Epic ATs or Epic Power Pools?




Both Archetypes have brand NEW power sets.

In fact, there's 16 Primary Powers and 16 Secondary Powers.

Yep. Not 9. 16.

And there's Shapeshifting. Of a sort

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Wait. Is he trying to say that each AT has one pair of powersets with 16 powers in each set?

Or that there are just 16 new powers in the sets?

Im really interested in hearing if there are multiple powersets per EAT.

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He said that each AT has its own primary and secondary powers, and that each primary/secondary set has 16 powers instead of nine. This is easily determined, because ATs don't have nine powersets (primary and secondary combined).

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Was I an idiot when doing the first respec? Well, it's been known to happen...

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I don't think people are idiots for using up their Respec's. I'm just surprised at how people are using up a finite option so cavalierly when the game is going to evolve so much over the next year. Maybe I'm one of the few who plans on still playing my main ocassionally year from now.

(Wincing slightly as I imagine still playing one game for so long that isn't a Sid Meier strategy game. This is the first time I've stuck with an MMO for more than 6 months.)



I think he meant 16 new primary and secondary powers.

As in, 8 new primary and secondary powers for each AT.

Many powersets share certain powers with each other, aim, buildup, and taunt namely.



Was I an idiot when doing the first respec? Well, it's been known to happen...

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I don't think people are idiots for using up their Respec's. I'm just surprised at how people are using up a finite option so cavalierly when the game is going to evolve so much over the next year. Maybe I'm one of the few who plans on still playing my main ocassionally year from now.

(Wincing slightly as I imagine still playing one game for so long that isn't a Sid Meier strategy game. This is the first time I've stuck with an MMO for more than 6 months.)

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Actually, I'm just calling myself an idiot. I know I'm an idiot. Anyone who knows me knows I'm an idiot.

But I still got my last one, so when these new epic pools come out I'll be spending alot of time messing around with test builds on the Training Room finding a set of powers that works nicely for me.



it is a little annoying for those of us who love to play alts, and never got 1 character to 50, but maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised, and the reason they're implementing the auto-logout, is that one other way to unlock kheldians is to play a certain amount of hours total on all your characters

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That'd be nice - there's lots of us altaholics too. I don't expect it'll happen with Kheldians, but how about a future epic AT that works for Altaholics rather than those focussed people who get to 50?

The rewards the game, the levels are irrelevant! Altaholism for the win!



I agree that issue 3 will be soon, however, I can't say it's comming right away. If it does, then they are betraying their usual ritual. Which has been as follows:

Screan Shots/Story Lines.
Post to Boards
Screens on other Sites
Post to Boards
Video of specific part of game
Post to Boards
Final form of Media...either pictures, interviews, other videos (issue one had 1 video, issue 2 had 3 or 4...likely issue 3 will have the same)
Release on Test
Wait a month
Release on Live

I believe we've gone through the first 4 (I think there are screens on some other sites about issue 3...they're have been interviews...so perhaps this counts as well) However, there hasn't been Video yet. Perhaps they'll break the chain but if not. I think 2 weeks would be a decent guess for test. I'm thinking either Nov 16, or Nov 23 for test. And likely Dec 14th or so for Live Release (that way it's out for holiday season. For both the students getting off of School, and the working force taking/recieving time off for the holidays. Just my guess....let's see how it pans out :P



I believe one of the Devs specifically said that not all AT's will be unlocked the same way....that each will be differant based on it's history, and that the way to get them will tie into that history.



(I'm about to use my 3rd respec at lvl 44, but will wait for issue 3 if required...)

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[censored]? I'm baffled. This is the second or third post I've seen today SNIP Are people just getting lazy when they are building their characters, now that there is Respec to correct sloppiness?

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In my case, I chose badly initially. Then at 34, I thought I'd prefer to change my travel power to Teleport, as Recall Friend looked so very useful, and I was using SuperSpeed as my primary (with Fly as secondary)

But now, after really, really hating teleport, I want to go back to Fly. Its taken me a month to get to this decision, and its not threatening my character's build to stay with tp, I'd just like to have Fly again. Especially now that we have a zone that pretty much requires fly in the end-game...



ok as to the two forms 8 powers each form theory...that is the best theory I have heard to date . 16 powers per powerset in the EAT would be awesome evein in two forms hehe. And it wouldn't be detrimetnal to have 8 powers per form....seeing as the 9th power is obvious.........The shapechanging power itself :P

Yadda Yadda Yadda......I just need to hurry my [censored] up and get lvl 50 soon lol



Two Epic ATs? A bunch of new epic power pools?

