Respec difficulty is BS




Wow, didn't think I'd get anywhere near this degree of responses.

Thanks for the feedback folks, having read over the many suggestions and advice I'll hopefully have better luck next time. The one poster (apologies, I forget who) who mentioned the frustrating thing being that the loss usually occurs with the last wave of enemies was right. I was incredibly frustrated at having lost the trial five times, but it was the fact that we had come so close to final victory every time before biting the dust that really made me see red.

I apologize for the rant. I wasn't having a particularly good day to begin with, and losing the respec trial yet again when we had seemed to be doing so well up until then was the last thing I needed to push me over the edge. I have a habit of making a fool of myself when I post while in a bad mood, a flaw I'm truly attempting to correct.

For a bit of clarification, I play a level 26 Katana/SR Scrapper. Truth be told, I'm usually so defense oriented I should probably play a tanker, but I enjoy the solo game without its taking forever, so a scrapper is really the best viable option.

Again, my apologies for the rant, and my thanks for the advice and offers for help you've all made. Hopefully next time I come to the forums with highly charged emotions they'll be emanating from the opposite end of the scale.



I would rather it be a mission type thing like the cape or effects missions. Let it be tough but something a solo hero can do, or you can do it in a team. I've been trying to find a team since level 38 to do the respec with I am now 46. The closet I came was a four man team yesterday then one player had to drop. Needless to say we couldn't complete it.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



It was cake before the difficulty factor was lowered. We almost did it with 4 the first time and did'nt even know about the healing guns, thus we did'nt heal the core. The 2nd time we did know and had a very easy time with a team of 5. Our team consisted of a defender,controller,blaster,tank, and me...a scrapper. We all worked well together. That is the key to success.



I have done the Sky Raider respec trial 5 or 6 times and have
beat it half the time. Balance helps, sure, but it is not the KEY.
Balanace requires other factors, such as making sure your
damage dealers are the highest level characters.

The easiest thing to do is make sure your team doesn't cover
more than a 2 level spread, either naturally or by EX/SKing.

Again, a wider level range is still possible but that's when you
need to start worrying more about balance. Still, though, I've
found that if you're going with a 3 level spread, say, you
need to make sure you have a damage-dealer at the upper
end of the range, or you won't take out enemies fast enough
in the final phase.

Okay, that said, I have no idea how this applies to the 30s and
40s versions of the reactor trial. I just know that if the sky skiffs
and jump bots are conning purple to half your team, it's a real challenge.



Just to give you a stat side...

The success rate on the respec is a tad over 75%.

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL. Owned. It's not the trial. You just suck.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Just to give you a stat side...

The success rate on the respec is a tad over 75%.

[/ QUOTE ]

First of all, I have completed the respec trial with both the Skyraider and Freakshow versions with my defender and blaster, respectively.

You quote a statistic which, I assume, is from datamining of some sort, so I'd like to recount something from my early days as a musician. We had a sound engineer at a concert hook up all these devices like spectrum analyzers and such and tell us that according to his instruments, the sound was great. I spun him around and pointed out that according to my ears, it sounded like crap.

You say that 3 out of 4 people (or is it 3 out of 4 teams?) successfully complete the mission. But how bad is it for that 25%? What if the unhappiness/dissatisfaction factor for that 25% was greater than the happiness/satisfaction of the 75%?

I am not suggesting any changes be made to the trial; I was fine with it. I just think that as developers, you should rely less on statistical datamining and more on getting a real feel of the game - BY PLAYING IT - to make some of your design decisions. Don't let the instruments tell you it sounds good when your ears can do a better job.

50 Fire/Dev | 50 AR/Dev | 50 Ninjas/FF MM | 50 Bots/Dark | 50 Kin/Rad |
44 EM/Regen | 39 BS/Regen | 38 Kin/Elec | 27 Thugs/Pain
"Rare is the man so noble that he will always give thanks for that which is freely given." -Jock_Tamson



Form your own team. If you have to wait more then ten minutes on the team seek or near the respec contact it isn't going to happen unless you make it happen.

Send tells to people in the right level range on the looking for team asking if they are interested then send tells to people that are not teamed. You would be surprised how quickly a team forms when you grow a sack.



I ran the freakshow respec last night, and though I don't need to respec, a few others did. We were succesful, but we could have been in a load of hurt if I hadn't spoken up and helped people get on the right track. I have done quite a few respecs and been successful everytime.

First off its not a time limit TF. Take your time. Make sure the group stays together, not only for buffs, but also for much needed heals.

I was really surprised at a couple people and how they played their characters. I had to tell the blaster in the group to stay close and not to draw aggro, that was our tanks job. Secondly the blaster was a /dev blaster. So he had caltrops, but he never used them! Make sure people use their powers, no matter how gimped they are. Caltrops are a good thing to put at doors and also makes a great slow in hall ways.

the freakshow one can get tough... fast. And the mobs start to stack when they start rezzing each other.

My advice is to take your time, its not a race. Make sure certain people take the job of healing the reactor. I don't like doing it cause I am melee and its a hassle to check the reactor at all times while I am trying to get rid of a mob. So dedicate certain people to do this job.

Don't get to far ahead of the group. the mobs spawn and they spawn fairly quickly.

