A Very Stupid IO Invention Question
The thing you're not taking into account here is set bonuses and IO stacking. You never want to use just one IO set. You need to be thinking about hitting the "rule of 5" cap. Often the benefits you gain from stacking multiple IO sets can more than offset what you lose on any individual power by swapping its enhancements for IOs.
Some IO combinations (I don't have the time to look them up right now) offer you a buff to damage, accuracy, or recharge rate. Say that some set offers a 7% buff to damage. If you slot five of those, then that's the equivalent of an extra SO in damage enhancement--damage enhancement that doesn't trip Enhancement Diversification, by the way--applied across all of your powers. Same for accuracy, recharge rate, etc.
What you need to do is plan your build with Mids, put in the enhancement sets, and see what the totals are. You might be surprised how effective some of these changes can be. Also, consider slotting IO sets at level 30, so that you keep all those set bonuses when you exemp all the way down to level 27. Just a thought.
For most people, more than one Accuracy SO isn't useful. Many of the damage sets offer (especially the 5 and 6 IO sets) close to 99% damage when added up. Also, with enhancements there is the "ED" softcap which for any attribute is hit by three SOs (three +3 damage give more like 96% vs 108%). The setbonus are normal global buffs, and so are after the ED cap.
The wiki (under Limits, as I recall, has a good explanation of how damage is figured with enhancements and buffs)
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Also, you need to keep in mind how ED ends up affecting enhancements. 3 * 33.3% = 100%, but ED is taking a lot off of that, leaving you with only about 94% enhancement anyways. Meanwhile, while chasing a set bonus, you might get 4 enhancements that only have 25.4% damage bonus in them. That ends up being slightly over 100% as well, and gets knocked down by about the same percentage, leaving you with equivalent damage, just spread over 4 enhancements.
Also, you need to keep in mind the other enhancements you're getting (I don't know many people that slot 3 Acc and 3 Damage, but let's go with that). If you're using 3 Acc and 3 Damage, you're getting zero EndRed or RechRed. If you slot IO sets, not only are you getting roughly equivalent slotting for Damage and Acc, but you're also going to get some EndRed and RechRed in there as well. And that on top of whatever set bonuses you're going with.
Now, let's factor in a set bonus of 2% damage. That's for ALL of your powers that do damage. So if you slot 5 powers with that set, each power that you have is doing 10% more damage, on top of your slotting.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
If I understand your question you are first asking if you loose out in total enhancement values by using Invention sets vs. single origin enhancements. Second you are saying are the set bonuses worth it.
To the first question. Not really. Usually you can do what you need to do with invention sets in fewer slots then similar single origin slotting. It depends on the invention set but if you mix and match the pieces differently you can achieve good enhancement values with 4-6 slots rather then taking a full 6 slots every time.
Now if you are slotting just accuracy and damage as in your example then no you can't achieve that with a single invention set. However, you can use fanken slotting (using pieces from different sets in a single power) and still save slots:
6 Slots - 3 acc and 3 damage = 94.93 to acc and dam
4 Slots - 4 acc/dam IO set pieces (Ruin, Decimation, Devastation, Thunderstrike) = 95.19 to acc and dam
Now when slotting attacks you also want recharge and endurance. Most attack sets in of themselves give a good well rounded slotting and max out damage or come close enough to it.
To the second question. Yes set bonuses are well worth it. Especially those that give defenses, global recharge, regeneration, extra HP, recovery, and damage. Also some of the PROCs in invention sets are very nice. The Numina +Regneration/+Recovery and the Miracle +Recovery PROCs in Health will eliminate most endurance woes as an example.
Thank you all for the VERY useful replies! This does clear it up for me a good bit.
To be clear on something...you can use most IO stes more than once on the same toon? I know there are "unique" ones that says you cant....
And thats where the rule of 5 comes in? You cant have more than 5 bonuses on a single aspect?
NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller
This example is generic, but here goes. Lets say I have a blaster attack 6 slotted, with 3 ACC's and 3 Damage SO's (and the damage SO's give approx 36% bonus each....thats 108% bonus). And then I decide to get rid of that for an IO set that has a "increase damage of all your powers by 5%"....and lets say this set has a few damage bonuses of 26%...arent you losing a major amount of damage bonus?
