The Grim Heaper

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  1. D

    I could probably easily move into a higher bracket or two if I tried, but D easily affords pretty much anything I ever need slotting wise (save for those few pvp-ios in the billion+ range.)
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
    This was the first thing that came to mind:
    [<-insert gif here->]
    I was this close to posting that as the first reply, then I thought, "nah, that'd be kinda rude as the first response to a question, it deserves some serious replies first."
  3. oooh.... so that's what was wrong with my lore pet. it got knocked down once, and never got back up.
  4. Mentlegen, if I may;

    My alt account, which went Premium this month has SUCCESSFULLY transferred a character off of exalted. The only thing needing to be unlocked before transferring was a slot on the DESTINATION server (as in, you cannot transfer a character into a locked slot, and then create a character on the newly opened slot).

    If what Roderick is saying is true of his experience, it is no longer the case. Celebration and rejoicing for all!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    ...and I know that Oroborous use can be a giant pain.
    Was just about to post that. Not really much of a disadvantage, but something to keep in mind when visiting the other side.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by houtex View Post
    That is why you cannot do it. I hope this is a lesson to you all, and you learn it well.

    /Don't believe everything you read on the intarwebs, and especially non-backed-up quotes.
    So... no big red ball then?
    I still think it would be awesome.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    Not sure if I expressed myself well, english not my first language.
    First, THANKS!
    I did not know that repeteable T9 rewards dont have to be filled.
    Im am just 7 veteran tokens away from T9 VIP!
    Hurray! If we accomplished nothing else in this thread (and we did), at least we saved you from purchasing way more points than you ever needed to!

    Much beyond this and it all comes down to personal preference, if you are willing to put down roughly 105 dollars or so to get the celestial set ASAP, more power to ya (and you can pretty much instantly unlock any new shineys for quite a while with the resulting 8400 points).

    Personally, I'd just as soon switch my subscription plan to a more, economical one, and ride it out for as long as possible. And seeing as our devs are generally not total jerks, they'd probably give us plenty of warning before Celestial does go "into the Disney vault", and at that point, purchase what tokens I still need to get it.

    Then again, I'm a long-time vet who pretty much got the entire set day 1, so it's easy for me to say such things. The carrot was not dangled in front of my face for long. :P
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    Because if I am on first stages of T8 and I want to get to Tier 9, I can be premium, buy 1200 like 14 times to get to T9 and I will have plenty of points to buy everything I want in the store for a long time without paying the monty stipend.
    If Im VIP, I still need to pay suscription, buy almost same points and I will accumulate more points I will ever spend.
    If this is right, then the market is not well organizated.
    VIPs should pay less to get to T9, or maybe I did understand it wrong...
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    If I wait a year by now I will miss rewards because they will replace them with new goodies...
    I want to now the fastest and cheapiest way to get to T9 being a T8.
    Woh... ok, just noticed this; Your on The first stages of tier 8? as in you've filled Tier 7?

    After you complete tier 8, you do not need to invest any reward tokens into Tier 9 (the slots with the circling green arrows). Those are repeatable rewards and have no bearing on the availability of tier 9 VIP.

    And second, (and I think this one's the kicker) you want the Tier 9 VIP rewards that they plan to swap out eventually? there are three little letters in that tier that say something specific; VIP. Per the text when hovering over them; "VIP: this pack is exclusively available for VIP subscribers". If you want them, premium isn't a great option. Also, I believe they did have plans to rotate the Celestial set back in at some point after it rotated out.
  9. No, barring any special offers or adjustments that may occur in the future - Each reward token is $15. In-fact, by switching to a multi-month subscription, the cost is lowered (3 month subscription = ~$14 per month, for example), but the time frame remains the same, as you get the reward token once per month.

    Purchasing a giant pile of points only gets you the tokens FASTER. Being tier 9, and sitting on 16800 points (assuming your "like 14 times" is accurate) will remove several limitations of being premium. However, there are still some things that are gated to VIP players only, like incarnate content.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
    It's ok, we'd only use Pinky Pie approved party cannons! ... although any parties starting at one end of a house, going straight through the other side, over a roof and ending with people passed out in the neighbour's minivan? pure coincidence.
  11. I believe you can also get the badge from the single contaminated that spawns every-so-often in recluse's victory... the original middle finger to all the characters that went through the trial before badges were implemented.
  12. If I can recommend one thing, it's to max out the ram, on my old system a few years ago, going from 2 gigs to 4 helped immensely. Granted a 32 bit operating system caps you at 3.5-ish gigs.

