Epic ATs or Epic Power Pools?




I'll say just two things.






I'll say just two things.




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*Shakes Fist* oh you just enjoy this a little too much don't you .

COH/CoV - Virtue
8 Ball - Lev 50 Kin/Energy Defender
The Canadian Fist - Lev 50 Ice/EM Blaster

Omega Ghost - Lev 50 Robo/Dark MM
Ghostfall - Lev 50 Arachnos Crab Soldier



I'd speculate Peacebringers are a mind control/healing Kheldian AT (forcing peace with mind control hehe).

And Warshades are a more combat-oriented blaster/tank Kheldian AT, most likely tossing dark blasts since a lot of people have asked for a Dark blaster type.

Damn cool names, but that's my 2 influence on what they could be.

Thanks for making us even more insane with speculation Statesman

EDIT: If they stayed to existing power pools, I'd almost guarantee the Peacebringers had Mind Control/Empathy and the Warshades have Dark Blast/Dark Armor.

Of course my guarantee and a buck will get you a cup of bad coffee



My love is now psudo-love.

Take that!



The second AT shall be... Rikti Monkies!

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Fear the might of my super feces throwing arm!



Okay Statesman...here is a compromise.

Can you send me a PM on the points I made as to the context if they are correct or not.

I can't say anything, I can't release it...think of it as a self-imposed NDA. If I do...you can ban my board account for a week

I mean honestly, I used Sanskrit in a post! That is SOOO brownie points right there



I don't think it's Shapeshifting, in the radio interview a few months back it said that the work behind it is staggering and probably a good ways off, but who knows.

I'm just glad there's an option other than the Kheldians.



Both Archetypes have brand NEW power sets.

In fact, there's 16 Primary Powers and 16 Secondary Powers.

Yep. Not 9. 16.

And there's Shapeshifting. Of a sort....



Statesman stop! what are you thinking? You're going to make their heads explode giving out all this information! Unless, say, something were to show up tomorrow? Maybe in the Training Room?

(tomorrow of course meaning Tuesday or Wednesday)




Patches occure on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.

Monday is their day long meetings.



Holy geez.

In fact, there's 16 Primary Powers and 16 Secondary Powers.

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Mama Mia!

Well... Peacebringers and Warshades. Let me guess - Peacebringers = Light/good Khelds, Warshades = dark/good khelds?
Or is it more simply one is more support and the other more combat. Hmm.

I'm hitting the roof with this one. Very very cool, even if I'm wrong.

Must grind to 50!

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



Kingdom_Come, I wouldn't make the assumption just yet that your lvl50 is going be retired... The Kheldians are energy beings that possess other lifeforms, in this case (of Earth) humans...

I wouldn't rule out the possibilty that if you made a Kheldian it would possess your current lvl50 hero...

This is COMPLETE SPECULATION on my part, but it would make sense...



Me thinks, now this is speculation, me thinks that an issue 3 announcement is very imminent. Please stateman, for the love of all that is great and holy about this game, tell us everything. Tell where, when, why, who, and how!!! We must know. You've given so much today, I think your conference has made you giddy and filled with riddle dropping. PLEAAAASE!!! Tell us.



Both Archetypes have brand NEW power sets.

In fact, there's 16 Primary Powers and 16 Secondary Powers.

Yep. Not 9. 16.

And there's Shapeshifting. Of a sort....

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: Drools :
: Dies :
: Uses Akaen :
: Drools :
: repeat :



Just throwing out an idea here, but what if the peace bringers could actually bring peace...say, pacify aggroed mobs? I'm not sure how that would work into the battle system, but surely someone might be able to run with it.




It's sure sounding like this expansion has some nice stuff - if you're over level 40. Am i the only one who seems to see that at least 2/3 of all the new content introduced into the game has been aimed at high level players? It's looking more and more like the developers don't care about anyone under level 20 that plays.

