Gilgameshs Farewell to the Heroes of Paragon City




I've always loved your articles...farewell, and good luck for your new project! Let us know about it as soon as you can!

By the way, for what I've seen nobody asked it to you till now...

Can I have your stuff?



Since you are leaving, I was wondering, in all your time writing for CoH, what article of yours are you most proud of?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm proud of them all--they all have to some degree an idea or phrase or insight that truly shines. But I think the one I'm most proud of was probably overlooked by many as it really didn't contribute anything to the actual game. For me it placed Paragon City in a perspective that even I had not seen prior to writing it. It was the first article that I had written that managed to create a real time and place.

The article in question? Rudolp Augustus Seifert and the Memory of Heroes

I would guess that no one else shares this fondness--but I'm damn proud of it.


[/ QUOTE ]

An excellent article--as were they all! I wish you well in all of your future endeavours. May you have fair winds and following seas!

Honor Harrison: 50 PB

Capt. Arabella Blood: 50 Ice/Kin C
Maiden Might: 50 SS/INV B
Valentina Metis: 50 NW
Dark Falconayra: 45 EM/DA B
Imperiatrix: 45 Fire/Kin C
Fiona Flitterwing: 47 Ice/Kin C
Doc Electroshock: 43 SM/ELA B



It just won't be the same without you. We're gonna miss you!!!

/em and they better torture the new guy good if he thinks he can fill your shoes....



So what is this new project?

PS: As a lover of words, I admire even your "thefts"; brazenly stealing from both Shakespeare and Lincoln in the same post. Steal from the best!



If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog




It's been a privilege to have stepped into your world! Take care & best of luck.



We will remember you always for your works, Gilgamesh. You can never truly leave.



o.o we keep loosing all the talkative red names!!

>.< you'd better come back someday Gil, or we'll start following you around to other games and pulling a type of Spanish Inquisition!

*prepares the fluffy pillow and comfy chair*

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



Wow, Gil is gone.

You'll be missed Gil.



The work of yours that I had the privledge to read was that of genius. I loved all that I read. My favorite had to be the blimp though. EVERYONE tries to land on the blimp.



Take care, storyteller.

Virtue: multiple characters.

CoH/V: Woot! Maybe Fun is to be had once again.

Ack! RUN! Regen is glowing mean & green!

If it reduces you, it's a nerf.
If it buffs the mobs, it's challenge.
They are not the same.




Gil, I didn't know you, and I hardly know anyone on these boards. But the simple fact that the community has responded so strongly with few, if any, flames, says something to me; you are, in fact, quite a good guy, and this community is one helluva lot more mature than World of Warcraft. Helpful Hint: Ever hate your job? Go check out what the poor CMs over on the World of Warcraft General Forums have to put up with. It's madness, I tell you! Madness!

I, sadly, must return to the evil of World of Warcrack for but a moment to see if I can find a new guild. And if I can...dangit >.<

/em salute



Well now I'm sad. It's been a blast Gil. Wherever you go, the team is really lucky.



Awry has captured the new guy and is torturing him as we speak. I will rescue him later this week so that he can post a hello.

[/ QUOTE ]

How... interesting. I want to work at Cryptic!



Gil, I know you'll do well in the new place. Thanks for all your hard work here, I enjoyed every bit of it. Best wishes


I have an idea! No's just gas.



Goodbye Gil good luck with all your Projects gut feeling is you will be writing a arc for the comic hope its true i think it will be a good one if you do



*waves sadly*

Bye bye Gil. Always enjoyed reading the Times and reading your posts. Thank you so much for all you've done.

/em wipes away tears



Later Gil. Wish you the best of luck.



Good luck and best wishes, mang. I'll miss you, and the weird flame wars your articles could generate.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Just wanted to wish the best Gil. I have truly enjoyed your articles and how they made Paragon come alive for me. Also thanks for being the first red name to ever answer one of my posts.

Farewell wordslinger!



I wish you well on your new projects Gil. Always enjoyed the articles and the posts explaining/debunking the mythos surrounding the game. You will be much missed.



Good luck! Always looked forward to your "Articles"!



When Siren's Call is opened up to both villains and heroes I shall slaughter a thousand heroes in your name....

good luck with all future endeavors



Well I am sorry to see the writer of all those fantastic articles go. Thanks for writing. And good luck on your next project!



You'll be missed!

Always liked the background pieces you wrote about people like Azuria and the City rep. Even incorporated them into some stories I wrote for some of my characters. Having that kind of background detail always makes stories written against that background more real.

Good luck on whatever it is you're gonna be doing!



Bye! You have been a great asset to city of heroes, and it won't be quite the same without you. I wish you good luck at what you move on to next, and hope that you have a good time there.