Cheapest way to get to Tier 9 is going premium?
If you're VIP, you don't have to purchase any points to get to Tier 9, just wait the appropriate number of months, and accumulate a Reward Token every month until you're Tier 9. And, along the way, you'll be awarded Paragon Points for free.
Save Paragon one more time!,4877.0.html
Petition to end shutting down CoH:
If I wait a year by now I will miss rewards because they will replace them with new goodies...
I want to now the fastest and cheapiest way to get to T9 being a T8.
The fastest way is to purchase 14 * 1200 points. If you buy the $100 lot of points twice, you will accomplish this and then some, at a total of $200. If you bought 12 months of play, in advance, and get the 2 bonus months for free, that costs just shy of $145, but you will get the Reward Tokens over the course of the 14 months, 1 per month. The former is the fastest, the latter is the cheapest. They're kind of mutually exclusive.
Save Paragon one more time!,4877.0.html
Petition to end shutting down CoH:
If I wait a year by now I will miss rewards because they will replace them with new goodies...
I want to now the fastest and cheapiest way to get to T9 being a T8. |
Or am I misunderstanding something?
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Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012

No, barring any special offers or adjustments that may occur in the future - Each reward token is $15. In-fact, by switching to a multi-month subscription, the cost is lowered (3 month subscription = ~$14 per month, for example), but the time frame remains the same, as you get the reward token once per month.
Purchasing a giant pile of points only gets you the tokens FASTER. Being tier 9, and sitting on 16800 points (assuming your "like 14 times" is accurate) will remove several limitations of being premium. However, there are still some things that are gated to VIP players only, like incarnate content.
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
Because if I am on first stages of T8 and I want to get to Tier 9, I can be premium, buy 1200 like 14 times to get to T9 and I will have plenty of points to buy everything I want in the store for a long time without paying the monty stipend.
If Im VIP, I still need to pay suscription, buy almost same points and I will accumulate more points I will ever spend. If this is right, then the market is not well organizated. VIPs should pay less to get to T9, or maybe I did understand it wrong... |
If I wait a year by now I will miss rewards because they will replace them with new goodies...
I want to now the fastest and cheapiest way to get to T9 being a T8. |
After you complete tier 8, you do not need to invest any reward tokens into Tier 9 (the slots with the circling green arrows). Those are repeatable rewards and have no bearing on the availability of tier 9 VIP.
And second, (and I think this one's the kicker) you want the Tier 9 VIP rewards that they plan to swap out eventually? there are three little letters in that tier that say something specific; VIP. Per the text when hovering over them; "VIP: this pack is exclusively available for VIP subscribers". If you want them, premium isn't a great option. Also, I believe they did have plans to rotate the Celestial set back in at some point after it rotated out.
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
The thing is, you can do it cheap (by simply continuing your VIP subscription and waiting) or you can do it fast (by purchasing a whole lot of Paragon Points right now, regardless of whether you're subscribed or not), but you can't do it fast and cheap.
Also, I believe they did have plans to rotate the Celestial set back in at some point after it rotated out.
Also, just to calm some panic here, in that same uStream session, the devs clarified (to a point) when Celestial is going away: There's another set coming, called "Fire and Ice." It will be likely released around the same time as i22 (pay special attention to the words "likely" and "around"). When Fire and Ice comes out, both it and Celestial will be available. Only when yet a third T9 VIP set is released (so far a third hasn't even been announced) will Celestial go into the Disney vault.
So you've probably got six months or so, or until roughly Issue 23 (that's a three, not a two), to get this sorted out. No rush. It's not like Celestial is going to disappear without months of warning.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
If you want the limited time T9 rewards, you will HAVE to be VIP to claim them since they are T9 VIP. The non-VIP rewards are the ones with the green arrows going around them and are repeatable. The ones on the very top are limited to VIP only.
The fastest way to get them will be to be VIP, meaning subscribe for ~$15/month at least for a month, then buy enough paragon points to get enough reward tokens to fill up your T8 slots AND the T9 VIP slots.
The cheapest way will be to subscribe to be VIP, then wait the certain months to get the required reward tokens to fill up the same slots, however you run the risk of them moving some of the T9 VIP rewards into the "Disney Vault" before you can claim them.
Either way you will need to subscribe. If you want to guarantee you get the limited time/rotating rewards, you'll probably have to plop down some cash to get the reward tokens now and get slots filled.
The former [buying points] is the fastest, the latter [VIP subscription] is the cheapest. They're kind of mutually exclusive.
Just pointing out that the VIP subscription is cheapest BY FAR. I'm paying about $11 per month right now for VIP. For that I get the Incarnate stuff, Signature Story Arcs, 400 free points per month, and a reward point each month, plus any other "VIP Free" doodads they toss my way. It's an incredibly efficient way to earn rewards.
Yes, you miss out on one shiny (the current Tier 9). But I believe the devs have said that any Tier 9 reward that goes away will be made available again at some point in the future. Either as a store/point item, or as a rotating Tier 9 reward. (I think they said that; I'm not going to double check.)
So if you're just patient you'll get all the rewards eventually. It's really only if you need the current Tier 9 that you have to drop a couple of bills in the Paragon Store.
Not sure if I expressed myself well, english not my first language.
First, THANKS!
I did not know that repeteable T9 rewards dont have to be filled.
Im am just 7 veteran tokens away from T9 VIP!
Second, I was thinking about filling T8 being premium just buying enough points to get all the tokens needed, then using those points to unlock everything I want instead paying a suscription.
Just remember, you have to be a VIP to purchase the Tier 9 VIP sets.
So going Premium wouldn't help you acquire those items, in fact, it would prevent you from getting them.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
Not sure if I expressed myself well, english not my first language.
First, THANKS! I did not know that repeteable T9 rewards dont have to be filled. Im am just 7 veteran tokens away from T9 VIP! ![]() |

