Epic ATs or Epic Power Pools?




Actually, Expansion 3 has two Epic Archetypes AND many, many Epic Power Pools.

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Holy Sh*t what?

Though I'm assuming the 2nd one is the *Nictus* with the first being the Peacebringers.

COH/CoV - Virtue
8 Ball - Lev 50 Kin/Energy Defender
The Canadian Fist - Lev 50 Ice/EM Blaster

Omega Ghost - Lev 50 Robo/Dark MM
Ghostfall - Lev 50 Arachnos Crab Soldier



I could be wrong (and probably am) but I doubt its Nictus. If for no other reason than Statesman has been cultivating a game where we do heroic things. Playing something that is inheirently evil kind of goes against that. That would feel more like a City of Villians Epic AT. Just my thoughts...



I could be wrong (and probably am) but I doubt its Nictus. If for no other reason than Statesman has been cultivating a game where we do heroic things. Playing something that is inheirently evil kind of goes against that. That would feel more like a City of Villians Epic AT. Just my thoughts...

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Yeah, I was thinking much the same... I can't think of any other thing that could be the other Epic AT though. I guess we'll have to wait and seeeee...



OooooOOOooooOOooooh. Statesman is quite the wicked tease, is he not. Yes, he is, my precious.

"I see your words..." ~The most menacing thing a forumite could say



And if the first, Kheldians, is unlocked by hitting 50, how do we unlock the second unknown Epic AT? There's some stuff we'd like to know!!



The Nictus aren't necessarily evil. The only thing we've heard about them, so far, is from a Kheldian. If there is a civil war between the Nictus and the Kheldian, a Kheldian is likely to villify a Nictus, but it doesn't make all Nictus evil. Perhaps there are good Nictus and bad Nictus. Since we don't know what their civil war is over, it's hard for us to say all Nictus are bad. Right now, knowing that Requiem is a Nictus, does make it look like they are evil though.



Actually, Expansion 3 has two Epic Archetypes AND many, many Epic Power Pools.

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Are epic power pools things like the existing pools(flight, leaping, leadership, etc) or are you refering to the different power sets inside an archtype(rad, forcefield, empathy, etc).



Kheldians are the only epic AT in issue 3.

That includes dark and light, if the information from the IGN interview is to be trusted. (And it sounds simply too good to be wrong, as States has said a million times that the Khelds are the only new "epic" but never said anything about giving us multiple flavors.)

So two epic AT's.

Khelds.. No idea.

Nicti... Requiem type powers. Dark and Fire. Very snazzy I hope.

Anyway, they both may have potential to be evil or good... But the names are probably have the most impact based on their available powersets - Khelds do predominantly NRG attacks, Nicti do predominantly Dark. Nicti are supposed to be "beings of utter darkness." That being said, it seems up to the person being posessed as to how they attempt to use this power.

Reqiuem was a very bad person before he got fused. All the Nictus did was give him the power he needed to furthur his ideals, really. (world/universal domination etc.)

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



Actually, Expansion 3 has two Epic Archetypes AND many, many Epic Power Pools.

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Actually, Expansion 3 has two Epic Archetypes AND many, many Epic Power Pools.

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Appreciate the bone tossing State's.
Should I hope for a wing-ed AT? Cause when Rob hits 50, I wanna create him with wings, for some strange [censored] reason.. dunno why, just seems neat...

Again, thanks for at least A LITTLE info. Suprises are good, but when they effect the total way you're going to approach the game post 50, it's nice to have some insight on what's going to happen to your character.

BTW.. I hate to sound like a jerk, but I don't really think they'd give us "evil" epic AT's because of the lack of PvP so that the Evil among us could actually attack the goodie two shoes... that's right, I said goodie two shoes...



Plus the Nictus are the same basiclly. No real reason to double up.

I think it is a new EAT, that they are keeping secret.



there wont be a rush of Epic ATs, why? cause you have to get 1 character to lvl 50 first. by doing this you unlock the ablity to form EPIC Ats. So maybe 15-20% of the game population will have access to it at first.



And if the first, Kheldians, is unlocked by hitting 50, how do we unlock the second unknown Epic AT? There's some stuff we'd like to know!!

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I think it will be like this...

