recharge time though, it should reflect the strength of the power or what it does. Example for what your power does: You are a WP Brute with a good amount of Smash/Lethal resistance, yet you can't max your resistance even with Strength of Will. You want to have a stronger resistance and not be so reliant on regen, so you make a toggle that is +resistance to boost you to 70% or so, enough that you can get to max with Strength of Will. And after all, you wouldnt have a click +resistance power that takes patron pet sized times to recharge...

Other example: (Keeping with Brutes) You are a Elec/ Brute that wants another PBAoE for farming. You would be faced with the choice, do you want an attack that works like Irradiate, good dmg but not too long recharge, or you could get something like Thunderous Blast and have a Nuke that one shots most minions, but have a six minute recharge time and cause you to get drained of all end.

I also dont think it could be imbalanced since everyone would have it, and they could bump the difficulty of the mobs if it was too bad, providing its not that hard. If i saw Power Reflective Costs like that implemented, it's /signed



69 pages and no devs have posted about it i don't think...

There's 4 kinds of smarts. Street smarts, brain smarts, survival smarts, profession smarts, and Me.



I'd still design the ultimate in kb for my super strength tanker, just because.

Mag 10 kb, 1000 feet, minor damage/no damage, and I could care less if it recharged in a day or not.

I just want to be able to punch a guy across the zone once or twice.



Great idea, though I'd prefer to see the points begin to accrue earlier than level 32. Say, start building up at level 10 with your first point, the power is sufficiently designed to be usable at 32, but begin the process earlier on.



This is a great IDEA!!!

I love it! I hope it makes it into the game! Five stars! A+!

All it would need is a bit of balancing to prevent stupidly powerful combinations, but I like it!



The most simple suggestions are the most accepted, I'd say. Especially if it involves work on the devs part. The simpler the work, the better chance to have of implementation... So, here's mine-

This would be considered an inherent power to everyone. Instead of a recharge timer, institute a 'charge bar.' (Think Domination for dominators). This way, the signature move can only fire off for a set duration (or as a massive, built-up attack, as most 'super-moves' are), and after the player has been involved in fighting already. This would include toggle powers like powerful (but limited duration) shields, the super powerful AoE heal, Ranged debuff AoE, or whatever your little heart desired. The point system could be modified so that the more powerful the signature ability, the longer it would take to charge (as well as lose charge, or 'decay' out of combat). When the move was charged, it stays charged, and you pop it off whenever you like. This would ensure common and widespread use in PvE, ignoring the insane cooldown times and instead allow players to use it 'as needed', avoid spamming outside of combat, and give something for players to 'look forward to', plan for, or even save up for in difficult encounters. You would have to define how it charged, say, taking damage or dealing damage, or having friends take damage/deal damage, but the bar would certainly have to charge faster for PVP encounters.

However, if it was a toggle power, it would have to be for a limited duration for balance issues. Also, if you chose damage types or abilities outside your power sets (for example, NRG/DEV blasters choosing a psionic attack, or tankers choosing a sniper attack or heal-other ability) it would increase charging time.

I'd also say holds wouldn't remove self-buffs for this, but self buffs would be for a set duration (I'd play the starman theme!) cause you'd hear the tankers, scrappers, stalkers, and brutes really weep if they popped their ultra-shield and got hit by a sleep move for 20 damage a half second later. I'd also say that the signature power could not 'contradict' your power set, for example, an invincibility tanker could choose nothing psionically based. This is for exploitation issues, because you KNOW there are going to be people that make massive buffs against their hated damage type of choice, and throw off the intended balance that the devs put in place. It'd make PVP even more of a nightmare, with how creatively people exploit the costume system- imagine something that powerful game mechanics wise in the hands of all those silly players.

I can already see a number of blasters grabbing super resistance shields, tankers making spammable self heals (in ADDITION to what they have already) or 'break free' effects, and stalkers making a second form of placate.

However, I can also see tankers dropping a damage shield on squishies, scrappers whipping out a PBAoE heal on his tanker buddies in range, and having the OTHER tanker throw a sniper attack to nail the runner or grab a boss' attention.



how about if having it have a huge cooldown or having it on a charge bar a choice that u make while making it. i say this is the best idea for any mmo ever. it must make it to the game, and if avryone is so worryed about unbalancing pvp just de-buff them in pvp zones.



i like the charge idea, kinda like how the defience was on hero side before they changed it. Only this charge will take like... 30 min if its very effective. Cuz personaly my main archery blaster was intended to shoot arrows in his opponents eyes and joints. So if I can pretty much nullify their Acc and deal huge damage than I'm all set.

There's 4 kinds of smarts. Street smarts, brain smarts, survival smarts, profession smarts, and Me.



I think the problem with that would be there would be too many signature moves... but that's me because I actually thought about this. Great minds think alike!



Ya i know what you mean, to be VERY spacific on the animations would be a bit of a hassle. But... If the concept DOES make into the game, there will be alot of very happy people and alot of newcomers i wager. Kinda just look on the box and it says "Create your own signature powers!" now who doesn't want to try that out?

There's 4 kinds of smarts. Street smarts, brain smarts, survival smarts, profession smarts, and Me.