    That system (ram aside) looks roughly equivalent to my secondary PC, with a slightly better Graphics card. I run my Alt account on it, and Ultra setting on anything but the minimum drags it to a halt (and even with minimum settings, it can get a bit choppy, that card might handle it a bit better)... Beyond the Ultra settings, typically I could keep the details sliders around the 100% mark, so long as max particle count is kept quite low.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    Number 3: was doing moon fire and Renault and noticed that Raids ( Rikti,Zombie,banners) were going on in zone. usually i like raids but in this instance was doing the hunts 9 hunt 20 council, hunt 10 longbow) so it kind of got annoying
    anyway to not have the raids in same zone at WST/WTF?
    I doubt much can be done about this. It sucks but it is something we've always had to deal with (well, at least since trigger-able zone-raids were introduced). And what should then be done during Numina WSTs? That has a hunt in EVERY DAMN ZONE blue side! If enough people are feeling particularly trollish one night and run several LGTFs and turn in salvage, it can cause quite a delay for a Numina.

    Best option is just to sigh, park yourself in the air or a safe-zone, go grab a drink and wait it out (or participate).
  14. The Grim Heaper

    Slide power

    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    to kind of bring another example in for comparison, when GR was offered as a preorder from gamestop for those special enhances that worked at all lvls and provided procs to <lvl21, when those were offered as rewards for high tier in the paragon rewards program i think its similar situation to this except they actually brought back the preorder items (they did the same thing for the preorder cov helms)
    As much as I'd LOVE for the prestige power slide to be on the market, this is a flawed comparison. The only Items available through the Veteran/ParagonRewards program are the pre-order (in-game) perks*. You paid nothing extra for the pre-order, you paid the full price, as everyone else did (barring any sales that may occur in the future), but got a perk for doing so early. Thus, people who did not pre-order could eventually gain those perks with sufficient veteran status. This is true for the four other prestige sprints, the CoV helmets, and the special GR enhancements.

    The Collectors editions were boxed sets that cost more- price on store shelves 7 years later not withstanding. But they came packaged with extra bits; including codes for exclusive in-game items (cape of the 4 winds + p.p.slide [CoH dvd collectors], Arachnos symbol cape + chest emblem [CoV Collectors]).

    Again, I'm not arguing against the collectors edition items being included in the Paragon Market, even at a rediculous premium price. Just that it is a flawed comparison, as it has been in the past when anyone brought up the inclusion of the sprints/helmets in the veteran program.

    *I'm not sure if I ever got that mousepad - I did get the code though. Oh well, I have a superior mousepad featuring the 11 doctors.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by thgebull0425 View Post
    Can you only pretty much have two Incarnate powers and use one at at time?
    What Aggelakis said; but keep in mind there is a cooldown on switching slotted incarnate abilities. And you can only swap after you have been out of combat for 5 minutes (Not sure if it is still the case, but if someone on your team enters combat or fires off a power it also affects this timer)... So it's not really something you can swap out on the fly as the situation changes.

    But if you have multiple builds, and one may benefit more from Alpha:Spiritual, whereas a second build is better with Alpha:Musculature, you can do that. I prefer the Warworks Lore pets on one scrapper, but that character also has the Seers available for going up against something that isn't as resistant to psy - like Marauder for badge runs.
  16. Tricky decision - The "brain in a jar" says science to me, but the mechanical body screams tech... I think at this point it may depend on your powerset choices...
    If you go with something like Psy, you could argue that the the scientific end of the body (brain in jar) gave you greater control over those powers (could also work for several other powersets, flames/cold/electric control stemming from the brain). If the powers originate from the brain-jar, I'd lean Science
    But if the powers come from the mechanical body, (Claws, or other weapon sets... Shield defense, traps, devices... electricity...) I'd lean Tech.

