Help me pick a Badger!




I am currently penciling in my next project. So far I have a blank piece of paper, a goals, some info on my like/dislikes, and that's about it.

My goal: Quickly develop a badger who has 95%+ badges in the game. (quickly is a very relative term here)

My likes: I tend to like melee characters when soloing. When things get ugly I prefer to just quickly deal with the problem rather than try to puzzle it out. Having said that I have run a few perma-doms and really enjoy that. Although usually I'll try to get on a team so my life is a hundred times easier. I want to like Blasters, but I do not do well on them, especially solo, especially with concrete mission goals that cannot be failed. Then again, I haven't ever really I/o'd a blaster, cause I could never figure out how to do it right. I am currently taking a SS/Invul Brute and soloing all content Blueside (every arc/every side mish/all of it) and am enjoying the project. It can get a little draining, but I am on a good target to complete sometime in late February. After that I will start this project.

My Dislikes: I do not like weapons and redraw. Weapons are not heroic to me, and the redraw and disappearing weapons I have conceptual problems with. Titan Weapons are cool, but I do not want to use them for this project. (Giant Weapons that are beyond human capabilities are by nature super, supernatural, or divine in my book)

My question. What would be a good arch-type and power sets to solo the entire game. I could do another SS/Invul Brute, but I would prefer anything else. If only because I do not want to have nothing but 3 six billion inf builds of the exact same build. (I have the 50 I play tested the build, the current one I am leveling, a 3rd would be overkill...) p.s., I want to start from scratch for this project.

I have run very few Scrappers, and am heavily considering that. Most of the soloing involves stealthing a few 2-3 mob combats. Some draw out, but 90% are real quick, and a Scrapper is better suited to that than a Brute. I would love to throw a dark dom into the pool, but am unsure I could do well with it. If I could figure a way to Blaster this it would be epic, but I am very unsure if that would be possible.



Well let's break down badges:

Explore-any at any powerset should be fine.
History- same.
PvP-For the most part anything, keep in mind you will need help to get rv heroes\avs and the arena ones.
Accolades- these you get for collecting other badges so its not really its own topic.
That pretty much leaves achievement and accomplistopic:

You will need to be able kill things faster is better since a lot of it will be grey hunts.
You will need a some way of healing (someone correct me but I believe longbow warden2 heal farms no longer work?). You can use destiny rebirth but it takes a while.
You will need to be able to damage farm.

Having the ability to heal (pain dom, thermal, empathy, dark, rad) will help with not just heal badges but also damage farming (except dark) since you can go into rest and rock your heal aura to take a little more damage.

So with those powers in mind you could go def,corr,mm,troller.

MM would be great for killing as well as damage farming and healing.
trollers -damage can be light might make kill badges last longer than necessary.
corrs- good choice
def-as good as corrs

So your left with playing a def, corr or mm.

Just my 2 cents....I badge on an emp\elec and it can be painful at times soloing missions or doing hunts but im sitting at 1294 badges.



My badge hunter is a MA/SR scrapper who basically has all available badges in the game. (I'm still missing a few TPN badges and don't have Passport or Bug Hunter, but that's about it.)




Help me pick a Badger!
I recommend a Honey Badger. They are more amusing than the other varieties.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



This was the first thing that came to mind:


But uh... as far as in City of Heroes badgers...

I like my Fire/Kin Controller for badge stuff. Mostly because he's multipurpose. He can contribute to a team or solo if need be. And he's built to be fairly durable.

As melee sets go, with no re-draw... hrm... Maybe a StJ/WP or a StJ/Elec brute?

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Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
Well let's break down badges:

Explore-any at any powerset should be fine.
History- same.
PvP-For the most part anything, keep in mind you will need help to get rv heroes\avs and the arena ones.
Accolades- these you get for collecting other badges so its not really its own topic.
That pretty much leaves achievement and accomplistopic:

You will need to be able kill things faster is better since a lot of it will be grey hunts.
You will need a some way of healing (someone correct me but I believe longbow warden2 heal farms no longer work?). You can use destiny rebirth but it takes a while.
You will need to be able to damage farm.

Having the ability to heal (pain dom, thermal, empathy, dark, rad) will help with not just heal badges but also damage farming (except dark) since you can go into rest and rock your heal aura to take a little more damage.

So with those powers in mind you could go def,corr,mm,troller.

MM would be great for killing as well as damage farming and healing.
trollers -damage can be light might make kill badges last longer than necessary.
corrs- good choice
def-as good as corrs

So your left with playing a def, corr or mm.

Just my 2 cents....I badge on an emp\elec and it can be painful at times soloing missions or doing hunts but im sitting at 1294 badges.
An eye opening way of looking at things. Thank you. Indeed, quite different than the mindset I have for doing all content regardless of what it is on my current project. Sidesteps a lot of the roadblocks I had in my head. Thank you.



I used to fiddle with my back feet music for a black onyx. My entire room absorbed every echo. The music was . . . thud like. The music was . . . thud like. I usually played such things as rough-neck and thug. Opaque melodies that would bug most people. Music from the other side of the fence.



