Epic ATs or Epic Power Pools?




Am i the only one who seems to see that at least 2/3 of all the new content introduced into the game has been aimed at high level players?

Yes, probably because it's not true.

I've levelled up a number of alts since Issue #2 and things are better than ever for lowbies.

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



It's sure sounding like this expansion has some nice stuff - if you're over level 40. Am i the only one who seems to see that at least 2/3 of all the new content introduced into the game has been aimed at high level players? It's looking more and more like the developers don't care about anyone under level 20 that plays.

Issue 1 - Game is finished as intended by initial release design
Issue 2 - Screwed over low level players with design errors in the hollows, added lots of nice effects and another extra zone for high level players, effects and capes if you were not under level 20.
Issue 3 - More high level stuff and no mention of stuff for low levels (yet). It's like the percentage of players who aret 38+ don't matter in terms of content for them - oh sure...we get the odd revisited and updated mission, but when it comes to anything else we are just expected to patiently wait through the 2-3 month publish cycles so they can add more for the high levels and tell us to wait again.

I'm not even going to bother about the obligatory anti flaming request of my post, you guys will flame me, but just go back and look at the listing for each new publish and you will see what i mean. Oh, don't bother with the just play and not complain thing either, i do play. I have a 26 blaster and other characters - that's why i got the game...to play it after all...just be nice if of all the new content being added, it was evenly distributed amongst the level ranges.

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You act like when it came to new zones in Issue 2, the lower-levels got the short end of the stick. In my opinion, the Hollows is much, much better than the Shadow Shard. If you don't have Teleport or Fly, getting around the Shard is one of the most frustrating things in the game.

Plus, once you get to the late 40's you start to realize that there's not much left to do, whereas pre-20 you haven't even seen half the content, and definitely haven't seen the most interesting stuff, like Portal Corp. missions or Archvillains. Low levels don't need as much new content; they have the whole rest of the game to look forward to.

"She started dancin' to that fine, fine music,
Y'know, her life was saved by rock 'n' roll."

--The Velvet Underground



May I speculation to speculation?What if dark/light Kheildons aree the one and the same and a sort of in between(gray)Khieldon is the new EAT?That would let room for more creativity for the Devs on the other EAT and still let us have dark and light Kheildons.

Just my 2 influence

TW/Elec Optimization



Both Archetypes have brand NEW power sets.

In fact, there's 16 Primary Powers and 16 Secondary Powers.

Yep. Not 9. 16.

And there's Shapeshifting. Of a sort....

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47.7 atm. ill be ready ahead of time i think. damn looks like i'm not gonna take another CoH sabbatical while waiting for the next issue



Both Archetypes have brand NEW power sets.

In fact, there's 16 Primary Powers and 16 Secondary Powers.

Yep. Not 9. 16.

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Of which 12 and 14 are useless.... wanna bet?



Actually, Expansion 3 has two Epic Archetypes AND many, many Epic Power Pools.

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Now if only one could select many many Power Pools it might actually be usefull.




Just a thought. Which would you rather have: a brand new AT or epic power pools?

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Neither, i'd have access to many more pools from day one.



I'll say just two things.




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Actually, Expansion 3 has two Epic Archetypes AND many, many Epic Power Pools.

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I suddenly feel very vindicated in my confidence in this dev group.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



IM happy i got 1 lvl 50 1 lvl 40 2 lvl 30's



reading all these posts on this subject a thought occured to me, if these epic classes are the result of alien possesion then do we gain new powers from these epic sets or do they overwrite our existing ones alltogether.

i for one dont fancy screwing up months of hard work on the offchance half the "epic" powers are useable.

If the good guy gets the girl, it's rated PG;
If the bad guy gets the girl, it's rated R;
And if everybody gets the girl, it's rated X
- Kirk Douglas



Zulu, these Epic ATs are only avaialable to people who have hit lvl 50. They will have to make a brand new, lvl 1 character that is a Kheldian. As far as the power pools? I'm in no position to speculate.

"I see your words..." ~The most menacing thing a forumite could say



Both Archetypes have brand NEW power sets.

In fact, there's 16 Primary Powers and 16 Secondary Powers.

Yep. Not 9. 16.

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Of which 12 and 14 are useless.... wanna bet?

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Iconoclasm is cool! It's what drove Daria to be the best cartoon ever and have millions of seasons.



I don't think it's Shapeshifting, in the radio interview a few months back it said that the work behind it is staggering and probably a good ways off, but who knows.

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Shapeshifting was mentioned today...well, yesterday now. It is in there. He mentioned something along the lines of this is the first time a player can change their form.

Edit: Oh yeah, he also mentioned that these new ATs would be dependant on their teamates. What that means is anyones quess.

Speculation: Warshades have two forms. Peacebringer could, but the name 'shade' fits more with the shifting. Perhaps they both have it, one could be a physical form, the other could be an energy form. Each form may have their own abilities (which could explain the number of powers). A thought has also formed in my head that these Epic ATs may not have the option of the non-Epic Power Pools, which could also explain the large number of powers.