Or...does the global increase to all powers that an IO set gives, is that applied to a different baseline of damage?..is it refering to the same value that the SO bonus is refering too? |
Let's take a specific example, you mentioned that your Blaster has his attacks slotted with 3 damage and 3 accuracy. my Blaster has his single target attacks slotted with a full set of Thunderstikes (an EXCELLENT set for Blasters). Now before factoring in ED my enhancement values are:
Damage: 143.1%
Accuracy: 68.9%
Recharge: 68.9%
Endurance Reduction: 68.9%
Now obviously ED drops the Damage bonus to about 100% but even with that I have significantly better slotting than I would with SOs. To get comparable slotting from just SOs I would need about 9 slots, 3 damage, 2 accuracy, 2 recharge and 2 endurance.
Now this brings us to the point that Flower mentions which is Frankenslotting. Honestly my Blaster's attacks are pretty overslotted. I've got so much damage that I'm losing a good chunk of it anyway and my accuracy is quite a bit higher than I need as well (between Targeting Drone and Accuracy global bonuses I don't need that much in individual powers). I keep the full set for the ranged defense bonus but if I didn't need that then I would at the very least take out the Damage/Accuracy enhancement and move that slot elsewhere.
To be clear on something...you can use most IO stes more than once on the same toon? I know there are "unique" ones that says you cant....
And thats where the rule of 5 comes in? You cant have more than 5 bonuses on a single aspect? |
1. Special IOs are counted separately than Set Bonuses so you can have 5 Luck of the Gambler +7.5% recharge IOs and also 5 sets that give you a 7.5% recharge bonus.
2. Defense bonuses are a little complicated since they each increase 3 different defenses. Basic rule of thumb is always compare the higher bonuses for rule of five purposes. You can find a detailed explanation here
NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller
Thank you all for the VERY useful replies! This does clear it up for me a good bit.
To be clear on something...you can use most IO stes more than once on the same toon? I know there are "unique" ones that says you cant.... And thats where the rule of 5 comes in? You cant have more than 5 bonuses on a single aspect? |
The rule of 5 is that you can't have more than five set bonuses of a particular "size" effective on a character. The weird thing is that this doesn't go by percentage number, but by descriptor: for example, you can only have five effective bonuses of the "HUGE" size, but not all HUGE bonuses are going to be the same percentage. (I have a character who I set up with five "HUGE" 3.5% Defense bonuses and one 1.75% Defense bonus...but it turned out that the 1.75% one didn't register on my character because it was called "HUGE" too.)
You can find out more about this at ParagonWiki.
Essentially, as I've said, the big benefit to IOs comes from set bonus stacking. One other side benefit is that a lot of IO sets, such as Obliteration, come with a "Chance of <type> damage" proc. Whenever that proc fires off, it kicks in a very decent chunk of bonus damage to your power, which means it's even more effective, on average, than the amount of damage encapsulated in the IOs would suggest.
Play around with Mids, and watch the way the "Totals" go when you fill out your build with IO sets. Bear in mind that it's no longer all that hard to acquire even the orange rare sets anymore if you're willing to grind a bit to buy them with Astral Merits, Reward Merits, or Alignment Merits. (Purples can even be ground for with Alignment or Empyreans, though those can take substantially longer.) And remember you can slot out with cheaper yellows to tide you over until you can afford the costly reds.
Good luck!
How does one determine if they have "too much" damage or accuracy bonuses?
Accuracy is similar. You never have better chance of hitting than 95% so anything above that is wasted except for countering enemies with high defense and/or to hit debuffs. Personally I tend to target getting a 95% chance to hit against +4s in the absence of either defense buffs or to hit debuffs. The general theory is that if I'm facing +4s I'm probably on a team so team buffs and debuffs will cancel out the enemy's buffs and debuffs (this is based on my personal playstyle, depending on your preferences you may want more or less accuracy than I do).
To formula for chance to hit is:
HitChance = BasePowerAcc * (1 + AccEnhancement + GlobalAccBonus) * (BaseHitChance + ToHitMods – DefMods)
With both the final vlaue and the (BaseHitChance + ToHitMods – DefMods) section having a minimum of 5% and a maximum of 95%.
BaseHitChance against +4s is 39%, I'm an AR/Dev so BasePowerAcc is 1.05 and ToHitMods is about 19% (going by memory here, I don't have exact values). Plugging that in tells me that my combined Power Enhancement and Global Accuracy enhancement need to be about 55%. Now I know I have at least 74% global accuracy (1 x Ragnarok set, 2 X Thunderstrike, 4 x Positron's Blast and a Trap of the Hunter) so I don't actually need any accuracy slotting in individual powers (although I still want some for exemplaring down).
IO's give considerably more enhancement than SO's, even before taking set bonuses into consideration. It's important to remember that Inventions do not scale like Training/Dual/Single origins relative to your level, as the inventions increase in level, so does their bonus, rather than provide a static number that degrades as you level past it. At lvl 30 or 35, single aspect IOs start surpassing SO's in enhancement value.