    If you still haven't yet decided on the ultimately arbitrary decision, a couple other ways to help reach a conclusion on which origin to pick;

    How do you improve upon your existing powers? It may be that science experiment (likely gone wrong) that gave you the ability to shoot fire from your hands, but without magic enchantments to increase it's power, be available sooner, reduce it's stamina cost, etc - it's not much more than a neat parlor trick. (Or perhaps the magic is the only thing keeping what science gave you from backfiring and consuming you).
    • MAGIC
      • Dual Origins tend to focus on objects; Natural uses magical artifacts (relics), while Mutant uses focusing devices (visors, gloves, helmets, etc.)
      • Single Origin calls upon magical beings such as Joule or Hermes to enhance your effectiveness
    • MUTANT
      • DO; Magic focusing devices (visors, gloves, helmets, etc.), Science further alters your genetic structure to greater heights
      • SO; With secondary mutations (not the temp power), your existing mutations become even more powerful
      • DO; Mutant - you alter your genetic structure to better control your powers, Tech - You use a combination of science and technology to create inventions - better materials and delivery systems for your powers.
      • SO; Further scientific experimentation and exposures to chemicals and particles increase your effectiveness.
    • TECH
      • DO; Science - You use a combination of science and technology to create inventions - better materials and delivery systems for your powers, Natural - your powers are enhanced by gadgets (Grenades and amplifiers of all kinds!)
      • SO; cybernetics and Nanobots
      • DO; Naural - magical artifacts/relics, Tech - gadgets
      • SO; Techniques, often from martial arts or military training to help focus and improve your powers
    These don't necessarily cover all possibilities, but it may give you an idea of what origins the game says certain things fall under. Your beam Rifle may be of Technological origin, but you may use magical runes to improve on it. In that case, either Tech or magic may fit.

    Origin Powers:
    Which is your character most likely to throw at an enemy when he starts out? A magical Charm (Magic), a vial of mutagen (Mutant), a taser dart (Tech), a throwing knife (natural), or a tranq dart (Science)?

    Although since you're stuck between tech and science, this isn't helpful to your case - the veteran range temp can help me decide sometimes... Which is your character most likely to be proficient with? Nemesis Staff (Sci or Tech), the Black Wand (Magic, Mutant), or probably both (Natural, but you'll still have to pick one to get the damage bonus)?

    What's that, incarnate abilities don't care what your origin is? Correct, but there's a bit of lore in mender Ramiel's arc that might just tip the balance on what you choose. After beating Trapdoor into submission, you get the artifact that is connected in some way to the Well of the Furies.
    Presumably, without being able to locate and drink from the Well, this artifact holds the key to unlocking your potential as an incarnate. The form it takes as you hold it changes depending on your origin. For details, Paragon Wiki link - Click '[show]' on the 'Trapdoor dialogue' bar.
  17. IO's give considerably more enhancement than SO's, even before taking set bonuses into consideration. It's important to remember that Inventions do not scale like Training/Dual/Single origins relative to your level, as the inventions increase in level, so does their bonus, rather than provide a static number that degrades as you level past it. At lvl 30 or 35, single aspect IOs start surpassing SO's in enhancement value.

    At lvl 30 - the previously mentioned Thunderstrike set gives a total of 117.9% enhancement to damage before Enhancement Diversification. As well as 56.6 to Accuracy, Endurance, AND Recharge... A level 50 Thunderstrike set improves these numbers to 143.1% and 68.9%, resectively!

    And if we ignore set bonuses altogether, if we cobble togeather 5 lvl 30 Acc/Dam IOs from different sets, we've already surpassed your current SO slotting with only 5 slots (assuming even level SO's - but with ED, it brings it all closer to the same value anyway, hovering around 95-100%), leaving you one free slot to use with ANYTHING else. If we use lvl 50 Acc/Dam IOs, we could achieve the same slotting with only 4 enhancements (A little trickier, as there are fewer Ranged Damage sets that go up to 50), leaving you room for 2 extra slots to reduce endurance, recharge, or enhance a secondary effect.

    Another way to look at it is the totals...
    3 damage and 3 accuracy SOs (even level) = 6x33.3% = +199.8% total enhancement value
    lvl 30 Thunderstrike set = 3(enhancements)*3(aspects)*17.4% + 3*2*21.8% = 156.6% + 130.8% = 287.4% T.E.V
    lvl 50 thunderstrike set = 3*3*21.2% + 3*2*26.5% = 190.8% + 159% = 349.8% T.E.V

    Sure, on occasion if you are chasing certain set bonuses, you may have to concede that one or two aspects of your power may not be enhanced quite as much as you'd like (three accuracy SO's is overkill in the first place. you generally don't need more than one, and if anything is debuffing you to the point that a third becomes necessary, that's where you use insps instead.) but you can generally keep important values where you need them. For damage sets you'd have to TRY to not get a total of around +100% after ED, seriously, almost everything includes at least some damage.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    No one will buy bug fixes in the Paragon Store.
    Depends on the issue that the purchase fixes. "What's that, your minions are pants-on-head stupid? huh, mine are perfectly obedient and sane. best $5 ever!"