Tanker ---Keldin or what ever-----powers----pools
Epic -------------
---Nexiz or what ever-----powers----pools

Something like that? i don't know. And i know the names are so wrong lol, but im at work and need to type fast.



Actually, Expansion 3 has two Epic Archetypes AND many, many Epic Power Pools.

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You should expand on this so lvl 50s stop closing their accounts.



Hey States thnx for the info! again im scratching my head.



The second epic archetype is the much-anticipated winged archetype, Moogle! Mark my words!



Plus the Nictus are the same basiclly. No real reason to double up.

I think it is a new EAT, that they are keeping secret.

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The Nictus aren't the same at all. That said; Don't get your hopes up. IGN is stupid but while their information is usually incomplete and a bit dated, it IS close to the mark.

And the devs already said no winged AT for a while. Don't be so quick to bunk what the devs have said in the past.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



Actually, Expansion 3 has two Epic Archetypes AND many, many Epic Power Pools.

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the winged AT one of them? i hope so, that would be the return of Nihilaa




Light and Dark
It seems that the Kheldian people have internal conflicts, just as we do. Moonfire is a member of a faction known as the Peacebringers. They are interested in friendly relations and positive merging with other races. Unfortunately, they are not the only Kheldians on Earth. There is another group, called the Nictus, who are not concerned with the needs of those they merge with.

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This tells me that they are the same basic race fighting a civil war.

Their powers might be somewhat differnt, they are basiclly the same.

Plus...why would they add a villain to the playable character selection?

The second Epic will be something that is new. I they are sitting on it as a surprise just like their track record

We want to change costumes, they give us 4 total costumes

Dance Club and new Temp Powers. They add things that we don't expect.

A second Epic Class would be something new, I also believe that it will not be tied to reaching level 50. As for IGN...they have nothing on my predictions



Here's praying you're right. That'd be awesomeness in extremis.



Well lets look at it.

Cryptic is good at offering compromises, if not offering more than one option.

With the announcement that you would have to be level 50 to get one of the Epics there has been a bit of up roar. I don't feel that they (Cryptic) made a reversal and added or rushed the new Class out. I think they had full intent on releasing it. That is of course dependant on if I am correct in my prediction.

I don't think they will release how to earn the other Epic right away. I think we may need to figure it out ourselves

If I was to do it I would tie it to a mission that is accessible. I would provide the other Epics in a more diverse fashion.



My guess on the 2.

Wings and Kheldian (Thats how you spell it right?)



Cryptic rocks. No question.

That said, the IGN shpiel said "people will have the ability to create light or dark kheldians." Now while most of the information they gave about when the skills would be out, etc. was dated, it's safe to assume they got a few things right.

And anyway, Light/Dark Kheldians sounds like two distinctive types to me, even if the difference doesn't sound all that big on the surface.

And there's nothing that automatically makes a dark kheldian evil. All we have to go on is that there are two factions of the same beings. Right. The same beings. Meaning that there are very likely Light Kheldians and Dark Kheldians on both sides. The powers they grant when symbiotically fused with a human is what gives them their designation, but the khelds are living beings themselves, and can choose sides just as well.

Really. It's like saying that a fusion with a dark kheldian is automatically evil. And yet we have pretty evil sounding powersets in the form of dark melee/dark misama. (tapping energies of the netherworld, etc.)

Basically, I'm saying that Dark Kheldians and Light Kheldians can be on the same side - the dark/light is merely a reflection of the powers they grant, but not a reflection of the kheldian themselves. (like our heroes have dark miasma but are A+ supermen heroes)

That said, I'll be glad if i'm wrong and we get an entirely new and unknown AT... But I'm not betting on it. (mostly cause the devs said no wings for the time being many times.) And If i'm right, i'll be quite happy, because, well, it's what i was expecting.


Dawnslayer on Virtue.



I don't think it will be a Winged AT.

Remember that Statesman said that there would be Shape Shhifting in Issue #3...just not what we are expecting. If that isn't a hint drop I don't know what is.

To be honest...I had forgotten about it till now with all of teh talk on Epic Archetypes.



Well.. the problem there is that everyone thought shapeshifting was going to be a AT. 'not what everyone thinks'.. its probably going to be some impressive Epic Power Pool and he said that Wings was definitely going to be its own Archtype (At least at first.).