Maybe soon the idea will be reality



Maybe soon the idea will be reality

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do you know something? or just a hunch based on the new Co*/CO competition? (either way, i sure do hope so!)

My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)



Just a hunch, I don't know anything on the inside.



I've thought about this myself, tho i think it would make more sense to go by the Primary/Secondary of the character in question to base a Signature Power on.

For instance, EPP's and PPP's are designed to assist AT's where they lack. Signature Pool Power's (SPP's) Should enhance the Strength of the AT IMO.

Make The Primary Set Sig Power 12 slotable and allow 2 Secondary Set Sigs to be taken in its place and only have them 6 slotable. Or A Primary and a Secondary but both are only 6 Slotable.

Making the Primary SPP already 6 slotted for Free, like how all powers get one, and secondarys 3 Slotted would make them instantly more 'Powerful'. Also making them optional like EPP's and PPP's by allowing a new power choice as an alternative, perhaps even as a 5th Pool Power.

As far as im aware a level cap increase is not being looked at or notwanted or something? But maybe just a small one to 54 or a larger one to 60. Oro Style S/TF to unlock SPP, so you can do it alone or with a team.

So say from a lvl cap increase to 54.

lvl 51 secondary SPP or power of your choice

Lvl 52 Secondary SPP or 3 Slots

lvl 53 Primary SPP or power of your choice or 3 slots

Lvl 54 6 slots.

On a lvl 60 cap increase we could also add a few normal power choices as well and the slots to go with.

lvl 51 New Power of your choice

lvl 52 4 slots

lvl 53 New Power of your choice

lvl 54 4 Slots

lvl 55 New Power of your Choice

lvl 56 4 Slots

lvl 57 Secondary SPP or Power of your choice

lvl 58 Secondary SPP or 3 slots

lvl 59 Primary SPP or Power of your choice or 3 Slots

lvl 60 6 Slots

Then add New level 54/60 Signature Power IOs.

Edit: As was Previously Suggested by someone else, this idea could also be used instead of The EPP and PPP Sets i guess if the Level Cap increase is not a viable option.

And on a note of the 'Fully Custom Sigs';

Choice of Power effects animations Etc would be nice but is a Pretty big ask on this system without a Viable Power Customization method.

So Having a base Pool of 4-9 Primary and 4-9 Secondary Based Powers for Signature Powers with defult Effects and anims that match the Primary/Secondary Effects would keep things simple for the Devs.

Adding any Power Customization to a Signature power without being able to Customize the rest of your set seems a bit of a half effort IMO.

Further Customization beyond Defult Anims and effects for Signature Powers could come in the form Of Signature Power IO Sets.

And the other factor would be looking at things like T9 Crashes, if T9 Crashes are Bad, How much worse would a Signature Powers Be? unless they werent as powerful as T9 Powers, which to me is as much of a let down as the differential between EPP's and PPP's.



As far as im aware a level cap increase is not being looked at or notwanted or something? But maybe just a small one to 54 or a larger one to 60. Oro Style S/TF to unlock SPP, so you can do it alone or with a team.

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I stopped taking you seriously, and thus, stopped reading right there. I'm not even sure what you're talking about anymore.

Virtue - @Kabuto & @Kabutops
Main heroes:
Dark/Psy/Psy Defender
Grav/Storm/Power Controller
Ice/Storm/Ice Controller
Plant/Rad/Psi Controller
Earth/Rad/Earth Controller
Main Villains:
Ice/Cold/Sharks Corruptor
Elec/Shield Brute
Fortunata/Soul Widow



As far as im aware a level cap increase is not being looked at or notwanted or something? But maybe just a small one to 54 or a larger one to 60. Oro Style S/TF to unlock SPP, so you can do it alone or with a team.

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I stopped taking you seriously, and thus, stopped reading right there. I'm not even sure what you're talking about anymore.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was just saying im not sure if the Devs, or for that matter the player base, are into the idea of a level Cap increase.

But if they were 2 options i can see as to what to raise it to;

level 50 to level 54 (or i supose 55) to cut down on nessasary Added content.

Or from level 50 to level 60 to add a few more slots and powers aside from an implimented Signature Pool Power (SPP) Set.

then from there i figured to further cut down on Scratch built Content we could do a Task/Stike Force style Mission similar to the Ourobose Missions where we can Solo it or do it in a team to unlock the said SPP's.

If thats not clear enough Perhaps i should start using 1337 sP34k



Soulcapacitor, i see your angle.. but i'm not very keen on it. adding levels at which to actually get the SigPow to begin defeats part of the design and excitement. (even a low level hero/villain would be developing their signature move/s)

and if you're talking about creating new signature power pool powers for each primary/secondary pool.. honestly, that's probably more work than designing an interface where we can create our own. while your method may be easier on the machines, the original model would offer a much wider range of creation.. which is alos part of the purpose of the original idea.

so, kudos for a well thougt out plan of attack.. it just doesn't thrill me, is all.

My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)



Every player needs a signature power IMO, something they can craft for themselves in look and effects from a variety of options.

Personally one I really want to complete the concept of my brute character is a type of illusion/shadow cloning, where about four decoy copies of myself appear and then engage anything nearby as an aggro distraction.