Bah. They can keep them.

I'd rather see the broken and overpowered skillsets fixed first, before it gets even harder to balance the game.



Ok two things.

First, High Level content? Are you serious?

So far there has been 3 new zones added, 2 of which are completely empty all the time because they just aren't any fun.

3 new Mob Types, all of which you can have since they all chain hold. So I avoid them all like the plague.

Sure thats all well and good, the level 40+ need something else to do with their time. You are experiencing parts of the game I never have because all the contect wasn't there. When I was low level all the missions were in identical office buildings or warehouses. There were no Hellion specific maps or 5th specific maps, they were all the same. I grinded past most of the missions because I was sick of the same tile set and map. So I missed a lot of the game due to the boring content they had implemented. If you are a low level, how do you even know what the high levels got other than the update listing? Tell you what, try out the Crash Site, make sure to bring a mezzer cuz you'll need it. Try out the Shadow Shard, bring a flier or someone with teleport cuz you'll need it. Fight the Carnies, bring a someone with clear mind, you'll need it.

So please don't complain about you being a second rate citizen. My level is capped at 50 and my only choice it to re-roll an alt to play the game. I spend most of my days on chatting and dancing. There is really no end game content. The bigegst thing they have to offer is Hamidon, and hes broke out of this world. I have gotten over 3 million in debt over the course of the Hamidon Raids, and he has yet to fall.

Ok, number 2. Has there been any "official" mention of whether or not your level 50 has to be "sacrificed" for the Epic AT? If thats the case, I;m not sure I am ready to part with my Scrapper/Tank. Hes highly versatile and can handle hiw own with just about anything this game throws at him. Not sure a Kheldian can compete with my scrapper.



When we "open up" these epic archtypes, do we get to make multiple characters with them, or is it a one shot, locked in kinda deal? Does each character we get to level 50 unlock one character creation slot? What if we delete the character we have in the epic slot, do we get to make another one? Do all of our slots get the added epic archtype for every server, even the ones where our level 50 character is not?



From my understanding of what one of the developers posted a while back the epic AT will be an additional slot for charachter on the server you have the level 50 on inother words instead of 8 character slots you now have 9. I also feel the shapeshifting of a sort will take the form of being able to use teammates powers... maybe the difference between the AT's is that peace uses teammates powers and warshades uses villains powers...just a thought.

(I sure am glad I got my main to 50)



Um, I'm just curious but if epic power pools are gonna be avaiable to already made characters is there gonna be additional respecs rewarded. I've got a lvl 50 and have used all 3 respecs. Am I screwed?

Dragon Wraith lvl 50 DM/Reg/DM Scrapper
Mud Lark lvl 50 SA/SS/EM Tanker
Galaxy Archon Athena lvl 50 Tri-Form PB
Miss Victory lvl 50 MA/inv/BM Scrapper
US Thunder lvl 50 Elec/Elec/Elec Blaster



Ya'll might want to check this out...


Characters on Virtue and Pinnacle.
Good SGs don't die, they return for the sequel.

Legion - "Kicking [censored] is our comfort food."



Are the new Stone Armor graphics in there? We're getting a little tired of getting bumped for new things again and again...




Wow, thanks for the heads up Daedelus.

I especially was interested in this statement:

But Peacebringers and Warshades desperately need energy to power themselves. As a result, their power level is directly linked to the number of teammates they have.

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Very cool, weak solo but powerful in big teams. Still loads of questions though, heh.

Do other ATs count or can Kheldians get the same bonus in pure Kheldian groups?

In a full group how much more powerful is a Kheldian than in a small group (twice the people = twice the power?)

By power do you mean endurance/hit point levels, damage/defence, or some combo of both?

Heh, every answer we get leads to five more questions.

Also of note about the epic pools:

And this Power Pool comes IN ADDITION to the other Power Pools a player has. So a player doesn’t need to sacrifice a Power Pool slot to select them.

