Signature powers... for players -- I had this idea





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I can has ur soulz?




Just finished reading the whole thread (On a side note, @__@,) and I'm absolutely in love with the whole idea of it. This has my full and total support. It would add a whole new level of customization to CoX, which I constantly doubt is even possible. I would be willing to wait YEARS for this to be implimented; I would walk through fire and wrestle a pack of bears. Please, please, put this into the game!

Virtue - @Kabuto & @Kabutops
Main heroes:
Dark/Psy/Psy Defender
Grav/Storm/Power Controller
Ice/Storm/Ice Controller
Plant/Rad/Psi Controller
Earth/Rad/Earth Controller
Main Villains:
Ice/Cold/Sharks Corruptor
Elec/Shield Brute
Fortunata/Soul Widow



This is actually a really good idea, I like the way you balanced it. To make the power uber powerful, the recharge would be so long that it would not be very useful. Or you can take it down to a very fast recharge, but a very weak power. The only problem I see is with your lvl 45 choice, the devs have said time and time again that power custimization especially colors is impossible with the current engine they are using. Other than that this is great.

I was think what I would do for my main alt, since he is the Celtic god of fire, it would have to be an uber fire attack. I wouldn't waste one point on recharge, let it be very long. I was thinking I would do something like the nuke for fire blasters, but I have a lot of AoE attacks. I would make a power similar to rain of fire, but instead of AoE it would be single target and do massive damage. Call if Fire from Heaven, with several accuracy bonusses in there, because such a long recharge would suck balls if it missed.




I found this thread at 11:30pm last night and read all the posts, finishing at 1:30... great idea!


It's his word vs my word... did I say my word? I meant my Sword...



ok, i just have to post my support of this, yea i may not be a major forum poster, but i do read the posts alot and occasionally put my 2 cents in, so here it is
i think this option would frigging rock!
ok now that thats out of my system.... ok devs, make it happen this is something that needs to happen. prolly would be an easy thing to do as well. just use code from the tailor for the animation parts of it, and invention codes look like it would work for the customizing part of the abilities.... just me but it looks like we are almost there anyway



Glad so many are still enjoying the idea



me too!

predictions? (if it happens)

Ish 14? Ish 15?

My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)



i think this is a absulote fantastic idea you should try your hardest to get this made i bet if you did you would be rewarded in the end maybe working for the company createing more wondeful ideas like so you would be apreciated more then most people



actually dismantel, not a bad idea.. sort of.

i wouldn't expect Ultimus to be hired, but an NPC based no his character? or has help creating the look of? sure.. i could see that for a contact you would go to for setting up your SigPow!

My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)



well i though up of a write your own storyarc contest, you could have gotton your toon as an npc in that way



I think this is a VERY good idea as well... like for a /stone brute (or tanker) could have like plasma shield, and a /fire brute (or tanker) could have granite armor, or stone skin... or somthing like that. I think this idea is VERY VERY GOOD



I think this is a VERY good idea as well... like for a /stone brute (or tanker) could have like plasma shield, and a /fire brute (or tanker) could have granite armor, or stone skin... or somthing like that. I think this idea is VERY VERY GOOD

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well that is a little steep of a thought there, tanks with more tanking skills isnt something theyll go for, BUT Ult, GREAT idea. Ive thought of this myself when i started but never thought to send it to them, make it work!




/signed again btw.

And this would be a great idea to introduce after "The Coming Storm" Issue.

The whole thing would be like this.

"As the Storm thunders and rains over all of us, there are those who have found more creative ways to fight back. Diving deep into their abilities and personality, sprinkle on some genius and you now have your Umbrella against the Storm! Signature Powers are here!"

Insert sexy theatrical trailer where Statesman and everyone else is getting pwn'd by the coming storm and a whole bunch of famous Forum-ites and such just run up and pimp smack the storm with their signature powers.

And I mean Pimpsmack. I wanna hear a loud "SMACK!" on the screen.

Afterwards, everyone has pie and then it fades into the black screen and says

"Issue 13: Awesome"



I like the idea, it could help to give heroes some more well rounded powersets... Some heroes aren't capable of soloing while most villians are.

/t @Flame Enchantress, /em sends tell





Awesome idea dood. I have always wanted a signature power for my MM or Stone Tank. Right now, my stone tanks sig is "Stagtites" or what ever it is called.

DEVS! PLEASE CONSIDER THIS! This idea is magnificent!

Oddly enough, I haven't seen one dev respond (Please correct me if I'm wrong) to this idea.

Ult, good luck trying to get this Implemented, I think I speak for most people here, that we back you up 100% here.

/signed x 100 again.

50's (Only most important)
Zuraq (53 EM/SR Brute)
Stagmalite (50 Granite/Fire TanK)
(Couple of other's I don't care about.)




Awesome idea dood. I have always wanted a signature power for my MM or Stone Tank. Right now, my stone tanks sig is "Stagtites" or what ever it is called.

DEVS! PLEASE CONSIDER THIS! This idea is magnificent!

Oddly enough, I haven't seen one dev respond (Please correct me if I'm wrong) to this idea.

Ult, good luck trying to get this Implemented, I think I speak for most people here, that we back you up 100% here.

/signed x 100 again.

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The Developer Ghost Widow appeared in game and mentioned this thread. It would be cool if a developer made a reply though. (I know Back Alley Brawler made a reply in one suggestion thread before)



of course, there is the "invisible" responses this thread has had..

such as, it was stickied, then unstickied.. then stickied again!

hmm.. i wonder how many times i can sign an idea..
/signed! for the umpteenth time.

