/em Handing over the Ban Stick...




I hate to see you go and wish you the best of luck in your new endeavor with the Tabula Rasa community. You will be missed greatly

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



You will be missed Cuppa. Thank you for all the hard work you have done to make this community as great as it is !

GL with the TR boards - I hope they treasure you as much as we do.

If you take time to help others, you help yourself grow.
If you take time to help yourself, you realize how far you have to go.
If you take time for chocolate . . . you've discovered the secret to a happy life !
GL & be safe in game & real life!



AAAAHHHH!!!!! I am going to miss you even though I've never talked to you or PMed you.

When is Tabula Rasa hitting beta? I know it had a major overhaul in design awhile back...

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Congratulations on a new job where you can begin to rule with a caffeinated fist from the beginning!

Also we will miss you.



i feel kinda shocked.



Ah hell. I don't really know you CJ, but I will miss reading your posts here. It's not going to be the same without you.

Hopefully TR will be good and I'll see your posts there. You know I am so trying that out. Maybe you leaving at the end of the month means TR is coming out soon...(hint, hint)?

If you can manage to have a beta invite fall into my mailbox I'll be your best friend forever.

Good luck, I hope you'll be working with nice people!



I know this sounds a bit odd but don't be a stranger, and is there any chance at all that you'll be coming back?



NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]




I will certainly miss your presence here... Though from what I've heard about folks either GM'ing or forum-functioning this may mean you'll actually play in CO* more often

*is jealous of the TR people who get your wisdom, patience and cuppa-thoughts.*

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I sure hope that the TR devs know just what a tremendous community rep they're getting in you, Cuppa. This place probably would've melted down like Chernobyl without you keeping things in check, and you've been as vital to the success of this game as anybody who's written code, animated effects, or written storylines -- Posi and States included. And should, heaven forbid, TR turn out to be unsuccessful, I know that it won't be due to the community.

I have the upmost faith in Cricket fully taking over the reigns of this asylum, and it's my hope that everyone here shares that faith. The lady has certainly proven herself to be capable of handling a nerd frenzy or two during her stay. Besides, if things get too out of hand, she can just unleash ... the swarm!

/e cower

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



I will be crying all over you at PAX, just for the record, Cuppa. ._.

♦ Founding Member, Forum Host of the Pinnacle RP Congress ♦ The Joke is: 435 Alts and Counting!)
Penny Arcade Expo (PAX Prime) Enforcer (2005-present) - NCSoft Gold Assistant (2007-2008) ♦ Child's Play!



So long Cuppa, thanks for everything, you did a hell of a job here.




Farewell, it is sad to see you go...



I hate to see you go Cuppa. You shall be missed. Good luck with Tabula Rasa. I'm sure you'll make the community great as you did here.



Say it ain't so Cuppa, say it ain't so...

Why would you leave those of us who love you so dearly. I'll miss you.

<looks around>


Seriously, though, I hope you still drop in from time to time to say hi or perhaps run some PvP on Test or something.



You've been awesome, Cuppa. You've always given us help when needed. If I've had questions, you've answered them.

Good luck best wishes on your new position.




*runs off crying*



:: cries and cries and cries ::




Me = Sad

Best of luck Cuppa!



Thanks for eveything, Cuppa! Good luck with the new game. There will always be a slot open for you on our team rosters!



Oh wow. Cuppa you have provided so much wisdom, humor, and compassion (and have been the voice of reason) since I started this game. I really hope that the community of Tabula Rasa understands the quality and professionalism you will bring to them.

I don't post a lot, but I read the boards daily and I have an emormous amount of respect for you and all you have done for us. In my mind you are the backbone of the CoX Boards. I just wish I had the chance to meet you before you left us.

Good luck and best of everything in your future endeavors. Pop in every now and then just to cause us some grief

Cricket - Good luck leading this crowd! I know you will do just fine.

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Gratz on the new job, you will be missed. And as always, thanks for answering my PMs! Cricket has big shoes to fill but I am confident she can do it!

(Can't we send some other redname to TR? and keep you? just a thought....don't shoot me! >00&lt

Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox




I have to say, I was astonished at how impacted I was after reading your post, and judging by the rest of this thread, so was everybody else. Sometimes its hard to remember that we've never met you, and that this whole thing is about a video game. But you're not just a red name on the website of our favorite game--you're one of us. You've answered our questions, joked with us, and put up with us when we've received news we didn't like. You've always been fair but firm, humorous but helpful, and there isn't one of us who won't miss you.

Good luck with Tabule Rasa and make sure you drop by on occasion (preferably on Victory and preferably with a heads-up ).



It is my sad duty to inform everyone that August will be my last month with City of Heroes and City of Villains.

I am taking over community management of Tabula Rasa full-time as of Sept. 1st. Cricket will be your primary community person when Sept. 1 rolls around and I will no longer accept PMs as of that date.

I just wanted to take a second and thank everyone for all their support and kind words over the last two years. Even in the darkest hours I could always count on there being a few bright posts, emails or PMs in my inbox. These kept me going more than coffee ever could and they always brought a smile to my face.

I also want to thank everyone who has ever created well thought out, constructive post/PM. I know bugs or other game issues can be frustrating at times, but a community person's best friend is the player who takes that little extra step to research and document their issue while keeping it about the issue, and not about Statesman's momma.

Special thank you's to all the staff both here at NCsoft and at Cryptic for all your hard work, for answering questions and for listening to community concerns. Staff may not always agree - but they [u]always[u] listen.

Finally, thanks to you - the community. This has been a great community to work for and be a part of for the last two years and it's very hard leaving such a wonderful group of people. You are so intelligent, passionate, creative, funny and charming that it amazes me every day. And despite how it may appear on the surface sometimes - you all care for each other deeply and are always ready to lend a helping hand to those less fortunate. You are true heroes and there is no Paragon City without you. It has been my honor to serve you.

[/ QUOTE ]

As one of the long time players of this game, and more vocal members of the community, this news saddens me. As many have stated before, you've provided this community with a strong, fair and friendly presense for the last two years. You were always courteous and friendly, and even took time to visit some of the player-run events. I'll always remember your appearance on Virtue for Dr. Toxic's Golden Giza event fondly.

Be well in all that you do from this point forward, and may goodness follow you in whatever you do. Good luck and God speed.



Thank you CuppaJo. You will be dearly missed.


Lightning Rod

"I am certain that all CoX will be humbled by the might of the Lightning Rod." -Lady_Sadako