Gilgameshs Farewell to the Heroes of Paragon City




Well, I am totally surprised. I guess I should've put it together with Turner's disappearance, but I figured they'd just find him again.

Sad to see you go, Gil. Thanks for all the tips you've given me when I asked. I appreciate it.

I'll say goodbye the same way I do to everyone in-game.

Good luck and have fun.

Also, who's the lucky successor? Do we know him?



Good luck and take care, Gil! Don't forget to drop by and say hello every now and then.



My guess is he is joining either of these teams

Tabula Rosa
Auto Assault

Not cryptic games but the parent company is NCsoft.



No you can't leave! You are the best!

Good luck Gil, we will miss you!



Wow. Now I do feel silly... of *course* Gilgamesh would go undercover to seek out Jackton Turner!

But seriously, I enjoyed reading your articles; I thought some of them worked out really well, and some didn't, but they were always enlightening and a nice read. I hope your new digs are comfortable!

Task Forces shouldn't need 8 people to start ... it's not fun.



Bad news for us....the successor better behave...or not !
Can't wait to hear all about your new adventures..
Best of luck!

[COLOR=darkorchid]Nebulhym's AE Arcs: Try them now![/COLOR]
# 12647: Of feathers and fur...[COLOR=yellow]Winner of [B]The American Legion[/B]'s January 2011 AE Author Contest![/COLOR]
# 292389: From Tartarus with love...
# 459592: Interdimensional Headache



Having Turner disappear was a nice bit of foreshadowing. Clever writer, you.

Sad to see you go, Gil. I never commented in the story threads but I always appreciated both your effort in writing and the tremendous good humor you took criticism with, even when it was unkind to say the least. Everyone should aspire to be so even-keeled.

Good luck in your new (and currently mysterious) venture!



Noooooo! Don't leave us, Gil! After watching Serenity, I've lost enough! I can't lose anyone else right now!

[/ QUOTE ]

You and me both.
And buena suerte, Gilgamesh. The little lights you shed into parts of the city we never saw made Paragon City seem even more real and alive. It will be missed until the new guy can buy enough tissue paper to fill the ends of your shoes.

Have you or someone you know been the victim of Nerd Rage?
Find answers, get help.



Fairwinds and Following Seas, first scribe of Paragon.



As soon as I'm able, I'll invite all of you over to my new digs. It's gonna be a very cool place.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm.... This was a nice hint. You're a new community rep/writer for Tabula Rasa, aren't you?



Good luck in the future, Gil! You'll be missed.

I'll always remember that Paragon City Blimp operates outside of national airspace system



one question Gilgamesh, so where are you going from here? Any chance of seeing your work elsewhere?



First of all, I'm overwhelmed by your response. "You guys really like me!" Thank you! Your comments mean a lot to this ol' hack.

Secondly, I'm still writing but no longer for CoH. In fact, I'll be writiing for a wide spectrum of upcoming MMOs within the NCsoft family. However, there is one project that I'm really excited about but I can't say anything regarding it just yet. In time though...

You guys are wonderful.

Be well. Merry Meet & Merry Part!




First of all, I'm overwhelmed by your response. "You guys really like me!" Thank you! Your comments mean a lot to this ol' hack.

Secondly, I'm still writing but no longer for CoH. In fact, I'll be writiing for a wide spectrum of upcoming MMOs within the NCsoft family. However, there is one project that I'm really excited about but I can't say anything regarding it just yet. In time though...

You guys are wonderful.

Be well. Merry Meet & Merry Part!


[/ QUOTE ]

It's cool that it seems you're moving up and not being moved out. Congrats on your new role(s).



Your poor fanboy. He's probably already commited sepuku.

What pen name/real name should we look under for future works?



First of all, I'm overwhelmed by your response. "You guys really like me!" Thank you! Your comments mean a lot to this ol' hack.

Secondly, I'm still writing but no longer for CoH. In fact, I'll be writiing for a wide spectrum of upcoming MMOs within the NCsoft family. However, there is one project that I'm really excited about but I can't say anything regarding it just yet. In time though...

You guys are wonderful.

Be well. Merry Meet & Merry Part!


[/ QUOTE ]

Y'best be visiting on occasion, even if there isn't red on the name.

Proprietary brain. Place in shred bin only.




Secondly, I'm still writing but no longer for CoH. In fact, I'll be writiing for a wide spectrum of upcoming MMOs within the NCsoft family. However, there is one project that I'm really excited about but I can't say anything regarding it just yet. In time though...

[/ QUOTE ]

omg NDA'D



First of all, I'm overwhelmed by your response. "You guys really like me!" Thank you! Your comments mean a lot to this ol' hack.

Secondly, I'm still writing but no longer for CoH. In fact, I'll be writiing for a wide spectrum of upcoming MMOs within the NCsoft family. However, there is one project that I'm really excited about but I can't say anything regarding it just yet. In time though...

You guys are wonderful.

Be well. Merry Meet & Merry Part!


[/ QUOTE ]

has to be exteel then cause they dont even have a website created yet but it was displayed at e3. I want my giant robot too




And please, when my successor is officially announced, extend him all the warmth and support that I’ve been blessed with. I think you’ll find that I have left the CoH content editor’s position in very good hands.l

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh hell, we're going to haze his [censored].

Currently listening to R.L. Burnside's a Bothered Mind

[/ QUOTE ]

Quoted for Truth.

We're gonna miss you Gil.

Your fanboy must be really depressed.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Au Revior, Gil.

Sigh, I never got the chance to discuss that idea I had for an investigative report on "why the villains of Paragon City appear to all be deadeyes" but good luck in your new adventures.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



First of all, I'm overwhelmed by your response. "You guys really like me!" Thank you! Your comments mean a lot to this ol' hack.

Secondly, I'm still writing but no longer for CoH. In fact, I'll be writiing for a wide spectrum of upcoming MMOs within the NCsoft family. However, there is one project that I'm really excited about but I can't say anything regarding it just yet. In time though...

You guys are wonderful.

Be well. Merry Meet & Merry Part!


[/ QUOTE ]

What ever you still dont have Pancakes!!

*runs off in tears*

I miss what's his name already

LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom



Good luck! Here's to you! Have a loverly Oktoberfest!


[/ QUOTE ]

Das ist wundervoll. Danke!