New System for CoH
I don't think that'll even touch ultra mode.
Best bet is to head up into the "Technical issues" forum - there's info there on cards that'll run, and people can give you far more detailed information on what to look for.
Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.
If I can recommend one thing, it's to max out the ram, on my old system a few years ago, going from 2 gigs to 4 helped immensely. Granted a 32 bit operating system caps you at 3.5-ish gigs.
That system (ram aside) looks roughly equivalent to my secondary PC, with a slightly better Graphics card. I run my Alt account on it, and Ultra setting on anything but the minimum drags it to a halt (and even with minimum settings, it can get a bit choppy, that card might handle it a bit better)... Beyond the Ultra settings, typically I could keep the details sliders around the 100% mark, so long as max particle count is kept quite low.
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
Hi. I'm buying my gf a new computer and was wondering how well it would run the game in Ultra Mode? Also how well would it run out of Ultra mode but with decent settings?
Intel Celeron G530 (2.4 ghz dual core) 2GB RAM (Dual DDR3) Nvidia Geforce 210 Windows XP 32bit 350W PSU Many thanks. |
I think you would have a tough time getting a passable frame rate with UM settings off at any resolution greater than 1024x768. The G 210 barely counts as a 3D graphics card. It may actually be slower than the integrated Intel HD Graphics built into the CPU.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Thanks for the tips guys. Just one last question. I'm on a limited budget so by changing the CPU I can make the improvements. Would an AMD AP4-3300 (2.5 GHz dual core) be adequate?
Thanks for the tips guys. Just one last question. I'm on a limited budget so by changing the CPU I can make the improvements. Would an AMD AP4-3300 (2.5 GHz dual core) be adequate?
Tell ya what, head here:

Answer the questions and post them back into this thread.
That'll give would-be helpers a better idea of your budget, current setup and might allow them to make some creative decisions that'll ultimately benefit you.
Hi. I'm buying my gf a new computer and was wondering how well it would run the game in Ultra Mode? Also how well would it run out of Ultra mode but with decent settings?
Intel Celeron G530 (2.4 ghz dual core)
2GB RAM (Dual DDR3)
Nvidia Geforce 210
Windows XP 32bit
350W PSU
Many thanks.