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  1. How will this change effect gettting AV Badges? Will you still need to defeat the AV or will the Elite Boss give you the badge too?
  2. This is the reason I don't do these contests...

    Nothing I could ever submit would match up to the quality of artsmenship/imagination as presented in the gallery today. I just can't do it. I have zero, 0, none, no artistic flair what so ever when it comes to any of the wallpapers shown here.

    If I did, I'd have an awesome hobby and a full harddrive.

    Good job to everyone, and to the judges. I'm sure they were as floored with the tallent presented as I was, as many of you were.

    And to the non-winners...
    there's always next time. i'm sure the mods know better than to pick the same winner more than once. Heck, even if they did print em out and toss darts at em, it was because some were SO good, it was hard to decide! I'm sure a coin or two was flipped.
  3. RobVanDam

    Changes to Rage

    Forgive me for not reading the thread completely, so if this has already been mentioned, i apologize.

    As a fire/fire blaster, I didn't have but 2 toggles until the Fire Power Pool was avalible. Now I have 3. Hover, Stealth, and Fire Shield. These drain me fairly well, even with 6 slotted stamina. Now that I've incorperated Fire Shield into the mix, it's managible with it 2 slotted with end drain and 4 armor buffs.

    I'd be hard pressed to survive if these toggles were to drop, especially the way I play. But, when you factor in hasten and it's average end drain when the power wears off, and you become super end concious after about a minute and a half.

    This is the perspective I'm coming from.

    I think that perhaps an end drain for 75% after Rage wears off would be sufficent. I've rolled tanks before, some all the way up to lvl 15, and the amount of toggles they rely on can be astronomical, and when more armors become stackible, it'll be off the chart. Toggles drop, heroes are sent to the hospital. My suggestion is 75% on wear off, and allow the Tanks to at least keep themselves alive to save the rest of their team. I always thought they were more heroic than my blaster anyway.
  4. RobVanDam

    Boss Changes

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    There is also the issue of things like the respec trial, which was even before the change considered very difficult for the average group.

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    Before the change, there was a success rate of just under 80%.

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    The figures after shouldn't be as huge.

    Then again, people will wander in and call us that cannot complete the first respec trial whiners and bad tacticians.

    1st respec - I messed up, and I need to fix it.
    2nd respec - I've gotten it to where I want it, now I wanna fine tune it.
    3rd respec - Almost done, but I still seem ineffective, lets rearrange my enh's slots and get myself into an epic power pool, because I missed it before.

    It's the 1st respec I'm worried about, especially with my squishy Kheldon that can't take more than 2 shots from a boss, or one and a half from those overpowered Void Stalkers, which i'm sure litter the taskforce in +1's and +2's. The bosses you've changed will play havoc with those on their first respec, because as you enter the outter reactor, your greeted with handfulls of bosses, many +1, just as many +2.

    Check the first set of statstics of pass vs fail for the first task force after a month. I'm sure that percentage will drop on pass/fail.
  5. RobVanDam

    The Kudos Thread

    I have a great time playing the game you have created. CoH was my first, and probably last, MMORPG. I'm a FPS kinda fella, and had no want/wish to have anything to do with 3rd person games. KOTOR was the only 3rd person I played. I'd always fantasized about being a superhero, age 1 to now, and CoH has given me a chance to act out those fantacy's (well, most of em... the PG rated ones anyway).
    I do enjoy your game, and even though issue 3 has brought about new, erm, challenges (cough*bosshp*cough), it doesn't deter me from continuing to play your fun, addictive game. Not to mention, the customer service is pretty fan-damn-tastic. Plus, you have a sense of humor, and aren't corprate slaves that speak in lawer-ease. Please continue to come in here and give us updates/ideas/feelings.

    Thanks all.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    I know it's not gonna happen...but to have it snow (and change the landscape ala snow drifts, frosted trees, snowmen, icecicles (sp), etc) would just be...can't even think of a word sentimental enough.

    To be doing my thing across the rooftops of Atlas Park and then look up to suddnely see the begining of a gentle snowfall would be magical. I know I'd smile.

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    Dear Statesman Claus,

    No! Please ignore foolish wishes such as the one above! Please keep in mind that most people who like the thought of snow have never driven in it! Please remember that some of us good kids live in the Midwaste, a part of the U.S. which is a frigid arctic wasteland for half of the year. For Christmas this year, please make all of the zones look like Talos Island

    Editor's note: I actually agree fully with the post I replied to - it would be awesome to see Paragon City covered in snow. But I couldn't resist

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    Ya know what's worse than people tha can't drive in snow? People who can (like me) having to drive around people who can't.... Me in my Tacoma driving around the [Censored] that thought snowtires on an 86 Camaro makes him snow-worthy.

    I think, December 23-25, everyone gets a temp power, they code snow on the ground, and we just scoop up a white rock and can toss it at enemies. Heck, maybe show us how the PvP code is going, and let us hit Hero's with -2 snowballs. Probably asking a lot, but it's just a thought.