    Not saying I wouldn't grumble loudly about having to pay real monies for a fix that should have happened for free ages ago - but that money would be out of my bank account an into NCsoft/Paragon Studio's at the speed of plaid.
  19. The thing is - Longbow don't really do anything different. At all. The minions/Lts are pretty much Assault Rifle/devices blasters (Although the Nullifiers get those damn annoying sonic grenades that are more like a power from Trick Arrow). And the Wardens? they're just extrapolations Of existing archtypes/powersets made in the standard NPC fashion of the time.

    Besides, we could use some Praetorian oriented EATs before another Hero one.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    Okay. This is what happened.

    i sent in a petition, basically the stuff I wrote above. And asked if I was okay. First response said it was kicked upstairs and I would be contacted. Next day, the response said they would have to change it because of Starcraft, and asked for 3 possibles. I thought about it all night, and came up with three alternate names, sent them in. I didn't complain or anything, just said 1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice. Got a response back, on further review I am okay.
    Hehe - just keep those emails handy; someone could still report the name, and another GM would make a snap "better safe than sorry" decision. Those emails may be your key to getting the name back in such an event.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
    I would say none. Not only is there a question of the salvage received (generally one piece per successful run, with additional bonus badge-earned pieces that can be earned), but the fact that each slot has to be opened by earning the appropriate sort of Incarnate XP. I doubt running the 4 Trials one time only would unlock the 2 higher tier slots (Lore and Destiny), and may or may not unlock the lower 2 (Judgement and Interface). More probably now with Keyes and UGT, but still not a lock.
    Although The Underground does give a pretty big chunk of XP to both paths (understandable considering all the mobs between point A and B). you'd probably only have interface and judgment unlocked after all 4 (assuming alpha was already unlocked by the arc)

    If you consider that the average iTrial gives roughly 4-5 astrals (let's say 9-10 on UG)... that's about 4 or 5 common pieces of i-salvage. For the sake of argument we'll say he got unlucky with the reward tables and got 3 commons and a single uncommon. That there could be enough for a T1 ability in one (Interface/judgement), and a T2 in the other. Might be able to manage a second T2 ability with the drops from some of the easier badges. if you only ever expect to run (and we'll assume successfully complete) each trial once, you could turn those 5 empyrians into 100 threads, but that's a waste.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    As I said in the Triumph Server section, most MS Raids on Triumph aren't scheduled. I hear about 1-2 a year that are scheduled, but that is far from normal.
    Used to be Mothership Mondays quite a while ago... But I think between threads being easier to obtain and awarding all the Vanguard costume pieces to those that maintained subscriptions during a certain time - interest dropped off (only need one or two runs on characters to get the sack and a reserve stash for a few pet charges). So it's run on a "I'm forming one, who wants in?" basis now.
  23. per the detailed info of the powers (assuming they are accurate);

    +0.3% resistance per Health Percentage point below 60%. (all damage types except toxic/psy). And they do stack with each other... so with all 3 that's 0.9% per percentage point of health below 60.

    So at 50% HP, you'd have up to 9% resistance.
    40%hp = +18%res
    20%hp = +36%res
    1%hp = +53.1%res

    That said, you probably don't want to stay at 1% health if you manage to hit it.
  24. The Grim Heaper

    MARTy and me

    I often try to take graystar's posts with a grain of salt. I think I'm going to have to look up what a lethal dose is, 'cause this may require considerably more than one grain.

    -IF- you've triggered MARTy, it shuts down all your rewards for a period of time - not just selectively awarding you "crap". Getting vendor-trash quality drops is just random being random. And even if they aren't the valuable/useful ones... 6 purples over two weeks. Cry me a river. Life is so unfair to you.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RagManX View Post
    You have inspired me to handle responding to the, ummmm, less intellectually stimulating speakers in global channels in a brand new way. I thank you for this wonderful idea.

    Don't forget the Rude Tells topic if this results in hilarity.