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  1. Personally I would like to see a toxic DoT component on some of the powers, not as a balance issue, but just for flavor. I find it odd that the poison set has no damaging powers what so ever. Not much, but a minor DoT on some of the single target abilities would be nice. this wouldn't really hurt us at all since there is no positional def to toxic anyway, but it would add an interrupting component (Which makes sense when you're being poisoned) and would be flavorful. Not really the issue at hand however, on to more serious issues...

    I like the idea of keeping poison mostly single-target, that is the idea of the set and that is what it should do better than anyone else. Sadly it doesn't. I would ideally like to see alkaloid made into a quite potent heal. if we only have single target powers and a single target heal is part of that than I feel our single target heal should be superior as well. I also second the suggestions of reducing neurotoxic breath's recharge and making it accept hold enh/sets.

    On the topic of weaken and envenom, I think they should stay single target, but they should be upped in power. They are about equal with the AoE debuffs from radiation right now, except that they are ST. I would say if the numbers were increased and maybe the END costs cut a little they would be fine. Alternatively the spreading component would be fine as well if the devs think that more potent debuffs would be dangerous, then we would have to be multi-target.

    Poison trap needs to be rewritten completely. There are some good ideas here for that, and I don't know enough about noxious gas to comment there just yet.
  2. Sorry it took me so long to get on the boards and post this, I am the guy who requested you post this up in game. I have to say I have been using the sounds and love them, especially the sniper-rifle and slug sounds. I've just gotten used to the new sound completely now Very nice work.
  3. Also, I don't think I would call dull pain skippable from a PvE standpoint. having more HP means healing more per tic, and it also means that for its duriation you have scrapper HP. When all your defence relies on healing, having more HP to heal is good.

    Personally, I use it and to great advantage.
  4. Baleful_Deity

    Blaster Changes?

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    Logged Ikube onto test. Unless this is just something I missed ages ago, it looks like they're trying to apply a pseudo assassin's strike functionality to Cloaking Device.

    It doesn't work yet though.

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    Don't get attached to that. It got nixed and sent back to the drawing board.

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    As I read down this page, my level of joy increased to the point of giddyness, then I saw this post and almost died of a heart attack :/

    I really like the idea of a kind of sucker-punch attack, and I think this change really would have been great, given devices some new tactics. (To me, devices has always seemed like a tactical "plan ahead" type thing) Aw well. At least we can see that you guys are working on improvements aand notice the problems at hand. Or maybe just want us to think you're working on them :P
  5. Just a question... why didn't you mention warshades? If you ahven't played khelds yet, Warshades are actually rather differant than peacebringers... and weaker in PvP. This is partially because they need dead bodies for their best powers to work. They are however pretty much the same in nova/dwarf form.
  6. I feel odd replying to threads that are fairly old now, but I wanted to thank you for this guide.

    In my quest for godly AoE I tried all the general combos. Spine/dark? I felt like a clean-up crew. Fire/fire? Might be nice if I wasn't face first in the dirt. All the generic combos lacked something. Something I now know as CONES! Seriously, the game is much more fun when you are lining up cones and unleashing lead-ridden death!

    So thank you, for making blasters playable for me.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    The problem with Regen as a Stalker is that you get hit a lot more, which makes it harder to rehide (I think it's about 15 seconds of not attacking and not getting hit). You get a defensive bonus when hidden (even if they know you're there) and you can use your Assassin's Strike again.

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    10 seconds. However, It should be noted that while hidden you have massive AoE defence. As such, I don't think it is much of a problem. It would be nice if they kept the "no un-hiding while in dull pain" bug. Even _Castle_ said that he thinks it should stay. At least I think he said that... well... he SHOULD have said it at the very least!
  8. My name is baleful deity, and I suffer from acute altitus.

    Oh sure, I have tried to stop... but I CAN'T! I would say I have made around 200-300 alts since signing up. Most never make it to level 15. I only have three characters past thirty, and no lv 50s.

    I won't even lie now... I don't even have any characters NAMED baleful deity anymore... and the original got deleted at level 12...
  9. Here is a favorite story of mine:

    I was a Claw/regen scrapper, teamed with three other regens Two BS and one katana. This is level 16ish, so we are really getting our regen on. We enter the mission, it looks to be a decently hard one. Its on invincible, so I say we should be careful. The broad-sword wielding leader chargest head first into the mob, dies, we scrap for a minute and eventually only me and the katana user escape.

    I suggest we turn down the skill level, and the leader utters the scariest thing I have ever heard "we need a healer" I tried to tell him what was said here, or that with four regen scrappers, a healer isn't high on the priority list, or that dying instantly in a blaze of alpha glory is not going to be helped by a healer. He calls me a noob. He doesn't even try to be nice: "well i want a healer." So, he finds a generic healer, witha generic heal-related-pun-name. We re-enter the mission and he does the same thing, dies the same way, calls the healer a noob and we essentially disband.

    The sad part? There was a lv 17 FF/psy LFT!
  10. Did he mention how much that helps? I remember trying to level my ice/mace in I4 and watching all the other tanks treat me like a novelty

    Now I am rolling a fire/mace and plan on mace-punching them in the face!
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    If you want to see if a certain graphics designer really is sexy, a little Google-fu will answer that question.

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    I don't need proof. I have faith that Jay is Sexy.

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    And War_Witch is Canadian (I think)!

