Patron Powers: Captain Mako - Leviathan Mastery
im defenitly getting captain makos for my EM/EA stalker when i7 goes live. Even though it doesnt have the snipe, its still the best
Reference for Brutes...
Spirit Shark
* Unenhanced damage @ lvl 40: 35 (Lethal, DoT)
* Knockback
* Range: 80
* END: 9
* Recharge: 9 secs
School of Sharks
* Unenhanced damage @ lvl 40: 23.375 (N. Energy, DoT)
* Immobilize
* Range: 50 (Cone)
* END: 13
* Recharge: 20 secs
Bile Spray
* Unenhanced damage @ lvl 40: 30 (Toxic, DoT)
* No secondary effect listed
* Range: 60 (Cone)
* END: 19
* Recharge: 32 secs
Summon Guardian
* Ranged Moderate Damage (Smashing)
* No secondary effect listed
* Duration: 4 mins or expires upon zoning (map or mission)
* Range: N/A
* END: 26
* Recharge: 15 mins
Repeat Offenders

So none of the Patron Powers offers a hold at 41?
Villains will be at somewhat of a disadvantage in the 40-50 PvP zone until 44 at minimum, because all Heroes can get holds at 41.
do all pets only last 4 mins?
First Of The Year
Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
Bile Spray
[/ QUOTE ]
Bile Spray. Bile Spray!
Bile Spray is wrong on every level.
Looking at the Mu numbers...looks like Sharks do more damage, cost less end, rechage faster. but Mu has better secondary effects.
In other words.
When I managed to get onto test initially I was looking at the Patron Pool info plaques in Grandville and I noticed that CHUM Spray (please Dev's, get rid of the Bile!) was listed as doing unenhanced damage of 30 (at level 40) across all the AT's that have access to it (Brutes, MMs, Dominators). This struck me as odd considering we know that ATs have differing damage modifiers - in terms of ranged damage: Brutes have 50%, MM's 55%, Domi's 65% (of Blaster damage).
Does this mean Brute Chum Spray is relatively more powerful in terms of Damage Scale than MM (and in turn Domi) Chum Spray and that the AT modifiers bring them all in line to make them all deal 30 unenhanced at level 40?
Reference for Corruptors...
School of Sharks
* Unenhanced damage @ lvl 40: 23.375 (N. Energy, DoT)
* Immobilize
* Range: 50 (cone)
* END: 13
* Recharge: 20 secs
Shark Skin
* Self +RES (S/L, Cold)
* END: 1 unit/sec
* Recharge: 4 secs
Spirit Shark Jaws
* Unenhanced damage @ lvl 40: 28.985 (Lethal, DoT)
* Hold, -Fly
* Range: Not listed
* END: 10.66
* Recharge: 32 secs
Summon Coralax
* Ranged Moderate Damage (Psi)
* No secondary effect listed
* Duration: 4 mins or upon zoning (map or mission)
* Range: N/A
* END: 26
* Recharge: 900 secs
Repeat Offenders

Any word on what Shark Skin looks like?
I thought it was Pasive...
I think it's a toggle.
I too would like to know what the graphic effect of Shark Skin is, if any.
it's auto not a toggle
Shark Skin
* Self +RES (S/L, Cold)
* END: 1 unit/sec
* Recharge: 4 secs
I don't understand, Shark Skin is auto like the "fitness" pool? Why does it have a 4 sec recharge or is that a typo?
"if I am guilty for what goes on in my mind, than give me the electric chair for all my future crimes"
Shark Skin
* Self +RES (S/L, Cold)
* END: 1 unit/sec
* Recharge: 4 secs
I don't understand, Shark Skin is auto like the "fitness" pool? Why does it have a 4 sec recharge or is that a typo?
[/ QUOTE ]
FYI - If it's a typo then it's Cryptic's. I'll check the statue again today when work cools down.
Is that a 'normal' END value for an auto?
If it's indeed an auto then I hope the actual RES value is more 'togglish'.
Repeat Offenders

That would suck if it was an auto.
You can't recover end at ALL unless you're running Stamina! Whee!
There is a type-o in the notes. You somehow misspelled Chum. I know it's an easy word to miss-type, so we forgive you. Please update the notes. Thanks!
Cyclone Jack
-= idspispopd =-
[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]
Sorry IBM I meant Cryptic, I should have been more clear and I appreciate you posting the (available) numbers on all the threads.
FYI - If it's a typo then it's Cryptic's. I'll check the statue again today when work cools down.
[/ QUOTE ]
"if I am guilty for what goes on in my mind, than give me the electric chair for all my future crimes"
FYI, all you "chum" fans, you need to know what that word means. "Chum" is the bait used to lure sharks, composed of ground bits of meat (usually fish) and blood. Water is "chummed" by scattering this mixture into the water, and the scent of it then attracts sharks.
I'm guessing the reason it was changed to "Bile" spray was for more correct representation.
If you're one of those who subscribe to the "chumz0rz iz k3wl!" camp, you might also think "d34th n1nj4hz spr4yz0rz" is k3wl too, but you won't get my vote there either .
Perhaps they could change it to something more Coral-centric? My vote would be "Toxin Jet" or something. A coral reef holds many mysteries. Chum, however, isn't one of 'em.
FYI, all you "chum" fans, you need to know what that word means. "Chum" is the bait used to lure sharks, composed of ground bits of meat (usually fish) and blood.
[/ QUOTE ]
Which the shark eats, and then subsequently barfs up all over you, causing you to flail and moan loudly about how hard it is to get the stains out of your suit and cape. Meanwhile, the shark is busy gnawing on your legs.
FYI, all you "chum" fans, you need to know what that word means. "Chum" is the bait used to lure sharks, composed of ground bits of meat (usually fish) and blood. Water is "chummed" by scattering this mixture into the water, and the scent of it then attracts sharks.
I'm guessing the reason it was changed to "Bile" spray was for more correct representation.
[/ QUOTE ]
We know what chum is. You know what bile is? It's a fat emulsifier. It helps lipids dissolve in water in the intestines. It's not any more accurate... and about 300 times less cool.
Viva la Chum Spray!
does fury effect the Patron attack powers or am i wishing for too much?
Fury effects almost all powers, even the Warburg nukes and PPPs.
Any word on what Shark Skin looks like?
[/ QUOTE ]
Remember in the trailer, there was an "hourglass" looking toggle? Well, that was an "icon" for a Patron, as you will see when you enter the main room. Shark Skin will probably look like that as well, with Mako's "wavy" "icon" flashing.
This thread is solely for discussions regarding the Patron Powers from Captain Mako. From the Issue 7 Training Room Patch Notes:
“Patron Powers
High level villains may complete a series of missions to gain favor with one of the faction leaders of Arachnos, gaining access to a new power pool. A villain may only have one patron during their career, so choose carefully.
Captain Mako - Leviathan Mastery
Captain Mako will embolden you with the knowledge of the Coralax and their mysterious powers over the seas."
Details on each archetype can be found in the patch notes. All off topic posts will be removed. Please do not post bugs/feedback/balance issues before testing this content.