At lvl 30 - the previously mentioned Thunderstrike set gives a total of 117.9% enhancement to damage before Enhancement Diversification. As well as 56.6 to Accuracy, Endurance, AND Recharge... A level 50 Thunderstrike set improves these numbers to 143.1% and 68.9%, resectively!
And if we ignore set bonuses altogether, if we cobble togeather 5 lvl 30 Acc/Dam IOs from different sets, we've already surpassed your current SO slotting with only 5 slots (assuming even level SO's - but with ED, it brings it all closer to the same value anyway, hovering around 95-100%), leaving you one free slot to use with ANYTHING else. If we use lvl 50 Acc/Dam IOs, we could achieve the same slotting with only 4 enhancements (A little trickier, as there are fewer Ranged Damage sets that go up to 50), leaving you room for 2 extra slots to reduce endurance, recharge, or enhance a secondary effect.
Another way to look at it is the totals...
3 damage and 3 accuracy SOs (even level) = 6x33.3% = +199.8% total enhancement value
lvl 30 Thunderstrike set = 3(enhancements)*3(aspects)*17.4% + 3*2*21.8% = 156.6% + 130.8% = 287.4% T.E.V
lvl 50 thunderstrike set = 3*3*21.2% + 3*2*26.5% = 190.8% + 159% = 349.8% T.E.V
Sure, on occasion if you are chasing certain set bonuses, you may have to concede that one or two aspects of your power may not be enhanced quite as much as you'd like (three accuracy SO's is overkill in the first place. you generally don't need more than one, and if anything is debuffing you to the point that a third becomes necessary, that's where you use insps instead.) but you can generally keep important values where you need them. For damage sets you'd have to TRY to not get a total of around +100% after ED, seriously, almost everything includes at least some damage.
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
Sure, on occasion if you are chasing certain set bonuses, you may have to concede that one or two aspects of your power may not be enhanced quite as much as you'd like (three accuracy SO's is overkill in the first place. you generally don't need more than one, and if anything is debuffing you to the point that a third becomes necessary, that's where you use insps instead.) but you can generally keep important values where you need them. For damage sets you'd have to TRY to not get a total of around +100% after ED, seriously, almost everything includes at least some damage.
(I've never really seen the point in Focused Accuracy or the Alpha slot that gives accuracy bonuses. Anybody in his right mind should have slotted that well enough before ever getting those powers available!)
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

When comparing bonuses of straight SO's vs. IO set bonuses, I always feel Im losing something by going with the IO sets.
A regular IO at level 35 is worth about 37% enhancement. An IO set piece that affects two attributes applies about 23% enhancement to each. Therefore, if you slot one common accuracy and one common damage at level 35, you get 37% boost to each. If you slot 2 acc/dam set pieces, you get about 46% boost to each. The IO set pieces are inherently better than the common IO's.
Now, does every set out there enhance the power exactly the way you want? No. But there is no rule that you have to slot all 6 pieces if you don't like the results. You can slot 2 pieces from one set and 4 from another, or 3 and 3, etc. I will often slot 5 pieces of Positron's Blast plus a common Recharge since the set doesn't give as much recharge as I want.
On top of that, you get the set bonuses. I have characters with 50-60% global accuracy. You can bet that makes a big difference in their performance. Before Inherent Fitness, I had toons that skipped the pool and had 35% recovery from set bonuses. I had a defender that ran 6 toggles without Stamina.
Summary: Character performance with set IO's will always exceed common IO's if you apply some research. In some cases, you can achieve DRAMATIC improvements at very modest costs. The aforementioned defender cost me 24 million inf.
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Hey, that's a smart question to ask.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
I hope I made this question clear enough to answer. In essence, I understand that getting a "1.65% resitance to cold" might be desirebale, but at the cost of a major damage potential? Im trying to understand why IO sets are such a great thing.
Somebody set me straight, and thanks in advance! |
IO sets aren't such a great thing when you only have one of them in your build. Where they become a great thing is when you think about the fact that those bonuses will stack up to 5 times.
Now, most IO sets skimp a little bit on accuracy or recharge. You're only getting 38% or so accuracy out of the enhancement itself, but that set might contain a 7% or 9% accuracy bonus. And that bonus applies to ALL your powers, not just the one you have it slotted in. Also, set bonuses are not affected by ED.
So, if you have 5 sets that give you 38% accuracy in the power, and they all contain a 9% accuracy bonus, all 5 of those powers will have their accuracy enhanced by an additional 45% on top of the 38% the set provides. And any other power that needs accuracy slotting will get an additional 45% as well.
