Gilgameshs Farewell to the Heroes of Paragon City




Goodbye Gil, I really enjoyed your articles.

You will be missed.



Well damn... I suspected things were about to change when Jackson went missing, but this I had not seen coming.

Others have said things better than I can, so I will leave it at this: Thank you for the stories, Gil. Paragon Times, forums or in the game, they have always been entertaing.

Best of luck where ever you go next.



Thanks for enriching this little place called Paragon City - your writing
did much to make it a fascinating place to visit and be a part of....

I have no doubt you'll bring such richness to your future projects as well.

Best Wishes,

I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



/e sniffles
Miss you Gil.

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



lady panzer

heavy assault tank 3rd canadian division attached to the american army RCS front (day 515) of Operation Ritki Roundup

global id @Panzer



Gil, I never responded to your articles because I had nothing to add and nothing to detract. But your leaving honestly has me a little choked up. Meaning no slight to Jack, I think you added more to CoH than Statesman. He may have founded it, but to us you brought it to life.

Thank you for going above and beyond and making CoH more than just a game - for some of us, it was what we came home to.

I don't know what level your characters are, but to me, you will always be a Hero of the City.




*sniffle* While fine! I never liked you anyways! And you're not my real daddy! *runs up to his room and slams the door*

We're gonna miss you, ya kook.



Quiter, quiter, pumpkin sitter!

See what happens when you leave, Gil? People will start making poetry like that. And as for Prose?


Good job, Gil. Thanks a ton. :P



While I may be a long time reader of the boards, it took Gil quitting to make me gett off my butt and actually register. I guess I felt I had to say goodbye to someone who I may never have talked to, but I feel like I've come to know better than some people I know in the real world. Thanks for all your awesomeness Gil and for your part in making City of Heroes a game which never ceases to bring me alot of joy. Can't wait to see where you go. Regardless, I know we'll be there to support you as you have us.



Hey, where's your trusty fanboy? Seems like he would have flooded this thread by now....

Oh well, he probably just died from a heart attack, no worries.

Anyway, you will surely be missed. And later on, we can be all" Hey, remember Gilgamesh? He was soo cool." And then someone will say "Who was that?" And we'll be all "zOMG YOU R T3H NUB! GIL WAS TEH WINNAR!!!!1!1"

Gilgamesh FTW



Good Luck Gil - I enjoyed your writing.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Gil, we'll miss you sir.

Any chance you can tell us where to find you?

[/ QUOTE ]

As soon as I'm able, I'll invite all of you over to my new digs. It's gonna be a very cool place.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cryptic's newly announced MMO City of Pedestrians where you too can live the live of an average Paragon City citizen trapped in the middle of an epic battle between good and evil!




Hey, where's your trusty fanboy? Seems like he would have flooded this thread by now....

Oh well, he probably just died from a heart attack, no worries.

Anyway, you will surely be missed. And later on, we can be all" Hey, remember Gilgamesh? He was soo cool." And then someone will say "Who was that?" And we'll be all "zOMG YOU R T3H NUB! GIL WAS TEH WINNAR!!!!1!1"

Gilgamesh FTW

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm right here by Master, don;t you worry.





Why are...

How can you...

WHO SAID YOU COULD LEAVE?! I certainly didn't!

Maybe the guys in charge of this site should come up with a different color, so we can still hunt you down and [censored] you, Gil. :P

The boards just won't be the same without you in a red suit, Gil. We will all miss you. (At least as a red man.)



Hail and farewell Gil.

Your writings inspired me in mine, and for that I thank you.

The end of one story always marks the beginning of another...



Gil, we'll miss you sir.

Any chance you can tell us where to find you?

[/ QUOTE ]

As soon as I'm able, I'll invite all of you over to my new digs. It's gonna be a very cool place.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cryptic's newly announced MMO City of Pedestrians where you too can live the live of an average Paragon City citizen trapped in the middle of an epic battle between good and evil!


[/ QUOTE ]

How the hell did you find that out?!?

OMG, we have a mole in the department!



Rumor has it it will be exactly like The Sims 2, except with PCU instead of Sim U, and with random spandex-clad muscular beings bursting through your walls at regular intervals. Oh, and you'll be required to superglue your purse to your hand, if you are a woman.



Sorry to see you go Gil, always enjoyed your articles.

Dr. Spectre of the Midnight Avengers
Taxibot 1
Getaway, of the Rogue Isles Getaway Service
Golden Ager of the GotGA



Gil, we'll miss you sir.

Any chance you can tell us where to find you?

[/ QUOTE ]

As soon as I'm able, I'll invite all of you over to my new digs. It's gonna be a very cool place.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cryptic's newly announced MMO City of Pedestrians where you too can live the live of an average Paragon City citizen trapped in the middle of an epic battle between good and evil!


[/ QUOTE ]

How the hell did you find that out?!?

OMG, we have a mole in the department!

[/ QUOTE ]

Wasn't me, I swear!! <_< >_> *runs off*



Take care.



Fortune favors the brave... and the twisted.

You've got it covered from both angles.

Seriously, thank you for some fantastic writings and I wish you nothing but the greatest success wherever you are going next.


M'Teru couldn't get the job done. So she sent Mot to Astoria. Bad call.



Cryptic's newly announced MMO City of Pedestrians where you too can live the live of an average Paragon City citizen trapped in the middle of an epic battle between good and evil!

[/ QUOTE ]

any gameplay footage yet? pushing heroes around like they were a shopping cart would rock!



Hate to see you go, Gil. I'm a new arrival here (barely three months) but your writing has brought life to Paragon City. Thanks for all your hard work! Well done!

And kudos for the St. Crispins Day speach from Henry favorite of Will's work.

If we are marked to die, we are enow
To do our country loss; and if to live,
The fewer men, the greater share of honour.

Henry V, 4.3

Be well.



poor new guy...