Epic ATs or Epic Power Pools?




If the Nictus are put in as a separate archetype, they probably won't show up until City of Villians. That's not to say that there won't be both light and dark based Kheldians in issue 3 - after all, it's an archetype, not just a powerset. All the current archetypes have at least four choices for a primary, why should these only have one?



From my understanding The Council is Nictus, or Nictus run.

This question may have to wait to be answered though Tuesday or I start an Online gaming magazine and get an interview.



From my understanding The Council is Nictus, or Nictus run.

This question may have to wait to be answered though Tuesday or I start an Online gaming magazine and get an interview.

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From my understanding The Council is Nictus, or Nictus run.

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No argument there. I still contend dark kheldian doesn't equal nictus, though.

Good luck with the mag!

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



Actually, Expansion 3 has two Epic Archetypes AND many, many Epic Power Pools.

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The other Epic AT will be the Insufferable Tease Monsters from the Planet Agony.

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ROFL! 5 stars!... um, as soon as I figure out how to give stars...

Edit: Figured!



Sometimes black is black and white is white

I like gray, I do...but the villains seem to have been written and built. Kheldians are good, and Nictus are bad.

It seems to be the direction they want to take. Personally, if we have the good i.e. Kheldians, then when I play a Villain in CoV I feel that I would like a mirror option to that Race.

Yes, perception will cause a debate, but I again say "Black is sometimes Black and White is sometimes just White"



Kheldians are good, and Nictus are bad.

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I'm not arguing with that.

Yes, perception will cause a debate, but I again say "Black is sometimes Black and White is sometimes just White"

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I'm not suggesting shades of grey. Just a factional difference instead of a racial one.

So are you calling my dark melee hero evil just cause he uses dark based powers?!


Can't wait.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



Well, it probably won't be, but I would like the 2nd Epic AT type to be ....


The graphics are already in the game, it would fulfill the little "shapeshifting" comment made by Statesman, and, lets be honest, it would be damn cool to be a Werewolf.

Powers? Toggles, which transform you into the big fuzz. Tanker-like but with some nice speed. Weakness that Epic ATs are supposed to have? Daytime you do less dmg, weakness versus fire attacks (since silver dmg isn't in-game and monsters have traditionally been hunted with torches lol), random Werewolf Hunter ambushes, things like that. You could even work it into the storyline based on Requiem's world and the recent Halloween invasion (people bit, infected, etc.).

Spinning my wheels, I have no data whatsoever, but I would love to see some werewolf action. And so far I've never seen a game successfully implement it.

Make me furry!



There are Anti-Heroes that are very dark.

The Nictus take the bodies and use them. This seems pretty blunt and insinuated to be evil.

Kheldians also use Bodies, but in shared relationship.

To my wonderful Dev Team. Please look towards other Science Fiction for inspiration. Stargate is being used a lot in your theme.

May I suggest Farscape and Babylon 5?



Not all nictus have dark powers. Not all kheldians have light powers. Such is my contention. Nictus automatically = evil. Dark Kheldians does not.

as for Babylon 5.. dunno. Khelds already remind me of vorlons.

Edit: Holy crap, i have 706 posts?

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



Hmm, I made a mistake lots of people are making. We keep saying Kheldian when we refer to the PeaceBringer Faction. Both Nictus and PeaceBringer are of the Kheldian species, which seems to have divided itself into a faction of good and a faction of evil.



I am thinking To'Kra and the Nictus are Ga'ulds

Then we have the Portals to other worlds/dimensions

A General Hammond. It is an undertone I see



Perhaps BOTH are Kheldians. We still don't know what powers the Epic AT is supposed to have, other than that it does a little bit of everything. Perhaps there are offensive and defensive class Kheldians.



Um, where have people found info that Peacebringers and Nictus have different powers? Did I miss something or is this more speculation?



IGN preview thingie stated basically, "players will be able to create both light and dark kheldians."

The preview itself had some dated information, though, (skills in issue 3, when we know they got pushed back) so it is a bit suspect.

As to them having different powers... well some people believe nictus = dark powered kheldians and peacekeepers = light powered kheldians. (based off of the villain Requiem, fused with a nictus and having dark/fire powers.) I myself believe that there are dark powered khelds on both sides, and light powered ones on both sides. Just like we already have with current heroes and villains.


Dawnslayer on Virtue.



Actually, Expansion 3 has two Epic Archetypes AND many, many Epic Power Pools.

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If it were possible for me to drool anymore, I would already. Unfortunately, I think I'm drowning and will run out of breath and pass this mortal coil soo--

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



Nice. I'm sensing that the Update is nearly ready for the test Server...



Well it was stated that it was in later stages of internal testing I think.



Nuts. And i'm only level 42! (yes my crey profile needs serious updating.)

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



Does anyone have a link or anything from the IGN preview? I haven't seen it.

I think the second Epic AT will be something new. Nictus as playable characters won't be until COV, when we can play villains. I think since they are giving us a second EAT that it will be unlocked some other way than by being lvl 50. That way the higher level people have something to look forward to besides Epic Power Pools, and everyone else has hope they'll get to play an EAT without selling your soul.



Does anyone have a link or anything from the IGN preview? I haven't seen it.

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Pretty sure it was a magazine preview. As it stands, I contend we will play dark-powered Kheldians. Evil Nictus automatically equalling dark powered kheldians is like saying all heroes with dark powers are automatically anti-heroes.

That said, hopefully i'm wrong wrong wrong.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



I don't want $5 when I win

I want a level 5 Enhancement



You got it.

I still want 5$ though.

And you won't win.

Let's pray you do.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



What is the most nefarious thing States could give us as a second Epic AT? Nictus? Dark Peacebringers? I say nay.

The second AT shall be... Rikti Monkies!

For there is nothing more fear inspiring, more dangerous, or more pure evil than Monkey gas!