And that's just ONE bonus the set provides, most of them have 5 different bonuses that all work the same way.
Say you have a set that also gives you 68% recharge to the power when fully slotted, and that set has a 6.25% recharge bonus in it. 5 of those sets will net you an additional 31.25% recharge to any power that recharge will function in (practically all of them).
Now suppose the two set bonuses I mentioned above were both in the same set. The set gives the power it's in 38% accuracy and 68% recharge. But if you slot 5 of them, you are gaining 45% accuracy, 31.25% recharge, and 5x any other bonus the set grants. Say one bonus is 2.5% ranged defense and another is 2.5% endurance recovery. And rounding it out would be a 10% regeneration bonus.
So, slotting one of those sets will give you 10% regen, 2.5% recovery, 9% accuracy, 6.25% recharge, and 2.5% ranged defense. Not very impressive, right?
Now slot 5 of them into your build. Now you're getting 50% regen, 12.5% recovery, 45% accuracy, 31.25% recharge, and 12.5% ranged defense. Sounds cool doesn't it? You've more than compensated for the shortfalls of the set's enhancement values, and added other stuff that has nothing to do with that attack, like the regeneration and recovery bonuses to your character.
When you have a lot of IO sets slotted into your character, you can achieve things like soft capping defense on characters who were never meant to be able to, get long recharge click powers up to permanent status, gain insane amounts of accuracy in order to hit higher level enemies, and add recharge in order to achieve your powersets better damaging attack chains.
And in the process of doing that, chances are you will have more than made up for any deficiencies the sets themselves have through bonuses.
THAT is why IO sets are such a great thing: The ability to stack the bonuses from them to achieve things not otherwise possible. You'll never get a blaster to 45% defense to anything on SOs, but with enough IO sets, it's not only possible, it's actually fairly easy.
Make more sense now?
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller
My main has 5x full Crushing Impact sets, a full Multi-Strike set, a full Detonation set, and Combat Readiness three-slotted with Adjusted Targeting, and I still have trouble hitting those Drones when they're bubbled. What's your secret?
Do you have the kismet unique? That's a 7% tohit bonus right there. Worth as much as tactics at no end cost.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Hmm. I never really was aware of the difference between Accuracy mods and ToHit mods. I guess I always thought they were essentially the same thing. Apparently they aren't.
So as a Street Justice brute, what are my available sources of +ToHit other than Tactics from the Leadership pool? Or, put another way, what are the favored set IOs to slot on a melee toon that grant +ToHit rather than Accuracy?
NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller
So as a Street Justice brute, what are my available sources of +ToHit other than Tactics from the Leadership pool? Or, put another way, what are the favored set IOs to slot on a melee toon that grant +ToHit rather than Accuracy?
1. Tactics in the Leadership pool
2. Focused Accuracy in Energy Mastery and Mace Mastery
3. Slot a Kismet: Accuracy in a defense Toggle/Auto-Power (despite the name this actually gives a +6% to hit bonus while the toggle is running).
Another option for intermittent to hit bonuses is to use yellow inspirations or build up (when I played melee characters i would often use yellows when fighting Rikti just to deal with the drones). This isn't a permanent bonus but it can be useful for dealing with specific enemies. Incidentally, Rikti Drones are vulnerable to Targeted AoE attacks so picking up a ranged AoE in your epic pool is also a viable option for them specifically.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
Rikti Drones don't have high defense to AOE attacks. Sands of Mu will have a better chance to connect than your primary's single target attack
![]() |

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller
Grasping concepts are important; I havent grasped this one yet....Im even going to have trouble wording this question.
When comparing bonuses of straight SO's vs. IO set bonuses, I always feel Im losing something by going with the IO sets.
This example is generic, but here goes. Lets say I have a blaster attack 6 slotted, with 3 ACC's and 3 Damage SO's (and the damage SO's give approx 36% bonus each....thats 108% bonus). And then I decide to get rid of that for an IO set that has a "increase damage of all your powers by 5%"....and lets say this set has a few damage bonuses of 26%...arent you losing a major amount of damage bonus?
Or...does the global increase to all powers that an IO set gives, is that applied to a different baseline of damage?..is it refering to the same value that the SO bonus is refering too?
I hope I made this question clear enough to answer. In essence, I understand that getting a "1.65% resitance to cold" might be desirebale, but at the cost of a major damage potential? Im trying to understand why IO sets are such a great thing.
Somebody set me straight, and thanks in advance!