On Patriot and Freedom badges...




This has to be the dumbest issue I have ever seen in any game. I see people arguing over a badge that does not enhance your character and is optional if you do not want it.

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What about capes??? Longest thread in CoH Forum history!! CAPES FOR EVERY 1!!!

This FICTIONIAL game is set in America so having the US Flag in the game makes sense.

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Um.......The flag was not the problem. People did not ask to have the flag removed until someone purposefully misinterpreted a post asking that flags for heroes of OTHER NATIONAL ORIGIN (role playing) be introduced for the PATRIOT BADGE.

People keep forgetting, this was not an anti-US sentiment. It was asking for recognition of other nations heros giving their life and limbs for the continued freedom of the US AND THE WORLD. It is all about the Rikti, my friends.

I have a few char/toons that are US Citizens, one from another world, two from another dimension and one from Scotland.

All have loyalties to their places of Origin and are only WORKING (legally, don't deport them) in the US. They are on green card contracts to assist the US/Paragon City officials with the Rikti problem.

Also, remember that it says that heroes came from ALL OVER to help the US in this great time of need. License does not mean Citizenship. Or alot of the "illegal aliens" in country right now are actually citizens and need to be left alone by NIS.

Anyway. The game may have been made in the US, and sold first in the US, but to say anything that could constitute as "so take your un-american butt and get off our property" is just wrong (as wrong as a boy with hamsters and duct tape in a dark closet).

It is not that we have a US flag. It is that all the others that came/come to Paragon City, to give their lives to save the world, are not honored as well.

After all, wasn't the British superguy Hero-1 the one who is honored the most for sacrificing his life? By the Cape issue?

Yet, his country of Origin is not honored for its sacrifice of heroes?

Just a question. Not a jab. Statesman and the rest are doing their best. So everyone breath deep.

"Oh why must the spirit of mortal be proud."



As a side note, yes British food is bad but what exactly IS American food?

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There are many uniquely American (USA) dishes. Many are regional. Cajun has been mentioned. Creol is another unique to that region.
Southwest cuisine is also very unique (no it isn't Mexican). Original Texas Chili is American food. Corn originally was found in the Americas as was the tomato (imagine Italian cooking without the tomato). US food is much more than just a melting pot of food. There are many foods that can honestly be called American (US).

You can pick a region of the US and find many unique dishes. If you want to talk America the continent... then the list gets even bigger. Mexican of course, but each country in Central and South America have very unique dishes. Potato's in Bolivia, beef in Argentina... it is a very long list.
I am sure our Canadian friends from the north can list many unique Canadian dishes. I have been to 24 countries and each and everyone has had a splendid cuisine.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Question: Is Paragon City supposed to be in the US?




Question: Is Paragon City supposed to be in the US?

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Yeah, somewhere in Rhode Island supposedly. Hence the American flag instead of some fictional country flag of some type.




Question: Is Paragon City supposed to be in the US?

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LOL! Yes...Rhode Island, as a matter of fact.



This has to be the dumbest issue I have ever seen in any game.

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Clearly you missed or forgot the "light the flag at night" thread back in May or so. *duck*



Clearly you missed or forgot the "light the flag at night" thread back in May or so. *duck*

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Oh great!! Another texture that is going to flash like crazy, due to my crappy ATi drivers.



I don't care about all that I just want to know when we are going to put a wall up around Paragon to keep out all the foreigners and illegals. Also would like some sort of watch on possible Terrorist activities within our borders.



I don't care about all that I just want to know when we are going to put a wall up around Paragon to keep out all the foreigners and illegals. Also would like some sort of watch on possible Terrorist activities within our borders.

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Heeheee. Stop glaring people, he's kidding.



I'm afraid I just don't understand what the big deal is. If the city is supposed to be in the United States, why wouldn't there be a U.S. flag? I'd expect there to be a flag no matter which country it's in. Heck, perhaps we can have other cities around the globe in future expansions!



That's a great idea.

Also, how about some embassies? Put the respective flag in front of each one.

Yikes, that might take up a whole zone.... how about a United Nations type building? Except there you can actually get missions that help people.

I haven't said this enough, but except for one pet peeve of mine (stunning), this edition is really great and I am having fun with the new content.




3.) Scientists have recently discovered radio waves from space that they think MAY evidence intelligent extra-terrestrial life.

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This is kinda out of topic but: Really? Care to post the link? I wanna read.




3.) Scientists have recently discovered radio waves from space that they think MAY evidence intelligent extra-terrestrial life.

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This is kinda out of topic but: Really? Care to post the link? I wanna read.

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whats with the neco-posting? the last post in this thread was like 2 months ago.



whats with the neco-posting? the last post in this thread was like 2 months ago.

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Really. This is one of those threads that forces me to appreciate the forum purges every two weeks. This thread was fine at the time, but should be put to rest.



Do not euthanize our freedom badge posts!