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And epic pools are specifically designed to overcome AT weaknesses, like defence for blasters, ranged attacks for tanks and more damage for controllers.

I can't wait.



Peacebringers: Blaster-like powers where you shoot doves out of your mouth & other more-unmentionable orifices which explode into feathers upon impact (Moderate DMG(Avian), Foe Disorient).

Warshades: lemme put it this way: Ray-Bans have never been so deadly!



Both Archetypes have brand NEW power sets.

In fact, there's 16 Primary Powers and 16 Secondary Powers.

Yep. Not 9. 16.

And there's Shapeshifting. Of a sort....

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So...because of all the time being spent to make these new powers and ATs, basically I can kiss whatever chance Ice Armor had in being fixed in Issue 3 goodbye?



It's sure sounding like this expansion has some nice stuff - if you're over level 40. Am i the only one who seems to see that at least 2/3 of all the new content introduced into the game has been aimed at high level players? It's looking more and more like the developers don't care about anyone under level 20 that plays.

Issue 1 - Game is finished as intended by initial release design
Issue 2 - Screwed over low level players with design errors in the hollows, added lots of nice effects and another extra zone for high level players, effects and capes if you were not under level 20.
Issue 3 - More high level stuff and no mention of stuff for low levels (yet). It's like the percentage of players who aret 38+ don't matter in terms of content for them - oh sure...we get the odd revisited and updated mission, but when it comes to anything else we are just expected to patiently wait through the 2-3 month publish cycles so they can add more for the high levels and tell us to wait again.

I'm not even going to bother about the obligatory anti flaming request of my post, you guys will flame me, but just go back and look at the listing for each new publish and you will see what i mean. Oh, don't bother with the just play and not complain thing either, i do play. I have a 26 blaster and other characters - that's why i got the game...to play it after all...just be nice if of all the new content being added, it was evenly distributed amongst the level ranges.

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I think you're a bit confused. Most of the new content is going into low levels. Statesman has even mentioned that he is strongly pushing low level content because everyone LOVES to play alts. Frostfire and Lou's Garage come to mind as well as the Hollows and ToT.

Meanwhile at high levels you have a zone that no one ever goes to, a trial that's broken, and a uberboss (Hamidon) that is broken.

Oh yeah, tons of high level content there.



So...because of all the time being spent to make these new powers and ATs, basically I can kiss whatever chance Ice Armor had in being fixed in Issue 3 goodbye?

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Dynamo, to quote Statesman from the Warcry interview:

The number one priority is tweaking the mob control abilities of Tankers. Right now, the Archetype can’t quite hold “aggro” well enough without resorting to Power Pool powers. Secondly, we’d like to fix some Tanker Defense sets that aren’t up to snuff either in looks or in power.

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Sounds to me as if ice armor is being seriously looked at for a (much needed) fix.



Darn it.. hope they give me a few more slots for characters as well then since I already have 8 I enjoy on my server



I'll say just two things.




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I know it's been said... But you are a cruel cruel man...

"I burn my candle at both ends, it will not last the night. But Ahhh my friends and Ohh my foes it makes a lovely light!"



Need energy from their teamates he said.

Maybe Peacebringers are defenders who provide more defense per teamate.
Maybe Warshades are offensive and provide more offense per teamate.

Maybe they suck a little energy from teamates to provide this, either health or end. They already have this, except you steal it from the enemies. Except you'd use it to amp your own powers not another teamates. And they already have a personal form of this in one of the tanker powers (cant remember, my buddy has my book) where you use some of your own health to amp some power up.
Having these open at lvl 50 is a good deterent from keeping these ATs being overly rampant. Maybe another one would be that they need regular human ATs (or non-epic for all you robots and such) to be the energy sucking hosts for their power. Perhaps this would inherently create balance because they need others for their strength. They are the conduit, but everyone else is providing the energy.

Not sure how the shape shifting or possession part would fit in. I thought I was on to something earlier with the PBs borrowing teamates powers and the WSs borrowing enemies. Not so sure now.

I betcha the Dev who first came up with the EAT idea is reading this forum laughing his silly hiney off at the insanity he has brought to the world.

I thought i could get away with "a-r-s-e" but i had to use hiney.