Gilgameshs Farewell to the Heroes of Paragon City




Good luck! Here's to you! Have a loverly Oktoberfest!


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Das ist wundervoll. Danke!

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Don't want to show up to your first day of work wasted, do you?



This is what I get for not paying attention. I miss Gil leaving.

Throwing it my good byes how ever late they are. I may have abondoned you Gil, but I'll miss you just the same.

I guess I should throws away those blackmail pictures of you now.



Gil, you will be missed. I always looked forward to your articles and have greatly appreciated your contributions to this game. Best of luck in all your future endeavors.



It better be Tabula Rasa! mmm....Tabula Rasa. Good game at E3

This space is intentionally left blank.



My fellow Heroes, I am here to bid you all a fond farewell.

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I'll miss your writing, Giglamesh. Among all the employee, it's the timeline and newspaper writers I'll miss most, and I guess that's you. Please let us know which project or job you're going to. What's your name so I can look up your future projects?



I will be sorry to see you go, I have always enjoyed the Paragon Times articles.

Tygyr Tygyr Burning Bright



/sniff, byes



You have done an excellent job and will be sorely missed....

Best of luck!!



I'm gonna miss you as well, Gil. I always get excited when I see a new article posted. Since you are leaving, I was wondering, in all your time writing for CoH, what article of yours are you most proud of?

Once again, you will be missed and I hope that the forum community of your next games appreciate what you are doing as much as I know we all did.



/em cries



Well, I haven't worked on my site for quite some time (due to various things I won't get into), but I didn't want this to go by without saying anything. Farewell, Gilgamesh!



Since you are leaving, I was wondering, in all your time writing for CoH, what article of yours are you most proud of?

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I'm proud of them all--they all have to some degree an idea or phrase or insight that truly shines. But I think the one I'm most proud of was probably overlooked by many as it really didn't contribute anything to the actual game. For me it placed Paragon City in a perspective that even I had not seen prior to writing it. It was the first article that I had written that managed to create a real time and place.

The article in question? Rudolp Augustus Seifert and the Memory of Heroes

I would guess that no one else shares this fondness--but I'm damn proud of it.




Well, I haven't worked on my site for quite some time (due to various things I won't get into), but I didn't want this to go by without saying anything. Farewell, Gilgamesh!

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I am most humbled. Thank you friend. I hope I can repeat some of the old CoH magic wherever I go. You guys made me set the bar high and I'll spend the rest of my writing career trying to better it and then some.

I guess I better finish my novel while the memory of Gilgamesh is still hot. LOL






The article in question? Rudolp Augustus Seifert and the Memory of Heroes

I would guess that no one else shares this fondness--but I'm damn proud of it.


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I actually liked that one a whole lot. Sure it didn't really focus on gameplay or new zones or whatever, but I thought it did a good job of fleshing out the environment, and explaining the unique style and architecture of Paragon City.

Anyway, I've never talked to ya Gil, but we'll miss your articles and good luck with your next projects.






Gil, a big thank you for all the fun and entertainment you brought us. Also the best of luck on your future adventures, let us know where you're at, so we can go on bugging ye.

You'll be dearly missed!





I've greatly enjoyed both your articles and your banter with fans and hecklers alike here on the forums.

You will be missed.



Well, I've always enjoyed your writing and most of the other work you've done for the game, so I hate to see you gone - but I hope you have a blast in your new job(s).




that's no good...

what with the leaving and all...

I never read much of your articles... (not because of quality, more of a not enough time kinda thing... the ones I read were good though) but you definetly made yourself known around here... and it is comforting when the red names are so friendly and interactive with the community...

Thanks for all your work...
Good Luck in the future...

Are we gonna throw a going away party?

I'll bring the oreos and the cups!



First of all, I'm overwhelmed by your response. "You guys really like me!" Thank you! Your comments mean a lot to this ol' hack.

Secondly, I'm still writing but no longer for CoH. In fact, I'll be writiing for a wide spectrum of upcoming MMOs within the NCsoft family. However, there is one project that I'm really excited about but I can't say anything regarding it just yet. In time though...

You guys are wonderful.

Be well. Merry Meet & Merry Part!


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Will you at least make some guest apperances?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



*loads Gil up with more cookies 'cause I shall miss him*



I think Issue 6 needs to have a Gilgamesh hero that hands out task forces or levels so that he will never be completely gone from COH



Nah rescue Jackson Turner would be the best mission series, less unravlleing of history to do.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617