Real Life Pictures of Development
Yep. Somewhere, in this section, is a pic of Cuppa from a meet n greet. I think there's a real life pictures of the devs type thread somewhere in CoV General.
Someone, somewhere has the Search-Fu to find them.
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson

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There is a picture of the dev team (the original team I believe) inside the hospitals (Hero side) behind the desk. Depending on how low you have your graphics set it might not be very clear though.
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Beat to my own punch Hoorah!
Glad I still have those pics in my Photbucket
Neat pics, Obsidius.
I love Cuppa's tats!
I have those pictures both saved on my computer and printed out and hanging over my shrine.
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Beat to my own punch Hoorah!
Glad I still have those pics in my Photbucket
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Positron looks like a dork!
Oh wait that's you...oops
I love Cuppa's tats!
[/ QUOTE ]
*almost has a heart attack* Good god, when one is tired and reading/scrolling quickly, that can be erm... misread. 'course, I'm sure Cuppa will now pummel me.
'course, I'm sure Cuppa will now pummel me.
[/ QUOTE ]
Don't hit back. That might be seen as "tit for tat" which, in this context, would be taken quite wrongly.
Hospital shot of Cryptic or the NCSoft QA team or...well, it's gotta be somebody. I don't see Positron or States in there, though. I wish I could see the shirts better.
'course, I'm sure Cuppa will now pummel me.
[/ QUOTE ]
Don't hit back. That might be seen as "tit for tat" which, in this context, would be taken quite wrongly.
Hospital shot of Cryptic or the NCSoft QA team or...well, it's gotta be somebody. I don't see Positron or States in there, though. I wish I could see the shirts better.
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Someone told me once that that was the original Beta team, was Positron part of that?
I love Cuppa's tats!
[/ QUOTE ]
Shame Shame
If you want to see if a certain graphics designer really is sexy, a little Google-fu will answer that question.
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Beat to my own punch Hoorah!
Glad I still have those pics in my Photbucket
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Positron looks like a dork!
Oh wait that's you...oops
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Hey, I resemble that!
I love Cuppa's tats!
[/ QUOTE ]
Shame Shame
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That's right - her eyes are up here!
*sits back and awaits the gentle caress of the MODSMACK*
Och! Teh Cuppa is teh cutie!
'course, I'm sure Cuppa will now pummel me.
[/ QUOTE ]
Don't hit back. That might be seen as "tit for tat" which, in this context, would be taken quite wrongly.
Hospital shot of Cryptic or the NCSoft QA team or...well, it's gotta be somebody. I don't see Positron or States in there, though. I wish I could see the shirts better.
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Someone told me once that that was the original Beta team, was Positron part of that?
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That pic was taken 2 months before I started at Cryptic.
Follow me on Twitter
Ret-con yourself in the pic.
someone should photoshop him in hovering above the rest.
or perhaps just bobbing up and down, like in the banner up there.
someone should photoshop him in hovering above the rest.
or perhaps just bobbing up and down, like in the banner up there.
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As long as he has a speech bubble saying "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" while doing so.
'course, I'm sure Cuppa will now pummel me.
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Don't hit back. That might be seen as "tit for tat" which, in this context, would be taken quite wrongly.
Hospital shot of Cryptic or the NCSoft QA team or...well, it's gotta be somebody. I don't see Positron or States in there, though. I wish I could see the shirts better.
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Someone told me once that that was the original Beta team, was Positron part of that?
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That pic was taken 2 months before I started at Cryptic.
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Woohoooo!1!!!!1! Positron quoted me!!
*Jumps around and does the cabbage patch*
If you want to see if a certain graphics designer really is sexy, a little Google-fu will answer that question.
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I don't need proof. I have faith that Jay is Sexy.
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!
are there any real life pictures of people like Cuppa Jo and Positron out there?