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
MM would be great for killing as well as damage farming and healing.
My badger is a mastermind, and over all I'm very happy with it. "Gray hunts" are great. I put the bots on Aggressive and cruise around. Stuff dies automagically! I also think the Prot bots count for healing when they heal your own pets. I have healing badges and I don't see how I got them with just Aid Other.

For some healing PvP badges, lock Aid Other on a bot, set that bot to aggressive, and *it* will use attacks while you heal.



I have a dark MM and the heal on your pets from your powers can get you the badges.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Am I the only one who read the title as "Help me pick a Booger!"?



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
I have a dark MM and the heal on your pets from your powers can get you the badges.

This is what I've heard of people using to get both heal and damage ... they go find a red CoT crystal and camp it with a heal(type) of aura on auto and work on both.



MM is a horrible choice for a badger, from personal experience, tbh the only thing I'd say would be worse would be a kheldian.

edit: and any toon can just get the heal badges in the arena, in a night or two of farming; edit or rebirth spamming in trials



Originally Posted by Red_Raccoon View Post
Am I the only one who read the title as "Help me pick a Booger!"?




Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
This was the first thing that came to mind:
[<-insert gif here->]
I was this close to posting that as the first reply, then I thought, "nah, that'd be kinda rude as the first response to a question, it deserves some serious replies first."

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
If I could figure a way to Blaster this it would be epic, but I am very unsure if that would be possible.
My main badge hunter is a blaster. I've soloed a lot, but I don't think I could literally solo everything with that. Its virtually impossible to solo the RV AVs because the PvP asymptotic cap for defense in RV is 21%. I don't think any blaster can solo +3 AVs with 21% defense (you can dual them with an Illusion controller I found out, though). I've soloed lots of task forces and trials, although it often involves temps and tons of insps.

One thing to consider is that if you allow for dual boxing, a lot more things become possible and it opens your options a bit. And its helpful to be able to dual box or multibox in any case, because it makes it easier to fill for task forces.

If I knew then what I know now, I would have made my Ill/Rad my primary badge hunter. But its still been a fun ride doing it on a blaster. At the moment, all I'm missing is some Underground, MoM, and TPN badges, four Master Of task force badges (STF, both 5th, and LG), and Partner.

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Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
You will need a some way of healing (someone correct me but I believe longbow warden2 heal farms no longer work?). You can use destiny rebirth but it takes a while.
I'll correct you.
Arena heal farming works just fine.

Regarding Destiny, I HEAR that it's actually quite fast. I've never done it myself, though.

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Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
MM is a horrible choice for a badger, from personal experience, tbh the only thing I'd say would be worse would be a kheldian.

edit: and any toon can just get the heal badges in the arena, in a night or two of farming; edit or rebirth spamming in trials
Why would a human PB be bad? They're pretty good soloers now starting from SOs and they have a 'heal other'. Asking outta curiosity since I don't care about badges but I do have a human PB on Champs I solo quite a bit.



I have a StJ/WP scrapper (with which Im mirroring your blueside project, but only for SA/badge missions), and is great



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Why would a human PB be bad? They're pretty good soloers now starting from SOs and they have a 'heal other'. Asking outta curiosity since I don't care about badges but I do have a human PB on Champs I solo quite a bit.
Master badges, not that theyre at risk of dieing, more that they bring very little to the team as far as damage and buffs/debuffs go, sure they can tank but a brute/scrapper/tank will do that better or you just won't need it entirely. TFs/Trials will take longer. Ouro badges will take longer. Potentially will need more people than you would otherwise to kill GMs. The OP did mention doing it quickly, and PBs are the last thing I think of when it comes to time efficiency. Their damage just isn't where it should be and they don't make up for it with buffs or debuffs.



I am leaning towards a Scrapper. Good damage, fits my playstyle. Having the secondary be armors is better for me than say a Blaster, or even a Dominator's primary. Whereas I can add ranged and AoE thru Patron picks, there is no way to cram health and armors in any real amounts onto a Blaster or Dominator. I can take a Scrapper, and be slightly squishy (bruiseable?) but with some heavy defense laid on that pretty survivable. With a Squishy I think i would have more problems, and the increase in killspeed would in the end not be an increase, especially versus tough fights when I need it most.

I am also thinking Willpower Scrapper, so that I have a ton of Endurance to fuel Patron AoE and Incarnate stuff. That gets me away from using Incarnate powers from filling Endurance/Armor/Health holes as well. Also, I hear the Scrapper ATO is da bomb, the big winner of the Archtype's ATOs. (I hear Brutes got an ATO in name only, the thing is slightly better than a dual origin enhancer)