My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)



I think this is the BEST idea I have heard so far!
I would love to see this happen!! Maybe around level 20 when you get your first cape you get to begin development on your signature power?



Love the concept of signature powers! All of my characters have one (or two), and the ability to realize them more fully in the game sounds woot-ish



So I had this idea pop into my mind today. I was thinking about how for some players the 32+ game starts to die down because you aren't getting powers as often and leveling is slower. I was looking at Arch Villains and Heroes and remembered each of them had their own signature power. I thought to myself, wouldn't it be cool if Heroes (And villains) could create their own signature powers? Well, here was my idea:

The Basics

Starting at level 33, you earn "points" toward your signature power. You basically get one point per level all the way up to 50. Each point is spent in a tree that modifies the ability of the power. There is a special "lock" system in place so you cannot just focus all your points into one category. (IE, focusing all points into "Hold" so that the power is like mag 20)

Players could choose from various attributes

Teleport Self
Heal Self
Heal Other

A player could spread his points out creating a jack of all trades power master of none. They could chose to focus on certain categories but only to an extent. The various categories will work in a tree like system. The bottom of the tree would be:

Damage -- Heal Other -- Heal Self -- Buff (Speed, Recharge, +Damage, etc... only one of these) -- Hold -- Disorient -- Teleport

Focusing more points into a given category would enhance the effect. However, after X amount of points the category becomes maxed. Spending points in a certain category would unlock the next set.


AOE -- Range (5 is starting range or melee, more points enhances the range) -- Recharge Timer -- Etc

All signature powers start out very generic. They all just about have the same recharge (Which would be very long to begin with until points are spent), and have the same statistics. (Assuming players invested in the same area, IE, Heal vs Heal, Damage Vs Damage, etc)

The Initial Pick, Target Foe, Self Buff, or Target Player

This is the player's very first pick at level 33. They will chose what their signature power targets. Perhaps your defender's special power is a heal on a player. Maybe your Corruptor wants to decimate his foe with an attack. Perhaps your Tanker uses a special shield. Etc.

All signature powers start out with the same animation.

New Unlockable, Level 35

At level 40, players will unlock the animations. Here is where players can customize the animation of their signature power. There would be various animations to chose from. The animation would have an impact on what the power does. Basically, the animations would be split up into:

1 Second Animations
2 Second Animations
3 Second Animations
4 Second Animations

Basically, the shorter the animation time, the less effect the power does, and the longer (all the way to interruptable) the greater effect it does. Thus, a 1 second power receives no bonus but perhaps a 4 second animation power receives a 60% bonus. (Just an example)

By this point too, you are earning more points (One per level) to further customize your power.

Level 40 New Unlockable -- Effect

Here is the next custom option available. You are able to change the effect of what the power looks like. A player would have various choices from:

Explosion (Fire for instance)
Energy (Various range energy attacks)
Buff Effect (Maybe a shield)

Basically, a player is chosing the particle effects associated with the power. Up until this point, all signature powers used the same particle effect. (Something generic)

Level 45 New Unlockable -- Colors

At this level, you can now chose various colors for the power. You can customize the look and change various aspects of it. This will give it a more unique feel.

New Unlockable Level 50 -- Sharing your power with others!

Using the invention system, a player can share his signature power with other players. He is able to create a one use temporary power. There are limitations though:

1) A character can only have one "gifted" signature power at a time.

2) A character can only receive a "gifted" signature power once every 30 minutes.

Basically, this would be a cool way to show your friends "Hey look what I made, try it and tell me what you think"

The requirements to make the temporary power would be the same for all signature powers.

Naming your signature power

A player can name their signature power at level 33. (When they first get them) This name can be changed at anytime.

How enhancements work in signature powers

Signature Powers will not be effected by any kind of enhancement. Their accuracy, damage, heal, duration, etc is all determined by how a player spends their points. They also cannot be buffed or debuffed similar to how Veteran Rewards work. Thus, no outside powers can effect them.

How will they not be imbalanced?

My main balancing factor for these powers will be giving them long recharge times similar to accolades. Basically, these powers are not meant to be part of an attack chain or turn a Brute into a healer. They would mostly be used for tough fights (Such as an Arch Villain). There is a place to spend points to lower the recharge time.

What if I wanted to modify my power?

There would be a place to edit them similar to the way you can edit costumes. It would cost a infamy, influence, or maybe some salvage pieces.

The place would be like a training room or something in the university. The idea is you "train" into modifying your skill.

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Also, if we ever get a CoX 2, all powers shoukld be like this. As far as being able to select the animation and particle affects, maybe even the type of damage. This adds much more uniqueness to the game.



Also, if we ever get a CoX 2, all powers shoukld be like this. As far as being able to select the animation and particle affects, maybe even the type of damage. This adds much more uniqueness to the game.

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I would LOVE this.



So the Devs have never made a comment on this idea at all? Did the motto "Give the players what they ask for" go away when NCsoft bought them out? They should at least post something. How about we are looking into it, or it won't work with the current game engine. Either way, I for one would love to know.



So the Devs have never made a comment on this idea at all? Did the motto "Give the players what they ask for" go away when NCsoft bought them out? They should at least post something. How about we are looking into it, or it won't work with the current game engine. Either way, I for one would love to know.

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This idea has been around for a lot longer then the NCsoft buyout. I would love to know as well, but I think the Devs have kinda movd towards a "Lets work it out before we start blabbing about it". If it is in the works they probably don't want to talk about it. I would imagine it would be like weapon customization or flashback, when it rolls out, it will roll out big.



aaaaaaaaaand /signed