Gilgameshs Farewell to the Heroes of Paragon City




Goodbye Gilgamesh.
I always appreciated your ability to speak to the community.
But you never talked to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now I have

Thank you for your kind comment.

I wish you well. Keep fighting the good fight!


[/ QUOTE ]

And now his Fanboy has too. You're pretty special today.



Thanks for adding to CoH Gil. Every bit from community to stories just adds to the great whole and I appreciate the part you played in it. Good luck in the future endeavours.

global: @SuperSean

Undersecretary of Awesome



I've loved some of your articles, and some not so much. But, out of everything you've written, this has to be the worst....not because of it's style, but because of it's content. I am shocked, and saddened, to see you go.

The articles have been one of the crowning achievements, IMO, of this game. Their ability to let the players know more about their game, and get them more involved in the story without even having to play, has been a boon to this games design. And much of that benefit can be contributed to you.

I still remember the great streak you had where every article, most about transportation in the city, was better than the last. Wednesday's were truly fun back then.

And, I will not forget the added anticipation the articles brought to the great Halloween event. Simply superb.

I'm going long here, so I'll wrap up. As was already said, you will be sorely missed. Here's hoping that your next endeavor brings you many rewards, financially, emotionally, and reputation-wise. Please let the forums know what your are working on, as many of us will be happy customers of yours.
Oh, and once in a while, how about a quick article in the comic

Good luck, and best wishes.



See you later man.



Good luck Gil, wherever you go. It has been a pleasure reading your work.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



Goodbye Gilgamesh.
I always appreciated your ability to speak to the community.
But you never talked to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now I have

Thank you for your kind comment.

I wish you well. Keep fighting the good fight!


[/ QUOTE ]

Sweet. Who wants some tea?



Good luck Gil, wherever you go. It has been a pleasure reading your work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Where he goes = across the hall



So long, Gil!

I've been here since the beginning, and I've loved the work you've done! IMO, the articles you wrote were great for building the community outside of when people were playing the game. I wish you the best of luck in whatever job you're moving on to, and hope you always remember Paragon fondly.



Best of luck for you.. and while you thanked us for letting you write for us, I thank you for letting us be able to read your words.

You've added a lot of flavor to an already great game. You will be missed.

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



[Where he goes = across the hall

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh starting work for the CIA.

<anyone get the reference ?>

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Sorry to see you go, Gil. Good writers can be so hard to find!



Always enjoyed the background your articles gave the game. Glad to hear that even if you leave your "red name" post, you'll still be a part of the community.

Come join us on Justice, the characters on our server will give you plenty of writing inspiration!

Zapping, 50 storm/elec
Rain King, 50 ice/storm
Ard, 50 NB/SR

The rest of my lineup
Justice, Freedom and Virtue Servers
Avatar by Altoholic_Monkey!



I'll keep my sig for ya, won't be forgotten!



I, for one, am going to attempt to rescue Jackson Turner from certain destruction in Siren's Call. (You know, he isn't as old, blind and decrepit looking as I thought) I am pretty sure he has a limp though....

"Them that don't like us, may God turn their hearts, and if he can't turn their hearts may he turn their ankles so we will know them by their limping."

May the road rise up, Gil. We will miss you.

The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki



I love the St. Crispin's Day speech from Henry V, but I think this one may be more appropriate:

If we shadows have offended think but this and all is mended
That you have but slumbered here while these visions did appear
And this weak and idle theme no more yielding than a dream
Gentles do not reprehend, if you pardon, we will make amends
And as I’m an honest Puck, if we have unearned luck
How to ‘scape the serpent’s tongue, we will make amends ere long
Else the Puck a liar call, so goodnight unto you all
Give me your hands if we be friends and Robin shall restore amends

Thank you for your efforts in fleshing out a wonderful dream for us all.



peace been da journy Gil.



I know you told me already - but this makes it official!

Sad to see you go Gilgamesh. You were always incrediably approachable and honest with people. Which in my mind was so much more important than the articles you wrote. You didn't let pseudo-fame get to your head - and were able to make all of the CoH fanbase dazzled on a weekly basis.

Godspeed and goodluck in wherever life takes you Gilg.

And know you've still got friends "round these here parts"




Gil, we'll miss you sir.

Any chance you can tell us where to find you?



Rescue Jackson Turner Mission

Now ™
Or ELSE!!!!!!11!!

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Gil, we'll miss you sir.

Any chance you can tell us where to find you?

[/ QUOTE ]

As soon as I'm able, I'll invite all of you over to my new digs. It's gonna be a very cool place.



Gil, we'll miss you sir.

Any chance you can tell us where to find you?

[/ QUOTE ]

As soon as I'm able, I'll invite all of you over to my new digs. It's gonna be a very cool place.

[/ QUOTE ]
I wouldn't invite me.
Last time I went to a new house, I got between an awkward and devestating relationship with two young things.
Their names were a mallet and the wall.



I wish you well in life, Gil. I've really enjoyed all your stories and forum posts.

Will we get to read more of your new career in "The Web of Arachnos", coming "soon"?



Now that Gil is gone, I refuse to buy Paragon Times for 75 cents.



Hey Gil, make sure that when they change your forum account from a Dev to a player that you don't loose your name/post count or avatar. You don't want to be GenericXDev003 or somethin.

Thanks for what you've done. Luck on your new projects whatever they may be.



Gilgamesh has a replacement, though no one will ever be able to fill his shoes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Because he stole them along with all the other office supplies (I swear there was a cubicle wall here just a minute ago...)?

Thanks for all the great articles. You added a whole lot of flavour to the game. (fondly remembers blimp story)