Now I may change my mind, but that is my current thinking. I am looking for a good Primary, and a concept at this point, then I'll start looking at costumes and names. My Wife says I do all this backward, but everyone has their process.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Also, I hear the Scrapper ATO is da bomb, the big winner of the Archtype's ATOs. (I hear Brutes got an ATO in name only, the thing is slightly better than a dual origin enhancer)
Jury is still out. The scrapper proc might be tweaked slightly (upward, maybe), but the brute one was basically over-gimped by fury mechanics, so the devs changed it. But the version being tested now is too strong: it caps out fury almost immediately. The final brute version is likely to be a little weaker than the scrapper version, but only under conditions where brutes normally outdamage scrappers due to high fury in the first place (all damage buffs have that affect on brutes: they have proportionately stronger effect when fury is lower than when its higher, but when fury is higher brutes tend to have an advantage over other damage dealers in the first place).

edit: in other words, don't pick an archetype based on the ATIOs, even if you plan on using them

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
I am also thinking Willpower Scrapper, so that I have a ton of Endurance to fuel Patron AoE and Incarnate stuff. That gets me away from using Incarnate powers from filling Endurance/Armor/Health holes as well. Also, I hear the Scrapper ATO is da bomb, the big winner of the Archtype's ATOs. (I hear Brutes got an ATO in name only, the thing is slightly better than a dual origin enhancer)

Now I may change my mind, but that is my current thinking. I am looking for a good Primary, and a concept at this point, then I'll start looking at costumes and names. My Wife says I do all this backward, but everyone has their process.
You dislike weapons, otherwise I would recommend kat/wp. Fairly easy to soft cap with one DA, quick cooldowns so hasten is optional. ST is strong, AOE moderate. But, its still a weapon.

DM is fun and has strong ST damage, but weak AOE - APP can help but you need two powers to get fireball. The self-heal helps a lot. Some strong builds out there, but the DM/Inv ones I recall have like twelve kinetic combats in them, which seems like a lot of merit grinding for one toon. I haven't tried DM/WP so don't know their builds.

Oh here's a concept - a tough detective who investigated a case into Cthulhoid horrors and now has an artifact/curse that gives him DM powers.

I tried a Fire/SD scrapper and only got him to 16. Damage didn't seem that great and he seemed pretty fragile. Probably should level him to at least 26 or 32 to really evaluate him.

Claws is pretty good-at least on a brute- but that's technically a weapon, tho the redraw seems pretty minimal.



My Badger was my first toon, a Pure Dark Scrapper (DM/DA/DM....). The only trouble would be healing badges, but once you get to the incarnates, then you could grab a group heal ability as well as crafting healing temps.



The crafting/exploring/history badges are AT/power neutral, all you need is time and the ability to move.

The trickier side is if you want to solo lots of content, especially the ouroboros flashbacks/badges/etc, you will be facing repeated elite bosses, kill-all, defeats, hunts, etc. Even outside the ouroboros challenge badges, you will have to go back for the opposite faction as you started, to get the badges you couldn't while leveling/teaming on the other side. It's way easier to flashback than to wait for someone else to call out that they have "x" badge mission. Oh, and go for sets that aren't late-blooming. Those are a pain when exemplared, and between the flashbacks and the SF/TF misions, you will be exemplared.

Damage becomes a concern in completing things quickly. Choose a character that's pretty well rounded in terms of capabilities, rather than a one-trick/focused functionality. You will be fighting crowds, ambushes, and hard targets. Choosing a very ST build will make kill-alls and hunts a real pain, going all AoE makes enduring vs. a nasty boss tiresome. Get invisibility of some sort (stealth io+superspeed or pool stealth) to get to objectives more efficiently.

Built-in survivability is going to help, as will some kind of soft/hard control. Built-in survival skill means you don't have to pull as many tricks to accomplish stuff, like relying on inspirations or temp powers. Those do run out, after all. Control is nice because it's a great way of dealing with the many different enemy abilities. If you can control your foes you don't have to worry as much about dealing with the nasty abilities they use, because they can't.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
I am leaning towards a Scrapper. Good damage, fits my playstyle. Having the secondary be armors is better for me than say a Blaster, or even a Dominator's primary. Whereas I can add ranged and AoE thru Patron picks, there is no way to cram health and armors in any real amounts onto a Blaster or Dominator. I can take a Scrapper, and be slightly squishy (bruiseable?) but with some heavy defense laid on that pretty survivable. With a Squishy I think i would have more problems, and the increase in killspeed would in the end not be an increase, especially versus tough fights when I need it most.

I am also thinking Willpower Scrapper, so that I have a ton of Endurance to fuel Patron AoE and Incarnate stuff. That gets me away from using Incarnate powers from filling Endurance/Armor/Health holes as well. Also, I hear the Scrapper ATO is da bomb, the big winner of the Archtype's ATOs. (I hear Brutes got an ATO in name only, the thing is slightly better than a dual origin enhancer)

Now I may change my mind, but that is my current thinking. I am looking for a good Primary, and a concept at this point, then I'll start looking at costumes and names. My Wife says I do all this backward, but everyone has their process.
Da Bomb, you say?

Electric/electric scrapper.

Lots of damage, lots of utility, and has so much endurance a willpower can only stare, biting lip in envy.

Not the toughest, but doesn't need to be, and with a good build is amazing.

And let's be blunt: Build Up, Ligntning Rod, Thunderstrike. If you've never played a melee nukemonster, you really need to.