Respec difficulty is BS




I'd like to remind all of an earlier statement on this post. The respec shouldn't be difficult for a well put together team, correct. BUT, we are talking about people who couldn't see into the future of the game and were trying to just play it for fun... now their toons aren't up to "elitest" standards but need to be improved to enjoy the game.

They are already at gimp status, so how is one supposed to put together the "right" team? Yeah, there is something to be said about decent tactics, teamwork, and no showboating, but at the same time you normally have to take the members you can get cuz they need to be all same level and even wanting to do the respec. This means pickin's can get slim and players may get desperate.

For those reasons alone the respec shouldn't have 3+ amount of bosses per mob group. Perhaps they could have them but not spawn so high above the characters level making to-hit success so rediculous.

I've done the respec with 3 different toons at a total of 8 times. The beginning ones were at the point they had lowered it's difficulty and it was somewhat easy. Not sure what they did to it lately, but I've never had that kind of throuncing before, sheesh....(and yes I said throuncing, hehe). I have failed the last 3 runs with a variety of groups. 1 with poor tactics, 1 that just quit cuz it was past bedtimes, and the last one WITH a superb team...that's when I had to stop and think, "why is it so dam hard now?".

I'm mostly venting and will continue to love the game, but when trying to do a mission to improve your character so that debt doesn't become such a common thing, I had acquired WAY more debt than any of my characters have collectively had before. I'm usually really good at not dying, but this latest respec change has ruined my rep ', j/k

Debt is another issue all together....I must just ask this; Why make debt so immense that it would cause a player to lose interest in the game completely....which I have witnessed on a number of occasions with RL friends who are seasoned veterans.<---for all the elitest who are about to flame me for such a comment, lol.



Just to give you a stat side...

The success rate on the respec is a tad over 75%.

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I am 1/24.

[edit] Roughly 4% at 2 hours avg. per attampt. [/edit]

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Myrrath, you got it!!!! Congratulations. Make a post on how you did it. I've been rooting for you.

Mr. Lithuania

Jessica to Nathan in bed: "I'm not really bad, Isaac just drew me that way."



Thank you LedgeEnd, so very much. That's exactly what I've been wanting to say, but having already stuffed my foot in my mouth I couldn't think of an effective way to say it without seeming to do so again.

I, too, shattered my previous debt record doing respec. Every time I've done it, I've gotten no less than 15K. Up until I tried that trial, I don't believe I ever had any more than 5K at any given time.



Yep the first time I ever got debt on my Eng/Eng toon was in the respec trial. Why? Not because of the mob toughness but because of the group. It sure wasn't me that was pulling mobs without the group being ready or stumbling into a prox mine. Personally I think that the respec trial should have a solo option.

In the right group its not hard but getting that group is a pain in the keister. Currently the Reward does not match risk in any way shape or form.



As far as a balanced group thats kind of a hard to put down idea. Many teams can be great. though I've found that too many of 1 type is usually bad. Especially too many blasters.

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But you can never have too many scrappers!



Just to give you a stat side...

The success rate on the respec is a tad over 75%.

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There is a 30% chance that statistics never lie.

I give up! I don't want to do sky raider mission again! Where I can find next respec mission?

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I did try that freak respec mission two days ago. It was easy. Compared to Sky Raiders - Freaks are really easy.

If I remember correctly - we did have one level 42 blaster, 41 controller, level 37 tanker, level 39 blaster and 2 scrappers (under level 37). Blaster and defender SKed scrappers. Because tanker was only level 37, she couldn't help much other team (everything purple). Blasters died so many times that when, we were fighting in reactor they decided to stay dead (level 42 blaster did have something like 175K debt after mission). So me (scrapper) and another scrapper was doing most of dirty work in reactor. Reactor fight wasn't wasn't hard - except last wave that killed everyone except me (I didn't die during mission).

Freak bosses are normally moving near generator - Sky Raider bosses (skiffs) are staying far away generator. It is easier to keep team together when all enemies are near generator. Raiders also have shield generators. High level players have also more useful skills than low level players (like pets, mines, autoturrets, etc).



In the right group its not hard but getting that group is a pain in the keister. Currently the Reward does not match risk in any way shape or form.

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Gotta agree with this statement; 75% is far too high a success rate for a reward as potent as respecing your character. They should increase the difficulty a few notches. But I'm a product of high end EQ, where you got 2 items for a mob you could kill once every 3 weeks, to split between the 50 people required to kill it, so I have a different set of standards.

Again, Concern, I suggest you post on your server boards. As your particular AT brings nothing to the table support/defense wise, and this has been dubbed the trial were defense is actually more important than offense, finding clutch defensive players is key.

Alternatively, find a good defensive partner (emp def) and form the trial with four people but have two of them drop (just ask them to help you start it) and duo it, you'll find the difficulty greatly reduced. You must have at least one or two of those on your friends list... just /ex them. Duo, the trial shouldn't take you two very long, I know scrappers who solo it.



I suppose I've been breathing free for far too long, time to stick my foot back into my mouth.

I did the respec trial again today. 6th attempt. I don't care to go through and count all the posts pointing this out, but everyone who said "With a good team, respec is cake" was painfully right.

Team of 8. Two scrappers, two blasters, two defenders, a controller and a tanker. Level spread was 24-26, with the majority of the damage dealers on the high end. For the first time I was actually in the highest level bracket in the group.

Hunting Sky Raiders in TV was easy enough, and Clayton was a pushover. Once inside the reactor it was rare I had time to fight more than one enemy as they all went down so quickly. Inside the core we almost had time enough to break out a deck of cards and deal a hand between each wave. I kept steeling myself for the last wave, as that was what had done us in every time before. We sailed through it, and I didn't even realize that had been the last wave until the screen popped up offering the choices for my reward.

If I hadn't been feeling so euphoric I would have been feeling mighty sheepish. I'll stand by my statement that a good team is quite possibly the rarest find in this game, second only to a consistent good team. Now that I've experienced the respec trial with a pack of wolves rather than a flock of chickens with their heads cut off, though, I most certainly cannot say the difficulty is too high.

Once again, thanks for the tips folks. Good to know I can make a complete fool of myself and yet still be able to count on y'all to give me the good advice which will help me succeed next time around.



Make this easier pls.