Respec difficulty is BS




. <- this is the world's smallest violin. it's playing your song of pity. really.

i honestly believe that if you don't have two consecutive hours in the day to complete something, that you should stop wasting your time playing video games and learn some serious time management or get a less hectic schedule.



Does it seem odd to anyone else that the trial necessary to fix a GIMPED character is the hardest [censored] mission in the game?

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Firstly, that's not the point to the mission.

Secondly, it's not that difficult. I have done it three times. Once with THREE people, none of which were a Tanker or Defender; something most people will claim is "necessary" to completing the TF.

In truth, the only thing necessary is patience and a little bit of intelligence. Keep your team small and balanced. Lead them well. Communicate. Don't aggro more than one group at a time, and stick together. That's it.

If you can't assemble and lead a team sufficiently well to complete this mission, then your character isn't the only thing that's GIMPed.



To be must be a noob. Get a team with everyone the same level. Get a tank and a healer/bubbler.

I did respec 2 nights ago and was so bored at the reactor. The trial is way too easy now. If anything they should make it harder.



Just to give you a stat side...

The success rate on the respec is a tad over 75%.

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Yeah but how many of them were solo?



Get a tank and a healer/bubbler.

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Or don't. You don't need 'em.

I did this mission Controller/Blaster/Tanker just yesterday. Given the difficulty, I gurantee I could have done it Controller/Blaster/Scrapper or an even less "standard" configuration. The difficulty was nominal and the reactor never dropped below 85%.



i honestly believe that if you don't have two consecutive hours in the day to complete something, that you should stop wasting your time playing video games and learn some serious time management or get a less hectic schedule.

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I honestly believe that if you spend more than two consecutive hours in front a computer playing a video game you need to get out more. Just thought I should mention that since we were talking about what we believed !



I would vehemently disagree with you. If anything, it's difficulty level is far, far too easy. Green Cons in the reactor room? C'mon!

Make it harder and you bring out the best in people. Like the sewer trial. Which is hella fun because it difficult. I say this as an Inv/SS Tanker.



I've done the freak and the sky raider versions. Haven't cared to try the rikti yet. The sky raider one used to by psychotic, now it's a cake walk. The freak one seems pretty easy, but I had a good team, I guess. Are you doing this against rikti? And if so, what's the problem... are you unconcious too much or are you stunned or is it the swords? I had aproblem with swords once. I got the people to spray my apartment. It's gone now.



Does it seem odd to anyone else that the trial necessary to fix a GIMPED character is the hardest [censored] mission in the game?

Yes, I'm pissed, and I'm going to add my name to the list of others who agree with me on this in the hopes that the devs will actually listen to our complaint for once.

I just lost the trial for the FIFTH TIME IN A ROW! Every time we've had a very efficient team, and every time we got our [censored] handed to us by the last wave or two of enemies.

A mission being difficult is all well and good, but this mission is damn near unbeatable unless you have a team of very well-built characters who all know exactly what they're doing--in which point it's pretty well self defeating to call it a respec mission as the only ones who can complete it DON'T NEED TO!

It was fun the first time or two, but after breaking 50K in debt at level 25 from ONE MISSION it immediately ceases to entertain.

If this is how you intended the respec trial to be and to stay, have the balls to just come out and say that you're dooming anyone unfortunate enough not to be a min-maxer to an end-game at the halfway point.

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Quit whining, they lowered the difficulty like twice already. It doesn't matter if you are gimp, as long as you don't make dumba$$ mistakes there shouldn't be any problems. You're failing not because of how gimp your characters are, it's because your how gimp your skills are, accept it and change your strategy or keep failing, your choice. And if your character is so gimp that you can't even beat respec with right strategies then just reroll, and absorb your losses.



I actually sent in a complaint in game because of how easy it is now. It was so boring, we were actually camped by the doors on the top attacking them immediately when they spawned.
Course my other complaint was getting a lvl 54 enhancement...




My supergroup did the Sky Raider version with a team of 5 that spanned about 3 levels. It was fun and challenging but we beat it first time. One thing that really helps: get a Mind Controller to join you. You wouldn't believe how many sleeping, held, and confused mobs there were in that reactor room... and for almost the whole mission we had at least one "pet" Sky Skiff.

Mind Controllers may be looked down on, but when it comes to making a bunch of things stop attacking they are VERY useful... and as long as you are in it for the respec and not max XP sitting back and watching enemies tear each other apart is a riot.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



I've done the Sky Raider version as well and with a minimum team (4 I think?) and it was pretty easy. It was 1 Claw scrapper, 1 Bubble defender, 1 fire blaster and me a DM/Inv scrapper (with taunt at that time Provoke now).

2 of the best things to remember about most TF /Trials.

1: Less=easier. Usually the Posi TF is prety hard. Did it with the min and there where no bosses except those at the ends of missions and much fewer minions.

2: For the Respec Trial you want most if not all members to be the same level +/- 1. The more disparity in the levels the harder it will be since the mobs spawn according to the highest level character.

As far as a balanced group thats kind of a hard to put down idea. Many teams can be great. though I've found that too many of 1 type is usually bad. Especially too many blasters.

Entropy: Not just a fad, it's the future!

To YOU I'm an atheist. To God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.

Photons have mass!? I didn't even know they were Catholic...