Issue 1 - Game is finished as intended by initial release design
Issue 2 - Screwed over low level players with design errors in the hollows, added lots of nice effects and another extra zone for high level players, effects and capes if you were not under level 20.
Issue 3 - More high level stuff and no mention of stuff for low levels (yet). It's like the percentage of players who aret 38+ don't matter in terms of content for them - oh sure...we get the odd revisited and updated mission, but when it comes to anything else we are just expected to patiently wait through the 2-3 month publish cycles so they can add more for the high levels and tell us to wait again.

I'm not even going to bother about the obligatory anti flaming request of my post, you guys will flame me, but just go back and look at the listing for each new publish and you will see what i mean. Oh, don't bother with the just play and not complain thing either, i do play. I have a 26 blaster and other characters - that's why i got the game...to play it after all...just be nice if of all the new content being added, it was evenly distributed amongst the level ranges.



Great now Im going to not have any sleep for the next few months while I work on decifering the "Jack code"



It seems like the hiccup in Update 2's implementation of lower-level content has completely soured it for you forever. The higher-level stuff has had it's problems as well.

Bad day?

It's looking more and more like the developers don't care about anyone under level 20 that plays.

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By the way, that's a false exaggeration.



it is a little annoying for those of us who love to play alts, and never got 1 character to 50, but maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised, and the reason they're implementing the auto-logout, is that one other way to unlock kheldians is to play a certain amount of hours total on all your characters

*crosses fingers*



By the way, that's a false exaggeration.

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Actually it's not...i say it based on how i see things - my opinion. I did not say it was a fact - only how it looked. As for souring the game for me, no not particularly - i am however tired of being a second rate citizen of paragon in terms of availability of new content.



i am however tired of being a second rate citizen of paragon in terms of availability of new content.

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IN your opinion. I haven't got a charc to 50, but I love the low level content. I made a scrapper and Im playign through the Hollows missions now. I plan on doing the trial and other stuff. Then on my tank, I have begun to hunt accolades. Im having a great time at higher levels and lower levels.



So, we'll have new power pools. Nice. However, this means that a lot of us will either have to hold off on leveling till issue 3 or rush to hit lvl 44 and be able to respec to the new pools. I just hit 41 and now pondering what to take. It'd kinda suck if I took something just because I had to so I could get the slots from level 42 and then, issue 3 comes out a few weeks later....with a power pool I would love to draw from. I've used my lvl 24 and 34 respecs so, guess I'd be SOL.



Yeah this is scary...

I'm glad I'm only in my mid 30's still on my main so I won't be tempted to try one of these Epics. They sound like Bork-Bait if I've ever seen it, and could take a year to balance out.



i am however tired of being a second rate citizen of paragon in terms of availability of new content.

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If you haven't raced to 50 yet, you have reams of new content already.

to bhamnite1:
The dev's have been talking about Epic Power Pools since July. It's not as if they were springing them on you all of a sudden. Train up or don't. More than few people I know are holding off training until Issue 3 comes out, or playing with alts and are just fine with the evolving nature of MMO's.

I've used my lvl 24 and 34 respecs so, guess I'd be SOL.

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What was going on with your scrapper that required 2 respec's in less than 2 months?



They added a whole new low level zone, updated all the missions with new graphics and stuff. I ran an alt up to 20 recently and was amazed at how much better everything looked.

I hope they add some more 40+ content in the way of trials and tf's.

I'm hoping for a trial in the rikti crash site involving that space ship!

Also i'm eagerly awaiting a trial involving the Ziggurat in brickstown.

I prefer trials over TF's.
TF's are long ,tedious and generally not any harder then a normal mission. (cough shadow shard TF #1 with 25+ indoor missions cough)
Trials are shorter, generally under 3 hours, but hard to actually complete, requiring intelligent, teamwork, and cooperation. They tend to be cool too.

The sewer trial is awesome, Krakens, tentacles and that giant hydra at the end.

Shadow Shard TF, you click 3 glowies at the end, woo!
Hows that for anti-climatic

Eden trial is pretty cool too, that cavern is fun.

More Trials! More Trials!