Epic ATs or Epic Power Pools?




oooh, Epic Power Pools.



Well.. the problem there is that everyone thought shapeshifting was going to be a AT.

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Not me. I was hoping it'd be a Scraaper secondary.




I didn't say that anything is assured

It is a nice comforting place to be knowing for certain that there are not one but two new Epic Archetypes waiting for us in Issue #3.

I like a bit of the mystique to it as well

I do know that we are pretty ravenous as far as a fan base goes...(not a hack the DB and pull the source code ravenous, but we foam at the mouth for new information and such)

I am a sponge. I latch on to key pieces of data and recall it. Since the only other hint on Issue #3 that holds relevance is Shape Shifting, I have to lean towards that until I am disproved or more information allows me to rethink my theory



I'm twice the Sponge you are!

My guess was that the "Shapeshifting" would be the ability to change our character's physical shape, height, muscular-stuff etc. People have been asking for that for a while....

Who knows though...



Actually, Expansion 3 has two Epic Archetypes AND many, many Epic Power Pools.

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I've never really seen this clearly stated, but are the Epic Power Pools for the Epic ATs only, for 40+ only, or some kind of mix? Perhaps the talk about more powers for high lvl characters got mixed with the epic powers, but I would appreciate some clarification on this



40+, I think.

And I seem to recall them saying that the statesman AT was supposed to be one fo the EATs. Was a while ago though, so it might of been shoved back.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Actually, Expansion 3 has two Epic Archetypes AND many, many Epic Power Pools.

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Where's a huge google eyed shocked in a pleasant way smiley when you need one?!

You da man States!

Sgt Liberty - 50 Martial Arts / Super Reflexes
Verdigris Eagle - 50 Archery / Energy Manipulation
Stormeye - 50 Storm Summoning / Electric Blast



Epic Power Pools for the Epic ATs only, for 40+ only, or some kind of mix?

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I'm thinking a combo... but why let level 50's have all the fun?

Dawnslayer on Virtue.




How happy would all the players be if only level 50s could get the two Epics?

I would also like to add, we have no idea which of the new ATs will be based on reaching level 50. It could be the new unreleased Epic or the Kheldian. We don't know



Actually, Expansion 3 has two Epic Archetypes AND many, many Epic Power Pools.

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I think I just pee'd a little bit...

Major Nova - 50 - Nrg/Dev Blaster
Burnt Matchstik - 50 - Fire/Fire Tank
Arachnophreak - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Judge-Mental - 50 Arachnos Soldier
Captain Thermite - 50 Fire/Kin Controller



Actually, Expansion 3 has two Epic Archetypes AND many, many Epic Power Pools.

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I think I just pee'd a little bit...

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That's not urine!



I would also like to add, we have no idea which of the new ATs will be based on reaching level 50, this is old news. It could be the new unreleased Epic or the Kheldian. We don't know

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Actually we do. Khelds are level 50 required. States has also said sometime in the past that level 50 first, other requirements come later as they figure them out.

Key word being : later.

So I still say khelds and dark khelds are the new two epic AT's!!! I mean, why force a dark kheld to be evil? That's like forcing my dark melee scrapper to be evil. Just because you draw your powers from a dark place doesn't mean you're bad.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.






There is no reason for them to put in the Nictus yet until CoV comes out.

That would be like allowing Hannible Lector into Hooters, but not letting him touch/eat anything/anybody.

What would be the point?



Huh, surprised that no one has suggested that the second AT is Statesman's.



There is no reason for them to put in the Nictus yet until CoV comes out.

That would be like allowing Hannible Lector into Hooters, but not letting him touch/eat anything/anybody.

What would be the point?

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You assume the Nictus are evil... The only official verdict so far is that they're "Dark". We already have dark powersets for heroes...
And hey, the Kheldians could be lying to us; the public think that Crey are a nice, kindly corporation.



Well, so far the only Kheldian we've seen says the Nictus are evil, and the only Nictus we've seen is inhabiting a very bad man, so...



I am sticking to my concept that they are two similar ATs. Now when I say this I mean in concept. I think that they would be doubling the known Epic. This doesn't play into Cryptic's trend. They like to mix it up.



It would take quite a bit of explaining as to why Paragon City would even register/recognize nictus and their hosts as heroes (and states seems pretty vigilant on explaining things and trying to keep the setting at least *slightly* plausible). All that we know of them is the bad stuff that they do (i.e. Requiem and the "Path of the Dark"). Then we have other aliens reinforce the concept that theyre bad by telling us flat out that they are evil.



Well, so far the only Kheldian we've seen says the Nictus are evil, and the only Nictus we've seen is inhabiting a very bad man, so...

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Dark Kheld doesn't automatically equal Nictus. If we can take one small mote of information from the IGN review, It's a factional difference, not a racial difference. So you have dark kheldians on the Peacekeeper side, and Light Kheldians on the Nictus side. Makes sense, really.

We have dark powers for heroes already, so obviously dark doesn't automatically equal evil and light automatically equal good.

You may also note that Requiem was a very bad person already. All the nictus did was give him dark powers and "infernal flame." which allowed Requiem to furthur both their agendas far beyond what he could have normally done. (if only for the longevity it granted him.)

Seriously. I'll bet 5 bucks dark khelds are the second EAT. And even if it's that obvious choice, it will still be, IMO, very very cool. The dev's don't dissapoint... unless you set your expectations too high.

And the most obvious bit is the kheldians with their level 50 requirement are the first EAT's to come out... and others will come later with possibly different requirements. Later means later, I think.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



I'll take that bet



You're on.

I hope you win, actually. I just doubt it.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



We have dark powers for heroes already, so obviously dark doesn't automatically equal evil and light automatically equal good.

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Thats the thing though, we dont know for sure what makes them what they are. For all we know their type (light or dark) could be based on thier personality type (light for good, dark for evil). Or like you suggest it could be a racial trait where some are just light and some are just dark, and they choose sides from there. In the end though we probably wont know until States gets bored and drops us another tidbit of issue 3...



Basically, yes. The reason I believe what I believe is because the kheldians ARE supposed to be sentient beings themselves. And all sentient beings can make a choice. And we already know dark doesn't equate evil in Paragon City. (hell if negative energy is evil then we fight a lot of good guys based on how many damn villains use energy!)

And also because if i keep my expecations to normal proportions I will never get dissapointed. Kind of like expecting the devs would make some sort of bizarre "energy" bar for the epic AT, to replace health and endurance. Seriously, it's a fun idea, but sounds like an utter coding nightmare, not to mention it poops on quite a few abilities already out there. (stacking defender buffs come to mind.)

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



ALl we know is the the Kel are energy beings. For all we know that there is no difference between the Nic and the Kels. One side could just be more evil than the other. All we know is what this "good" Kel has told us. We haven't heard from the Nic. How do we know which side to believe? Just becuase Requiem is evil doesn't mean the Nicuts tha joined him was. He was a rather evil person to begin with so maybe the evil consumed them both.