Gilgameshs Farewell to the Heroes of Paragon City




whoever your successor is will have a tough time filling your shoes.. the storyline of this game is one of the main reasons I stick around!

[/ QUOTE ]

So he is leaving a little of himself behind in the history of Paragon AND his shoes?

Must be moving on to a bigger paycheck if he has to wear company shoes.

The stories/articles/history were and are a good way of understanding the entire history....more delving makes the time in the city more fun.

Bon Chance, and best wishes to you and yours.

Sometimes, I impress my boss. Sometimes, I impress myself. The rest of the time, I scare people. I can live with that.




Best wishes to you wherever you are off to.




Ah well, take it light Gil. *goes to save the articles for posterity and to wave in the face of the alleged "successor"*

Hopefully you find a place at least as enjoyable as this, and with people at least as nasy as us

((I too had a guess after the last article))

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Grah. T_T While I was reading all that, the slow organ portion of Final Fantasy VI - Dancing Mad was playing. Almost made me tear up.

Your articles (and forum posts) always made for great reading. I really can't think of anything more to say than "Enjoy."



You're not going anywhere. I haven't given you permission to leave.




...does that mean your job's open?



Gil, You're definitly going to be missed. It was cool interacting with the guy who wrote the fluff, so to speak. I appreciate the fact that you put yourself out in the open and took comments, both good and bad, without taking much personally (to the public anyway, who knows about behind closed doors )

Good luck with whatever you're going to be doing in the future!



Good bye Gilgamesh , we gonna miss you

By the way , im wondering , CoH staff starts to leave for other projects ... Does it means that CoH development is coming to an end ? Number of subscribers isnt high enough to keep staff working on the storyline ? Will Gilgamesh be replaced by someone else or the kind of lore Gilgamesh was feeding us isnt deemed valuable enough anymore ? Id like to know where Statesman "Vision" of CoH stands these days . Is CoH already an "old" game ?

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.




Good luck and I hope you enjoy whatever you are moving onto. Thank you for the imput you have given to, in my opinion, the best ever online game. It's truly a first and you were part of it

And one day I hope we can fight the baddies together

Take care and good luck.

Infamy, infamy, they've all got it infamy!!!



Goodbye Gilgamesh.
I always appreciated your ability to speak to the community.
But you never talked to me.



My fellow Heroes, I am here to bid you all a fond farewell.

[/ QUOTE ]


Say it ain't it so Gil!!

Oh... and....


Well, good luck on your new path... ya bastich!

And can I have your name?! and your stuff?!



Thank you Gil for the hard work!
I hope you future is bright and prosperious!

Don't be a stranger here on the boards.




Thank you!

And best of luck in whatever you do next. You will be missed.

Lightning Rod

"I am certain that all CoX will be humbled by the might of the Lightning Rod." -Lady_Sadako



Take care, Gilgamesh.

Who can compare with him in kingliness?
Who can say like Gilgamesh: "I am King!"?
Whose name, from the day of his birth, was called "Gilgamesh"?
Two-thirds of him is god, one-third of him is human.



Bah, this is what I hate about the 4th Quarter... I wonder who else got "budgeted" out of a great job?
(I'm going to be let-go on Christmas this year myself, no way to stop it...sux)

The articles were good for the community, a lot more depth and common sense to them than what we'd see in StoryArcs and from our bubble-headed Contacts. And Gil's greatest accomplishment of course, 1-upping the Forum weirdos...That will never be forgotten. Adios, BastardoElMagnifico!



Methinks the powers-that-be told Gil they were going in a different direction. That all his stories were really a dream sequence. Gil you got nerfed!

Best of luck, Gilgamesh.



Really sorry to see you go, Gilgamesh. You did a hell of a lot to shape Paragon City in to a living world. I've always looked forward to Wednesdays in hopes that a new Paragon Times had been published. You've done an amazing job, and I wish you great success with your future endeavors.



Gilgamesh has a replacement, though no one will ever be able to fill his shoes. You will be missed Gil old friend.

Awry has captured the new guy and is torturing him as we speak. I will rescue him later this week so that he can post a hello.



Noooooo! Don't leave us, Gil! After watching Serenity, I've lost enough! I can't lose anyone else right now!

Seriously, though, good luck in your future endevours, Gil.



Gil, You're definitly going to be missed. It was cool interacting with the guy who wrote the fluff, so to speak. I appreciate the fact that you put yourself out in the open and took comments, both good and bad, without taking much personally (to the public anyway, who knows about behind closed doors )

[/ QUOTE ]

why do you think he's leaving? He probably goes home and cries himself to sleep after dealing with us lol



Aww what happened Gil? Did Statesman's request for TPS reports finally make you snap? I bet he tried to take your stapler too didn't he?!

Statesman: Yeeeaaa, I'm gonna need for you to go ahead and, move your desk back a bit more...

Gill: *mumbles* I'm going to burn this place to the ground...

Aaanyway, if you would go ahead and give me all your Influence and Enhances that'd be Greeeaat. Go ahead and respec out some of the good ones too.




Good luck Gil

Gods speed and following winds.

From your less vocal fans.



Gilgamesh has a replacement, though no one will ever be able to fill his shoes. You will be missed Gil old friend.

Awry has captured the new guy and is torturing him as we speak. I will rescue him later this week so that he can post a hello.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why? It's not like it will help bring Gil back. *cries* He was such a great man!!! *runs off to find "happy place"*




Good luck Gilgamesh. Have fun wherever you are off to.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Goodbye Gilgamesh.
I always appreciated your ability to speak to the community.
But you never talked to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now I have

Thank you for your kind comment.

I wish you well. Keep fighting the good fight!
