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  1. Trurl

    Elec/ question

    Chain Induction is a great attack. Even against a single target it is good DPA, if you can ignore the endurance cost. Actually, it is the best single target DPA attack Elec/ gets. If it hits multiple targets, then it is golden. Yes, the second, third and forth strikes are delayed and will be canceled if the target dies before the strike happens, but in my experience the subsequent strikes go off more often than not. But like I said, it is good DPA even against a single target, so even if the subsequent strikes don't happen, it isn't a wasted attack. Personally I'd skip Thunder Strike before I'd skip Chain Induction.

    As far as usage... I hit it every time it is up. It is part of my normal single target attack chain. If it hits multiple targets, then that is just icing on the cake. I do try to prioritize targets with more health though, so they are more likely to survive long enough for it to arc off them.
  2. I don't know why there is so much negativity in this thread. I am really enjoying I16 so far. It adds so many new ways to play that I am practically paralyzed with options. The rest of my SG is all very excited too, and a lot of them have resubed to play I16.
  3. Trurl

    Dev Digest

    Yes, this is the best dev tracker so far. Nice job.
  4. I like the forums in general, but I wish there wasn't quite as much wasted space. For example the borders on the left and right that show the city buildings image is just wasted. I'd rather see the forum itself go all the way to the edges of the window.

    Also, I really miss the Dev and Community Digest posts. I can't seem to find an easy way to get a list of all the Dev posts in this new forum.
  5. Sorry for the thread necromancy, but this is a really good guide and it isn't yet linked in the stickied guide index. I've taken many dominators to the mid teens and hadn't yet found a combo I really liked, but after reading this guide I decided to try Plant/Ice, and I'm really enjoying it so far. Thanks Octavian.
  6. The IO enhancements, IO crafting and the consignment market are all excellent additions to the game.

    I especially like the implementation of the consignment market. I like that I can enter my bid and leave it there, rather than having to continously check the market for the item I am wanting. The silent bidding system is occasionally anoying, but in the long run I think it makes the system more fair and harder to exploit.

    About the only thing I'd change is to make invention salvage storage more convienent. Either get rid of the storage vault and double the size of the salvage inventory or add salvage vault access right next to the consignment market. It's too hard to remember what I have in my salvage vault. A super group shared invention salvage vault would also be very nice.
  7. /em cries.

    Good luck over there.
  8. Just wanted to let you know that Mayhem missions are awesome. I ran one last night with a couple friends. I played a Fire/Thermal corrupter and the AOE destruction was very satisfying. We found a parking garage and I got my rain of fire raining on 4 cars and 8 parking meters. The destruction was incredible. It worked exactly like I would expect raining fire to effect cars and parking meters.

    We also got a really tough hero at the end (Aurora Borealis) and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time as we slowly wore her down. It was awesome.

    It was definately the most fun I've had in any MMO I've ever played.

    The only criticism I have is that I want more. I want to be able to blow up cubicles and computers in the inside areas of the mayhem missions (could you make a level modeled after the office I work in ?). I want mayhem missions in story arcs and strike forces. The more mayhem the better!

    Anyway, "Thank you!" to entire team that worked on Mayhem missions and I7. Awesome stuff.