On Patriot and Freedom badges...
Thanks Statesman for the reply. I am going to lock the other thread and allow responses in this one. If you get political, your post will be removed. No flaming, trolling or people/country/dev bashing. Thanks!
Come on CuppaJO, direct him to the official thread
Works for me.
While I didn't see theproblem with it originally, I recognize that this was definitely a bone of contention for a lot of people, and this change will probably make a lot of people happy. Hopefully the change won't take too long, I want my Issue 2 Live damnit!
Once more, Statesman (and his idea guys/gals) prove they can handle the heat and deliver the goods.
Gratz on the solution.
Shame on all you doubters!
Uhhh... all the non-Americans that play this game need to stand beside a foreign flag to what???
To get the FREEDOM badge.
Don't like it? Don't get it.
thank you states and cuppa for ending that horrible, horrible thread. elegant solution.
now let's get back to playing our CoH!
Thank you for the response Statesman.
I greatly appreciate you taking the effort to answer this question.
Personally I think it would have been better to add a second Badge and having that be at the Statue (and calling it Freedom) rather than changing the Patriot Badge and 'caving'.
However you've responded and for that I'm satisfied.
Thanks for the response big time and I feel I can let the issue rest.
Sorry about the confusion regarding the Patriot badge. Quite simply, I had wanted to shift the badge to something a little more universal so that everyone, regardless of nationality, could feel like a Patriot.
What hasnt been posted is that we had planned to replace it with the new one the Freedom badge. No term better fits the ideals of America and all it stands for. In the future, standing proudly beside the American flag grants a hero this badge.
In games, some times some fixes get made quicker than others. In this case, we needed new art for the Freedom badge and so it takes longer than shifting the current Patriot badge to the statue inside City Hall.
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States, I'm sorry: but apparently you didn't learn the lesson from the now locked thread: this is a bad idea. I realize it's your story and you want it fully realized, actualized in this game; but I think you are making a mistake putting anything in this game that in any way reflects real life politics. It's not your fault, of course, but that doesn't alter the ramifications.
Please reconsider and do not add either badge until you can be assured the majority of players are sufficiently mature enough to realize it's just a game, has no meaning other than entertainment and doesn't question their personal patriotism---i.e, that is, never add them, period.
I can appreciate this change: I was posting the following in the Official thread when it became locked. I hope CuppaJo and Statesman will understand why I quote it here since it never made it in the Official thread.
I am a well travelled US citizen, served in the US Army (I think everyone that is physically and mentally capable should serve at least one term). That is my flame retardant underwear. So here goes.
1) Paragon History: This is set in the US but our heros come from ALL OVER as is stated in the History and storylines. The heroes did not come here because the US was the greatest nation ( though in RL it is a Great nation) on earth, they came to help stop and invasion and to continue to fight the invasion. To ONLY recognize US flag as Patriotism (calling the badge Patriot Badge when you approach the US FLAG ONLY) is VERY narrow-minded and is the type of mentality that causes most international interaction problems.
2) Real Life: 9/11 Never happened in the CoH world. We were all recovering from the Rikti Ivasions at that time. In RL I honor the fallen and my fellow servicemen (Emergency Response/Police as well as military) and what they are doing/have done, but this is the game world. Don't drag politics into this. Don't be over-zealous.
3) RolePlaying: There are people in the US and outside of the US playing the game, but that does not matter. What matters, to the Roleplayer, is that some char/toons are NOT from the US. I may be a hero from China helping to defend the WORLD from the Rikti. Why do I have to be US Patriotic?
4) Work around: Why not have a zone/building that is just full of flags on the walls, paired with a dropdown menu in the ID that lists nations. Each char/toon at generation choses a nation of origin and must click on their nation's flag in the hall. If a character decides to change their country, they can go to the Representative or a Registrar in the Hall and change that part in their ID. They lose their badge, but can go to their new flag and get it back.
To narrowmindedly call this an US and US ONLY world and game is disrespectful to the history listed for Paragon City, discrediting all the heroes from other nations, INCLUDING HERO-1, who died for OUR CONTINUED FREEDOM.
I will always honor the "heroes" of other nations that have for countless generations help US citizens by endangering their OWN lives. After all, the US would not be the US without the help of the French and others in the revolutionary war. Funny how we forget that.
