Figure Id do this as an arrest report for my villain
From the Longbow integration of subject after arrest and capture:
Name: Green X
Race: Caucasian (white)
Origin: Magical
Hero or Villain: Villain
Type: Brute
Former Job: cowboy/farmhand, pirate/ship worker, biker/gang member, career criminal.
Current Home: a Villain group base, though the subject is a drifter who also wanders the rogue isles, though does seem to prefer St. martial's hotels from Longbow observation in the Rogue isles.
Brief Physical Description: the subject would be described as well built with numerous small scars across his body, mostly on his torso. A green x on his face which he claims has been their since the "accident" and appears to not be removable. Swirls white tattoos over the torso. The most unique feature is his pointed fingers which are almost like claws, almost like theres some kind of foreign object is under the skin. When asked about this he also claimed it was because of the "accident". Long blond hair with a goatee. Subject's weight was 370 lbs. it is thought that his powers cause him to weigh more than he appears. Height was 6'1 though 6'3 while wearing a hat he was wearing while arrested.
Objects subject had on persons when arrested: 1 pirate hat, 1 leather jacket without sleeves, 1 pair of grey gloves, 1 pair of work boots, 1 pair of ripped pants, 1 Indian brand motorcycle (presumed stolen), 1 6 inch knife.
Brief Personality Description: The subject during the arrest and integration showed a great resentment for authority and rules. He used his physique and "claw" fingers to intimidate Longbow agents and anyone else who had any other kind of conflict with him while detained. Though when he was not in conflict (i.e. asked if he wanted water, asked about his personal history, so on) acted in a polite manner which could just be a way of leading people into a false sense of security. While never actually caused any physical harm to anyone while detained, he has many times after escape.
Motivations: When asked about this he replied "The longer you live, the sooner you die" it is assumed that the subject's plans are no bigger than to steal enough to get beer money. Doubted he'll be a long term threat. Though at one point did posses a "doomsday device" after raiding a troll's hideout, it is unclear if he has sold it or if he still has it.
Thoughts on Arachnos: We asked him about Arachnos due to the pro-villain nature of Arachnos, he replied that he's no one's tool. Though undercover agents in the isles have reported him working for Arachnos, it is though at this time to be mercenary work.
History: Green X, as he preferred to be called, would not tell us of his childhood or his real name, though did speak of his adolescence in which he was a stage hand in a ranch some where in Wyoming until the age of 15 when he left and when to Oregon where he listed with a ship known as the "Black Swan" more popularly known as "The Last Pirate Ship" by the mass media. After that around the age of 19 the subject then came back to the main land of North America to join a biker gang known as "The Asphalt Demons" who have members in most of the north parts of the U.S.A. and south Canada. Which are still being pursued by law enforcement officials.
While on his way to paragon city he was after a drinking game and blacking out he claims to of been abducted by the Circle of Thorns and they where going to "Body snatch him" while he was unable to protect himself. This was the "accident" he was referring to earlier in the report. He claims while he was unable to move they enchanted his body before removing his soul to take his body for their own uses. After being enchanted he claims that another grouped attacked though he can't recall what group because he claims to of blacked out again and woke up hours later covered in blood and with the green x on his face and claw like fingers he now has.
While trying to establish a chapter in paragon city. The subject was pulled over by Longbow traffic officials for not wearing a helmet, when asked about this he claimed the hat he was wearing was sufficient to protect him from danger. he was arrested after is was discovered in an ID check that he had over 1000 citations for this same thing across multiple states, and had beaten law enforcement officials to escape arrest before. Why the subject didn't beat the longbow traffic officials would be attributed to the Chaser that was hovering above watching the situation.
He was detained, integrated and then locked in the Zig for a sentenced of 40 years for attempted murder, armed robbery, the numerous traffic violations, the beating of law officials, and evading the police. While their had been some reports of violence with other prisoners, and one guard which he claims wouldn't give him back his hat. Though due to an Arachnos jail break he, and numerous other prisoners escaped to the rogue isles where the information on him has become somewhat fuzzy. Intel reports have described him as a mercenary for who ever is willing to pay him. It is predicted he has been increasing his power since escaping Longbow captivity to the Rogue Isles and has since joined the villainous group known as "The Gestalt"