/em Handing over the Ban Stick...




I will miss you Cuppa. I have always enjoyed your posts and fairness. See you over at Tabula Rasa. So I guess I won’t miss you after all. We will just be in a different colored forum.



"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit" - Aristotle

CuppaJo, you have walked with us on this path for some time, even when we didn't know you were there, and showed us that you truly cared about this community.

You have helped so many of us with a calm or witty quip, provided a sharp reminder of our place when necessary, and reassured us with your unassailable sense of purpose and joy.

We had hoped you would remain our 'habit', but your excellence has drawn you towards another opportunity.

While it saddens me deeply that you will be leaving us, my spirits are lifted when I realize that you will be able to apply your unique talents to help others...

I hope to check out Tabula Rasa, simply to see if our paths will cross again.

All my hopes,

Visceral (Proximus)





Also, <3

Cuppa, as ugly as all this gets from time to time, it remains first-and-foremost, a community. That community is easily the biggest reason I stick with this game.

And that community is almost entirely attributable to you and your tireless work. Not only will we miss you, we'll miss the sense the humor, diligence and even-handedness with which you've kept this community held together for the past two years.

I'd wish you luck in your future endeavors, but I know I don't need to; you'll be just great.

Much <3.



*cries histerically*


[/ QUOTE ]
Cuz Lord British throws better parties??

See ya around, Cuppa!



'Tis sad news that you'll be leaving.

Although I kinda figured there'd be some shifting around when NCSoft announced the lay-offs....

Like everyone else has said; you'll be missed.



OMG NO!!!!! You can't leave!!1

*sends CuppaHugs*

I may have to go play Tabula Rasa for a bit so I can get banned by you over there too.

This isn't "good-bye". It is "until we meet again". Much love Cuppa, and God bless.



I also am very saddened to hear this. Best of luck to you in your future endeavers. There NEEDS to be some form of in game acknoledgement of all her hard work. A CuppaJoe Coffee shop in the Dance party would be nice.....




I must say that we'll miss you a lot. I've been on various moderated online forums of one fashion or another for many years, and you have been one of the best and most attentive I've seen.

I think the fact that there are nearly 30 pages of replies by the time I posted this also says a lot for you, too.

Take care, good luck, and stop by to see us from time to time.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Does that mean that we all have to go to perma Cuppa-clone mode?



CuppaJo leaving.

Thanks to CuppaJo for everything.

Yet, CuppaJo leaving.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



NOOO Cuppa, there IS no CoX without you, what will we do now?
*/e demands in game ceremony to say fare well to Cuppa*!!



Goodbye Cuppajo! Your the only redname on these boards that i felt i could rely on to be straightforward..

You will be missed!!!!!!!



Missing you already, have a great time with the OTHER GAMES community!



Sad to see you go Cuppa, you'll be missed around here.

If those TR people give you any trouble, you just send 'em our way. We'll straighten 'em out for ya'.

-Dr. Rob



I've been on and off with the game, and one bright spot of peeking at the boards has always been CuppaJo. Great work over time, and I'll miss ya!




see you on the TR forums Cuppa, once they open for business that is

Dwarf Star; Angel-Night, Adoniel, angel of the 12th hour of the night; among the many
Freedom Factor
and now from Warhammer Online, Gorlok, Greenskin shaman



Goodbye, CuppaJo. The Tabula Rasa players are very lucky to be getting you and I know you'll be as loved there as you are here. I hope you have a wonderful experience with your new community. We'll miss you here.



Who's going to ban me now?

Oh yes, Cricket.

Take care, Cuppa, 'preciate all the hard work/time/lovin'.



Aww, boo!

I'm really sorry to see you go, Cuppa! You've got a quick wit, a sympathetic ear, and--may I say--you're like a Shaolin master of Ban Stick Fu.

Of course, now my suspicious side is thinking this is some kind of trick to get us all to migrate over and start playing TR. Hmm...

Best of luck!

Story Arcs:
"The Joy of States-mas", #533168
"A Mosaic of Shattered Dreams", #497506 (2011 Players Choice winner!)
"Television Presents: Attack of the Toons!", #373710
"Lightning in a Bottle", #376222



/em cries.

Good luck over there.



Very sorry to see you go Cuppa. Hopefully you'll manage to stop in for a visit as other since departed red names have on occasion.

Zapping, 50 storm/elec
Rain King, 50 ice/storm
Ard, 50 NB/SR

The rest of my lineup
Justice, Freedom and Virtue Servers
Avatar by Altoholic_Monkey!



CuppaJo, everytime I go to another MMOG's boards, I realize how good we have it here, and that's largely because of the time and care you've put into it. You've really raised the bar, in my eyes, of what a CR rep can and should do. I only can hope other companies see these things too.

You'll be missed greatly. You've done this game a great service. It wouldn't be the same without you, and your absence will be felt.

Additionally, grats on your promotion Cricket. You have some big shoes to fill. Luckily, you have a few extra feet.



First Aura, now Cuppa! Why do they always leave me???

... errr...

What I meant to say was good luck on the Tabula Rasa community (who I hear don't like coffee at all and prefer to drink tea) Cuppa and thanks for all your effort in keeping things orderly.

*wonders if the jokes above have already been used in the 30-odd pages he hasn't read*



Cuppa, it's been a pleasure. Any chance you could slip some of those Tabula Rasa beta invites our way ;O). You will be missed more than you know. Your posts are always a bright spot no matter what craziness may be going on. Best of luck in your future endevours!