Unfortunately, we won't know anything for sure until Issue 3 hits the test servers.

Cyclone Jack

-Still waiting for the Red Door to open...

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Shape shifting of a sort
Depend on their teamates
Those alien things possess people

Maybe you add to your teamates damage with your own? Kind of a funky assist?

Or maybe you can shapeshift into a clone of a teamate, or a combo of teamates. Use certain powers from each...

Just a hunch. May be a stupid one tho.



Something I've been wondering about for some time, but haven't seen answered anywhere yet. Does hitting 50 unlock the ability to make the epic archetypes on ALL servers, or just the server where the L50 is? The first case would of course be preferred at least for me. I'd like to try out different builds briefly on other servers so that I don't have to delete so many of my alts on my main server when I do start my main EAT. Will this be possible?



Well if you 'cloned' your teammates' powers that would certainly cause you to need them more. No teammates = no powers.

Could be your hitpoints and endurance (actual numbers and regen rates) are tied to how many people are on your team. Like their emotions are supporting you.

Speculation with no data is fun! It's the new 'hip' thing



If the 2 ATs are dark and light versions of the aliens maybe itd work out like this:

Maybe the light aliens possess teamates for extra energy damage (they're made of it right?), and the dark ones possess the baddies somehow. Not like mind control, something different. Maybe adding dark energy to the mobs attacks, and having them attack their own kind.

A big "If" and a couple large "maybes" in there.



Pretty sure if you have a 50 on any server, you can create an epic on any other server as well. I mean, they intend to eventually let you transfer characters across servers, so you could always move your 50, which would indicate theres no reason to limit epics to one server.




I have one question that is important and relevent to me now... If we have Epic Power Pools open up to our characters at level 50, will we be allowed a 4th respec mission to use them, or will the level cap be raising, or can we access the powers regardless of existing choices? (I'm about to use my 3rd respec at lvl 44, but will wait for issue 3 if required...)




A second Epic Class would be something new, I also believe that it will not be tied to reaching level 50. As for IGN...they have nothing on my predictions

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Well, having two options for Kheldian characters (Peacebringers and Warshades) would strike me as no less plausible than human characters having five options (Blaster, Scrapper, Tanker, Defender, Controller).

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(I'm about to use my 3rd respec at lvl 44, but will wait for issue 3 if required...)

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[censored]? I'm baffled. This is the second or third post I've seen today saying, "I've used up (or about to use up) all my respec's. Or you going to raise the level cap or add more more Respec's?"

Why are people using up all their Respec's in quick succession? The feature has been existant on the Live servers for less than 2 months and players have rebooted their builds 2 and 3 times? I Respec'd my character once to familiarize the process and swap out a power. I'm actually having buyer's remorse because he wasn't gimped originally by any means.

Are people just getting lazy when they are building their characters, now that there is Respec to correct sloppiness?



Well, I've used up 2 because I used the first one to swap out a power, but after a while I realized I still wasn't happy. So I did it again.

Was I an idiot when doing the first respec? Well, it's been known to happen...



Speculation: Warshades have two forms. Peacebringer could, but the name 'shade' fits more with the shifting. Perhaps they both have it, one could be a physical form, the other could be an energy form. Each form may have their own abilities (which could explain the number of powers). A thought has also formed in my head that these Epic ATs may not have the option of the non-Epic Power Pools, which could also explain the large number of powers.

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That's an interesting theory, and it really fits with what we've heard.

The one thing that's stuck out in my mind is when epic ATs were first announced, Statesman said they'd be more powerful than other archetypes, but have "a weakness that could be exploited by other players." Perhaps it's something like someone else suggested. Kheldians require the power of heroes to live, so the more heroes they have around, the more powerful they are. Thus, more people in the group makes the Kheldian more powerful.

I'm not exactly sure how that's exploiting the power though. Maybe it's a little more than that. Maybe group members can siphon some of your energy off, making them more powerful while weakening you.



Both Archetypes have brand NEW power sets.

In fact, there's 16 Primary Powers and 16 Secondary Powers.

Yep. Not 9. 16.

And there's Shapeshifting. Of a sort

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Wait. Is he trying to say that each AT has one pair of powersets with 16 powers in each set?

Or that there are just 16 new powers in the sets?

Im really interested in hearing if there are multiple powersets per EAT.

Ack. Edit.

Also just thought of something, similar to a theory listed above.

Could the Kheldian be a "Dual-Hero" where you have 2 forms, each with 2 power sets of 8 powers each? You can only have one form active at a time, and thus, having only 8 powers in a set could be a weakness.. I guess.

Example using current powersets that won't be used in EATs obviously.

Bob fuses with a Warshade.

Bob gets the powersets Fire Armor, Fire Melee

The Warshade gets the power sets Fire Blast, Fire Control.

The TOTAL character gets a inherent power of "switch", which causes the character to change from Bob form to Warshade Bob form. Both Forms have 8 powers in the Primary and Secondary, adding to 16 powers total.