    I can't wait to melt Frosty with RVD's fire breath.
  7. the role playing element of CoH will, in my opinion, really take off when CoV comes out. That way, you CAN have a personal AV... your buddy down the street (or across the ocean, whatever)... I'm excited for that. I plan on being several people's arch nemesis... or is that nemesi... Just think, if we get thugs to control, we could be their personal nightmare!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Actually, Expansion 3 has two Epic Archetypes AND many, many Epic Power Pools.

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    Appreciate the bone tossing State's.
    Should I hope for a wing-ed AT? Cause when Rob hits 50, I wanna create him with wings, for some strange [censored] reason.. dunno why, just seems neat...

    Again, thanks for at least A LITTLE info. Suprises are good, but when they effect the total way you're going to approach the game post 50, it's nice to have some insight on what's going to happen to your character.

    BTW.. I hate to sound like a jerk, but I don't really think they'd give us "evil" epic AT's because of the lack of PvP so that the Evil among us could actually attack the goodie two shoes... that's right, I said goodie two shoes...
  9. Sharph, you hit nails upon nails in the head. I'm impressed. Thanks!
    I've shelved my 15 and under characters until something is done. Any mish they send me into the hollows on is either avoided or shelved. And, since everyone else feels their opinon is valid, lemme toss mine in. +1, +2 mobs in mish's, not fun for my 15 and under characters. Seriously, how can my basic attacks fair against mobs that are stronger, use less end for their attacks, and have attacks that are at least +10 lvls above their current. There's no tactic here asside from putting your low lvl charactrers on hold until it's fixed. and I'm confident it will be fixed as soon as they can.
    Thanks States for keeping us updated.
  10. I know it's not my post, but...

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    First off, why are you so angry against this? Do you feel more empowered by joining the other posters who obviously don't care about what day it is?

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    I don't feel empowered by joining anything. I didn't know what day it was. I didn't care what day it was. I'm not Jewish personaly, but I'm sure if I were devout, my religion would be put before a video game. Sometimes, people just post stuff to start an arguement.

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    Read the whole thread and you'll find out I'm not Jewish. I never made it a personal issue. I find it wrong that people are insensitive to the fact that some people are into their faith, and into the game, and have to choose.

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    Why is there a choice? Again, if your devout, there is no choice. Your GOD owns you. You go worship your God, you don't [censored], and you don't go to hell. Thinking about a video game while your at church? Isn't that one of those 11 Commandments? "Thou Shalt Not MMORPG During My Holy Day"

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    Let's say you're SO wants to get married on the same day that your favorite football team is in the Superbowl. You'd be torn, right?

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    Well, maybe it's just me, but NO. If my child were going to get married, I'd attend the marriage. It's my child. Besides, what's an SO? If your Single Origin wants to get married?

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    That's all I'm saying, that people are forced into making a choice today, one a social issue, and another something that they find very entertaining. Most rational people will chose the social thing. A bunch of them will be upset over that. They could have made this tomorrow, or Monday. Picking today just happened to be a day that some people find important for other reasons.

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    Nobody was forced to do anything. I didn't know it was coming. I logged on today, and to my suprise, the Issue 2 was up! How exciting. Did I feel forced to play? No. No guns where held to anyones head. No man with a bullwhip and a Gimp mask stood over you while you sat at the computer, or at your church, and told you "You must think about CoH".
    Ya'll need decaf or something. You'll get to play, it's a lengthy event. So you didn't get it day one? Who here pre-ordered Halo 2... are we expecting to get it innitial release? I'm not. There are 450+ preorders at my Electronics Boutique. 3rd shipment maybe. It'll all be alright.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    It's not my religious holiday, but it's a major Jewish holiday. One where MY work had to at least acknowledge a lot of people might be unavailable yesterday through Friday.

    I'm not Jewish, but even the most insensitive or unreligious of you should at least acknowledge the OP as having a legitimate point. I find it hard to believe the Devs didn't know it was a holiday, and one broadly acknowledged (not some obscure holiday as some of you have implied).

    Now whether or not that should impact their decision is a different story, but I DO find it hard to believe they would ever consider releasing Issue 3 on Christmas or Easter. Just because it's not a religious holiday that's not "marketed" heavily doesn't mean it's not important to consider.

    That said, OP, it looks like this is running through the weekend, so perhaps they did take things into account when planning (for example, releasing yesterday would have been more "insensitive" to the players of the Jewish faith).

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    Yes, your absolutely right.. how insenstive of us

    Oh, and Dev's, my birthday is on Dec 19th, could you not relase anything that day...? thanks
  12. Fellas and ladies, why is this an issue?

    Ya know, if I had an opinion and gave a rats behind, I'd be sceaming "Make it a rainbow flag!" Rainbow, symbolizing all colors, creed's, and denominations. Gee, I wonder what kind of a response I'd get...

    "That's g@y"

    Well guess what, you'd be right.

    If you go to a pride rally, with all our streamers and rainbow flags, guess what, we're black, white, asain, hispanic, jewish, arabian, muslum, christian (self loathing, but still christian), brittish, canadian, texan, New Jersean...

    But, i'm gonna digress into nothingness now. Because, I'd take the badge no matter what it was above the city hall flying high... it's only a game, and ya'll take it way to seroiusly.