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    Thats always a plus!
  12. I would be cool with it if they COULD work out the bugs, but I believe the current status is that the "bug" is no such thing, it is irreprable an "working as planned"
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    FYI, all you "chum" fans, you need to know what that word means. "Chum" is the bait used to lure sharks, composed of ground bits of meat (usually fish) and blood. Water is "chummed" by scattering this mixture into the water, and the scent of it then attracts sharks.

    I'm guessing the reason it was changed to "Bile" spray was for more correct representation.

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    We know what chum is. You know what bile is? It's a fat emulsifier. It helps lipids dissolve in water in the intestines. It's not any more accurate... and about 300 times less cool.

    Viva la Chum Spray!

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    Oh god! My fatty acids are now water soluble! WHatever will I do! Bile 4TL! Chum 4TW! Devs, listen to our plead BRING BACK CHUM SPRAY! otherwise I am replacing the power button with a macro that says "chum" on it. Besides, the power looks like chum anyway, which it was obviously designed to be.

    Anyone see the episode of dirty jobs (I am a nerd) where he has to make chum? He vomits. For a guy that was fine at a garbage sorting job, and only mildly sick (no vomit) at a place where they rot the meat and brains out of large animals in vats of water, thats impressive. This shows the TRUE power of chum, its use as a weapon!
  14. I say chain induction becomes a PbAoE with five potential waves of damage, like a much tamer blaster nuke. Kind of a faster AoE power so that we can have almost 100% AoE chains for large groups
  15. [ QUOTE ]

    could someone plz make a fire/elec build? ty

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    Reverse that :P give me an elec/fire guide!
  16. Baleful_Deity

    Costume guides?

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    Tall order and rather specific so I doubt you'll find any sort of guide. That being said, google is your friend. Do a safe google or google image search for your subject.


    "Magical Girl"
    "Magical Girl"+anime
    "Cat Girl"
    "Anime Maid"
    "Demon Girl"+anime

    Try variations and see what you come up with. Perhaps add the word +design or search for "anime design" or "anime girl design"

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    If you are doing a search like that, I seriously doubt ANY number of parental filters will help you out...
  17. Baleful_Deity


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    Somebody posted some pics of that area. It seems they had found a way inside, and explored. It was really cool, with a dam and a river, as well as a very cool dam-support-structure thingy.

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    I hope you do! Would it be possible to script a demo of the area?

    I MIGHT still have my demorecord of that zone. It dont have any spawns. but its has all the buildings and what not.

    Ill have to dig around.

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  18. [ QUOTE ]
    A bad name can ruin a good character.

    Not happy with your costume? You can change that. It'll cost you a fortune at low levels, but at least its fixable. But a bad name will haunt you.

    You can create the perfect character with the perfect look and get them all leveled up just the way you want...but if you're not satisfied with the name it'll eat away at you until you eventually have to re-roll.

    Take the extra 20-30 minute upfront and create something original that you love. Don't give up out of frustration. If it's already taken, that just means it's not original enough.

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    QFT! Seriously, nothing is worse. I once named a character "Psychomancer." and that period burned me inside for 15 levels before I deleted the character... a good bit of time lost.

    Right now I am on day five of making a new name. No inspiration right now D: But I would ratehr put off making him for a month than getting him to 30 then deleting him.
  19. Energy/elec? Got one to 10, great build if you are willing to take the fight to the mobs. However, what really got to me about the build was that I would knock something back, and have to chase it to unleash my melee. Thats why I stopped, but its still a fine set up
  20. Just wanted to point out that you don't even mention teleport as a travel possibility. I use it and I love it.

    Teleport has the potential to be the fastest travel power in the game, it also allows vertical movement, and can be used while immobalized. However, all this is balanced with a huge END usage, and how difficult it can be to use. (you select your destination within a limited radius and are instantly transported there.) The powers before it, TP friend and TP foe are great utilities, TP foe especuially for brutes, as it allows you to grab, pull, retrieve, or drop off a clif, most enemies in the game.
  21. [ QUOTE ]

    (cookies if you understand the reference.)

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    I don't have much time to post (Swaped past few weeks) so all I will say is:

    /B/TARD! mah internets!
  22. Might I just say that, while you complain about barrage, my ice/mace sits rotting from the sheer suck-ness of the sets? Barrage is not, and should not, be a prime dev concern. There are MANY worse powers out there.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    I haven't seem a single guide using the ninja powerset. The ninja MMs I see in game seem to only have traps and trick arrow secondary powersets. Ninjas seem to be melee powerhouses, so I'm suprised I don't see more people combining the ninja offense with a defensive secondary like dark miasma. A ninja overlord with shadow powers doesn't seem very farfetched for roleplaying either. Is there some sort of fatal flaw in ninja/dark miasma that I'm not seeing, and why isn't this combination more popular?

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    No real flaw other than the AI. But the AI is really a pain. On my ninja/poison I found I wa directing my mobs so much I couldn't always debuff/buff as well as I would have liked. It really starts to get annoying 20+ Oh, and they die a lot more than any of the other pets...
  24. [ QUOTE ]
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    Will there be a level bump? I mean your level 54 and most are no way near 40 ...

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    I hope this was a joke about the repetetive requests for a level bump, despite there already being a presented solution for this without a level bump.

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    For us of very low level auto-SK does little to help us. A level 10 SK'd to 40 is not a levl 40. Assuming this is what you were talking about.
  25. Bye! You have been a great asset to city of heroes, and it won't be quite the same without you. I wish you good luck at what you move on to next, and hope that you have a good time there.