Much beyond this and it all comes down to personal preference, if you are willing to put down roughly 105 dollars or so to get the celestial set ASAP, more power to ya (and you can pretty much instantly unlock any new shineys for quite a while with the resulting 8400 points).
Personally, I'd just as soon switch my subscription plan to a more, economical one, and ride it out for as long as possible. And seeing as our devs are generally not total jerks, they'd probably give us plenty of warning before Celestial does go "into the Disney vault", and at that point, purchase what tokens I still need to get it.
Then again, I'm a long-time vet who pretty much got the entire set day 1, so it's easy for me to say such things. The carrot was not dangled in front of my face for long. :P
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /
StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here
They will not (unless they've been rotated back IN at that time, which I doubt). The devs told us straight up at the Pummit that around February-ish the Celestial pieces will rotate out, replaced by the Fire and Ice Armor set (which, IMHO, is godawful ugly).
Then, at some later date, a third, thus-far-unannounced set will rotate in. That's when Celestial rotates out.
I'm going over uStream right now to find the video where the devs confirmed it.
EDIT: Of course. I can find the videos from the day they talked about it (turns out it was November 23), but they cut off before the chat Q&A, so I can't link to anything that confirms what I'm saying they said. But I swear they said it!
Either way, yes, I'd be very, very surprised if Celestial is still available ten months from now.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
I think I will be buying some points from now to next 3-4 months, then with montly tokens and tokens from points I will be at T9
EDIT: Of course. I can find the videos from the day they talked about it (turns out it was November 23), but they cut off before the chat Q&A, so I can't link to anything that confirms what I'm saying they said. But I swear they said it!
Either way, yes, I'd be very, very surprised if Celestial is still available ten months from now. |
Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /
StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here
The main important thing to notice is that there will be warning. We may not know the exact day it is coming, but we will know when the change will be eminent, which means you can wait and accumulate your normal subscription tokens, then when the change is about to happen, but the remaining tokens you need then. This should save you some cast.
Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /
StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here
That's NOT the way it was explained at the Pummit at all. If that's how they're handling it now, though, that's great -- it should make a lot of people happy. But the way Posi explained it then was that they would give plenty of notice, and then swap Fire and Ice Armor in, and Celestial out. I hope they do it that way, if for no other reason than to extend the time when some people will have access to Celestial this go-round (although I'm confident it will be available again somehow in the not-so-distant future).
And like I said, as of yesterday, that's what the Beta server is showing, too -- Celestial and Fire and Ice at VIP tier 9.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /
StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here
If you buy the $100 bundle the 1600 bonus points you get counts towards how many veteran tokens you'll be rewarded. You get a vet token for every 1200pts you recieve, $100 dollars gets you 9600pts, which means you get 8 vet tokens.
If this is your first purchase from the store the $100 pack will get you 9 tokens.

Fire and Ice will rotate in. Both it and Celestial will be available. It's that way on Beta right now, in fact.
Then, at some later date, a third, thus-far-unannounced set will rotate in. That's when Celestial rotates out. I'm going over uStream right now to find the video where the devs confirmed it. EDIT: Of course. I can find the videos from the day they talked about it (turns out it was November 23), but they cut off before the chat Q&A, so I can't link to anything that confirms what I'm saying they said. But I swear they said it! Either way, yes, I'd be very, very surprised if Celestial is still available ten months from now. |
Because if I am on first stages of T8 and I want to get to Tier 9, I can be premium, buy 1200 like 14 times to get to T9 and I will have plenty of points to buy everything I want in the store for a long time without paying the monty stipend.
If Im VIP, I still need to pay suscription, buy almost same points and I will accumulate more points I will ever spend.
If this is right, then the market is not well organizated.
VIPs should pay less to get to T9, or maybe I did understand it wrong...