Now I have the reactor mission demorecorded through the eyes of my scrapper, so if you are interested in watching it I can float you a copy of it.

Respecs are doable and are alot easier before they were updated. Hang in there and if you are on victory give me a shout. Name is in the sig.



the freakshow one can get tough... fast. And the mobs start to stack when they start rezzing each other.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hahahah, sooooooooo not my experience. "YES! MORE HARD COATED EXP CANDY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Ice/Storm Controller >>>> Freakshow



Just to give you a stat side...

The success rate on the respec is a tad over 75%.

[/ QUOTE ]

There is a 30% chance that statistics never lie.

I give up! I don't want to do sky raider mission again! Where I can find next respec mission?



The respec is a joke. again the devs bend to the will of the weak minded players. hehhe .
All joke aside. I beat the respec with only 4 on the team once at lvl 28 ( im a drk/regen scrapper), the team makeup was 2 regenscrappers ( lvl 28 each- 1 drk, 1 spine) and 2 emp defenders ( 27 and a 24).
the second one was lvl 35 . the team make up was 3 scrapper lvl 35 regen, and 1 FF defenderlvl 36 no healers. and noone died. ehehehe



Just to give you a stat side...

The success rate on the respec is a tad over 75%.

[/ QUOTE ]

It ALL comes down to teamwork folks - if you're in a pickup group, be or have a strong leader - or find someone who knows how to lead groups.
Play tactical, play smart, play balanced. There's a reason there's five AT's in the game.



I think the respec trial is reasonably hard, and I don't have a problem with it's current level of difficulty. I bet I have a 75% success rate myself (just a guess) but some of my characters do better than others there. My fire tanker never fails. It was up in the air for a couple of my blasters, and my scrapper had more problems than others. Bottom line though, I was able to win with every character I tried with, sooner or later.



I have done it multiple times: More people = better chance of winning (and I was one of the biggest mouths when it came to bringing down the difficulty back when it was hard)

A bubbler is all you need; and several scrappers. Make sure melee are the highest levels (if you have a 30 defender, make sure all the scrappers and tankers are 30 or higher)

Best odds at winning are with the same level team - all the way through...

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm going to tape me solo'ing it. I tried to get it started once, but I need 4 to start it...I got 3 people to join for a second, started the TF, they all quit, and it booted me from the TF. I think I need to complete the first mission or something. Bigger teams don't make a better chance to win, good teams do. I did it with an Invuln tank and an FF defender--no trouble (sky raider version). I'll be solo'ing the freak version for the recording though.

Incarnate - 50 Elec/SD
Keplar - 50 DM/SR
Gravaton Cleric - 50 Grav/Kin



I think if all but 2 quit, and the 2nd person just logs out but stays in the TF, you'll be fine.



Heh I think I wanna try this to see if I can solo respec with my Regen Scrapper. I forsee my only problem being those tripmines, too bad it takes 25 minutes for my crey pistol to reload




Heh I think I wanna try this to see if I can solo respec with my Regen Scrapper. I forsee my only problem being those tripmines, too bad it takes 25 minutes for my crey pistol to reload


[/ QUOTE ]

see, this is why we need a 'tippy toe' power pool. try to sneak by em .



Does it seem odd to anyone else that the trial necessary to fix a GIMPED character is the hardest [censored] mission in the game?

[/ QUOTE ]

Cleary you haven't experienced much if you think the respec trial is hard. I've done it twice on 2 different characters and never died. It is easier than the Eden and sewer trials by far that's for sure, thus making it easy as far as trials go. If anyone thinks that eden or the sewer are easier I'd really like to hear their angle why.



Although Eden is the funniest trial. Sewer with morons makes jungle rot look pleasent.



Although Eden is the funniest trial. Sewer with morons makes jungle rot look pleasent.

[/ QUOTE ]

that sewer trial was hard.... but it felt SOOOOOOOO good when we won.



Just to give you a stat side...

The success rate on the respec is a tad over 75%.

[/ QUOTE ]

is that based on people who have completed respec 3 or less times? or does it include people who farm the respec missions and always win... vs the gimped pickup groups that usually fail at least once or twice?



I've done it three times, once on the test server vs Sky, and twice on live vs Freaks (one of those times with only two others). Not only did we complete it without trouble, but it was definately not the hardest thing I've done in the game.



Just to give you a stat side...

The success rate on the respec is a tad over 75%.

[/ QUOTE ]

is that based on people who have completed respec 3 or less times? or does it include people who farm the respec missions and always win... vs the gimped pickup groups that usually fail at least once or twice?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's based on all attempts, which includes those people you listed above, and everyone else.



I tried the sky trial four times tonight. each resulting in failure.

I know exactly what the problem was, too. Not good teams.

If anyone is out there over the age of oh, I dunno...12 that would like to respec with me, please send a shout out. Im just trying to get through this thing. If I could solo it, I would. But since I am forced to group with it, I will. I have no problems with grouping at all, and more often than not, I emplore it. It just seems my only options for group members are total, well, (insert derogatory adjective here)'s.

<--- Frustrated!!



Just to give you a stat side...

The success rate on the respec is a tad over 75%.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am 1/24.

[edit] Roughly 4% at 2 hours avg. per attampt. [/edit]