Epic ATs or Epic Power Pools?




No one wants to go to shadow shard or the crash site and I cant say I blame them.

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And that's why those zones will get some attention...

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I love both zones. I am currently grinding out my last 5 levels in the RCS and will goto the Storm Palace next.






I agree. Have you guys been to the Rikti Crash Site, or the Shadow Shard? They are really, really, awesome(ly designed, physically), as is Faultline. It takes forever to get through the shadow shard though, and well... my blaster can't giht Rikti, although I really enjoyed surfing the spaceship (I won't give more details so as not to spoil it anymore... But it is in the upper, leftish central area). It would be cool if those areas are more often traversed.

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The Shards are real fun. Great detail and cool looking enviorments. I know a friend that does most of his training in Firebase Zulu because knowone ever wants to go their.

The Storm Palace is fun to, lots of lvl 53's and a great place to help others get out of debt...if you feel like a travel




I must say, I've just discovered the Shards with my L42 Scrapper and I love the place. I only leave it now when a SG mate needs help with something. After about 2 hours of exploring and getting to the Storm Palace wormhole/vine (which I can't enter until L44), I got pretty good at the jumps (I actually leave SJ on for better flight control) and know my way around pretty well. Overall, I love the Shard and have given up on my "regular" missions back in Paragon City. At this point, the only thing I'd ask for are more variety of missions and possibly more "mole" locations. 'Course, more zones are always nice too.

- Pan



Statesman said: [ QUOTE ]
Both Archetypes have brand NEW power sets.

In fact, there's 16 Primary Powers and 16 Secondary Powers.

Yep. Not 9. 16.

And there's Shapeshifting. Of a sort....

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<is reduced to a gibbering pile of drool in incalculable anticipation>

Happy gaming!

Sset - 50 DM/Regen Scrapper - 8 years of out-tanking any tank but Granite, with 5x the DPS.
**Making Altaholism a socially acceptable disorder**
"Scrappers are just like chainsaws. Somewhat hard to handle, EXTREMELY dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane." -Alissara



No one wants to go to shadow shard or the crash site and I cant say I blame them.

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And that's why those zones will get some attention...

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Just remove the level limitations and I'd go.



I'm surprised noone is talking about this. The dynamic of the epic archetypes - think about it for a moment. What does it promote? Teaming! It seems like one of the factors in designing the epic archetypes might have been a response to the question- "How can we get those who don't normally want to team, to team up?" Answer: Enhance their powers like crazy when they team up!

I think this is potentially a brilliant solution. I look forward to seeing the implementation of the epic archetypes.



I'm surprised noone is talking about this. The dynamic of the epic archetypes - think about it for a moment. What does it promote? Teaming! It seems like one of the factors in designing the epic archetypes might have been a response to the question- "How can we get those who don't normally want to team, to team up?" Answer: Enhance their powers like crazy when they team up!

I think this is potentially a brilliant solution. I look forward to seeing the implementation of the epic archetypes.

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Why didnt you run for president




No one wants to go to shadow shard or the crash site and I cant say I blame them.

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And that's why those zones will get some attention...

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I don't mind dying in either zone as much as the fact that when you die, its a long way back. But actually, I loved the RCS, I would hate for it to become the new Ghost Hangout.

I would make serious attempts to figure out surviving the shard, if there wasn't so much flight time in between attempts.

The Shard isn't like a new zone, its like a new city. Perhaps there should be a slightly gentler learning curve to ease you into it. Its the only place I've been afraid of +1's, or for that matter, evens, or heck even -1s -- and in and of itself, that is not a bad thing.

Here's a thought: put contacts at strategic locations that you can do missions from, and after so many, when you call then on the cell phone, besides "ask for mission" and "get more info" there was another option for "request teleport" and they would port you to them. Maybe have a "port you" and "port entire team" kinda option. Then people could slowly run shard missions and build an easy path across the shard while doing so. End of day, you fall back down to firebase zulu, and you can always port back to your last "base camp."

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I don't mind dying in either zone as much as the fact that when you die, its a long way back. But actually, I loved the RCS, I would hate for it to become the new Ghost Hangout...

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That's why I'd like to see some "Field Hospitals" or triage sites in isolated places or huge zones. You could be teleported there and be low on HP and endurance like using an awaken. The Hollows is the ultimate example of a zone that desperately needs this. Huge hazard zone with missions all over it even at low levels, and the vast majority of people there don't have a travel power. It is all too common for people to die on the loooong trek to a mission and then have no choice but to be sent to the hospital in Atlas or Sky and start the long dangerous trek all over again. Reminds me of the nightmare days in EQ so many years ago. It could really use a couple of these sites in different places in the zone. Then they could just give you the choice to go to the nearest triage site or the hospital.




CoH plans on getting "Hero Points" Where for every purple you would get once you hit level 50, you get one "point." These "points" are spent on hero skills, little permanent status boosts that are on all the time. If you save up more points, you can get skills like "uberness" that make you so utterly powerful that blinking causes enemies to choke and die, and you excrete single-origin enhancements (one per hour).



I hadn't heard anything about hero points. Was that a joke? or did I miss that somewhere?



Is their a post you found that from? I would like to learn more from it




that make you so utterly powerful that blinking causes enemies to choke and die, and you excrete single-origin enhancements (one per hour).

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It's a joke....



Guess "hero points" were a joke. On another thread they've been discusing PvPoints. points gained during normal PvE minimal compared to xp but some perhaps 1 a fight. Then those points can be wagered during PvP and the winner gets more pvpoints. You can then use these points to perhaps buy different animations for existing powers, but it doesnt change the effectiveness of the power. IE ice sword might become ice spear or ice hammer or ice axe, but the power functions the same and has the same animation time. Controlers could change the color of their bubbles protections etc so others would know who cast on em. Claws could change from just knuckles to fingers or wrists. the list could go on and on.

I seen someone mention heropoints and thought perhaps that had been considered/mentioned somewhere else and wanted to get on that thread also. I'm a huge fan of anything that can add depth and uniqueness to a character. Using pvpoints to change the animations could result in more variations on characters without suddenly overbalancing the game.

I knew the blink of distruction was a joke but the heropoints pvpoints idea was something I wanted to support if it was/is an option.



A Defender and a Blaster want personal defense powers

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well blasters, ok i'll give em that. but defenders wanting personal defenses? the only defender set i can see that has a real problem with personal defense is forcefields that hardly benefit at all from their own powers. Empathy as well to a certain degree but at least they can moderately heal and buff themselves. But the other 4 sets can benefit from just about all their own powers. If anything i would agree that the above quote and other similar quotes are true BUT, i would ask that not all the epic pools be based around those statesman interview posts.

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have you even played with Kinetics, what defensive powers do we benefit from?



have you even played with Kinetics, what defensive powers do we benefit from?

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Ha - Siphon Speed and run like mad!



Well... Peacebringers and Warshades. Let me guess - Peacebringers = Light/good Khelds, Warshades = dark/good khelds?
Or is it more simply one is more support and the other more combat. Hmm.

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Wow, it's amazing the things you find with the search function. Looking back, I was pretty much right on the money.

To that end, I predict that Coralax will be a water-based AT, and ARE actually related to the Blood of the black stream!

And Villains will get NO shield powersets!

I'll be right! You'll see!

Oh, and rise from your grave.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



Damn you zombie rezzing person!!!

I didn't look at the date untill post 15 or so with statesman saying that expansion 3 would have two epic AT's and a lot of epic powersets.......



TLA, you're as bad as my Necromancer.

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