Heck, the biggest symbols we have, the US Flag and the State Of Liberty are of foreign history. The US flag was originally a reworking of the British Union Jack and the State Of Liberty was provided by France.
Their colors are also Red, White and Blue.
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The Freedom badge seems the more appropriate, and simple, a change.
Dang! I was already starting to scheme on how I'd be spending the $45 / month I was about to save by cancelling my accounts.
Thanks for the heads-up, Statesman.
WONDERFUL! The Freedom badge sounds even better and doesn't have the disturbing John Ashcroft connotations.
You guys rock. I'm sorry I doubted you.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
OR, just make the flag PARAGON CITY'S FLAG, and be done with it. After all, regardless of the "nationailty" of our toons, we all are fighting within Paragon after all...
Can't wait to see all this new stuff guys!
But what about the people on Virtue!? We want our Virtue badge as well! This is unfair! I want my $45 back!
*casts Phantom Army and watches them annoy Statesman into submission*
Hahah, if the virtue people get their own badge, I want my own Pinnacle appartment! For free.
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

But what about the people on Virtue!? We want our Virtue badge as well! This is unfair! I want my $45 back!
*casts Phantom Army and watches them annoy Statesman into submission*
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whoa there!
Now that's an idea: why NOT have them be named after the servers? Surely no one could disagree with that? You collect them all by doing more than standing by a flag...I dunno, standing by many different things all over the game world.
But, whatever. I'm excercising MY freedom by ignoring this issue and badge for the forseeables----had enough of it to last me a hero's lifetime, methinks. On with the game!
A good solution to a sticky mess.
Good descriptive name too. Those who hurrumph and bellow about whose flag is where will have the "Freedom" not to do that particular quest.
Huzzah! Now about Mind Controllers...
If you want to add a Paragon City flag that is fine. But don't remove the Stars and Stripes for the Paragon City flag. Generally all city halls in the US display the flags for their City, their State and the US. US being on top, state below and city under that. I know this is just a game, but even then you want some sort of realism to allow yourself to become as immersed in the world you are playing in as you possibly could be.
Any game based even slightly on reality tries to get that detail for the extra feeling of the game being real.
States, I'm sorry: but apparently you didn't learn the lesson from the now locked thread: this is a bad idea. I realize it's your story and you want it fully realized, actualized in this game; but I think you are making a mistake putting anything in this game that in any way reflects real life politics. It's not your fault, of course, but that doesn't alter the ramifications.
Please reconsider and do not add either badge until you can be assured the majority of players are sufficiently mature enough to realize it's just a game, has no meaning other than entertainment and doesn't question their personal patriotism---i.e, that is, never add them, period.
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I think that most of us, espicially the 20 somethings and above can realize these badges are for enhancing character concept. A toon with an anarchy symbol may not opt for the Freedom badge but a person with stars and stripes all over them might. Heck I am thinking about making redneck man. (joking) I think people over emphasized this badge completely and I mean in both ways. This is a game not a forum for showing off your political alliances or yourself patriotism. Show off your toons patriotism or honor of freedom. Yeah Freedom.~~~
Statesman as always I am happy with your solution in these matters. Now bring back Fold Space!!! hehe
People, chill please. I'm as unpatriotic as they come, and then some (and expecting to shoot down to one-star for saying it) - but even *I* don't care if they toss a badge or two into the game that they think is neat.
Hell I'm still upset that the cars in CoH don't use turn signals, but at a certain point you need to just relax and let people code and play their games how they like.
That works...nice job Statesman. You just earned NCSoft another $15 a month...heh
Hey they adopted my idea about the badge. Cool
I'm sure they thought of it long before my post. Just don't tell my ego, it likes being delusional
Sorry about the confusion regarding the Patriot badge. Quite simply, I had wanted to shift the badge to something a little more universal so that everyone, regardless of nationality, could feel like a Patriot.
What hasnt been posted is that we had planned to replace it with the new one the Freedom badge. No term better fits the ideals of America and all it stands for. In the future, standing proudly beside the American flag grants a hero this badge.
In games, some times some fixes get made quicker than others. In this case, we needed new art for the Freedom badge and so it takes longer than shifting the current Patriot badge to the statue inside City Hall.