I JUST did the respec with my lv39 blaster. Others were around the same level. Only 5 people: scrapper, 2 controllers, me, and another blaster. The scrapper died once and a controller died because her pets agrroed a group accidently. That was it. We finished it in like an hour. It's not hard at all. Work togeather and communicate. Don't just run in shooting, we had strategies and they worked well.



I tried the respec trial over and over, and just couldn't do it. Tons of deaths. I got the Tough badge the very night badges went live.

Then they lowered the difficulty of the mission.

I have yet to fail it since. I've done more than 5 times since, both in pickup teams and supergroup teams. I've done it at low levels with the sky raiders and high levels with the freakshow. While you may have some deaths, I've yet to see any team screw up so badly that they couldn't finish it successfully.



My mind controller teamed with a ma/invul scrapper duo'd the respec. You are just having a run of bad strat/luck/timing/something.



I generally recommend 4-5 players too, but with the right combination of players an 8 person respec TF can be blazed through.

The key is to have redundancy, plenty of protection, and plenty of damage dealing

The one 8 person TF I can remember that we did so well was a bubbler, healer, kinetics, tanker, scrapper and the rest blasters (including me). We had good defense from the bubbler, great heals from the defender, a kinetics controller that kept us buffed up. He was also an illusion controller with Hasten and had Phantom Army available often.

It was insanely easy. I was the only person to die all night there, and that was because I went insane with the AoE's too often and too early. I died twice in the first 10 minutes, in the first mission. After I adapted it was smooth sailing.

One other peice of advice. If you're a blaster, controller or defender, play a little conservatively when possible. Let the tankers and scrappers soak up the attention of the enemy. Alot of times it's a matter of just keeping the enemies from attacking the generator. Not defeating them as quickly as possible.



I have done this trial 22 times now.

I have even ex'd 3 times for my sg. If you want it to be easy get a Fire/Fire Tank. I am dead serious. I was immune to Skiffs and Incinerators or to Freaks. I haven't tried the Rikti one yet.

You need a hired gun - someone that does the Trial for fun. I really like the Trial and the way you have to work together. Really it is NOT hard. You must pay attention.

Sky Raiders must be fought EARLY on the top rails. Keep blasters, controllers, defenders AWAY FROM THE CENTER. AoE will kill them FAST. Stay at the edges and target with your tank.

If you are on Champion send me a tell and I will help anyone get thru.

Michael AuCluin lvl 41 Fire/Fire tank
Infernus Hades lvl 27 Fire/Ice tank
Que lvl 31 Emp/Rad def



I think what is frustrating to most people is:

IF you fail, you will likely fail at the very END of the mission.

Once a person has spent more than an hour getting to the final wave, it's hard to accept.



I've done this 4 times, and beat it 3 times (the first time was the first day when it was supposedly "unbeatable"). The one time I did lose, Sky Raiders spawned right on top of us at the last wave, and killed half of us before we knew what happened. And the healer that survived, for some reason other than running when we all screamed at her to, decided to stay and fight til she died too, which clinched the loss. Coincidently, that was also the only time I've tried it with random pickups in our group.

So I've always found it kind of...easy. Don't know what advice to give, other than don't play it with idiots.



Not directed at anyone in particular, but...

If you want to advance the discussion with a differing point of view and can do so in a mature manner, terrific! Good to have you.

If all you want to advance is how "133t u r" by slamming other posters (directly or by insinuation), what in the world leads you to believe that the community wants to witness your acts of verbal incontinence? Grow up.



OK, so this goes to the guy who started this:
Respec is too difficult????
That's funny, i was about to complain that since the patch it became all too easy.....
I am not bragging or anything and i don't have a ubertoon and neither do i play since beta. No, i play for a couple of months now...
It's not hard, it's easy, all too easy now. Back when it came out, well that's another story but since they patched it it's too easy.
Do u want easy mishs? Well all other mishs in the game are easy, u cannot loose (some exceptions do exist of course), u cannot fail. If even uy can (such as the "timed" mishs) u never ever fail. Ever.
So, It's kind of refreshing to have someting in which u might never die and still fail it, it makes u have to work harder and improve.
BEsides, it's THAT much fun when u finally do it.

Too dificult??Anyone trully agrees?



This trial is teh lolz.
Ne1 kan p0wnzer it.
rEd teh gides.
2hr is 1hr 2long.
jusASK frhelp.
sevr b0ar!ds!

And the obligatory: n00b.

(Translation of the above:
Really, this isn't that hard of a trial, any decent group can finish it, there are numerous guides on beating it, it can be beaten in well under 2 hours, just ask for help. Try your server boards.)

Omg. Yes. So 1337.
0hs0p0h. 0hs0p0h. 0hs0p0h.

(Ahhhh, eq days.)



The success rate on the respec for those who can't find a team is 0%.

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Yep. It is also 0% for people who don't have two hours to do it.

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2 hours is watching a movie. Can you stand to go out to a movie? Then you got enough time to do the respec trial. If you cant somehow find a 2 hour block of time in the course of, what... 2 months now... you need to manage your time better. What would you ahve them do, break it into 10 minute units? Thats pretty unfailr to all those players who can only play in 5 minute bursts...



Yep, I'm still perplexed by people who don't have 2 hours. Heck, that's just going from 6 hours sleep to 4 hours sleep in a night, and there's this magic drug called "Caffeine" that I'm still addicted to from my 60 hours work + 50 hours EQ weeks...